Whole Nation

: Three thousand five hundred and seventy-seven Bleeding star moon (12)


On the plain of ten square miles below the city of Bersad, the rebellious slaves, the Aden army, the slave army has been killed into a ball, especially the sudden rewind of the slave army, the distance between the two sides is so close, the Aden soldiers did not expect the slave army to be completely Dare to oppose yourself, as if a huge crowd was twitching and bleeding, the yellow armor of the Aden army, the brown leather armor of the slave army, and the ragged rags of the rebel slaves were now mixed together, making it difficult to tell who was who. , The scene is as terrible as hell

"Kill kill!"

There were fierce fights everywhere, arrows raining overhead, bright metal reflections in front of me, countless swords and chopsticks, spears piercing, blood at the feet flowing all over the ground, deeply infiltrated into the soil, rebellion The angry roar of the slave, the sound of the steel knife splitting the bones, the clang of the weapon's impact, the regular army of Aden panted, all the sounds were mixed together, and the huge sound drifted for more than ten miles. , As if sandwiched between the two,


The terrible battle number echoed over the battlefield, and Tobras urgently ordered the six teams on the left to attack the slave army that blocked the rebellion and cover the main force's retreat. Although Tobras himself knows how much time this cannot hold, it is now the most critical moment. It is really the only decision that can be made now. The six teams responsible for blocking the slave army were beaten in half an hour. Unable to break into an army, the fleeing flee to the center, the mutinous slave army chased after it, and there was a fierce battle with other teams. For a time, the Aden army was in chaos. Because of the mutiny in front of the slave army, there was a gap in the front of the Aden army, and the surging waves of the rebel slaves directly hit the recent, as if a sharp knife, stabbed the weakest defense link of the Aden army, unstoppable Turbulent advance

Under normal circumstances, the fighting power of the regular army of Aden was enough to explode the slave army, but at the moment, the rebellious slaves like mountains and seas rushed up wildly. The Aden officer shouted in the front and stabilized, seeing a large number of slaves suddenly coming up behind The army, totally ignorant of the rebellious officers of the slave army, rejoiced, and immediately arrogantly arrogantly ordered, “Come and cover our evacuation immediately, if the rebellious slaves rush over, I will cut off your head as a night pot”

In the eyes of the regular army of Aden, the slave army is a cannon fodder. Even if there are too many deaths, it is only dusty. The practice of killing the slave army first because of ineffective combat has long been the practice in the Aden army. In many cases, in order to make soldiers fight firmly In heart, the officer of Aden would make the slave army stand in a row, and then walked over and grabbed a dozen or so to behead. The numb look of the soldiers of the slave army has long been used to this kind of slaughter, but at this moment, these rushing slave soldiers Eyes are red,

"Look, don't go up immediately!" The Aden army officer shouted in bad anger and answered him with the weapons raised by the slave army, and the knife was chopped off with a knife, the officer was cut into pieces on the spot, Aden The soldiers were cut down by the slave army before they could turn around. It was like exposing the softest abdomen to the blade of the slave army. Even if the weapons in the slave army were crude, it would be enough for the Aden soldiers who could not react in the future.

The slave army is reversed! Everyone broke through immediately!

"Help! Ah! The stunned Aden soldiers heard the sound, just like the last straw that crushed the camel, and the little fighting will left of the Aden soldiers could not last. The first person Leading, then everyone followed, the soldiers dropped their injured partners, spread their legs and ran, like the wind and clouds, shouting like a wave, the roar of horses, the sound of fighting, the sound of gold and iron are growing loud The battlefield is boiling, and the air coming from the face is filled with the smell of infiltration. The wrestling of the weapons on both sides is accompanied by the distorted sound of gold and iron scraping. Bloody, wielding a long spear in his hand, swiping across the face of a person, and there were heavy hammers of heavy armored infantry waving, knocking **** the head of the slave army with a loud noise, and the soldiers of the slave army dumped with plasma Ground.


In the sound of the horn, this fierce battle gathered nearly 300,000 people within a few miles, shaking the whole land

"Break through and kill!"

The sword in Tobras's hands brought cold light, and the horses were frightened and collided with each other to lose their fighting power. However, as one of the most elite kings in the Aden army, the fourth army of Aden still has its powerful A breakthrough was made in the ability to charge the formation. The heavy armored infantry of the fourth army of Aden was forced by the crowd. The rebel slaves of Aden pushed in the pool of blood. The wooden guns of the rebel slaves were broken in front of the armor of the heavy infantry of Aden. Aden The heavy infantry's heavy hammer hit the rebel slave with a terrible sound, the internal organs were almost shaken and the thick blood plasma poured out of the mouth and nose

"Absolutely not to die here!" Tobras gritted his teeth and desperately wielded his sword to kill a **** road. The opposing rebel slaves killed by more than 20,000 people in the fourth army of Aden retreated, and finally forcibly opened a gap towards the north. Out

"Asshole, why didn't the Imperial Army attack!"

The head of a **** rebel slave wearing a hood on his head looked over the Aden heavy armored infantry like a tiger on the opposite side, layer by layer through the rebel slaves, the body was like a mountain, holding a weapon The fingers clucked because of the excessive force, and my eyes were full of confusion and resentment. If the imperial army attacked at this moment, this Aden army could not escape. The combat strength of the Aden regular army was terrible, and it was up and down, desperately outward Breakout is definitely not something that can be blocked by a rebellious slave with poor weapons. The fourth army of Aden, the famous two kings of Aden, the trump card in the trump card, the combat power is not under the front line troops of the empire, but at this moment it is full of breakthrough. The heavy axe will split the rebellious slaves like the tide, the **** sea of ​​corpses, the fallen corpses, the unshakable eyes, the slanting fluttering Xingyue banner, the steel flail carried by Aden heavy armor infantry, Thick blood dripping from the heavy armor and the tip of the knife. . . . . .

Can't stop it, kill it! But the price is that the other tens of thousands of regular Aden troops collapsed, the soldiers collided with each other, crowded each other, hurriedly panicked, discarded their weapons and armor, trampled on each other, crowded each other, stepped on the body of their competing competing to back, at this time, only need to send A team of imperial cavalry is enough to control the direction of the battlefield. This is quite tempting for any soldier. The Aden Army in front of him is currently the last heavy-armed group in Aden, let alone Adin. The glorious record of the army's collapse

From beginning to end, the empire side watched completely coldly, without any intention of sending troops,

"The fourth army of Aden ran away, Lord Tobras ran away!"

I don’t know which section first rang the call of Aden, as the rivers thawed, everything collapsed, disintegrated, collapsed, collapsed, the Aden army has lost its reason, roads, trails, hills, fields, valleys, woods, broken army and rebel slaves The army was covered, and the Aden army was chased by the rebel slave at the end of the title, like a water dog in the forest and grass.

"Sir, the fourth army of Aden is going to run, are we..." A dozen Imperial officers stood behind Hu Kochli over the city of Bessad, and one of the officers hesitated.

"Submit the order, without my order, arbitrarily go out of the city, cut!" Hu Keqili's eyes were cold, his expression calmly snorted. "The Adenites stormed me at Pesade for a full hour, even if it was iron, I The loss of the army is not small. The imperial army, which already had 20,000 people, is now more than 10,000 points afraid of standing on the head of the city, and below it is hundreds of thousands of rebel slaves. Don’t forget that these slaves What is lacking most now is food. When these slaves find that the Adenites have no food, they will definitely look at us. We need the Adenites to attract the attention of these rebel slaves."

"These Harvey slaves would not attack us, otherwise how would they go back?" an Imperial officer hesitated and said

"Everyone is going to starve to death. Do you think they can think about it in the long term? And for the Harvey people, the empire is not a synonym for friendship. On the sword of the empire, there is not much blood from the Harvey people, I will send it to They can only provide food for one to two days. If they want to eat, they must turn to the north. They must first ensure that they can survive before they have the opportunity to return to Harvey!" Hu Keqili's mouth was cold. With a smile, his eyes swept over the plain in front of him, just like a fourth army of Aden who broke through the north toward the north. It has to be said that the fighting power of the two armies of Wangdu was not covered! In such a situation, you can still break through, but every time you advance, you can see that this rolling dragon is shrinking, and the loss must not be small.

The Adenites believed that the Empire’s invasion of southern Aden was only an attempt to attack, and it was wrong. The Empire did not want to increase its troops in the southern Gulf of Aden. Instead, it was calculated by the Admiralty. It is necessary to mobilize more than 100 transport ships from the area north of Eero and fully operate through the four naval ports just constructed on the Eero River Channel to support this logistics line that crosses up and down Eero, and the military expenditure it consumes is as much as one million. The giant, after all, the Gulf of Aden area is too far away from the imperial territory.

This is an absolutely loss-making business, and the Admiralty cannot produce such a large number of transport fleets. Since it is impossible to mobilize more troops from the homeland, it will directly blow up southern Aden from the inside. The emperor’s intention is to promote the Gulf of Aden. At the end of these slave attacks, it is also the Gulf of Aden region, which is also one of the strategic intentions of His Majesty the Emperor,

The Adenians were already haloed

Aden received the information. According to the information, the killer of the empire was the raid of the Gulf of Aden by the imperial navy. The so-called land attack was only a detailed attack that attracted the withdrawal of troops from the Gulf of Aden. After bluffing, that information can be said to be false or true,

Sure enough, the king of Aden ordered the army of Aden to attack Besad and battled more than 100,000 Aden troops with 20,000 imperial troops. This is a disparity in strength. This is a battle without suspense. No one thinks that the Aden army will lose. This is In a battle that is impossible to win, no one will think that the Imperial Army will win, but the facts in front of us are that the Adenites lost, and they were defeated!

True, false, false, real,

In fact, in this battle of Aden, the emperor has no so-called false moves at all.

The war outside the city gradually fell into the smoke, the rain washed the ground full of human blood, the collapsed Aden army was slaughtered by the rebel slaves and the slave army, the blood flowed into the river, and the head was rolling in the mud. This battle, a total of 16 before and after Wan Yading army participated in the battle, 83,000 people were killed, 8,000 were captured, 40,000 slave army mutiny, commander-in-chief, Aden military department undersecretary Tobras escaped, and the local guards of eight provinces in southern Aden battled Four people were killed and four were captured. Governor Deya Kabia died in battle and Governor Duter Suharam died in battle. After this battle, the largest domestic heavy army group in the Kingdom of Aden was completely destroyed

In the wilderness outside the city, there was a terrible sea of ​​corpses on the battlefield. The corpses piled up like mountains. Even after being washed by rain, the air exuded a strong **** smell. On the battlefield of bloodshed, the imperial black armored cavalrymen were riding on the war horses, and the steel-like queues were silent, only hearing the sound of rain hunting on the banner.

In front is the black repressive slaves. These Harvey slaves look at the imperial cavalry at the position of the city gate of Bessad. Their eyes are not friendly, and there is even hatred. The relationship between the Harvey kingdom and the empire is really not friendly. The Order In the battle of the Holy Land of the Kingdom, tens of thousands of soldiers of the Harvey Kingdom were slaughtered by imperial cavalry, Martins raided the Harvey Kingdom, and the Harvey Kingdom urgently recalled the elite 100,000 Harvey troops in the invasion sect, and they were also killed by the imperial army. Deadly bitten, and eventually the whole army was destroyed along the border of the Order. Harvey’s domestic strength was empty, and he was almost killed to death by the Martins. If it was strictly said,

Not because of the empire~www.wuxiaspot.com~The Harvey Kingdom will not be as embarrassed as it is now, nor will they be sold here to become slaves, there are many Harvey people who have such ideas,

"If we win, the empire should keep its promise!"

"We want food, we need food!"

The Harveys are clamoring, the Harveys with red eyes are holding a lot of weapons of the Aden regular army seized from the Adens, which seems to give them some support, they are crowded 100 meters in front of the gate of Bessad Distance, I will never dare to move forward again, under the city of Bersad in front, there are countless Aden corpses, and above the city walls, the cold light of the imperial army's black armor is also warning them

Relatively speaking, the rebel slave army is much quieter

They saw how the regular army of Aden killed and wounded countless people. These imperial black armor were not human or devil in front of their eyes. It was completely unimaginable to hold the 100,000 regular army of Aden with 20,000 people. It was completely unimaginable. It was cold and strong. , Silence, the icy and sharp feeling like a blade, let people feel cold at first sight. Casting them as if not a flesh and blood body, but real iron and steel, an army of flesh and blood bodies can be so powerful! If they were not hungry and could no longer walk, they would have run away by themselves.

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