Whole Nation

: 3,811 Will and ambition (5)

Igwoods is here, the Great Oasis is going to change. Hajira knows that the Great Oasis Alliance is about to finish. He and Igwoods have been opponents for many years. The two sides have fought for six years on the border of Istan. In some cases, after the war, Hajera had arranged to assassinate Ig Woods four times, but all failed. Ig Woods had only one fierce counterattack, but it was the most threatening one in Hajra’s life.

Igwoods didn’t know what method to use. He bought a concubine from Hajira and put chronic poisons in the food. If Hayla was not lucky, a subordinate from Igwoods surrendered to Hajira surrounded by the battlefield. It was reported that Igwoods had bought a close person from Hajira and poisoned him. Hajra was afraid that he would not even know how he died. In the end, the concubine was executed in secret, so 300 people were implicated in execution. Multiplayer

Igwoods! Hajera stared at the gray sky in the distance, and in the heat of the face, the corner of his mouth glanced slightly, his fingers clenched tightly, and even his fingers were slightly white due to excessive force

Many people think that Igwoods is a ruthless commander on the battlefield, and he is enough to fight against his Khayera in the battlefield, but few people know that Igwoods, as a top strategist in the mainland, sometimes emits a dark arrow. , Even more than the battle of life and death on the battlefield, the impact and damage caused by Hajera will never forget

I became like this now, in fact, because of a layout before Ig Woods was retired, Hajira's eyes were full of blood.

As the empire of the former Istanian Empire with the greatest military power, Emperor Thoradin’s first war commander, the number one character of the Istanian military, Hajra wanted identity and status, power and power, in the eyes of others. , Hahala has already stood at the peak of his people, and is naturally very loyal to the Istan Empire

But who would have thought that he finally chose the emperor who betrayed himself, and joined the emperor with the emperor to ambush the emperor Thoradin’s return ship, and eventually led to the great defeat of the Istan Empire on the battlefield of Feisan, and the entire Istan Empire fell, and all this The main reason is that, before retiring from the military minister of the Kingdom of Aden, Igwoods pushed for the promotion of King Istan’s propaganda everywhere.

"Hayala had long been dissatisfied with the crown prince of Istan. The emperor Thoradin was there, but he did not dare to oppose it. The emperor Thoradin was not there. The entire Istan empire would change. The governor, with high power, the Eastern Legion under his command is as many as 200,000 people, and 80% of the non-Istanian generals of Istan are under Hajra.

Khayra’s Eastern Legion is known as the most powerful army in the Istan Empire. They are all fierce troops killed in a flesh and blood battlefield. They are reckless, from soldiers to officers, almost all of them are not Estonians. The army was bullied, despised, and humiliated, so in the Eastern Legion they only listened to Khayala, not to a newly succeeded Emperor Istan. . . . . "

Although this kind of rumor is a little too exaggerated, no one will deny that the only person who can suppress Hajira, the first general of the empire, in the entire Istan Empire is the emperor Thoradin himself, because Hajra is not an Istan. People, no matter how high their status, are regarded as barbarians by the nobles of the Istan, so the orthodox officers of the Istan ethnicity are not willing to come to the Eastern Army of Hajra, so the Eastern Army of Hajra is indeed non-Estan Ethnic legion,

If Emperor Thoradin I dies, Hayla shakes his arms, who can resist the mighty army of the 200,000 Eastern Legion?

Since this rumor spread, the officers of the non-Istanian empire within the Istan Empire began a major cleansing, headed by the crown prince of the Istan empire, unanimously believed that these non-Istanian heavyweights cannot be fully loyal to the Istan empire Yes, it was dangerous to hand over the army to them, and the investigative team headed by the crown prince of the Istan Empire, while still arresting a non-Istanian military officer’s mansion, found the so-called letters of communication to prove that these The non-Istanian officers are all in Cao Ying’s mind, which caused a huge shock in the Istan empire. All kinds of waves surged at a time, and they rejected all kinds of non-Istanian empire soldiers.

"Those villains who enjoy the glory of the Istan Empire but sell their country behind their backs!"

"Non-my family, its heart must be different!"

"Resolutely demand that all non-Istanian officers within the pure imperial army" This practice of the crown prince has enveloped the noble class of the Istanian Empire to a great extent and received the support of most of the nobles of the Istanian Empire

These Istanian nobles have always believed that the Istanian empire should be composed solely of Istanians, the Istanians are noble, and other ethnic groups are lower ethnic groups, which can only be dominated by status, but now many non-Istanians Ethnic nobles and soldiers also climbed to the top of the empire, which is equal to the separation of their own interests. They naturally did not expect the emperor Thoradin who advocated inclusion, but His Royal Highness the Crown Prince had great hopes. Since childhood, they have instilled in the crown prince that the aliens are stealing the power of the empire, and some of them even looked up at the throne of the empire!

The crown prince in his youth asked who he was in anger, and the nobles who spoke said that they had a high weight in the direction, and they were holding heavy soldiers in their hands.

Of all the empires, the most conspicuous is undoubtedly Hajra, who is known as the first general of the Istan Empire

If Hayala is an Istan, there is no problem at all. Unfortunately, Hayala is not an Istan, but a highlander in the north, or even a prisoner expelled from the highland in the north. Under the indoctrination of the noble class of the Istan Empire, For the non-Istanian ethnicity to repel the crown prince abnormally, he soon regarded Hajira as a nail in the eye, a thorn in the flesh, and even privately called Hajira as an imperial separatist and betrayer.

However, His Royal Highness had heard of the reputation on the battlefield of Hajera. He asked his teacher if Hajira was the first general of the Istanian Empire. The military education of the Crown Prince was Ricky, the marquis of the Istanian Empire. This Lord Marquis, who once served as the first-line commander in the Istan Army, naturally would not have any good words for Hajra who robbed many Istanian soldiers on the battlefield.

He was transferred from the first-line commander to the idle strategic staff of the Wangdu Military Department. His army's war in the Istanian border army and the Aden Kingdom Army was too aggressive, and it encountered an encounter with the fifty thousand Aden army because of The troops were out of disadvantage and unprepared. The legion under his command was almost defeated in one stroke.

And Hayala, who had a 50,000 army, stopped on the other side, squinting and watching him fight with nearly twice the enemy for a whole morning, and eventually led to the death of more than 20,000 people in his eighth army, and he himself He also broke his left hand on the battlefield and ran back to death after being escorted by the guards. The post-war proved that Hajera’s judgment was correct. At that time, the Aden army was not only 50,000 people encountered, but 50,000 troops on each side. In the lurking, as long as the Hajera army entered the battle, it was the result of the three-line attack.

From the beginning to the end, the Adenite’s combat objectives were all Hayala, because Hayala took a similar ambush tactic in three months and killed more than 6,000 Aden border troops. The Aden army came to revenge this time. , The intentional retreat in front, in fact, also wanted to hook Hayla to the hook, who knows that the eighth army of his Rick times was bitten.

In the end, his eighth army was able to escape because Hahala did not step into the battlefield. The Adenites knew that the ambush intention was exposed, and chose to let Rickbee, an accessory of little weight.

"What is the first general of the Istanian Empire, the barbarian is just lucky. If I replace the commander with me, I will definitely be handled ten times better by the alien." Marquis Rickby's military skills for Hajera Sneered, after returning to the Military Department, he repeatedly asked to pursue Hajira

The responsibility of not advancing before the battle, even after knowing the truth, firmly claims that it is because Hajera lost the excellent fighter that wiped out the main force of the 150,000 troops of the Kingdom of Aden! As for how to wipe out twice the number of Adens with 80,000 troops, Marquis Rickby said that since his 30,000th Eighth Army could defeat the Aden army of 50,000 people, why would 80,000 people wipe out the 150,000 Aden army? !

This guy is in line with Hajira! Precisely because of this, the noble factions of the Istanian Empire recommended Rick times to the military instructor of the crown prince. The crown prince was twelve years old at the time and had reached the age to learn military command. The emperor Thoradin acquiesced in this recommendation,

Rickbee entered the Brounin Palace of the Crown Prince of Istan three days later

Where does the crown prince know this? The crown prince only knows that his military instructor is a brave commander who really fights with the Adenese. The severed arm of Marquis Rickby is the best proof, not to mention that the commander is in When fleeing, seven or eight arrows were shot by the Adens behind him. Although the armor was thick enough and did not hurt the internal organs, it was definitely scarred enough to be seen by the imperial crown prince who had never been to the battlefield. admire

"At that time we were surrounded by five times the army of Aden, but what about that, we are invincible Istanian warriors, what our long sword means, the army is invincible, the blood of the other party killed by me flows into the river, the helmet is unloaded, the body Crossing the field, I almost caught the emperor Thoradin, but it was just because Hajera was so greedy and afraid of death that he was defeated!"

In order to prove that he was a military instructor of the crown prince and to attract the attention of the crown prince, Marquis Rickbee, various so-called wars are naturally hand-in-hand. He is also the commander of the real front-line field corps. Hundred battles, seven or eight battles have been fought, it is very simple to modify a small encounter battle into a conference battle of more than 100,000 people, and the Marquis of Rickby is first-class eloquence. Playboy, who is famous in the imperial capital of Istanbul

According to Rickton's description, he bleeds and is wounded for the Istanian Empire. Even in the face of several times of enemy attacks, he still held up his arms and fought back. The battle that almost caught King Aden almost three times. King Aden saw his flag Will run away pale, under the influence of Rickton,

The crown prince has regarded Marquis Rickby as a model of the Istanian soldiers, a famous general once in a century, and Hajira is a scum that even the poor highlanders do not want. Actually, with good luck, he caught the same The boat of Emperor Thoradin I who left the king’s place to avoid misfortune was unexpectedly reused, and a bandit in the wilderness became the general of the empire. As for Hajera, he followed the Emperor Thoradin and went to the south to fight for war. Hehe, one third of the existing territory of the Istanian Empire was shot by this highlander. The Marquis Ribeck had just said it, "If I become the emperor of the Istanian Empire, I will execute this first Barbarians, let the power of the Istan Empire belong only to the Istanians!" Crown Prince Istan expressed his ambition

Hajera didn't care about the so-called rumors at first. He didn't believe that a rumor would shake his status as the first person of the Istanian military. Until the crown prince of the Istanian Empire began to blatantly attack him and began to reduce his Eastern Army, He began to arrest the officers under his command without evidence, and then came up with the so-called evidence. In fact, everyone knows that under torture, no evidence can be obtained!

Hayla knew how deadly this arrow before Igwoods retired!

In the afternoon, Bosini's Maharaja Sagutag came to Hajera again, holding a notice in his hand, and said with excitement, "Aden responded, they are very sorry for the rebellion in Bosini. , And has arrested and put into prison the head of the Aden Intelligence Division who planned the matter, and at the same time removed the military leader Samseon. His Majesty King Aden fully invited me to return to Possini At the same time, the Aden side also decided that in order to eliminate the misunderstanding between the Oasis and the Kingdom of Aden, the Aden side decided to lift the blockade and decided to hold a meeting in the Grand Oasis in Posini five days later to discuss the latest tax standards of various countries."

Someone even believes such words? Hajira was filled with a stunned reception of the so-called announcement. The corners of his mouth could not help but smile bitterly. It was really Igwoods. It was spicy and shameless. It can even be said to inspire people. To the extent, I can still lick my face and ask all the big oasis monarchs to discuss tax issues. If they go, I am afraid they will not come! Five days later. . . . The Great Oasis is a sea of ​​blood!

"The Maharaja is preparing to return to the great oasis of Possini. Are you not afraid that it is a trap of the Adenites!" Hajera put the notice on his table on the table, even with his eyes closed, he could feel the wind blowing in his face, Already able to hear the breath of the blood dripping blade of the Adenites,

"Yes, I want to go back, even if Igwoods is ready to reverse black and white, as long as I bite the Bossini rebellion behind the Aden leadership, what can Igwoods do with me!" Bossini lord Sagutai Ge thinks that Hajira is a little too cautious. He has a scornful smile on his lips. It seems to be polite to Hajra, but the irony inside is too obvious.

Although Igwoods was the former Minister of Military Affairs and Field Marshal of the Kingdom of Aden, and was hailed by the enemies of the Kingdom of Aden as the most unwilling opponent, but for the great oasis monarchs in Aden, the name Igwoods does not have What a deterrent, as an old man who left the Kingdom’s Ministry of Military Affairs, but only as an honorary staff, like a beast and an old man with only a body left, Igwoods had great pressure on his era. It has been forgotten by many people. In the eyes of a great oasis lord like Bossini, an old man who has been retired for several years

The key to Bossini’s upheaval is himself. As long as he says that the Adenites did it, that is what the Adenians did. If you use this as a negotiation condition, you may not be able to continue to be your own Bossini prince! Bossini prince Sagutag did not believe that the Adenites would risk being abused by the entire continent and use force against the monarchs of the Great Oasis

This kind of self-good feeling is not just about Sago Tiger. As one of the great oasis monarchs, he has long been accustomed to the feeling of being high. After a long time, there will be a full of confidence in his heart. The Adenites may be able to suppress them, but it is far from time to use force against the monarchs of the big oasis. The lords of the big oasis also have considerable force under their command. If they really use force, who is afraid of who! They do not think that the Adenites would be so stupid. Obviously, only the need to let go of the embargo can achieve the result. Why do you have to kill the blood!

"Hope as the Maharaja thought!"

Hajera nodded slightly, took a deep breath, but was slightly mocked in his heart. Just now he was angry that the other lords refused to express their position in the Great Oasis Alliance. Lord Nee’s excited eyes glowed. This is the monarch of the Great Oasis. I believe that the other monarchs of the Great Oasis are now more excited to prepare to go to the Possini Oasis. It’s really chilling, even one came to inform themselves None of them, but also, since they want to rejoin the arms of Master Aden, they still care what the people of this empire do! It’s natural to sort out any relationship as soon as possible

Moreover, the Aden people said that the tax amount negotiation will start in five days, but it does not mean that they cannot meet in advance in private. Since it is a quota, there are big and small. Who can arrive earlier can grab the next one for this negotiation. Favorable quotas, not everything can be put on the table, bribery of such things, everyone knows well, now spend a little money, you can save big money later

Hajera groaned secretly in his heart, "Idiot, this person has no idea what the name of Igwoods means! In the face of absolute power, any conspiracy is a joke, and if this absolute power is in In the hands of a relentlessly popular person, you self-righteous big oasis monarchs will be pulled out in the shortest time like pulling off the dead branches next to the big tree of Aden. What reputation do you think Igwoods cares about? Just kidding, pointing at the most central key, Sulai is the most terrifying place for this former Aden military secretary,

In the eyes of Igwoods, the mainland's top strategist, what is the real value of the Great Oasis? Is it the life and death of the monarchs of the Oasis? Just kidding, who controls the life and death of these big oasis parasites! For the Adenites, the monarchs of the Great Oasis are only the accessories of the Great Oasis. The real value of the Great Oasis is actually sandwiched between Obaro and the Southern Continent. The Sanchakou Corridor in the Asian region, and now the existence of this corridor has threatened the life and death of the Kingdom of Aden. If you can't control something, if you change it to yourself, the simplest and most direct way is to destroy it!

Turning the thirteen great oasis directly into ruins is equivalent to cutting off the possibility that the empire may enter Aden from the great oasis. The desert area of ​​the great oasis is more than a thousand miles away. There are no supplies along the way of the great oasis. Is also dead, and the empire wants to restore the 13 great oasis, it can not be done in five to ten years

In the past border competition, Hajira at least relied on a lot of home profits, forcing Igwoods to have to die, and this time, the Great Oasis can be said to be Igwoods’ home, with 100,000 Aden troops in hand, In the face of a large oasis of scattered sand, how Ig Woods, who has always been good at slashing and messing up, will clean up the mess of Bossini's mess, Hajira can guess seven or eight points even with his eyes closed

Seize the monarchs of the Great Oasis as a threat, and force the troops of the major oasis to lay down their weapons and accept the adaptation of the Aden Garrison. Of course, the so-called adaptation is actually the butcher's knife of the Adenites!

The name "Gecko" vividly shows that Igwoods's style is decisive and cruel. The one who can feel the pressure for this nickname is exactly the enemy who once confronted the army marshal like Hajra. Ha Ye Laben wanted to remind Sagutag, but when he saw Sagutag's flushed face, Hajira swallowed it again. After all, the empire was still too far away from the lords of the Oasis! I told the monarchs of the Great Oasis the whole speculation by myself. I was afraid that they could not dispel their desire to attend the meeting. The monarchs of the Great Oasis were indeed dissatisfied with the closed trade routes of the Adenites, but only because of this,

The cost of declaring war against the Adenites is too great. No one wants to stand up unless it is absolutely necessary.

The thirteen great oasis as a vassal of the Adenites were all the result of being conquered by the force of the kingdom of Aden. At that time, there were more than thirteen forces active in the big oasis, but those who refused to submit to the rule of Aden were all by the Adenites. A complete settlement without leaving. The Adenites finally decided to stay. Naturally, they all existed that could not pose a threat to the Kingdom of Aden. They said that they were masters of the Great Oasis, rather than being the agent of the Kingdom of Aden to the Great Oasis.

The Kingdom of Aden needs the main oasis, but the direct control of the Great Oasis is undoubtedly too costly. It must be responsible for the population of the Great Oasis. It must continue to fill a large amount of materials from the Kingdom of Aden, and all it can get is just a pass. The control of the commercial road to the east of the sea is not so much like choosing agents from those subjects to manage the big oasis is undoubtedly more in line with the needs of the Kingdom of Aden,

The Adenites selected 13 families from the surrendered families to serve as the great oasis princes. The first and second generation monarchs in the front, or remember the **** conquest of the war that day, and remember the dripping of the Aden cruel scimitar. Blood stains, remember the burning palace, covered with corpses under the slanting sun of the earth, the monarchs behind the big oasis have basically passed the era of conquest, they only know that from their birth, they are the future masters of the big oasis, The Adenites are their conquerors. As long as the Adenites are satisfied, they can continue to live like their emperors! Now you want them to stand up against the Adenites, obviously crazy!

"Be prepared, we are going back!"

Hajera waited for Sagutag to leave, and ordered to the guard at the door with a frustrated face, it was no longer meaningful to stay here. Igwoods took advantage of the home court, and it really took up all the favorable conditions. We are headed into the trap of Igwoods, and staying here has no effect at all!

"Sir, this was just sent by the Imperial Southern Intelligence Department!" Just then, his adjutant came in with a secret letter in his hand

"At this time..." Hajera took the secret letter and opened it, feeling very speechless and putting the intelligence on the table. The Imperial Southern Intelligence Department received the news that the Adenites were mobilized in major oasis. The Adenites might have to use force against the Great Oasis, because of the distance, they delayed a day, and when they were sent at this time, they were unable to return to the sky.

The Great Oasis plan failed completely!

Hajera shook his head and smiled bitterly. If he received this information one day earlier, or if he could still bring back the monarchs of the major oasis, the worst can also alert the major oasis, but now I'm afraid that except for Sagutag, the other lords of the big oasis have already left the Anxi big oasis, what else can they do!

"Adult, Your Majesty, Your Majesty's Secret Letter!"

Another servant pushed the door open in a hurry, and when he yelled out this time, Ha'era was stunned, Your Majesty. . . His Majesty the Emperor is far south of Eero, what secret letter did he send to himself at this time? Did His Majesty the Emperor predict in advance that the Great Oasis plan would fail? But if so,

Why did His Majesty the Emperor permit his own Oasis project? Allowing a plan that knows it will fail, this is not like the emperor's school!

Hayla was full of confusion~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The hand that had just been laid down, he took the secret letter from the servant's hand, opened the secret letter with both hands, glanced over his eyes, and narrowed his eyes into a strip line, suddenly a face Contemplation, the above content is roughly, follow the trend, what does the emperor mean! The emperor knew that the Great Oasis could not be kept, so he found himself a chance to run. . . still is. . . What is the so-called potential? . . Hayla murmured in a low voice, the whole person was demon-damaged, his eyes lit up suddenly, the hand holding the secret letter was raised again, and he looked at it again carefully, the frustration on his face suddenly disappeared, even haha Laugh out loud, okay, so good

This trend is that the Adenites will definitely use force against the Great Oasis! I can't stop the Great Oasis monarch, but it does not mean that I can't take the initiative to attack. With the help of the Adenites, I will stand down the Great Oasis. The worst thing is that I can nail 100,000 Aden to the Great Oasis!

The emperor is the emperor, it is worthy of the mainland’s premier strategy. Although it is not clear about the changes in the big oasis, it has been guessed that the Adenites will deal with the move of the big oasis as soon as possible, and then give themselves a chance to play at their advantage!

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