Whole Nation

: 3809 Will and ambition (3)

"I'm sorry, your operation failed. I don't know the reason. Bosini's lord Sagutag is not in the palace." Luxor's face stood ugly in front of Samsien, the head of the army of the Great Oasis in the Kingdom of Aden.

"Sorry for any use, do you know how big the basket was this time!"

Sam Sien pressed his hands with angrily on the table. The whole person was like a bull with a tail burned by fire. The fools in the intelligence department did not even know whether Bossini was in the palace or not. After the attack, the palace was beaten down, but the most needed target was gone. This matter has almost become a joke for the entire Aden!

The Great Oasis of Possini was unrest, and it had spread to other great Oasis in the first time. Despite the news of Luxor’s blockade, with the news of Bosini’s Majesty Sagutag, he was one Anxi Oasis appeared more than a hundred miles away, and claimed that it was not a desert robber who attacked his palace, but the Aden Intelligence Department. At noon the next day, the news about the Aden Intelligence Department’s action on the Posini Oasis It has been spread that this is really too bad for the Kingdom of Aden. Even if Sam Sien wants to be stupid, he has to face the bitter consequences of the turbulent situation in the Great Oasis.

The garrisons around the Great Oasis entered an emergency state of emergency. Officers and soldiers returned to the camp and fought over their swords. In the major oasis, various characters began to rush to fight for their own interests in this possible change.

"The Kingdom of Aden violated the agreement and intervened in the Great Oasis without authorization. This matter must be given a statement!"

"The Great Oasis is not a slave to the Adenites!"

In front of the gates of the palaces of the monarchs of many oasis, many petition groups headed by the elders of the desert tribes around the oasis, all wearing formal clothes, crying and shouting, the Adenites had already dominated the oasis in the oasis. The Emperor Taishang himself, and the tribes around the Great Oasis were deeply affected, but under the military deterrence of the Kingdom of Aden, he was also daring to be furious, and the material sources and trade routes of the major oasis were held in the hands of the Adenites. The monarch also opened his eyes and closed his eyes for the actions of the Adenites, and at most paid a little compensation, but this time, the Aden Intelligence Department actually violated the agreement and attempted to forcibly kill a big oasis monarch. Completely touched the bottom line of the monarchs of the Great Oasis

The Aden Intelligence Department was able to plan an attack on Bosini’s Majesty, and naturally it could also plan an attack on other Maharajas! The Adenites were already squeezing the survival of the Great Oasis, but after all, they dared not tear their faces directly, and this time, they were not just tearing their faces, but shameless at all!

"It has been confirmed that the murderer of the Bossini Palace was the desert tyrant Clement, and I, Aden, are arresting this man with all my strength, and will definitely give the Oasis a safe and stable environment." The Aden Ministry of Foreign Affairs fully denied that it was Aden. The Ministry of Information planned, but pushed the attackers to the head of the desert thief Clement. Aden Foreign Minister Anlisos urgently summoned the special envoys in the capital to try to weaken the impact of this incident. The Great Oasis came to other countries. It is not a major concern. Before the countries have come and responded, the root cause of the worst effects was resolved, and the Ministry of Military Affairs of the Kingdom of Aden called an emergency meeting.

"We must quickly quell this incident before the monarchs of the Great Oasis respond."

A few days ago, General Aden who returned from the Central Biyah side also criticized the Ministry of Military Affairs for reward problems, while the Ministry of Military Affairs responded with tough questions without problems. The two sides are fighting each other, and now the news is coming, the sky is full of clouds and fog, and no one mentions the rewards of the military department. Instead, they have put forward their own opinions on the layout of the Great Oasis. Aden has accumulated in the country because of the upcoming promotion to the empire. The pressure seems to find the place where the outbreak broke out at this time! Although Bosini looks like a huge vortex, the center of the real impact of this situation is the capital of King Aden

"We must mobilize all forces to find Sagutag before the big oasis monarchs start to take action!" Samsien is very dissatisfied with Luxil, but the situation is already the same, Samsien is worthy of experience General, knowing that as the news spread out in full, the situation in the Great Oasis will inevitably be turbulent. At this time, force is the guarantee of everything. The seat of Samsien’s mansion, and more than 100 officers of all levels in the Aden army, gathered , Looking out from the southward window of this building. The water surface of the lake shimmered and the sound was long. The water is blue and white, the sky is high and the clouds are light, and the sunlight is as clean as a bath.

"Adult's meaning, you can use force if necessary? Someone asked in a low voice

The sound of discussion in the conference hall disappeared, and no one felt the slightest appreciation of the scenery outside the window. Everyone's face. In addition to excitement, it was excitement. Every look, a slight movement. It seems to be full of the smell of smoke! They are Derek, the second commander of the Aden Oasis Station, Serge, the fourth commander of the Oasis Force, and Angus, the seventh commander of the Oasis Force. These heavy-handed generals, Aden, coveted the Oasis monarch Our wealth is not one day or two days, if they are authorized to fight against the monarchs of the Great Oasis, they do not even need to boost morale.

"You can understand this by yourself. Do you want me to tell you something!"

Sam Sien slightly twitched his mouth and launched a full-scale military operation on the Great Oasis, which meant a break between the Kingdom of Aden and the Great Oasis. The Ministry of Military Affairs ordered himself to make preparations in this regard, and if necessary, withdrew all 100,000 troops stationed The Great Oasis, but the generals under his command may not think so. Looking at the posture of these people, they have already been planning the question of how much benefit they can get from the separation of the Kingdom of Aden and the Great Oasis. These **** only have the Great Oasis monarchs in mind. Treasury of I want to let them go back empty-handed like this, fearing that the moment when the order is issued is the moment when the legions take action on their own

The incident in the Great Oasis of Posini is really a very bad example, almost telling these generals that as long as they have enough power, even if they violate the agreement between the Kingdom of Aden and the Great Oasis, the Kingdom of Aden They will do their best to maintain them! In this case, no one knows what to do!

"Understood, sir!"

"Adult is really a guiding light for my generation"

"If there is a sentence from an adult, the subordinates will be at ease"

Everyone was sitting in front of their heads, looking at Sam Sien with bloodshot eyes terrible. The sound of footsteps suddenly sounded. The attendant at the door immediately stood upright and said aloud, "The Chief of Staff of the Kingdom's Military Department, Your Majesty the King has appointed Special Envoy Ig Woods!"

"Brush" everyone to stand up. A stiff forty-five degree bow, even Samsien himself is no exception. His eyes are all looking at the entrance of the conference hall. The name Igna Woods is very important in the Aden military world. The former Minister of Military Affairs of the Kingdom of Aden , Marshal of the Army, the teacher of His Majesty the King, is the master planner of the Kingdom of Aden who gave up the direction of Obaro and turned to the east expansion strategy! The old man who appeared at the entrance of the hall wore a black uniform, his eyes flashed, and he swept across the faces of all the people. At this moment, all the generals of Aden raised all their energy and all their intelligence as if all

"I'm sorry, I should have arrived three days ago, but because of some unexpected situation, I was delayed for three days"

The envoy Special Envoy Ig Woods smiled and pressed his hands inviting everyone to sit down. He sat silently on the first chair, his hands clenched into fists on the table, and his eyes swept vigorously. I have heard about the Sini Oasis. Before that, I would like to inform everyone that our local army in Maksin Province, south of the Gulf of Aden, suffered an imperial army and was defeated by the imperial army. For the rest, the Navy’s Tenth Fleet was also attacked by the Imperial Navy in Luxi Port and the whole army was destroyed. That is to say, the Empire has invaded the southern area of ​​the Gulf of Aden, and the current situation in Aden, I believe you should be very clear, the main force of the Army is still Still in the Central Afghan region, the domestic frontline troops, except for the eighth, eleventh, and nineteenth troops guarding the Gulf of Aden, are your troops. You are my Aden. Now I can resist the expansion of the Empire’s offensive. Last choice"

"Has the Imperial Army invaded the south!"

"Are we going to move south immediately!"

There was a sudden uproar in the conference hall, and General Aden was stunned. Now why the Kingdom’s Military Department sent people like Igwoods

If other people come, I’m afraid they won’t be able to hold them down, even if they are their superior Samsim. If they are forced to withdraw from the Great Oasis at this time, they will not necessarily give this face, but Igwoods can Not only because the other party’s identity is the king’s special envoy, but also because the other party’s position in the Aden military world is similar to that of a **** of war

This former Marshal Aden’s origin is not noble, so he cannot start from the middle-level officer like other Aden noble officers at the beginning. Igwoods was born in Aden, a poor nobleman. In order to inherit the knighthood, you must have military merit. Although the family of Igwoods has fallen, it is still a noble. Igwoods joined the army of Aden in order to inherit the knighthood. Igwoods before the age of 20 has no place to stand out. Completely relying on mixed experience to get to the position of a team leader's staff. When Igwoods was 21 years old, the war between the Kingdom of Aden and the Istan Empire broke out. Igwoods transferred with the team to the most tragic strangulation center battlefield. At that time, the Kingdom of Aden The 120,000 troops fought against the 150,000 troops of the Istanian Empire. The leader of the team where Igwoods was killed was killed. Igwoods took over command in imminent danger. His talents began to show like a sharp edge.

The team of Igwoods can only be regarded as second-class in the Aden Army. The number of people is only 2,400. In the battle of more than 200,000 people, more than two thousand people are just a bargaining chip. No one will care. The presence of a team gave Ig Woods a great opportunity. Because of lack of attention, Ig Woods used his keen grasp of the battle situation to seize the Istan Army’s neutral position and rushed into the Istan Army headquarters.

The Istanian team did not care about this small unit, thinking that the other party would be defeated soon, but with the two layers of barriers being broken, I had to panic to move the team. Because of the movement of the team, more than ten The Vanistan army was attacked by this group, and they gave up fighting fiercely. They rescued the team with all their strength, and eventually the whole line was defeated by the Aden army. This tiny chip became the great gravity that crushed the Istan army. As a result of this battle, Woods was appreciated by King Aden and promoted to team leader. He then began to advance smoothly. During the many confrontations between Aden and the Istan, the total number of the Istan was defeated more than 200,000, and he was robbed from the Istan Empire. Province

Then in the twenty-one year's battle of Patim, Igwoods miraculously defeated his opponent with an army of 110,000 with an army of 40,000 Aden. The entire continent was in an uproar. The Istan Empire was extremely afraid of Igwoods. Repeated battles have been a disadvantage, so more than a dozen generals have died, and even caused no one to be willing to serve opposite Igwoods. This situation continued until the first general of the Istan Empire, Hajira, was in the west. The line only saved a little face

And this time Igwoods came to the Oasis personally because the empire's principal in Koninia was his old opponent Hayla! The reputation of the first general of the Istanian Empire is not very loud in the Obaro region, but in the eastern part of the Inland Sea, it is definitely a character who can stop children from crying at night. He is cunning with troops and is best at catching a blow from the opponent. And killing, the general general can't fight against it,

"Now let's talk about the Bossini Oasis," Igwoods looked cold, turned to look at the other generals, and asked in a condensed voice, "You have been stationed in major oasis for nearly two years~www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Then can you tell me, if my army of Aden withdraws from the Great Oasis, will the monarchs of the Great Oasis continue to be loyal to my Kingdom of Aden?"

"No, lord!"

"Those **** have long been waiting for us to get out"

The generals smiled a little embarrassedly, even if they were soldiers like them, it was clear that the loyalty of the Great Oasis to Aden was based on the deterrence of force

Igwoods stood up with a clatter, his hands pressed heavily on the table, and a grin appeared in the corner of his mouth. "Since I won’t surrender to Aden, I still keep what they do, and I believe that because of the oasis of Possini, all major The oasis monarchs are still waiting to see how Aden handles this matter. I heard that some people have sent people to Wangdu to protest. This is a great opportunity for us. No one would think that we would not To deal with it, but to start again, destroy the Great Oasis, and completely cut off the possibility of the Empire entering the Gulf of Aden from the Great Oasis, so that the Gulf of Aden can fully deal with the invasion of the Empire in the south."

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