Whole Nation

: Three thousand seven hundred and seventy three

  The eyes of countless people looked at this small building, the silence around it was like a street washed by rain

Such a beautiful woman, and dressed with an obvious Aden style, Pudamia can see the identity of the other party’s Red Dragon Palace at a glance, how others can’t see it, everyone is not blind, this is a shallow spread of the King Eero It’s too difficult to hide a big fish, but it’s just because of the murderous name of the Empire’s Southern Intelligence Department, everyone pretends to be invisible

   Now there is such a situation, even the blind can’t pretend

   The lively long street became empty like a ghost, only the colorful signboards hanging from the shops flickered in the cool breeze, waiting to serve, but did not smell the rapid breath,

   "Go and report to the lord, Aden Red Dragon Temple is also here"

  A middle-aged man who seemed to choose a product in the opposite shop wanted to cry somberly, and whispered to a subordinate behind him that he was a medium figure, well-dressed, energetic, and had a terrifying momentum. The most impressive is his eagle nose, the pair of eyes that are trapped but like a falcon, giving people a sense of sullenness. This person is the head of intelligence of the Southern League of Eeros, which nominally protects the Imperial Southern Intelligence Department. In fact, it is afraid that the Southern Intelligence Department will turn this new royal ceremony into a **** slaughterhouse. The predecessor of the Southern Intelligence Department is the infamous Mount Etmont. For the Kentham family, the southern princes of Erow, Mount Etmon is synonymous with despicable. At the time, the royal family of Mount Eero instructed Mount Etmon to assassinate the southern princes. At least a dozen or so violent deaths of southern princes were related to Mount Etmund. Both sides can be described as blood feuds. Belonging to the imperial camp, it does not mean that both parties can get along in harmony.

   Out of private enmity, the Southern Intelligence Department took advantage of this opportunity to wipe out all the southern princes, and it was not impossible to do it!

After all, the Southern Intelligence Department at this time is in full swing, and it is also an extremely important role in the southern strategy of the empire. Even if it really kills a few southern princes, the empire will not necessarily care. After all, the empire’s stage is the entire Obaro. On the mainland, the southern princes of Eero are only small princes in some regions, and they are still underweight as a bargaining chip. The few southern princes who died are like a stone falling into the deep pool. And this time the powers of the nations gathered, even if one died enough for the Kentham family to drink a pot, not to mention the Harveys and Ikars claimed that they could not let each other out of King Erow, but these are enough to make Middle-aged people feel big

   Now comes a red dragon palace! Middle-aged people feel like they are crying, and without this kind of play, they are the chief of intelligence of the little Eero Southern League of Princes, who can’t carry you like Jianglong, "Draw a picture? What picture do you need Aden? The first master of drawing in the bay, Na Lin, came thousands of miles, is Aden Red Dragon Hall crazy? Dare to touch the Southern Intelligence Department of the Empire directly, don’t you know that the predecessor of the Southern Intelligence Department was killed and killed for so many years with the Red Dragon Palace? Mount Etmont?" "Interesting, what did Aden's Red Dragon Palace look up at the Southern Intelligence Department of the Empire at this time?" Various private voices

"The Red Dragon Palace in Aden was not so kind, and it was impossible to give us a bargain in vain, but this shout, even if the empire was sold! The dark-haired youth stared at the pretty figure standing on the street below, and looked at the whole street. All attracted to this inconspicuous little building, with a look of surprise on his face" But what is the advantage of the other party doing this? "

   "Benefits? It's good to be able to make Mount Etmon ugly. Others, I can't think of it for now"

At the time of the doubts of the dark-haired youth, Pudamia smirked, and Mount Etmont battled with the Red Dragon Hall of Aden for decades. Compared to the Red Dragon Hall, one of the holy cities, Mount Etmont lost More wins and less, and was even driven out of the Aden region. These shameful history, it is naturally impossible to tell His Majesty, Pudamia reminded the dark-haired youth "Etmund Hill and Aden Red Dragon Temple did not fight less, died in The person in the other party didn't even know how much. Taking this opportunity to avenge Mount Etmont, the Red Dragon Hall of Aden was not at a disadvantage! And the other party believed that such important drawings must be received by Ankolo in person, it should be impossible to know if it is His Majesty visited the capital of King Hérault, and Nalin and Ankolo are old rivals, and both are top drafters."

  "So the other party deliberately exposed the stronghold of the Imperial Southern Intelligence Department, which can be regarded as a humiliation of his old opponent?"

The dark-haired young man smiled bitterly. He was a lie gun. The other party undoubtedly aimed at Ankolo. Ankolo's identity was the favored concubine of the former Emperor Ero Farouk. After the news of King Hero was exposed, think about it, whether it is Mount Etmont or the new royal family Kentham will be in extreme embarrassment.

   "It should be like this, but it turned out that Na Lin, the first beauty of the Red Dragon Palace, came here in person, which is really unexpected"

Pudamia's eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the gorgeous woman below, holding her hand on the railing, her mouth slightly upturned, the two women's looks were the same, but Nalin's style was like a desert The flame makes people feel the impulse in the blood, and in a serious time, Pdamia is more like a black lotus. The holiness in the dark, even if you don’t speak, just looking at you with eyes can make you feel ashamed. It is worthy of being the highest goddess stick in the south, she said the intention of Aden Red Dragon Palace in one sentence, and also reminded the dark-haired youth "This woman is not simple"

"Aden Red Dragon Hall assassination camp, Mount Aitmon hidden, the Scarlet Arbitrator of the Order of the Order, known as the three assassination organizations of the Southern Eero Continent. The Scarlet Arbitrator is my personal follower and has been disbanded for most of his name. Death, the hidden leader is Ankolo, currently under the Southern Intelligence Department of the Empire, the head of the assassination camp is the high priest of the Red Dragon Hall, and Nalin is the daughter of the high priest' Pudamia continued "Nalin as a plotter He has the ability to remember, and can draw everything he sees and hears, and drawing is precisely the most basic requirement of an intelligence officer. If according to the identity of an intelligence officer, Nalin is definitely the top one. Even the royal family of Aden has issued strict orders, and the painter Nalin must not enter the palace of Aden, otherwise the king of Aden may be afraid of sleeping and sleeping, so your majesty should think about it, and seeing Nalin is equivalent to telling the Red Dragon Palace , The imperial emperor is also in the capital of King Eero."

  "Let her come up, am I still afraid that a woman will fail, even if the Red Dragon Palace knows what I can do in King Erow, and can assassinate me?" The dark-haired youth took a deep breath and turned away

The door downstairs opened from the inside, and the beauty standing at the door was under the eyes of everyone. The autumn wave circulated, revealing a charming smile. The two little wine vortex rippled on the jade cheeks, and the snow and neat halo appeared between the fragrance lips. Tooth, must think that Ankolo in the building is angry and angry, but have to endure the anger to see himself

The two female guards walked into the gate first. It seems that the beauty was also afraid that Mount Etmont would kill himself at all costs. He talked arrogantly, but in fact he was extremely careful. The two female guards were beautiful and charming. Women's Double Double Ten, long dress hanging down, graceful figure, an Aden scimitar inlaid with rubies hung on the thin waist that is unbearable, another female guard is like a little red in the green bushes, the autumn water is full of The beauty of her eyes reveals the flirtatious taste, beautiful appearance, and the eyes of people are frivolous. It seems that as long as she can see, she will not refuse to come. The female's cheekbones are extremely tall, with a pair of brown phoenix eyes, and the mixed-race beauty is unobstructed

The two women looked around the building and nodded to Nalin outside when they thought there was no problem. Nalin walked into the building, and someone naturally led her to the second floor, just walked to the scene on the second floor, leaving the beauty's face slightly He was stunned, but he didn’t see Ankoro, who was angry and angry, but two people he didn’t know. A dark-haired young man with a slightly handsome face was holding a glass. He turned and looked at himself when he heard footsteps. The beauty that a man looks at is bland in the eyes of the other party, like looking at the scenery of the setting sun every day. Nalin, who has never forgotten her skills, knew at the first time that she had made a mistake and that the other party was not from Mount Etmont , The important figures of Mount Etmon knew for themselves that there was absolutely no black-haired young man in front of him

  People of the Imperial Army?

The other person sat in front of her eyes, but couldn't make her condense any offensive feelings, just like walking alone on the street, casually alone, the show frowned, Nalin sat down and showed an arrogance, like a sentimental. His eyes fell on the other person's face, his shoulders shrugged slightly, and he casually smiled, "Sorry, I was just too rude"

Next to the dark-haired youth, a woman with a white sand on her face was sitting. Although she couldn't see her entire face, the beautiful eyes exposed from the white sand seemed to sink into the night sky like a starry night sky. It must be a peerless beauty who does not lose to herself. The other party's full of gaze is enough to show that the woman knows herself. Nalin smiled bitterly and continued, "Everyone meets to talk, both to increase understanding and to see See what things can cooperate with each other, right?"

With an obvious expression of "whatever it is" on her face, she glanced at the dark-haired young man who was completely boring to face herself. Nalin said coldly, "Even if it is a ferocious military, it is still an enemy. There is no need to be too polite, if Ankolo is there, or a few words, for your Excellency..."

"Oh, I like this sentence, everyone is still the enemy." The dark-haired young man put down the water glass in his hand and said lightly. "Then there is no unnecessary nonsense, everyone is a deal, isn't it? I let you get the goods, you give My drawings, since you are here, indicating that the goods have left the southern estuary of the Elero River, please hand me the drawings."

Na Lin raised her eyebrows, revealing a thoughtful look. I don’t know why. When I heard this sentence from the young black-haired youth, there was a kind of coldness in my heart. It was like a bone invading the ice water. It was totally a subconscious feeling. Black Hair, the appearance of the Central Biya people, the empire has expanded very rapidly in the Central Biya area in the past two years, and has already controlled the vast area of ​​northern Central Biya, even the northern grasslands are the territory of the empire. Some Central Biya people entered the empire The military system is also very normal. Nalin turned her head back to the green-clothed maid, and the green-clothed maid stepped forward. She produced a delicate jade hand at the table in front of Nalin, took a booklet, and put it Go to desktop and back

   Na Lin's face seemed to be a smile, she spread the book and said, "Heavy armored ship's structure is here, absolutely guaranteed to be exactly the same as the original drawing, no change, please look at the two

When the black-haired youth looked at it, his nose could not help but groaned. I saw that the pictures on the booklet were indeed the various sides and structure of a certain kind of battleship, and the location was filled with various digital signs. Suddenly squinting into a thin line, a little interesting, these numbers turned out to be Arabic numerals, there is no Arabic numerals in this world, the popular numbering in Obaro is similar to Latin numerals, and the other party is full of mockery In both eyes, the other party apparently did it intentionally. The black-haired young man smiled contemptuously, and it was actually a repaint of the original picture without any changes. The illustrations are correct, the numbers are also correct, and he cannot say that the other party breached the contract. However, if you can’t understand the data identification, the effect is naturally to be greatly reduced. For example, the thickness of the side deck of the battleship and the thickness of the iron plate can’t be seen completely by the drawings. These are enough to make the Imperial Navy attack errors.

"What are these signs?" Pudamia's eyes were confused, and she shone on the album. She didn't know these signs, but she had seen them. There were records in the core archives of the Templar of the Order, from Ferran Some pictures of the Prophet described the Red Dragon Temple as the three major relics of the holy city. I did not expect that there would be such a thing.

   "I'm just responsible for sending the drawings, I don't know anything else"

Na Lin "Oops," "I'm sorry", reached out and turned to the next page, covered the album easily, patted the album, and said softly, "The things have been delivered, I will not delay the time of two, just The main force of the Aden navy has been out of the Gulf of Aden for four days. The goal should be to go to the imperial navy. There is not much time. I hope that the two can crack these icons earlier." Nalin stared at the dark-haired youth and smirked. "There are few people in Central Biya who are proficient in the Elo language like you, but they do not know that you are from the area of ​​Central Biya. At present, the Red Dragon Palace in Aden is also gaining in Central Biya. If you are interested, You can contact us

   The dark-haired youth looked cold and deliberately made a very angry gesture. "The Red Dragon Hall is doing this style of work, and there should be no chance for cooperation next time."

Nalene sighed gently, "Have you misunderstood my Red Dragon Palace, the logo on this album is not our Red Dragon Palace intentionally, but because we can't crack it, it's what we handed to the royal family of Aden Is the same, so we didn’t even think that the royal family of Aden would create it, but the royal family of Aden would have created it. If not, my Red Dragon Cavalry Regiment would not havetily decided to go to the south of Eero to search for the old South of Eero. The branch site is because we suspected that the royal family of Aden had sent people to explore there, so it was possible to crack these mysterious signs and create this heavy armored ship that should not belong to this era."

No wonder Aden’s Red Dragon Hall suddenly walked into the pit of Aden’s royal family in such an impatient manner. It turned out that he was dug into the corner of the Aden royal family. It was originally used to fool people, so that the Aden royal family was actually made. For the red dragon that has always stood high One can imagine that if the royal family of Aden can crack the things of the Red Dragon Hall, what else will the Red Dragon Hall do!

   "You mean, the heavy armored ship built by the royal family of Aden is also just a broken product?"

"The appearance is probably the same, but the internal structure is definitely different." Nalin's tone is full of arrogance and disdain for the royal family of Eero'. The structure of forcible patchwork should be no problem if it is a short-term voyage, but if it is a long-distance attack, who I don’t know what will happen. I wouldn’t tell you if it’s not for your eyes.

"I look pretty, I don't know yet..." The dark-haired young man took the album in his hand and was surprised. Well, for a very strong reason, he can't refute it. In fact, the dark-haired young man can see After coming out, Nalin deliberately revealed the fatal weakness of the heavy armored ship. It is definitely not as simple as casually saying. The route of the Aden Naval Transport Fleet was disclosed earlier. Now he directly tells himself that the latest warship of the Aden Navy cannot be voyaged. What is this meaning

  Nalin is so beautiful~www.wuxiaspot.com~It makes her feel that in addition to her beauty, she has extraordinary intelligence, and she is not a stunner with a charming appearance. She sighed and said, "This battle between the Imperial Navy and the Aden Navy. My Red Dragon Palace has given intelligence many times. Naturally, I hope the Imperial Navy can win. I only hope this drawing can help the Imperial Navy."

   How can my 30,000 Red Dragon Knight die in vain? Although the royal family of Aden deliberately provided false information in the front, it was the sword of the empire that really cut the 30,000 Red Dragon Knight off the head! The royal family of Aden is damn, so is the imperial military. After obtaining the drawings and knowing the shortcomings of the heavy warship of Aden, the imperial navy will not continue to avoid it. As long as it is launched, even if the heavy warship has many shortcomings, the imperial navy is in In a short period of time, he could not fully grasp its weaknesses, and the result must be a **** battle. Nalin stood up, went down the stairs to the door, and turned a horse at the moment, a smile appeared on her lips,

  The main forces of the navies of the two countries fought to the utmost, and it is best to die!

It's just that Na Lin didn't expect that at the moment, on the second floor of the attic behind her, the dark-haired young man turned the picture book in his hand with a grim look, picked up the quill pen on the table, and turned the mysterious logo on it into a universal number for Obalo. Pudamia was shocked, but the cheeks of Frossia were slightly red

After a while, the dark-haired youth suddenly stood up and handed over the translated atlas to the incoming guard officer. Shen Sheng said,'Send this thing immediately'. For this drawing, the dark-haired youth has been transferred to the empire. The best shipbuilder in the Admiralty, he won't build a ship. It is impossible to build such a heavy armored ship in a while, but it is impossible to find weaknesses from the drawings. I believe that these experienced shipbuilders can't be stopped.



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