Whole Nation

: Three thousand eight hundred and sixty-five Cold strikes (7)


The smoky Luofan was near the sea, and a burst of thunderous sounds came from the distant sea surface. From time to time, there was a fierce fire and a violent explosion. In the thick smoke, although the frigate was not able to see the battle scene, but I can also feel the bad situation. In front of the bow is a faint line, which looks like a line protruding from the sea out of thin air. The Aden Naval Transport Fleet drove into the inland sea area and moved forward at the previous speed. At the bow of a transport ship, the young general who was talking to Dan Sobyaco, his eyes closed at the moment, silent. So that when the young general turned around and suddenly asked to see the head of the transport fleet, everyone was startled.

   "How about the eighth squadron?" the young general asked.

   "The current battle situation is unknown, but the eighth squadron should be at an absolute disadvantage"

The head of the transportation fleet with a dignified face is a middle-aged man in his thirties. His perennial sea life, cold sea breeze and wave career make his body look healthy and his skin looks like he is covered. The layers of black oil are generally oily. The Adenites belong to the rare brown race. The dark skin is not a few, but it can be like this, only in the navy.

   "Is it possible for the Eighth Squadron to escape and escape?" The young general took a deep breath and gripped the ship's side with his fingers.

"Hopefully," the person in charge of the transport fleet hesitated for a while, and everyone with clear eyes could see that the eighth squadron could escape, but the eighth squadron chose to stay and block the imperial navy's swoop. If you use a word to describe it The situation of the eighth squadron is that there are many evils. The twelfth army officers on the deck sensed the tension. The air on the bridge seemed to be condensed. The distant sea surface was filled with smoke and the sound of gunfire was rumbled. From 11 noon to 1 pm, the fierce battle has been going on for more than an hour, and the battle is still not over, and it seems to feel more and more intense.

"I personally think that the imperial navy is not like a chance encounter. Our route may be sold to the imperial navy. The other party is more like a pack of wolves waiting for prey here, rather than a wild horse accidentally encountered..." Transportation The head of the fleet looked angry and stopped talking

   "You mean we were betrayed?" The young general's face changed.

"No, adults haven't heard anything. It's very close to the coastline. At most one hour, I can send you to a safe area." The head of the transportation fleet took a deep breath and shook his head. With a bitter smile, he said, "The route returned by the transportation fleet was set by the Admiralty. The person who knew it must be a senior officer of the Admiralty. Questioning the transportation route was betrayed. It is no different from directly saying that we have internal ghosts in the Admiralty. This matter is not trivial. The destruction of the main battle fleet also involves an army of more than 20,000 people. This will definitely be a major event that will shake the entire Aden country. It will inevitably cause the entire Admiralty to conduct self-examination, and even the result of heads landing. , And if there is a suspicion, I, the person in charge of the transport fleet, is also among the suspects"

"Because I also know the transportation routes, as a senior mid-level officer of the Aden Navy, I know very well that once this investigation is launched, it is bound to come up with a result, but it is difficult to tell whether the result is the truth. More Probably, it was a surrogate ghost that was thrown out randomly after the interests of the upper class were exchanged, and I obviously fit this setting for the survivor"

"Are you worried that you will become a victim? Is it too much worry, I believe that the Kingdom's Ministry of Military Affairs will not be confused to this extent." The young general glanced at the sea that was red with fire in the distance, holding his hands backwards, Ren A cold sea breeze blows on the face

"Adult remembers a few months ago, the most powerful 30,000 Aden Red Dragon Knight in the Aden Red Dragon Hall was surrounded and hanged by the imperial army in the south of Eero? Everyone can see that the Red Dragon Cavalry Regiment is because Wrong intelligence guidance, so he ambushed the imperial army in the old king capital area of ​​Eero without permission. When the route was leaked, he was retaliated by the imperial army because of the route leaked. The layers were blocked and the losses were heavy. 30,000 Red Dragon Knights are completely destroyed"

The voice of the person in charge of the transportation fleet paused and swallowed a sigh before continuing to say, "This is a major event that hasn't caused any waves in Aden. The high priest of the Red Dragon Palace questioned it, and the Ministry of Military Affairs opened the investigation, but that What can I do? In the end, I concluded that the death of the Red Dragon Cavalry Regiment was entirely caused by the wrong judgment of the Red Dragon Cavalry Regiment. It has nothing to do with the intelligence department. Such a major event, the Kingdom’s Military Department dares to find one at will. The reasons are in the past, not to mention that we are just a transport fleet. In order to stabilize the hearts of the people in the country, we give the navy admirals of each squadron an order to order the execution of a so-called betrayal.

The young general's face was solemn and silent. The destruction of the Red Dragon Cavalry Regiment in Aden was not as calm as the captain saw. In fact, the news of the Kingdom Military Department's destruction of the Red Dragon Cavalry Regiment not only did not Concealed, and the kind of hype, I wish to tell all the Adenites that the Red Dragon Cavalry most proud of the Red Dragon Palace was destroyed in the south of Eero, corresponding to the Kingdom Army in the The singing in the Biya region is advancing

Everyone can see that the Kingdom’s Ministry of Military Affairs is to make the Red Dragon Hall ugly. As for the investigation of the miserable truth, it is even more impossible. There is even a saying in private that the Red Dragon Cavalry Regiment is because of intelligence problems. , Seriously underestimated the fighting power of the imperial army, and was directly defeated by the imperial army in the breakout, and the intelligence of the Aden Red Dragon Cavalry Regiment came from the Aden military.

  The senior officers of the 12th Army of Aden gathered on both sides of the deck, looking at the sea level line with the gunpowder gunfire in the distance, and paying close attention to the sea around the troop carrier. Although the sea is calm like a mirror, the sea water is flowing after all, and some sporadic objects drifting from the direction of the battlefield seem to clearly explain some problems.

In the sea, the incomplete corpses of Aden’s navy sailors drifted, the Aden’s navy uniform was easily recognizable, and the unique upturned deck fragments of the Aden’s naval battleship, the unsinkable broken mast, and the battleship The black barrels... All this shows that the frigate has been hit hard. In the vast sea, everyone feels that they are very upset and very unreliable. Although they are elite in battle, they are still the army after all. In the vast ocean, the army is useless. Once they are attacked by the enemy fleet, they become a lamb to be slaughtered. Become the belly of a shark.

   "This is the waters of my Aden. Since the navy thinks it can block each other, then we should believe the navy."

The situation is grim and the twelfth army is also panic-stricken. Bonarsa personally ordered that the combat effectiveness of the navy is still obvious to everyone in the battlefield of Centralbia. Although the performance reported every time is definitely a certain amount of water, the combat effectiveness does not need to be questioned. Army general, Bonarsa is naturally unable to offer any disrespectful views to the navy, especially the eighth squadron, an excellent and long-fought squadron, but he has subconsciously felt that the eighth squadron is fierce.

The Aden expedition, the army and the Aden navy have cooperated many times, and Bonarsa has also dabbled in some naval knowledge. He is not ignorant of naval operations. He arrived at the coastline an hour later. This is already a lucky luck. Bonarsa With a complex look, he took his eyes away from a distance. The sacrifice of the eighth squadron could not be worthless, but the transportation route may be sold. If he stabbed out, he could not predict the consequences.

  He is an army general, and he was appointed by the Aden Military Department to withdraw the army commander of the stable war situation in the Gulf of Aden. He knows more about the situation in the country than other officers.

Aden's domestic atmosphere is now generally filled with a decadent atmosphere. On the one hand, it is the national upheaval brought about by the impending promotion of the Kingdom of Aden to an empire. On the other hand, it is the panic caused by the military's continued defeat. Not to say that the Kingdom of Aden is about to enter the ranks of the empire, why did the front line become a swarm of bees? In this case, the promotion of the Kingdom of Aden has some funny elements. A country that says that it is powerful under the entire sky is one of the best, but it is rubbed on the ground every day. The impact on the hearts of domestic people can be imagined. ,

Since the empire suddenly entered Aden from two directions, north and south, although Aden clearly possessed absolute military superiority and geographical advantage, the battle situation has retreated, and in the south, 20,000 empire troops swept through like a hurricane, and the local defense army of Aden collapsed. In the end, a full army of hundreds of thousands of troops was used in Besad to block it. In the northern desert, there is the sphere of influence of the Aden Desert Army. It has been painstakingly managed for decades, and it is also a desert area that is extremely unfavorable for the army to fight. It has always been regarded as an insurmountable barrier in Aden, but a year ago, it was almost penetrated by the Eero army. A year later, the Imperial Army penetrated again with a miraculous assault

The natural barrier in the past has now become a soft fence that can be kicked by anyone. Aden's domestic opinion on the weakness of the Aden's military has also exploded. Especially in the army, it has been scolded by many Aden nobles. Become a false manufacturer, and declare to the outside world how invincible the battle is invincible, and invincible, once returned to the battlefield of the Gulf of Aden, it becomes a weak chicken that can be pushed down with a push. Now if the admiralty is burst out again When the high-level betrayed the transportation route, the entire King Aden was afraid that it would be exploded.

   The sea water pushed the bend into the side of the coastline calmly. The hull undulated with the waves. In the shadow of the bay, a dozen imperial navy dragon-tooth warships with sharp bows were moving up and down.

The commander of the fourteenth squadron of the Imperial Navy, Zamux, raised his telescope and looked at the position at six o'clock. There was a vague view of the dense troop transporter. The distance was no more than five nautical miles, if it was normal In these circumstances, it is a problem for these transport ships to escape, and the imperial navy’s main force cannot be delayed here. If it is not hit, it must be quickly evacuated. For the sake of insurance, the imperial navy minister Dustrounkai only overwhelmed part of the fleet’s main force The remaining Imperial Navy battleships are responsible for the surrounding vigilance, and the 14th squadron of a total of 16 Longya battleships, from the position of the main guard of the navy, bypassed the position of the ambush battlefield in advance and entered this coastline.

   "Is Aden's transport fleet"

   Zamux looks very firm and full of eager expression. There are too many lurking fleets to be easily discovered by the Aden Transport Fleet, and the bay in front of them is not large. It can only accommodate a dozen Longya warships. This is the closest coastline to the combat area. The Aden Navy When it was discovered that the main force of the imperial navy was encountered, the transportation fleet was the most likely to move to the coastline. From the perspective of the Aden transportation fleet, the Adenites did not know that this calm summer bay has an empire. The navy squadron is waiting for them

   "All the sails were raised, all the auxiliary paddles were detected, and the entire fleet was attacked."

The Zamex commanded decisively, and the Bannerman sent a signal. Sixteen dragon-toothed warships formed a diamond-shaped queue. They were first killed from the bay like hungry wolves. The fleet was like a giant ax that split the sea toward the Aden transport fleet. The boat sailed quickly, the sails on the mast swelled to the extreme, and there were sixteen long paddles on the side of the hull, each flying in the sea, and the water was splashing like a full-scale shark.

   500 meters

   The **** on the side of the Dragon Tooth battleship were opened in sequence. The black Thor muzzle was pushed out by the imperial sailors. The heavy gun body hung into the gun seat, and the metal hook made a clear sound.

   "Distance from 350 meters, aim and shoot!" Zamux stood low on the command bridge and issued a command.

   "Three hundred meters"

   The four dragon-tooth battleships in front of the assault front began to shell, and the violent thunder bombs whistled towards the panicked Aden transport ship.


The sea water was stirred up~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The water column that was lifted seemed to cover the transport ship. One of the large transports was directly hit the stern. The fire exploded. The rear bin of the transport ship was shattered and the seawater was flooded. Into the stern, everything on the deck of the unbalanced transport ship slipped involuntarily towards the stern. Countless things left a huge vortex on the sea. The main mast broke in the sound of the click, and the deck that was smashed when it fell down In two

Suddenly, a huge ball of fire exploded in front of Bonarsa's eyes, followed by a fierce firelight from the sky, the sound of the explosion almost stunned him, under his intent gaze, a distance away from him The explosion caused by the transport ship almost overturned him. Fortunately, he hurriedly grabbed the railing next to it, and did not fall down, but the unprepared adjutant fell sturdily.

"what's the situation"

  Bonnarsa's bloody, broken pieces of wood plunged deep into his abdomen, he stubbornly clenched his teeth and stood up against the railing. In his eyes were dozens of imperial navy dragon-tooth ships like wolves, which rushed into the transport squadron while attacking rapidly with the firepower of the side ship.

The second bombed Aden transport ship, Raytheon traversed its ship's side, went deep into the cabin, and then exploded again. As a result, the fuel in the transport cabin was ignited. A transport ship was shaken violently, and the severely tilted mast fell down with the sails in the flames. The whole hull came to a big flip and was buckled on the sea, only the bottom of the ship was exposed.

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