Whole Nation

: Three thousand five hundred and fifty-eight Bleeding Star Moon (13)

In the north of El Hierro, the beautiful morning sunlight falls on the largest port in the eastern part of the Inland Sea, the peaceful sea surface of the port of Cairo, and a touch of gold sparkling with the sea

In the early winter, the Obaro Inland Sea area has cooled down, but the impact on the port of Cairo is not great. After several reconstructions, the size of the port of Cairo is four times larger than the original port of Cairo, and the center of Cairo is expanding to the surrounding areas. The business circle of the city completely covered the range of more than 100 miles in the north of Eero. With the stimulus of various investments and business recovery policies of the empire, the towns are full of businesses and the business is prosperous. It has become the largest sea coast area in South Europe.

The population gathered in the surrounding area has exceeded 2.8 million, accounting for a quarter of the total population of the north of Eero. Although the war in the King Eero area was raging in the early days, the impact on Cairo Port is almost no. Although it is still here The Hérault area, but it is already a self-contained area. This area is demarcated according to the agreement between the empire and the ecclesiastical state.

This alone is an absolute guarantee both in the political and business environment. The people gathered in Port Elero are not only imperial merchants, but also a large number of merchants of the powers of the Southern European Baros, although the Southern European Baros In the general environment, it is aggressive against the Northern Empire, but in front of naked gold and silver, everyone still compromises with each other.

As long as the empire does not prohibit their chambers of commerce from entering, they should sell things as usual, and they should never decrease their purchases. Three-quarters of the northern commodities in the Golden Port of Cairo are all sold out by these merchants from the south.

The chaotic location of the wharf, a carriage marked by the chamber of commerce is driving towards the exit position, Audrey looked at the golden port of gold rumored in the carriage with curious eyes, saying that it is gold everywhere, it must be exaggerated , But it’s extremely appropriate to say that the wealth flowing here is rich against the enemy

The continuous dock berths outside the carriage are almost invisible, and after a large-scale reconstruction of the port of Eero, the number of deep-water berths has increased to 140. The port of Cairo has been divided into three parts: East Cairo Port, Central Cairo Port and Western Cairo Port, and it can be seen that there are new berths under intense expansion around the clock

It can be seen that even if the berth of the port terminal is increased by ten times, it still cannot meet the current mooring needs of the port of Cairo. Especially at the terminal position that is approaching the location of the Eero River channel, a large number of transport ships are still waiting to enter. This made Audrey's ruddy lips slightly open when she thought she had seen the big scene. At more than a dozen berths in the south, more than ten super-large transport ships were docked, and a large group of imperial soldiers came down from the transport ship. The black imperial military uniform reflected the cold colors in the morning sunlight. There are also a large number of preparations for unloading the imperial ordnance, including heavy weapons such as the thunder cannon.

It seems to remind others that the war between the empire and the Adenians was achieved through the support of the Eero region

Audrey’s beautiful eyes narrowed into a line, and his eyes fell on these rumored imperial weapons. The war between the empire and the kingdom of Aden is the most important event now, which suppresses the strength of the northern empire and the Aden mind. In order to become the ambition of the empire, a fierce collision is now taking place in the picturesque Gulf of Aden. As a storm gathers, the Kingdom of Aden announces its promotion to the empire. This itself is a provocation to the hegemony of the Northern Falcon Empire. It has never defeated the North. The Falcon Empire, Lord Aden of the Gulf of Aden, who is stronger in the end, just such a dog blood plot is enough to attract the attention of any monarch in the entire continent

In this battle, the Kingdom of Aden has absolute home advantage, resource advantages, and military strength advantages. It can be described as morale, and both national strength and military strength have reached the peak state in history.

The empire was a labor expedition, and the logistics needed to cross the thousands of miles of the El River. The military strength was only tens of thousands. The entire continent believed that the military **** emperor finally did a foolish stupid thing under the extreme expansion of confidence. The people who think so are everywhere in Obaro. I don’t know how many people are waiting for the news of the empire’s defeat. In the past two years, the empire has been rolling down South Obaro like a gust of wind. It collapsed, the Kalisu people collapsed, the eight central kingdoms voluntarily became dogs, the dark department bowed their heads, and the ecclesiastical state was already a semi-engagement situation, except that the Eero Empire did not collapse, but it was even worse than the collapse, directly linking the royal family All gone

In the face of the general trend of the empire going down south, Barbara of South Europe has been defeated, and even the Martin Martins who had been hoped for have been defeated. The empire going down south has been unstoppable. Everyone is calling for a savior who can stop the empire, and the Adenites have stood out!

Audrey's eyes narrowed into a line, and he solemnly asked the old man in the dress who was opening the document opposite to respectfully ask, "Father, this time I will participate in the feudal ceremony of the new royal family on behalf of the Fissan region. Do I need to pay special attention to it? After all, my Hakhara family can only be regarded as a newcomer among the other forces of the empire, not to mention, there are many genuine royal representatives to participate"

"Don't worry about anything, just show up at the end." The old man smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, pressed the documents in his hand on the table, and looked at the pier outside the window. "Although the Feishan area can only be regarded as a new entry in the imperial power , But if you raise your background, the support of the six imperial princesses on the bright side, and my personal presence in Praise, even if you look at the empire, except for a few few forces, who dares to really look down on you Not to mention, although they are not sure, they can vaguely guess who is Fei Shan’s real backstage. Unless they are crazy, they will never be against you.”

"In this case, I understand. I have a little doubt if I should ask?"

Audrey obviously breathed a sigh of relief. After all, she was still too young, and she suddenly took over power in the Feishan area, but when it comes to being a regional power, she is still younger, and has not experienced What big storms and waves were directly pushed by the emperor from the backstage to the front desk. Now I thought of facing representatives of the various forces of the empire. If I am not nervous, it is false. The vast territory of the empire is vast. The forces are countless, and those who can be invited are bound to be giants, and even the royal families of more than a dozen kingdoms have sent people to come.

Relative to these people, the little spokesperson of the Feishan area of ​​his own can't really get on the table.

"You want to ask, the royal family of Eero has already existed in name, and now a so-called new royal family has suddenly been erected, and at most it is a small family. Why is it so grand?"

Prais, who was sitting opposite, smiled at the corner of his mouth, tapped his fingers on the table, and had already seen through Audrey’s mind. He had already accepted Audrey as a righteous daughter in name, and gave Audrey a decent award. On a formal occasion, he was the former deputy governor of the empire, a giant in both the military and political circles. His daughter was one of the emperors' true princesses. He is the righteous daughter of Prais, who dares to underestimate!

The carriage leaves the port area, enters the city streets, walks, breathes the cool and fresh air, and enjoys the picturesque red, yellow, and green forest landscape. On the streets of the city, school teenagers passed by the horse-drawn carriages in groups of three or five, waving their hands to each other while making fun of each other. There are luxury carriages and ordinary carriages, and people with different identities shuttle among them. The shops are full of people, and there are a lot of products. Here, war seems to be an unrelated matter.

"It is true, the royal family of Eero has long been over, and the entry of the empire into Eero is a foregone conclusion. Why do you have to stand up for a royal family? It is completely superfluous." Audrey said her inner confusion, and her mind was still echoing. From the pictures of the large number of transport ships seen, it can be imagined that these transport ships loaded with a large amount of combat supplies are sailing like a pipeline on the El River. It is said that the logistics department of the empire even established several large hub ports in the great river channel, which will greatly enhance the safety and stability of the transportation of the transport ships in the big river channel, and ensure that these empire transport ships will eventually pass through the rumoured yellow sand. In the southern region, due to the news of the dissipation of the yellow sand in the southern region of Eero, under the deliberate blockade of the Empire and the Southern Alliance, it is not yet known to the outside world.

So Audrey didn’t know that the south of Hérault is now open~www.wuxiaspot.com~ so it’s even more difficult to understand the significance of a so-called Hérault new royal family? Even puppets seem to be a bit superfluous!

When Prais laughed, he suddenly understood why the emperor would choose Audrey to take charge of the Fissan Special Administrative Region, because Audrey was a pure businessman who looked at things and preferred to look at it from a businessman’s perspective, such as Egypt. The royal family, in Audrey’s eyes, was worthless. To give Audrey a real understanding of the emperor’s intentions, Prais took a deep breath. “This time the new royal royal family’s Jinfeng is open. The above was just a ceremony for the closure of the emperor. In fact, in the dark, it was the empire’s establishment of the hegemony of the South European Baro region. The empire has continuously defeated the barriers of the South European Baro countries. Let the whole world know that the empire wants to establish a royal family in southern Europe, and it is also the royal family of the once powerful empire. This is a manifestation of the hegemony of the empire, and it is also a manifestation of the authority of the empire in southern Europe. Take a look, who dares to stand up!"

"Your Majesty is taking this opportunity to deter the entire South Obaro!" Audrey's body shook slightly and her breathing paused slightly,

"Of course there is also an important role." Praise's pretend raised mysteriously and raised his eyebrows. "That is the face of the Adenians. Isn't the Adenians going to be promoted to the empire? If no one in the entire South Obaro dares to stand up Support, the self-directed promotion of the Adenites is a joke!"

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