Whole Nation

: Three thousand eight hundred and sixty-six The cold wave strikes (8)

| | |  -> ->  The seawater is abnormally turbid, so turbid that the naked eye can only see a thin surface

This is the junction of the Aden Sea and the Central Biya Sea. The turbid currents from the Aden Sea and the clear currents from the Central Biya Sea meet and are compatible here. The sea water surges with turbid waves. When the imperial naval fleet is huge When the queue entered Hudson Bay, the Adenites were not prepared at all. From a glance, the empty sea surface is very dark, the sea is turbulent, and the waves of more than one meter are stirred from time to time, and the oncoming waves are crushed with a heavy triangular bow.

   "Commander, the storm is coming."

  The adjutant looked at the gloomy black pressed sky, and said a little worried. The Imperial Navy has some experience in weather forecasting. The hot air balloon rising into the sky as a very effective tool has been able to see the climate change within 50 nautical miles around the fleet. At this moment, the hot air balloon is hanging on both sides of the upper frame There are three yellow markers, which are the signs of the storm. Although it is only the simplest climate prediction, the time and intensity of the storm can not be more accurate, but it is already enough to warn the entire fleet.

   "It's not very big, but it's better, so the Adenites never dreamed that the imperial navy fleet would be killed from the storm."

Dusterenka's eyes recovered from the marked ball on the hot air balloon, and his look seemed very calm. Two days ago, the Imperial Navy successfully ambushed the Aden squadron offshore. Although in the end, four Aden naval warships were able to escape, but the battle The main target of the transport fleet, but completed the four elements three, which has far exceeded the original forecast of one-half of the combat results, because it was an ambush launched in the offshore area, Dusterenkai predicted that half of the number of Aden transport ships Will flee to the coastline, and the final result is that the Aden squadron is completely destroyed, three-quarters of the transport fleet is located within a few miles of the coastline, and was sunk and injured. Many Aden infantry on the transport ship chose Jumping into the sea and escaping for life, he was wheeled all the way by the Imperial Navy’s Dragon Tooth battleship. More than 20,000 Aden Army, at least tens of thousands of Aden Army soldiers’ bodies were floating on the sea surface that was not a few miles away from the transport ship to the coastline. on

   "At this time, the Aden Navy should have got the news"

Dusterenkai narrowed his eyes narrowly into a thin line, and the Adenites on the Aden transport ship who fled from the ambush to the day of the ambush would never have thought that the Imperial Navy deliberately let them down once, the main force of the Aden navy. Because of the annihilation of Aden Ansi, looking for the main battle of the imperial navy like a mad dog, once the news of the imperial navy ambushing the transport fleet is learned, it will certainly go all out. This is exactly what the imperial navy wants, although not too much You can see the sky, but from the current situation, the intensity of the storm will not be very large, and the Imperial Navy Longya battleship can still bear it, but the people on the ship may work harder.

However, the navy itself is a service unit that operates around the clock, whether day or night, regardless of storms or calm waves, as long as the battleship is still driving in the sea, the navy has been in a state of readiness. The sea water has become a lot lighter here, and the storm has not yet come. , But the sea water is already turbulent, and the sea surface seems to be boiling gradually. There is not much waves, but the dense waves of waves make people feel that the sea in front of them is like a awakening beast, who has begun to be impatient, and wants to cry out and roar urgently.

The current direction of the imperial navy is the junction of the Kingdom of Aden in southern Central Biya and the Aden Sea, Mas Xingyue Bay. From the chart, this place is 110 nautical miles away from Mas Xingyue. Since the last raid, the defense of Mas Xingyue Bay has been greatly strengthened. On the basis of the two main defensive stations that originally defended the strait, two more main defensive stations were added, as if four eyes were staring at the star. The Strait Corridor in Moon Bay was originally a big trouble for the imperial navy. Dustron Kay even made a plan for the landing of the Marine Corps to attack directly.

  At this moment, the arrival of the storm undoubtedly brought variables

The wind is gathering, and for a strait corridor such as Mas Xingyue Bay, under the storm, various obstacles that were originally set on the beach will be cleared by the waves, and the obstacles set in the port will be overturned by the waves and move to the position, and The surging seawater can also be sent farther by the imperial naval landing force. The most important point is that the storm will greatly reduce the vigilance of the Aden navy. They absolutely never expected that the imperial navy would risk landing with the typhoon.

At a position of 30 meters above the sea, a hot air balloon began to fall slowly with the help of ropes. The landing point of the hot air balloon was on the sea surface. If the hot air balloon was dropped on the battleship deck, it was very likely to cause a fire on the deck. This has been verified in several previous tests, so the Navy simply let the hot air balloon land directly on the sea surface. The sea water can alleviate the impact of the landing, and even if it catches fire, it will not cause too much damage.

Although it has been seen several times, for most sailors of the naval fleet, watching the scene of the hot air balloon slowly retreating from the height is still full of sacred feeling. "The imperial navy is the master of the sea and the master of the sky." The words spoken by the Minister of the Imperial Navy, Dustron Kay, are putting the morale of the entire Imperial Navy at a high level

Although the imperial navy has no rivals in the inner sea area anymore, this war spanning thousands of miles is a test of willpower for any soldier. The navy expedition away from the imperial homeland has overwhelmed more than half of the imperial navy. Elite, lurking at sea for more than two months, if there is no morale to encourage, the entire fleet has been sluggish, and at this moment, the Imperial Navy fleet not only did not slump, but showed a fanatic attitude

   Assault on the Gulf of Aden, the imperial navy was in full swing, shelling Aden Ansi, and the Aden navy did not dare to let go

   Dusterenka's eyes were a little dignified. The seawater was surging more and more fiercely, pushing the battleship up and down. Suddenly, a glorious lightning flashed across the dark sky, and began to wreak havoc with the pouring rain. The raindrops in the sky began to hit the body like bullets. The rain was cold and biting, but the waves were warm. The seawater that fell on the body was warm and formed a strong contrast with the rain. This is to show that the Imperial Navy The fleet is now crossing the Aden Sea into the southern sea of ​​Central Biya, the temperature of the ocean currents in the two seas is different, that is to say, the Maas Xingyue Bay, which is the main battlefield of the navy, is close to

   "To order the fleet to lower the half sail and call the commanders of the various fleets to come to the meeting"

   Dusterenkai said calmly while wiping the rain from his face. Soon, the commanders of the various squadrons came to the navy flagship for a meeting. As the temporary navy flagship of the Imperial Navy, the June Safflower was just an ordinary Longya-class assault ship, which was slightly narrow and long like a knife hull. A kind of arcuate beauty. This is a new Imperial Longya warship that was launched in April. It is also called the Longya warship remodeled by the Imperial Navy. This kind of warship absorbs the characteristics of the sail ship and reduces the part. Firepower enhances sailing speed and maneuverability, and it is equipped with the Imperial Navy Raytheon IV rapid-fire gun with the longest range and the fastest bombardment rate in the current Navy Thor, which also makes this type 2 modification as if The sharp knife is generally sharp, so in the Imperial Navy, it is also called the Navy Demon Knife

At the moment, in the main cabin of this monster knife II battleship, under the dim light, Dusterenka, wearing a black navy uniform, glanced at the faces of dozens of admirals of the Imperial Navy Fleet. Only after receiving the combat order issued by the emperor from the adjutant, opened the combat order and said, "Don’t you always guess what the goal of this march is? Now you can tell you that our goal is Mars. Xingyue Bay, at the same time, our imperial navy will also launch a decisive battle with the Aden Navy in Mas Xingyue Bay. This is the order of His Majesty the Emperor, and now I read the name of the commander to stand up"

   "Ninth Squadron Lu Yafei De"

   "Eleventh Squadron Valharis"

   "Fourteenth Squadron Luther Roan

"Seventeenth Squadron Sahamas" as the cover of this landing force, a total of 87 warships participated in the battle, each Longya warship carried a large number of artillery shells, each gun had more than six ammunition bases , The 13th Transport Squadron specializes in transporting shells. Because it was a raid, Dustrengka asked four firepower squadrons to clear obstacles for the army in the first time

The main force of this landing is of course the 3,000 Marines attached to the Admiralty. Most of these Marines are retired veterans from the Imperial Army. Each one is carefully selected, whether it is combat capability or cooperation. After a long battle in the field, many retired soldiers from the army joined the navy again. This is not a secret in the emperor team. The emperor also acquiesced to such a thing. There are too many veterans in the Imperial Army for many years. Suddenly retired let these soldiers used to killing one. Time is hard to find a new life, but it is easy to cause hidden dangers in the area. These veterans are all killed from the dead. They are used to holding the hand of the knife, and then it is difficult to get the farming tools of the cultivated land. People can't suppress it, often causing public security troubles

With the tacit consent of the emperor, the Ministry of Military Affairs gave these veterans a way out in the navy. It was already an unwritten rule. Even so, Hu Keqili, the Minister of Military Affairs, was praised by countless veterans. The imperial navy always had insufficient sailors and veterans. Fighting bravely, obeying orders, and better understanding the essence of coordinated combat. With a little training, you can get on the battleship. It has always been very popular in the navy, and 80% of the navy advisors are from the original army system. The veterans are also regarded as their own people. After preparation, their loyalty can stand the test. The most important thing is not to be brutal and not afraid of death. With a command, the sword and the sea are dared to go up. excellent.

   The storm is finally here.

   The wind is getting bigger, the rain is getting bigger, and the waves are getting fiercer. A strong gust of wind began to sweep across the deck, and it was easy to blow the twenty-kilogram wooden stool upside down. All the debris on the deck fell into the sea under the baptism of the storm. The sails have long been lowered, and all movable materials are fixed by thick ropes. The most experienced captain is at the helm. The fleet is heading in the direction of Mas Xingyue Bay during the storm.

   The most terrible thing is not the wind, but the waves. The waves are getting bigger and bigger, and the waves keep plopping on the bow of the ship, and then smashing across the deck, sweeping all the items that can be washed away from the deck into the sea. At the beginning, the waves were only two meters high, and then gradually developed to three meters, eventually reaching almost four meters. Giant waves rushed one after another on the battleship, bursting out a powerful impact

   The warship is shaking, but fortunately the intensity of the storm is not that great

  The displacement of the troop carrier is generally very large, and it is not a big problem when encountering a storm. As long as the sails are put away and set in the right direction, although it is violently bumpy, it is also dangerous.

   Twenty Miles of Xingyue Bay,

Dusterenkai held the railing, and from the window, the transport fleet had moved forward, and the four sub-fighting squadrons following the fire cover followed, and the number of the imperial navy fleet dropped sharply, leaving about half of the sea breeze. Carrying rain on the glass, making a loud banging sound, like knocking on the atrium of the person

   Lightning flashes, thunder bursts.

  On the surface of Mars Xingyue Bay, the piercing alarm bell was ringing wildly, and it was particularly harsh in the storm. The sudden appearance of the imperial navy caused the entire Mars Xingyue Bay to explode. The unguarded Adenites ran out in a panic. Most of them were hiding in the barracks. Hearing the rapid alarm bell, they thought it was the bastard. Pranks until an officer comes out and shouts out loud

During the storm, the wide bow of the Imperial troop carrier rushed towards the coastal tidal flats. The Longya warship on the sea opened the porthole in spite of the storm and rain, and aimed the muzzle of the Thor's run on the defense of Mas Xingyue Bay. Taiwan~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Among them, the No. 4 Longya battleship changed to the second type and ran the fastest. Despite the side attack of the wind and waves, the sail was erected, and it was inserted into the forefront of the defensive station like a sword. Under the stunned eyes of the Adenites,

Rumbling, rumbling, accompanied by bursts of thunder, four Dragon Tooth battleships opened fire and flew rain to the defensive station that was still in chaos, hit an explosion, and burned, illuminating the dark strait too fast, Added a beautiful landscape to the stormy weather.

   rumbling, rumbling, as other supporting Longya warships took the opportunity to fire intensively, Thunder God shells flew over the Chenghai, and fell on the defense station. The wooden shelves that built the defensive platform were blown up as if the wind was blowing, and those Aden soldiers who were greedy for the construction of fortifications on the beach were dizzy.

  The Adenites have never encountered such intensive artillery fire. Some people jumped up and down, running around, and they were blown to pieces. Instead, the soldiers lying on the ground are fine. Unless they are directly hit by the explosion, the soft sand absorbs most of the energy of Thor’s explosion, and the radius of damage is greatly reduced.

But for the defensive platform that was set on fire, it was another matter. The defensive platform was a semi-wood structure, and the base was just a convex platform, where there was no beach to absorb the energy of the shell explosion. The shell fell and exploded there. A large piece of soil exploded into the air, and a large piece of trees was cut off by the waist and hit the head of the soldiers on the defense station.

   "Take down the defense station!" The heavy troop carrier forcibly rushed to the tidal flat, and a large number of imperial infantry swarmed down, just like the swarm of ants covered with sugar cubes.

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