Whole Nation

: Three thousand eight hundred and twenty-six will and ambition (21)

Upon hearing Jokes’ words, Rook Hill showed a stunned expression on his face, and then a ponder of contemplation. He asked uncertainly, “It’s certain that the Imperial Army launched an offensive before November, and the generals did not because of their own interests. I am willing to pull away from the major oasis, so Lord Igwoods can actually directly order now, only my intelligence system and your eighth army... After a moment, he solemnly said, "Is Lord Igwoods wishing you and me to set an example, first follow the order to withdraw the personnel?" "

"Yes, Lord Igwoods does mean that. As long as my 8th Army evacuates first, and all of your intelligence stations are also evacuated, Igwoods can ask other legions to withdraw to Posini within a limited time. Great Oasis"

Jokes smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth. He and Rook Hill were sent from the capital. They knew much better than other generals. At least they knew that the empire had invaded in the southern Gulf of Aden. The fleet was annihilated, and there were tens of thousands of casualties in the army. The empire this time was fierce. In order to avoid the passiveness of the two-line battle, Igwoods made the right decision to abandon the front line of the big oasis, in exchange for a small-scale sacrifice. The Gulf of Aden will not be attacked from the back, it is worth looking at, but other generals of Aden are another view. The Great Oasis Garrison is a self-contained member of the Aden Army.

Leaving the original area and stationing in a harsh desert area, it can be regarded as a hardship and good luck. It will be transferred in two or three years. Bad luck. It is normal to stay still for seven or eight years.

In this case, the generals of the big oasis garrison teamed up with each other to warm up, some of them were stationed in the big oasis for four or five years, and the shortest were two or three years. They had already stood together with the former military leader Sam Sean, Sam Although Sean’s talent is average, the management of the garrison is quite loose. As long as he is not a treason, he will basically not ask too much. According to Sam Sean’s own words, “Everyone in the Great Oasis comes from hardships. The Great Oasis, despite its harsh environment and nothing, but at least one thing is still there, that is, great autonomy. After all, the Great Oasis is only a vassal of the Kingdom of Aden, not the hinterland of the Gulf of Aden, and the Aden military discipline is not suitable for this land."

There is a sergeant like Sam Sien, the following situation can be imagined

In the Great Oasis, the Aden Garrison Officer Group eats empty rates, participates in the smuggling of slaves, and even pretends to be a sand robber. If it is placed in the hinterland of the Gulf of Aden, it is enough to execute ten times, but in the Great Oasis it is nothing. For Aden As far as the Kingdom is concerned, as long as there is no turmoil in the Great Oasis, as for the actions of the garrison, who will take care of it? Anyway, there is no area in the Kingdom of Aden. The Great Oasis is just an outer barrier in the Gulf of Aden, punishing the existing officers, Who wants to go to the Great Oasis to fill this hole, but the arrival of Igwoods breaks this tacit understanding, and suddenly the king comes to take care of himself, even if that person is the former Kingdom Marshal Igwoods, and he will be there as soon as he arrives. Immediately ask everyone to give up their existing interests and withdraw from the major oasis, which is different from cutting the meat of these generals directly!

"Sir Igwoods is here!"

"Sir Samsea is here!"

While the two were talking in a low voice, the guard standing at the door shouted, everyone stopped and looked at the door, they saw a white hair, more and more edgy Igwoods walked into the hall from the door, followed Behind Igwoods was Sam Sien, the head of the garrison. Their faces were tense, and they walked in one after the other. They were all wearing uniforms of the general of the Kingdom of Aden. One was the former Marshal of the Kingdom and a famous **** of war. One is the chief of the Oasis Army, holding 100,000 garrisons. Both of them have their faces on the face. It seems that the two sides are not happy to communicate. The generals are also drumming in their hearts. The atmosphere in the hall suddenly became heavy.

Igwoods and Samcion sat down at the left and right ends of the long table in the hall respectively. Igwoods was the special envoy of the King and was fully responsible for the military and political affairs of the Great Oasis. Therefore, he sat in the top left position, Samsien It is the person in charge of the Kingdom’s military. Although Igwoods holds the power of military and political power, in the military, Samsien’s voice is still the first, so he sits first on the right side almost side by side with Igwoods.

The guards at the door pulled the heavy door of the conference hall, and Igwoods glanced at the other generals, waved to them "Sit down"

Generals Aden seemed to be negotiating. They all walked to the right side of the bench and sat down, becoming more and more empty on the left closest to Igwoods.

Rook Hill and Jokes hesitated and chose to sit in the left seat of Igwoods, just keeping the distance of two seats from the other Generals of Aden. The two lonely people, a dozen people across, looked Come out, this is intentionally arranged, and it is also the attitude that other generals have shown to Igwoods. Samsien saw that most of the generals are on his own side, and there is a touch of relief on his face, compared to ten who support himself. Many generals Aden, sitting on the side of Igwoods, only a few of them, Luke Hill and Jocks, there is no harm if there is no comparison, even if you are Ig Woods, a former Marshal of the Kingdom and a well-known warlord, but This is the heart! Sam Sien smiled slightly,

Igwoods opened the folder in his hand and said that the meeting had started. Igwoods took out a command from the folder and read it thickly. It was a withdrawal order to be issued. In the order, Igwoods specially pointed out It is not his idea to give up the Great Oasis, but for the security needs of the entire kingdom. This is a strategy specified by the kingdom and cannot be changed!

"Even if it's the kingdom's strategy, you have to give people a way to live"

The generals did not say anything, but looked at Samsien, who was sitting at the top of the right, with his eyes full of grudges. This silent atmosphere made Samsien beneath the eyes of his eyes. He covered his mouth with his right hand and coughed dryly. It seemed like I had thought about it many times, the voice slowly said "cough cough, although the evacuation of the Great Oasis is a strategic need of the kingdom, I, as a soldier of the kingdom, obey the order, but so rashly ask everyone to Withdrawing all of them in just a few days, it’s too much for everyone to joke, 100,000 troops are evacuated, and it’s absolutely impossible to do it in a month, and how can the retreat of the army be a play, here is the desert is not flat, the army is free to enter In the desert, once an accident occurs and the army is trapped in the desert, it is a great thing."

"I don’t question the military qualities and command capabilities of Lord Igwoods, and I have always admired Lord Igwoods, but as a six-year Aden veteran stationed in the desert, I firmly oppose A ridiculous decision to ask everyone to withdraw in just ten days, let alone bring back the population of the major oasis together, which is simply..."

Sam Sien's voice stopped, his expression was like swallowing a fly's anger, and the more he said, the more excited, the terrible desert, how could anyone who has been here for more than ten days know it, and rush the army Placed in the desert, such an irresponsible approach is simply not worthy of being a commander! of course

The other General Aden was also angry

"What, how is it possible" Some generals rubbed their ears, wondering if they had heard it wrong

"Not only do we have to come back, but also bring back the population of the major oasis, how did this crazy decision come about!" Someone whispered indignantly, although it was not big, it was definitely clear to people.

Samsien’s words were like a boulder smashing into a lake that was not calm. The generals of the Aden Garrison wanted to vomit blood. They already knew in advance that they would give up the orders of the major oasis, and they were already preparing, but according to them The idea, before the army retreats, it must inevitably scrape all the major oasis. As for the indigenous people on the big oasis, does it have anything to do with yourself? It’s all left in the big oasis, and it’s just a matter of self-destruction. Why even take these indigenous people away?

Even Jokes sitting on the side of Igwoods was stupid and took away the natives of the major oasis. What did Lord Igwoods think? The eighth army station of Joks was the Slamwood Oasis. It is the base camp of the 200,000 desert clan. In the head of the yellow sand, Jokes could not help flashing the flames. The eighth army of 30,000 people faced the 200,000 angry desert clan, and the body could not help shaking. This is simply impossible, Master Igwoods, I will be killed by you!

"If we do not bring back the population of the Great Oasis, then we use the abandoned Great Oasis to block the ambitions of the empire, so it is in vain, so the population of the Great Oasis must also be brought back, and it must not be left to the empire. "Igwoods seems to have already After making up his mind, he looked at the generals calmly. He was really familiar with the thoughts of these generals. Fortunately, he had been stationed on the border for more than ten years. How to do

Since Igwoods dare to make such a plan, he naturally has enough capital. His capital is the population of these large oasis. In fact, for the Kingdom of Aden, it does not make much sense, and even adds four or five million meals. It’s a burden, the Kingdom of Aden is about to advance to the Aden Empire, everyone else is desperately giving good things, how can Igwoods give a big burden, Igwoods paused for a while before I continue to say, "I know this is for you It’s a difficult thing to say, but I can promise you that the population and property that I brought back will not be moved by Ig Woods. These will be counted as loot for you.”

"Trophy!" General Aden took a sigh of relief when he was stimulated.

"If this is the case, this decision is not impossible to consider." The voice of General Aden, who was still full of complaints, complained suddenly.

"Because of the trade ban in the Great Oasis, it is said that the price of slaves on the other side of the capital has risen by more than one-fifth. If these hundreds of thousands of slaves are shipped...and their property!" Even Samsi Endu rarely showed a thoughtful look. He recalled it carefully and found that he had fallen into Igwoods. The old fox intentionally told him to order the withdrawal of troops, but he did not mention the placement of these large oasis populations. I naturally thought that it was placed in a large oasis close to the Kingdom of Aden, so I jumped out, but I didn't expect that the old fox even turned his army backhand

Igwoods is equivalent to taking away the command of the 100,000 Aden Garrison from his own hands without paying anything! Everyone comes to the big oasis this ghost place to ask for money. Whoever can make the generals earn a lot of money, the generals will listen to whom! What a huge wealth these hundreds of thousands of oasis people are, not because they never thought about it, but they dare not think about it at all! This is crazy!

A bit of bitterness came out of Samsien’s mouth, and the entire Great Oasis population was sold as a slave in one go. This exceeded his thinking limit, but this entire Great Oasis population stayed in the Great Oasis for six or seven years. However, I have never had such an idea. Igwoods has been in such an abacus for more than ten days, and it is indeed the former Kingdom Marshal Igwoods. This hand is really amazing! The total population of the Great Oasis was 1.1 million two years ago. However, due to the invasion of the Airo Empire, the population dropped to only 800,000. Although the population has decreased by a quarter, it is also a few dozen. Thousands of people, if all are sold as slaves, it is no less than the profit of the destruction of a middle kingdom, not to mention, the wealth of these hundreds of thousands of desert people, and the thirteen big oasis monarchs, big and small There is no such thing as three or four million imperial gold. This sale is worth doing!

"Admiral Igwoods~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If this matter spreads, I will have a reputation for Aden..." General Aden also has a sober mind in the fanatic atmosphere of his colleagues. Stop talking

"Luke Hill, take out what you got!" Igwoods was already prepared for the problem. He waved at Rook Hill, who would knowingly take it from his file bag. Take out the agreement of the thirteen great oasis lords to Shun Aden and put it on the table of the conference hall under the curious eyes of everyone

"This is the agreement just signed this morning. From the moment of signing, the 13 great oasis have been merged into the Kingdom of Aden, so for the affairs of the Great Oasis, it is only the internal affairs of the Kingdom of Aden. We only need to express 13 afterwards A great oasis monarch attempted to rebel, and the garrison was just ordered to suppress the rebellion.” Igwoods' sharp eyes swept across the generals' faces, and General Aden saw him unconsciously straighten his waist. At this time, I can’t let Igwoods take it lightly. I’ve gotten this one and it’s enough to eat for more than ten years.” If you don’t have an opinion, now I’m going to read out the battle plan. This battle plan is called will and ambition. If the will is strong enough, there will be no problems with this plan!"

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