Whole Nation

: Three thousand eight hundred and twenty-five Will and ambition (20)

Oasis in Posini

The golden sunlight was shining from the east. No one was on the silent street. Rook Hill looked excitedly down the wagon parked outside the hall, and took a thick stack of so-called oasis agreements in his hand. In the hands, the cleaning of the indigenous officers of the Great Oasis really broke the final resistance will of the monarchs of the major oasis, and in the face of the **** blade of the Aden army, as expected by Luke Hill, these large oasiss that were well-regarded on weekdays The monarchs were completely scared before the real Aden force

The uniform on Rook Hill didn’t even change, and he walked into the hall where the monarchs of the Great Oasis met with a strong **** smell. "I hope that there was no rest for the monarchs last night, otherwise it would be too rude." Lu Kirsill had a weird smile on his face, blood stains on his uniform, and calmly placed the list of executions last night on the meeting table.

"This is!" Looking at the list on the table, all the big oasis monarchs breathed heavily. Last night's movements were not too small. Their faces became pale all night. The name above, they know, have I don’t know, but I can roughly guess that all of them are Aden officers from a large oasis. The Aden people are crazy. This is it!

"Today is the last day. With regard to the agreement, you must give an answer today, otherwise I can only ask you to change places."

Rook Hill's eyes sneered, his mouth sneered, and hundreds of heads fell to the ground. Even the most stubborn person in the past, he did not dare to spend the night with Rook Hill as **** eyes, This is a pair of murderous eyes, and the big oasis monarchs who originally thought that the Aden did not dare to do it, but now clearly felt that death was near, as long as they answered a word, they would immediately drag out, so-called change one The place is nothing more than a pretext. The Adenites are already desperate and mad, even killing themselves, let alone others

The hall was dead, and the monarchs of the Great Oasis looked at each other

"Regarding that agreement... I agree with the Great Oasis of Possini ‘

Suddenly there was a voice in the Great Oasis monarch eagerly said that everyone's eyes could not help but look at it, and some Great Oasis monarch even showed a certain amount of confusion on his face, how could it be him! The first person who agreed to the plan was Sagutag, who lost control of the Great Oasis of Posini because of the turmoil. The instinct wanted to use this opportunity to recapture the monarch from the Great Oasis of Posini. But it is a look of eagerness to show loyalty,

"I'm loyal to Aden, even if the empire tried to draw me, I was sternly rejected," Saguette said with an eager red face. He was afraid that the current controller of the Great Oasis of Possini was Aden. It is undoubtedly that the Aden who is the easiest to remove from the Aden is the one who has killed it. The Aden has already made it clear that he will kill anyone who refuses to accept it. The other lords of the Oasis may have a guarantee. He is the prince who was expelled from Posini. No guarantee at all

"I agree with the density of the oasis," said a fat monarch with a pale face,

"I'll agree with the big oasis" A thin old man sighed a long time, the trend is gone, if they are still in their respective big oasis, the Adenites absolutely dare not do this, but they are now in the palm of the Adenites Clutching, it’s one thing to die or live, and Lord Igwoods’ judgment is correct

Treating these great oasis borers as before, adopting the so-called chaos to gain control, is not only easy to kill grass and snakes, but also a little carelessness will cause a rebound in the entire oasis, so if you don’t do it, you must do it thoroughly. Don’t leave the target with any possibility of struggling, don’t let the other party feel that there is a fluke, and use the most direct and tough means to completely defeat the opponent’s will to resist

Then the matter was simple. Rook Hill got the agreement from the thirteen great oasis lords. The aggressive nobleman of the kingdom of Aden, the first thing to walk into the carriage, was excited. Zhang Zao already prepared the gorgeous paper, picked up the white quill pen on the table and began to write, "The sun of the Aden Empire is rising in the big oasis today... According to the agreement, in order to express right The Kingdom of Aden was congratulated for its promotion to the empire, and it was also a reward for the care of the Kingdom of Aden for decades. The thirteen oasis monarchs announced that they would renounce their rights and belong to the Kingdom of Aden. Jiuxing Province

This agreement will soon be sent to the Aden garrison in the major oasis. With this agreement, the garrisons around the country can justly take over the control of the big oasis, and finally withdraw all the people and rivers of the major oasis. To the great oasis of Posini, without leaving a trace of material to the imperial army, let the great oasis be completely deserted, and truly become a natural barrier against any prying eyes

Outside the carriage was the turbulent Possini street that had just experienced the attack of the royal palace. Both sides of the street were heavily armored Aden soldiers. As the carriage drove through a tan square, Luke Hill's eyes fell on the square. A figure killed, stopped the pen, raised his hand and shouted "Stop"

When the carriage stopped, Rook Hill came down from the carriage and walked towards the figure. It was a thin middle-aged man who was staring at a stone monument in the corner of the square, with a new line engraved on it. The handwriting was very new. It was only recently carved. Yes, it says "He is watching us in this desert, he rests in this desert, and we pass by with his encouragement and expectations"

"You are about to go home, Clemente!" Luke Hill stopped beside the middle-aged man and said with a deep voice. "I'm sorry, because of the needs of the current situation, I can't yet hand Sagu Tate to you"

"Sir Luke Hill, you mean, can we go back to Aden!" The middle-aged man's body shuddered a little

"Yes, if everything goes well, it will be a month later." Luke Hill nodded, his eyes fell on the stone tablet, and his voice paused. "They are the pride of Aden, and the stigma they bear will soon be washed away. , I can promise that before you go back, Sago Tate will deliver it to you"

"Okay!" The middle-aged man nodded his head. It was the big sand thief Clement who attacked the palace of the Great Oasis in Posini, the murderous big sand thief, when he heard that he could go home The middle-aged man with his fists trembling and standing upright suddenly had a heart palpitation, a square, and nothing but silence. Only the wind blowing from a good Aden officer turned into a murderous man The fierce sand thief, the trace of 16 years is really just a home, can it be easily washed away?

"Sir, the meeting of Lord Igwoods is only ten minutes. This meeting is very important." The attendant came up from behind and reminded quietly by the side of Rook Hill

"I know'

Rook Hill walked back to the carriage from the beginning, and after staring at Clement’s back for a few seconds, the carriage continued to move forward. In order to suppress the Great Oasis, the Kingdom of Aden sent dispatches such as Clement in addition to the suppression on the bright side. Such Aden officers dressed as sand robbers looted the major oasis, or the original Aden strategy makers did not expect that one day, the kingdom of Aden will face the threat of enemies from the big oasis, and the meeting of Igwoods is scheduled in the big oasis The garrison headquarters, as the special envoy of King Aden, Igwoods is now fully responsible for the military power and management of the Great Oasis, holding 100,000 troops in the Great Oasis, which is almost a half of the current military power in Aden. It seems to be the east barrier of the Kingdom of Aden.

However, this clean and stern way of doing things has caused a lot of opinions in the Aden garrison

After all, the Great Oasis Garrison is different from the people who come directly from the kings such as Igwoods. The duration of the Garrison in the Great Oasis is as short as a year or two, and it lasts for seven or eight years. Among them, the relationship with the Great Oasis is endless. It wasn’t Igwoods’s order, and it would probably be broken, and some of the family members of the garrison were moving to a large oasis, and even a large number of industries, and now they are all withdrawn in just half a month. Who can bear it? !

These garrison generals dare not go to Igwoods, but they can complain to the former garrison chief Samsien, who, as the former garrison chief, also has deep opinions about Igwoods taking away his military power. The King’s order, Samsien did not dare to object, but he led the garrison for many years, and countless confidants were in the garrison. With his secret support, the progress of the garrison’s preparations for the evacuation and its slowness, Ig Woods You can use a butcher knife on the big oasis, but you can’t do it on the Aden himself anyway. They are all evacuated. Anyway, it’s a month or two months. How big is the difference? No one believes that the imperial army dares without sufficient preparation. Rush directly into this big sand sea!

Unlike the unresponsive garrison in the Great Oasis, Luke Hill, which originated from the capital of King Aden, knew that Igwoods was known as the God of the Army of Aden, but he was too quick to cut the mess. When he was the Marshal of the Kingdom No less offending people, and then in the east confrontation with the former Istanian general Khayala, the too tough order caused many Aden nobles to suffer heavy casualties

It was because there were too many offenders that I had to blame my retirement

Now His Majesty the King has used this former Marshal of the Kingdom, known for his killing decisions, which represents the reunification of the garrison of the Great Oasis. Most of the garrisons of the Great Oasis are elite troops that have experienced the war between Aden and the Eero Empire, and Because of the garrison in the Great Oasis, the military factions are self-contained.

The special geographical environment of the Great Desert keeps these garrisons away from the direct management of the Ministry of Military Affairs. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a group of arrogant soldiers, and even the orders of the Kingdom’s Military Department are contrary to many. To control the garrison in the Oasis, not only do they need Have sufficient abilities and qualifications, and Igwoods happens to be the only candidate who meets these two harsh conditions

Ten days after arriving in the Great Oasis, he used Huairou means to quickly stabilize the great oasis caused by the incident of the King of Posini, and then used the greed of the monarchs of all major oasis to lure all the monarchs of the major oasis to the Great Oasis. Oasis finally forced the other party to sign an agreement. It can be said that the entire oasis was calmed down by one person. With this achievement in front, let’s talk about the evacuation of the garrison in the oasis. Igwoods has enough confidence. If you are unwilling to evacuate, transfer to the Great Oasis of Boka and face the front of the Imperial Army. Since it is so difficult to let go of the Great Oasis, then see if you have the courage to fight for the Great Oasis!

In the bright and thorough hall of the Great Oasis Garrison, the bright sunlight shines from the circular zenith at the top,

The main generals of the oasis garrisons in Aden gathered, and Luke Hill walked into the hall. The generals of Aden were clustered in the east and talked with each other in the west. The bald man with a big belly was the head of the 11th Army of Aden. Yalu Husband, on the right side of Yaluf, made a friendly gesture to Rookhill with his arm. The eighth legion commander Jox, who was like Rook Hill, was born in the noble faction of the capital of Aden. The eighth legion was also from The first line of elite troops transferred by King Aden, rather than the garrison troops like other legions, Jokes also quietly told him through his eyes that today's meeting may have some unexpected scenes.

Two people whispering on his left, one is the thin and thin garrison chief financial officer Hiko Lauzer, this fierce guy is like a hawker in the vegetable market, and he will look at anything that is beneficial. It was also him who responded most to the second withdrawal. It is not the first time that he has heard of a large number of industries in various oasis. This guy is said to have mastered 80% of the smuggling of large oasis. It can be unimpeded in the garrisons of various oasis. Over the years, it is said that there are no less than 10 million in possessions

There is also Salentus, the chief of the internal affairs of the Great Oasis. He has a large shoulder and two feet wide. From a distance, it looks like a winter bear just waking up~www.wuxiaspot.com~ As for the civil service of the job transfer, the whole Oasis knows that these two men are the left and right arms of the former garrison chief Sam Sion. When they had a good time talking with each other, the occasional noise was full of ridicule and laughter, they knew this Meetings will not be smooth

After walking around, General Aden frowned slightly, most of them chose to ignore it, because Luxer Hill did not belong to the military, but the Aden Intelligence Department, and was not willing to go too close to an intelligence officer. In the eyes of soldiers, intelligence officers are often associated with theft of dogs, assassination plots, etc., and the attack on King Posini’s palace, which was personally planned by Ruoke Hill, failed because the target ran away, but it was won by 300 people. In the great oasis of Posini with eight thousand troops, General Aden felt chills from the heart,

"It seems that apart from my alien, there should be no one willing to approach an intelligence officer." Jokers, the commander of the 8th Army of Aden, walked over and quipped himself. The seemingly unintentional voice suddenly dropped. He whispered around him, "Master Igwoods and Sam have collapsed, the generals secretly reached an alliance, and the evacuation time was delayed to November. The only person Igwoods can rely on now is you. I am!"

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