Whole Nation

: 498 Tigers sniffing roses (3)

The sea breeze deciduous island beach,

"Kill, rush up"

Dozens of warships loaded with pirates rushed down the white sand beaches along the white waves,

As the baffle was lowered, hundreds of sturdy men wearing light mail armour and a headscarf wrapped in their heads, holding shields in their hands and waving various weapons on the beach

"Houhu" countless black stone bombs burst from the position of the battleship group behind them, and the sky was covered with black. The sound of the ship's trebuchet shooting at the same time made the whole earth tremble in front of this power and winch. The tense voices were one after another, like a hurried drum beat at the same time

"Bang Bang Bang" on the island's not tall fortress wall, the gravel splashed, from time to time you can see the shocking red, exploding at the impact point,

"The coward of Zhonghai, who has the ability to fight with real swords and guns, counts on the basis of sneak attacks." An old man wearing a Ming* armor jumped up and down on the ramparts, It's hard to believe that this guy is already old,

Beside him, three trebuchet players on the city wall gun emplacement were counter-attacked, and were submerged by several roaring rounds of stone bombs. In the huge impact sound, even people and machines were transformed into a shocking beach. Bloody muddy and debris, broken corpses fell from the city's head, let the people nearby see the heart

Moen Lake, the oldest owner of the West Sea, has been a fearless guy since he was young. As the deciduous family closest to the barrier, he has been called the "West Sea Gatekeeper" by many Zhonghai Haikou who tried to cross the border. "

This guy's temper is like his janitor's nickname. It belongs to the kind of personality that eats soft but not hard. The louder the door is, the stronger the rebound will be. One of the strong three, with 25 small and medium-sized warships, if it is one-to-one, the power of the fallen leaves island can be described as strong, but in the face of the sudden China Sea Joint Fleet, it seems too much to watch.

As soon as I got in touch, 25 of the Fallen Island battleships that came out to meet the island were smashed in half by the trebuchet on the opposite side of the rain, and had to retreat to the island to stick to it, but there were too many enemies. A wave of crowds screaming and shouting, rushed to the beach like a wave, the trebuchet on the tower became the main target covered by the firepower, countless stones that cut through the sky, rolled down and fell, the trebuchet with winch Before even tightening, the platform collapsed

In the past, the Xihai pirates who liked to do it alone, made a cry of helplessness in the sky of stone rain, and the bright red blood splashed from the foot of the stone bomb to the surrounding, just like the red flowers blooming on this brown land

It is only today that how weak their strength is in the face of the united China Shipping counterparts, not counting the warship groups hovering like vultures staring at corpses in the distant sea, just seeing in front of them is enough to make the always strong old Moen was ashamed,

68 of the latest medium-sized toothships full of soldiers, this dream configuration that was never dreamed of, is enough to flatten the deciduous island with only a population.

If it was not for the other party to rush up and back in order to reduce casualties,

The low defensive line of Lolita Island collapsed long ago. In front of the opponent's continuous stone attack, the Xihai people on Lolita Island could not lift their heads at all. At first, there were people who stood up boldly and climbed the stairs down the city. Archery, but they soon showed that the opponent was not only well-prepared, but also had specialized siege training,

These mid-sea enemies responsible for the assault on the island are wearing excellent full-body chain mail and holding a shield high in their hands. Such a configuration is an unimaginable luxury among the sea pirates known for their poor equipment. What kind of pirate is your equipment?


A Chinese sea pirate pulled out his long sword at the waist and shouted to the team around him.

A whole row of shield walls moved very neatly forward, just like a slowly moving steel wall, their bodies were impeccably concealed behind the shield,

"Dang Dang Dang"

The clusters of arrows shot on the tower can only make a pale and weak sound on the shield surface of the shield, and the dense head behind it is like a wriggling dark cloud

"If you fight with them, it's death. We Xihai people are also good."

Looking at the enemies that were getting closer, Old Moen looked excitedly and picked up a broken spear from the ground, shouting with a stubble mouth,

These two days of fighting, it can be said that the grumpy old Moen had a miserable speech. The other party relied on many people and many ships, and suppressed his own retreat. First, he lost the beachhead defense, and then lost the almost completely ruined old nest. Now people on the whole island are crowded in the last building in the north of the island,

It is just a Dolock-style temple on the top of the mountain. The weathered rain for many years makes this building used by the pirates as a lighthouse full of traces of mottled and vicissitudes. Several huge rock pillars were pushed by the defenders to On the roadside, as an obstacle to disrupt the opponent’s formation,

Suddenly, a rapid horn sound came from the sea with the wind, and countless black dots appeared like a floating black line on the eastern sea in the distance.

As the black dots approached, dozens of flags of various colors could be seen vaguely.

Flying at the top of these various styles of warships, rushing to the front is a row of tall and large warships, a small number, but it is also rare in Tuo Dehai,

The entire fleet is lined up in a huge T shape on the sea, and behind the large battleship is the smaller assault ship. This is a typical impact team type.

"It's our people, I recognize the flag of the warship at the front, the fleet of the poisonous flames of Huturil." Next to the old Moen, a blood-stained young man suddenly shouted with joy. ,

"Reinforcement is our reinforcements"

A crowd of shouts came from behind the crowd

"*, after 2 days of siege, the fools in the West Sea only woke up and rescued the fallen leaves island, which was really disappointing."

A middle-aged man in leather armor with a light blue long sword around his waist, looking at the battleships that appeared in the distance, his face licked his lips excitedly, and he waved at the flag behind him with a cursed mouth. Shouted

"Tell the main fleet of the ambush that the people of Xihai are here today is the end of the Xihai"

On the turbulent sea, hundreds of small and large warships with lowered sails rise and fall with the waves. In the quiet space, only the splash of water splashing against the ship's side

The warship as the main force of the assault has been hiding in this calm offshore water for two days,

Alizhka stood upright on the bow~www.wuxiaspot.com~Despite the increasingly fierce sea breeze blowing his face, watching the thick smoke rising from the distant sea, the blood in his heart burned instantly stand up,

"Master Rufka, it's a signal, the Xihai people are coming." The flattered **** almost trot from the stern.

"Subpoena, set sail," Ali Kafka ordered to the **** behind him, his hands clenched tightly on the side of the ship, his excited eyes like a pair of lighted bulbs,

The dawn of victory has illuminated his future. He is convinced that the glory of the Ali family will rise to the top of the nobles of the Rud kingdom because of this naval battle.


The scene of the 140 warships raising their sails at the same time is like suddenly popping a dense white forest on the sea, enough to make any sailor feel bloody,

The flying flag of the fleet flew in the wind, like forming a gorgeous rainbow over the entire fleet,

The waves swaying on the ship's head are getting higher and higher, and the ripples are also spreading farther and farther. It seems that even the entire Red Devil Sea is shaking. . ...

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