Whole Nation

: Three thousand seven hundred and seventy four

The black carriage, crossing the intersection in front, is a relatively dense building complex. As the center of the Eero Empire, one of the great empires in the South, the construction of the Eero King Capital is not comparable to other southern European Baro countries. The empire once owned Cairo, the best trading port of Baro in Southern Europe, with a rich coastline of more than a thousand miles in length, and the fertile North Eero Great Plains, with the largest population of 800,000 people in the capital, even if it is like a church country A big city like the Holy City is as good as the former King Eero, but it is also dwarfed, but in the eyes of Nalin in the Red Dragon Palace, the King Eero in front of him is just the left of the King Eero after the disaster. A part of the memory, the real King Eero is still in the yellow sand in the south

Regarding the records of the South of Eero, the secret file of the Red Dragon Palace reads "Seven palaces are arranged in order on the center line of Eero South. These palace groups are only a small part of the King of Eero South. The entire city It can be said that it is composed of countless squares. There are squares before and after each palace group, and those high-end residential areas have squares in the center. The intersection where the commerce connected together is also a giant square, even in the comparison. There will also be a small square in the low-end residential area, each of which displays a large number of statues. Those large squares can be said to be an exhibition of various sculptures, while the medium-sized squares do not have so many. Statues, but the sculptures displayed there are superior in terms of subject matter and artistic value to those displayed on the main square.

Even the smallest squares will not forget to put a statue in the middle. . . . . .

Along the triumphant avenue, pass the twelve triumphal arches in turn, and innumerable reliefs and statues are carved around each triumphal arch. Each one is so beautiful, and the beautiful arc-shaped curve of the Arc de Triomphe, with the white marble floor, runs south along the Arc de Triomphe Avenue. There are high-end residential areas in the city. Most of the priests in the southern branch Live here. The broad streets are lined with sycamore trees. There are not only a large number of carriages, but also a variety of styles. The shape and decoration of many carriages are designed to show off. In these high-end residential areas, you can see a medium-sized square every two or three hundred meters, and you can see it from time to time. One or two exquisitely decorated shops, even the most discerning people are also raving about the products inside.

Now the yellow sands recede and the south reappears. Some things that were left in the old king capital by the Eero royal family are extremely important to the Red Dragon Palace. However, 80 years ago, King Eero was first hit by the flood. The impact, which was then covered with yellow sand, is beyond recognition. Its huge range of more than forty miles is enough to find people.

"In the old royal capital of Eero, the most important place is the big library, and it is said that the king Eero is said to be a copy of a part of the large library by the royal family of Eero. Nalin is the best painter in the Red Dragon Temple. In the past few days, King Eero has been turned around for several times. There are already several positions that can be determined. If King Eero is replaced by a large library, then the position of Eero Palace is undoubtedly large. The library is the secret location"

"His Royal Highness, in front is the Imperial Sky Sanctuary Branch." The maid sitting opposite whispered

Na Lin raised her head and looked sharply out of the window. The street-front Mingtang is a tall courtyard wall, a black gate that is incompatible with the surrounding lively environment. This is the sky temple of King Eero, which was slaughtered by the Red Dragon Temple a few months ago. And what is now called Temple College,

"Sky Temple... If the intelligence is correct, the creator of the Sky Temple is also called Ferran, who has the same name as the prophet Ferran." Nalin stretched her fingers and rubbed her brows. The Sky Temple tragedy shook last time. The entire Obaro, the Empire was furious, launched a siege of the 30,000 Red Dragon Cavalry Regiment in retaliation, and afterwards, the original temple was renovated, not only the name was changed, but also all the surrounding 500 meters The buildings are all included in the scope of the temple, and the best scholars from the country are deployed. In reality, the temple of King Eero has become the highest school in the area of ​​Eero, and the teachers invited are naturally the most in South Obaro. The top group of people, such as the best mathematician Locke Lisa in the Baro region of Southern Europe, such as Rallyside, who once served as the Minister of Finance of the Hero Empire, and some time ago, the most famous geography in Barrow, Northern Europe. Laon Tusem also came here to teach these students,

I have to admit that this change of the empire to the temple has turned this place into a cultural holy place in the Eero region. It opened a window for all Eero people who want to understand the empire. In a short time, This is what the sword did not do. All the outstanding people who are interested in the empire in the Eero region have gathered the knowledge of the system in this building complex, and the noble families in the original Eero region are the same. They will arrange their children here, not only because of a bunch of bullish teachers, but also because of the special status of the temple in the empire. First of all, the students inside naturally have an excellent future, and secondly only by virtue of the right Understand the situation of the empire, these students will also be favored by the noble and rich family

In order to deal with the empire, it is natural to need a person who is proficient in the empire situation, but such talents are very rare for the semi-closed Eero region, so the temple students have undoubtedly become the first choice, and the identity of the temple students, their The academic status will be recognized throughout the empire. Even if you leave the Eero area, it is very convenient to enter other areas of the empire. It is already a fact that the Eero area has been annexed by the empire. How to stabilize your family status under the new national structure is already The choices faced by the wealthy families in the Eero region are also the changes that the entire Eero needs to make

, And the culture of the empire is regarded as a symbol of identity in the Eero region

The black carriage stopped quietly at the door. Nalin got out of the carriage and looked up at the corner of the gate with a sneer. The temporary construction of things is pale, this simple gate was actually newly built, the original gate was said to have been smashed in the battle, the empire deliberately spent so much money, this Eero The temple branch was changed into an academy, which was to gather outstanding talents from the Eero region

This kind of Huairou method, with no trace at all, really allowed many Eeroes to voluntarily hook up, unwittingly dilute the hatred of the empire, but being annexed is to be annexed. In the face of cultural, technological and military power, it is stronger than the South. In the Nordic Barrow, the Elo people always have a sense of inferiority deep in their hearts, especially in certain corners related to the taste of history. After all, the Eero people once thought that they were the hegemons of the South European Barrow. The glorious history eclipsed, but now I have to study in the Imperial Academy

It suddenly rained, although it was not big, but the scattered raindrops hit the dark wooden door of the college and became particularly eye-catching

The mottle gradually fainted, and the slate on the ground was about to accumulate water. The maid took the lotus clothes out of the car and wanted to put on Nalin. Nalin shook her head. Although she likes to wear a black lotus suit alone to travel like a ghost in the quiet night of the Red Dragon Palace, but this is not the Red Dragon Palace, this is the capital of King Erow, she does not want to look too special

Nalin opened the Umbrella umbrella in her hand, and the Aden army invaded Central Abyss, which also absorbed a lot of good things from Central Abyss. Among them, the oil-paper umbrella is one. The Ubaro continent has no umbrella, only rain protection. The cloak, against the backdrop of a Central Ukrainian oil-paper umbrella, Nalene surprised the **** and simple students at the door, like an angel walking in the rain

It was already afternoon, the sun had moved westward, covered by clouds, swept by rain, and the light became darker. The whole gate was full of tranquility. The stone road that was once stained with blood was still watching It was extremely deserted. After walking for a few minutes, I collected the black umbrella and placed it next to the door. A cool rain ran down the umbrella tip and wrote a big word that wet the high wooden threshold.

A maid came forward and knocked on the door. The door opened from the inside. An old man in a black bachelor's robe took off the glasses on his nose and gave Nalin a suspicious look.

"Red Dragon Hall Nalin... I didn't expect it to be you"

The old man suddenly thought of something, his voice trembles, and his pupils twitched hard to detect. The red dragon palace Nalin, the high priest disciple, the genius draftsman, the old man originally thought that the red dragon palace should send a middle-level personnel to the sky, no Thinking of being a core character like Na Lin, in most people's eyes, Na Lin is a genius draftsman, but the old man knows that Na Lin is not only a draftsman, but also one of the seniors of the Red Dragon Palace assassination camp, I have personally commanded several assassinations of extraordinary significance, such as the assassination of the high-level desert alliance in the northeast area of ​​the Gulf of Aden two years ago. Within ten days, the six tribal heads of the desert tribes died suddenly. The most shocking thing is that These six tribes are also scattered on the edge of the six large oasis. If there is no extremely accurate map, it is impossible to find them in the desert, let alone, after sneaking into the headquarters without knowing it Can still withdraw

That assassination shocked the entire desert clan, and even the royal family of Aden strictly forbids Na Lin from entering the palace.

Na Lin looked at the old man with a smile on her face and respectfully saluted. "Actually, I didn't want to disturb the teacher, but it is a pity that the teacher's residence was said to be nearby. I believe the teacher must have seen something. My Red Dragon Hall It took a lot of effort to lead Pope Pudamia to this sky temple, and it was also led by Reilada, one of the three masters of the Red Dragon Hall, who led the red dragon dance. With a firm grasp of ten points and nine steady results, it turned out that Rilada suffered a heavy blow, and his life and death were unknown. The whole team was like the evaporation of the world. There was no trace of it, and Pope Pudamia was still alive and well. The Dragon Temple quietly came to King Erow. In addition to drawing the drawings, there was another task, that is, to investigate the situation of the temple attack on that day. Is Rila dead or alive at the end? Who are the people in the team! The teacher has the ability to never forget, as long as he glances at it, he can draw what he sees. As long as the teacher is willing to draw the situation of the day, Nalin will leave immediately and will never reveal the true identity of the teacher."

"I knew that you would come to the door. I promised that the Red Dragon Hall would infiltrate King Erow as an eye. I knew that when I came back this day, the picture was already painted, but that day was very chaotic. The temple, I saw some things, but what happened in the temple behind, I can’t see.” The old man hesitated, turned around and walked into the room, and after a while, he handed a scroll to the doorman Nalin’s eyes flickered and said, “I didn’t see that man’s face. The only thing I’m sure was that it was a dark-haired young man. It’s just a stroke, and Relada was seriously injured. It should be the top of the Imperial Army. Master"

"Na Lin thanked the teacher on behalf of the Red Dragon Palace"

Nalene took the scroll and opened it. It was the broken gate of the temple. A woman was lying on the ground. From the figure and appearance, she was the missing Relada, standing in front of Relada. A dark-haired young man, because of his back view, could not see his appearance, but the figure from the old man's handwriting immediately made Nalin feel a sense of familiarity, and inadvertently flashed the dark-haired young man she saw today, Nalin. Breathing suddenly, it should not be such a coincidence, she hesitated, she continued to ask, "Rilada is one of the three masters of the Red Dragon Palace, and is also the top figure in the assassination field. Should it be in the face of confrontation?"

"It wasn't a confrontation, but Relada attacked first, and also used the dragon dance. As a result, the opponent was shot away with a sword, and the opponent seemed to accidentally glance at my direction and scared me. I dare not look at it anymore.” The old man shook his head with a wry smile. The other party was not only a master, but also had a very keen sense of peeping

The old man's answer changed Na Lin's face slightly

The dance of Ryallada's Yaolong is known as a nirvana, and Relada can be squeezed into the ranks of the three masters of the Red Dragon Hall as a woman. To a large extent, it is because of the dance of the dragon and the dragon. Dance is a secret technique that uses the pace of the body to maximize the attack speed. The toughness of the body is extremely high. Once there were many people who practiced, but they all ended up with physical injuries. Throughout the history of the Red Dragon Temple, Only Rilada mastered the skill of the dragon dance, and once recorded a record of thirty consecutive victories in the game

"Back to the place where I was just"

Nalin's pretty face was covered with frost~www.wuxiaspot.com~ She turned and walked into the carriage behind her. She believed that if Rilada was still alive, she must be in the hands of the dark-haired young man. , The face cautiously asked the old man again for details, and his face became more ugly

The old man’s answer is without any hesitation, which is enough to show that the old man did not lie. It is even more impossible to make a mistake. There may be an exaggerated component of the old man, but even if it is exaggerated, I am afraid that it is very close to the real situation. The other party's arrogant gesture could not help but feel a sense of mockery

The other party is too capable of pretending to be innocent. He personally reinvented Relada, and even the 30,000 Red Dragon Knights of the Red Dragon Palace were destroyed by a battle in the south of Erow. This may be the hand of the person, but in front of himself, the other party is completely It's like an ordinary mediocrity that makes people unwilling to take a look at it. Everything is pretended. I don't know how stupid I am at heart! Reilada used the dragon dance as the first move, indicating that not only did Relada not underestimate the enemy, but also he did his best to fight the rabbit. The old man’s statement was even more exaggerated. He was beaten by a black-haired young man with a sword. What a joke. , That's a dragon dance that can kill a lion

Is that person really that strong?

Chinese New Year, I wish you all a happy new year, after the new year, ready to open a new book!


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