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: 3,812 Wills and ambitions (6)

The situation in the Great Oasis has changed abruptly, and the attitude of the monarchs of the Great Oasis has also undergone a major turn. The situation that was beneficial to the empire has suddenly changed

Just like a gambler whose chips are slashed in the hand, it is really too disparate in strength. The Aden troops stationed in the Great Oasis reached as many as 100,000, while the Empire can mobilize more than 20,000 troops in the Great Oasis. Faced with a one-to-five quantitative disadvantage, what can the empire find out

Not to mention, under the control of the number of Aden for ten years, the monarchs of the Great Oasis have become accustomed to the rule of the Adenites. In this case, neither the heart nor the geographical position is on the side of the empire. I also think that I am unable to return to the sky and have made plans to give up the big oasis,

A secret order from the Empire Emperor was delivered to the former general of the Istanian Empire. The battle of the Great Oasis that shook the entire continent opened the curtain in this extremely unfavorable situation. The Battle of the Great Oasis was also seen Cheng is the most glorious record in Hajira’s life, and no one knows the content of the emperor’s secret letter except Hajra himself, which has also become a century-old mystery that countless historians want to uncover. What was written in the letter, so that Hayla, who was already preparing to give up the big oasis, was suddenly full of warfare against the big oasis again, so that the 100,000 armies of the kingdom of Aden did not leave the big oasis until their death!

In five days, there was not much to say, and there was not much to say, and Hayla suddenly understood why the emperor had appointed himself to take charge of this matter, not only because he was familiar with the Great Oasis and the Istanians, but also because only he could After learning the layout of the Adenites, make the decision to enter the Great Oasis in the shortest time

Hajera took the emperor's secret orders into his arms, and he hasn't fluctuated in his heart for a long time. Rarely, he has rushed. Although he has invested in the imperial camp, he has always been in a semi-idle state. Only four or five years of idle time will have the opportunity to activate it, but I did not expect that the emperor will directly select himself as the chief of the battle of the Great Oasis. The emperor’s secret order is the greatest affirmation of his ability. Life and death are in their own hands. Since the emperor has given himself enough trust and stage, the first place in the Istan Empire before him will not disappoint the emperor!

Igwoods may be considered as a generation strategy, but compared with the imperial emperor, the gap is clear at a glance. The emperor's people are thousands of miles away, almost before the Great Oasis of Bossini became chaotic. Use force, and Igwoods is still trying to find a way to wipe out the lords of the Great Oasis

Igwoods has an absolute advantage, but I have forgotten the most basic reality, that is, the environment of the big oasis is a desert. Even if Igwoods wants to use force against each oasis, it needs to order delivery time. After Gwoods set the negotiation time to five days, it was enough to guess that Igwoods should take action on the major oasis in five days!

Hajera wrote a scribbled order on the table and gave it to his adjutant, "Now we can only grab time with the Adenites. I believe the Adenians will not do it before the meeting, tell Ramlak , Be sure to take the Kaipoka Grand Oasis within three days and get ahead of the Adenites and open the way to the Grand Oasis"

The Great Oasis of Poka is the largest oasis closest to the Empire Control Area. In terms of area, it ranks second among the 13 largest oasis, second only to the largest Oasis in Shamen, but in terms of geographical location, the Great Poka The Oasis Division is close to the nearest great oasis of the empire, and it is also the gateway to the entire desert area. Such an important position, the Adenians will naturally not be sloppy. The Aden’s garrison in the Poca Grand Oasis has four infantry teams and a camel cavalry team. , With a total size of 18,000 people, Hajera ordered the imperial army to attack the Poka Oasis, which was actually an undeclared war against the Kingdom of Aden, and the number of Aden’s army was not large, and the empire assembled in the area of ​​Konina The strength is only about 25,000, which is more than 7,000 troops stationed in Aden

But Hajira has absolute confidence in capturing the Poka Oasis,

The fact that more than 20,000 empire troops gathered on the desert border was actually a guise. In fact, Hajera had long disguised a small number of empire soldiers as caravans and entered the great oasis. The major oasis did not resist these so-called imperial merchants The trade embargo has been going on for almost a year, and it has brought heavy blows to major oasis. It can be said that it destroyed the environmental foundation on which the big oasis survived. Now, these imperial merchants have brought them materials and food embargoed by the Aden people. Even though the major oasis knew that there must be an imperial soldier there, they closed their eyes. Among the oasis in Poka, there were more than 500 imperial merchants infiltrated,

Of course, these imperial merchants cannot be all merchants. Many of them are imperial soldiers. After five days, the Aden talents will use force against the monarchs of the Great Oasis. If it is a normal area, the Imperial army will enter the Polka Oasis. Days can pass to other areas hundreds of miles away, but this is a desert zone. In the absence of caravans, news is normal for several months. Igwoods thinks everything is in his hands, but he does not. Know someone will take advantage of this time difference

The army of the empire has already been assembled, and the fists have been clenched, and it can be slammed with only one order. On the contrary, it is the Aden side. It seems that the 100,000 troops are sitting in the big oasis, occupying the absolute advantage of the force, but the Aden army is scattered , Only looking at the number, the number of Aden’s army is four times that of the empire, but from the perspective of the concentration of power, the empire has obvious advantages

The Aden’s 100,000 army sits in 13 major oasis, it takes only five or six days to gather together, not to mention the Aden people’s attention is now in Posini, and it will take five to get the news of the imperial attack. It’s only a few days until the army rushes to rush to the battle, and the Adenites will temporarily block the news after using force against the monarchs of the Oasis. In this case, the distance of hundreds of miles in this area is probably ten days. It may not be able to reach you. All you have to do is to grab as many other oasis as possible before the Adenites react.

It wasn't until Igwoods disposed of other great oasis monarchs in the Great Oasis of Posini that he realized that the empire had seized the opportunity to gain a foothold in the great oasis,

I don’t know what the expression of Igwoods would be if I knew the news. If Igwoods didn’t lure all the big oasis monarchs to Posini, and would also use force against the big oasis monarchs, the empire would enter the big oasis without permission. It was an invasion, and now it can be said to be a just act of sending troops to save the monarchs of the Great Oasis!

The Aden army did not expect that the imperial army would suddenly start. Although they received an order from Igwoods, they were required to be ready to clean up the big oasis at any time, so the attention of Aden’s garrisons stationed in the big oasis was directly under the big oasis itself. In the army, the generals in the garrison were also fascinated by the wealth of the big oasis itself. They secretly figured out how to take away the wealth of the big oasis as much as possible. This opportunity may only be once in a lifetime, and it is natural to be good. Calculate, and General Aden did not think that the Imperial Army dared to provoke provocations, because in any way, the Imperial Army was in absolute disadvantage.

It is undoubtedly an extremely stupid act to declare war against the 100,000 Aden army with 20,000 troops,

The night is dark and the wind is high, the cold moon shines on the white sand dune mouth wall outside the Poka Oasis

The war continues, and the sound of countless fights is like a flood roaring, a black line and a yellow line outside the big oasis like a tide hitting a dam

The imperial army suddenly crossed the border and quietly entered the Poka Oasis. When the garrison of the Aden Kingdom found that all 18 outposts had been pulled out, the imperial army had approached the white sand dune and broke through the earth wall. Kad Oasis, more than 10,000 people from Aden’s army are backed up by the Poka Oasis,

On the front line of the confrontation between the two armies, the bayonet guns lined up forward, watching the crowd of people in front hit the top, almost a moment of breathlessness at the same time, countless swords were also densely cut on the long bayonet

"Swoosh swoosh" countless arrow clusters also spread down the sky above both sides, under the moonlight brought up a dazzling white line, just like the countless stars in the night fell down

Countless swords and swords are like an invisible big hand deliberately suppressing something. The Aden army in yellow armor is under the impact of the imperial forward forces, and the entire battle line is twisted. Hundreds of iron helmets and red-taped imperial heavy infantry are like The rolling waves generally impacted the Aden’s defense line. Under the impact of the heavy sword in his hand, the countless blood exploded, but the light armored Aden infantry were like broken grass scraps scattered in the wind, and the nails were all beaten. Blooming. . . . . . . The armor of these imperial heavy armoured men covered from the face all the way to the legs below the knee~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The melee sabre in his hand was completely stained with human blood, and the wolf tail on the helmet fluttered in the wind,

The hastily fought Aden army, where there are opponents of the imperial army like a wolf

Many soldiers were still in bed for an hour, and now they are pushed to the edge of life and death. Even if it is only a short period of ten seconds, dozens of lives have disappeared.

The Aden army was bloodless, and the slain bursts back. Until now, the Aden army did not understand up and down. Why did the imperial army suddenly cross the border and kill it? Under the black armor, the other party's red eyes were even more grim, like a red wave hitting the Aden army's earth wall defense line. Countless people swarmed out, and no specific number of people could be separated, just surging towards the sand dunes in front.

At this moment, it doesn’t matter what array, everyone’s eyes are bloodshot, like the waves rolling, and there is a burst of screams in the mouth, the Aden army on the sand dunes is like an invisible hammer With a violent blow, they all rolled down under the burst of arrows

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