Whole Nation

: 499 The 1st Nord Battle (1)

Dustromkai held his hand on the side of the battleship and glanced sharply across the sea in the distance. The two eyebrows were twisted into a Sichuan word on his forehead, beside him.

Dozens of warships of the Vikya navy are quietly undulating on the sea like a huge twisting long dragon,

"Creak" white water foam wandering between the cruising hull and the reef, all the warships lowered their sails, completely relying on the ocean currents under the sea to follow the waves, and the reefs squeezed the crisp sound of the hull, From the bottom of the hull from time to time, the sharp and harsh friction sound made everyone's nerves tensed to the apex. If it was not for personal experience, who would guide the West Sea Devil's Horn, known as the dead extinction, and a long Inner bend channel for more than ten miles.

The reef here is worthy of the name of the devil's horns. The large red coral reefs are like a pair of giant claws that may protrude out of the sea at any time. They flicker under the dark red sea. From time to time, you can see the gray-white wreckage of the shipwreck. These giant hands revealed a suffocating tension in the crew of Vegia.

"It's too narrow here. Probably only the Xihai pirates who live here will have the courage to cross it." Dustrengka glanced back from the sea. In the distance, the T-shaped formation of the rescued West Sea fleet had already Entangled with the Ali family fleet on the sea, it has an absolute advantage in terms of morale and quantity.

"It's so spectacular. This is the first time I have seen so many battleships entangled." The adjutant Zarandin looked excitedly, looking at the western sea like a dark cloud-like ship, and his face turned red with excitement. The reinforcements consisted of two parts. One part consisted of the West Sea’s own fleet, which consisted of approximately small and medium-sized warships, and the other part consisted of the Vikya navy.

Because the number of Vickia warships is too small in the entire fleet, and they have been hiding behind the fleet of the West Sea, and they can’t appear on the vast sea at all.

This is the largest cross-sea fleet since the establishment of the Vickia Navy. It consists of 15 Dragon-toothed warships equipped with Thor and 15 heavy assault ships modified with Dylans Poseidon-class warships. The command was carried out in the battle of Kyoto. The outstanding performance of Dustron Kay, the young and talented admiral of the Admiralty, was looking at the dark smoke rising in the distance with a dignified look at the moment, and ordered the Vickia fleet following the West Sea Fleet to be in place Stop

After the Jukea fleet stopped behind, a medium-sized warship in the West Sea approached from the side, and a sturdy guy jumped on it. As soon as he went to the flagship of Vikya, he clamored and pushed away from Wikipedia. Sailor Ya, walked angrily towards the podium

"Sir Lunkai, why did you stop? You didn't see that the guys in Zhonghai are already incapable of breaking into the army, as long as they put more force on them, they will completely fall into the sea and finish their lives."

He was Zarantin, who was responsible for the liaison between the two parties, and one of the 32 pirates. As a West Seaman, he saw his companion’s fleet fighting with the enemy, but the Vekia fleet, which was responsible for the postponement, stopped. , How not to let this grumpy Xihai pirates jump like thunder, not to mention the question about asking for help from Vickia this time, is also very controversial in Xihai pirates

According to some old pirates, in addition to Dylans and Hu Lin, the so-called Wikya navy is a group of chicks who have played in their own home. Let such a guy assist themselves, how can these be killed at sea The lifelong pirates felt convinced, and there were also some cutting-edge factions based on the Tulun’an family, saying that although the combat effectiveness of the Vickia Navy was not very good, and there was no great reputation, but as a reserve support force, it was more than enough.

Regarding the decision to arrange the Wikiya Fleet in the reserve battle sequence, the West Sea pirates had just led the Wikiya Fleet through the narrow underpass Dustron Kay, but he just accepted it with a smile.

This is the first time the Vickia Fleet is fighting across the sea, and it is also against the Nordkker, known for its huge number. Compared with the more than 100 warships dispatched from the West Sea, the number of Vickia ships is too small. By the way, I really want the Wikia warship to be the striker, Dusterenkai will be the first to jump against it,

In the face of the questioning of the pirates of the West Sea, Dustrengka, who ordered the suspension of the ship, just responded very politely, "Sorry, the order we received was to support you at your most critical juncture, not directly from the beginning. In the face of the Ali family of Zhonghai, after all, this is a dispute between your ruthless pirates. Our duty is to protect our business partners, not to fight for you."

Of course, these words of no pain and no itching did not make the grumpy Zarantin calm down his anger. He glanced contemptuously across the Wikia fleet that was floating on the sea, and suddenly a contemptuous angle appeared in the corner of his mouth.

"I’ve been wondering for a long time that Vickia didn’t send the elite Dylans fleet and the Hulin clan, but they sent you a bunch of raw melon eggs. They were originally here to fool us. This is not a big one. The warships that are not equipped with planes are really only for the later."

"Oh, I wish you a great victory over the China Sea Fleet in advance"

For Zalantin's disdain before leaving, Dustrengka just smiled, he could not go to this stubborn West Sea pirate to explain the special features of the Vickia ship,

This time for the special tactics of the Rud Pirates who like to attack in groups, the Admiralty of Wikya specially dispatched thousands of craftsmen from Zhivadin, and made a major transformation of all the warships in battle, and added a baffle to prevent reef impacts. The number of Thors on each Dragon Tooth battleship was increased from the door to the door. 15 Poseidon-class battleships with heavy collision angles were also equipped with the newly developed naval battle lore weapons "Long" on both sides of the ship's side. interest"

"Dragon Breath" knows that this kind of weapon is not good after listening to the name. According to the order of the Grand Duke, these new weapons are prohibited from being used against the main fleet of the Ali family. Their great power is enough to change the entire battle situation. Even Dus The commander of Trenkai only heard the tester mention a little bit,

According to them, this weapon named "Dragon Breath" was designed by the Grand Duke himself, and was an improved version of some terrible weapon of that year. What is the specific, these testers are also tight-lipped,

They are the real manipulators of this terrible weapon. There are not many new technicians who joined the Wikia Navy. There are only people on each warship, accounting for only 1% of the number of soldiers attacked this time. The importance of is obvious. In order to avoid unnecessary losses, even Dustron Kay, who has a strict style and tough style, not only conducts brutal battles when not necessary,

"These guys from the West Sea are so proud. If it wasn't for the order above, I must beat that guy down."

Dusterenkai looked at the distant West Sea battleship, his five fingers clenched together, and smashed heavily on the side of the ship's side. His face was red and white because of excessive excitement.

"Adult, you don't need to pay attention to these guys who don't know the heights and the thickness, or the Duke's prudence. I guess the Alis will make trouble this time." Fleet lieutenant Elek stepped up from behind and reported to Dusteren Kay

"According to the report of our accompanying tooth fleet, there are only a few Ali family warships in the waters in front of it, which is inconsistent with the information we have obtained. If I guessed right, there is a trap in front. These proud sea pirates will soon meet Against real opponents"

"Of course I see it. Do you think I can't see the conspicuous black smoke? Otherwise I would have let everyone go up to eat meat." Dustrounka calmed down the emotions in his heart and let the lieutenant Elek come to himself

"Do you know why I stopped here?" Dusterenkai looked at Elek mysteriously, then took a pair of leather charts from his arms and spread them out on the deck. He squatted down and pointed at the map. A corner said with a sneer

"From the chart, the enemy can arrange the position of the ambush, most likely on the Red Coral Coast, not far from here, and only there can hide the incurve of hundreds of warships,

And the position where they attract the West Sea Fleet is at the downwind of the Red Coral Bay. Once attacked, it will inevitably cut off hundreds of West Sea fleets and then eat the West Sea Fleet effortlessly.

"Red Coral Bay?" Admiral Elek squatted down with a puzzled look, his eyes swept, his face surprised. "Isn't that in the direction of our downwind? Don't you guess it?"

"The war is about calculation, but this is what the Grand Duke likes to hang in his mouth," Dusterenkai smiled at the corner of his mouth. "As a side branch of the Dustan family, this is similar."

The sea surface of the deciduous island swayed by the sea breeze,

Hanging various flags, nearly 200 warships of different sizes are entangled like two overturned dragons. The shipboards of the two warships are more or less smashed and collapsed, and there are huge stone bombs from time to time. Passing over the head of the pirate who overturned the other side of the ship, and then smashed it heavily on the raised hull behind the hull,

The broken wood flew across, and the significant impact not only smashed a large hole of several meters in the hull of the ship, but also caused the nearby sailors to sway up and down, a mess. The cargo and corpses in the cabin flowed from the breach to the beach with the tide. The double fleet of the West Sea has completely controlled the situation on the sea,

The China Sea Fleet that besieged the Fallen Leaves Island had not yet arrived and turned the hull to form a strike formation, but was inserted from the middle by the fierce West Sea Fleet, and dozens of warships in chaos had to fight each other.

The violent fighting sound shook the sky above the sea, leaping the hook on the side of the ship, and quickly shortening the distance between the two ships. Then the pirates on both sides of the ship screamed and leaped over the sea, colliding with the enemy on the opposite side.

However, in an hour, the defeat of the China Sea Fleet was a foregone conclusion. Among the 68 warships, one third of the warships were paralyzed on the sea like a loss of power. The other warships also fought and retreated to the east. The corpses are full of shipboards, and the bright red blood rushes down the sea with the tide. This joint fleet composed of families of Zhonghai has almost no backhand in front of the murderous West Sea main force. It seems that everything has been finalized.

"It's really cruel, why should we stop, and if we let us go up, absolutely kill him one round of volley, that would be so troublesome to fight"

Looking at the West Sea Fleet who had beaten the water dogs in the distance, Captain Fry of Vejaya can only spit on the deck indignantly to express the injustice in his heart. As a captain who was promoted from the artillery to the Langfang, he hated just With the existence of this thing, the rangefinder equipment allocated to the gunners can easily measure the distance of the other party, so as to accurately fire the gun.

The gunners no longer need to carry out long and rigorous training to judge the distance of each other with their eyes and brain, which is simply depriving them of the glory as a master.

However, its effect is real. With its assistance, an ordinary gunner can easily destroy the expert in the bottomless sea water.

"Boss. What are you thinking?" Haru, who was sitting opposite him, asked curiously, with a dark face with curiosity. Fry didn't answer, just picked up a bottle of rum next to him impatiently. Black wine bottle.

Haru is older than Fry, but he always regards Fry as his elder brother, and follows with a heartbreak. He came from a poor family. His parents died since he was a child. He was almost starved to death. Fry saved him with a hot bowl of fish soup.

Since he was seven years old, he has followed Frye's side and fought with him. The two have often been smashed home by people who have been beaten with blood, and have been confined together by Old Frye; driving the boat sneakily together After going to sea, almost two of them were drowned together, and finally they were drifted to the beach by the waves. Both of them were in a coma for a whole day...

When Fry was a gunner, he had always been Fry's armoured man. The two of them cooperated seamlessly. In the battle of Dylans, with the excellent performance of sinking two assault ships, they were promoted by a fat man to a dragon-tooth ship. Captain, others said he was Frye's biological brother, and some people said he was Frye's shadow. He appeared wherever Frye appeared. If Fry's right hand holds Thor in a hundred, then Fry's left hand is Luke.

Standing on the messy and wide deck of the gun barn, Fry lifted the bottle of rum and almost drank half a bottle. This strong pirate wine ran down his mouth, and he didn't wipe it off, his original bronze face was slightly reddish.

"You said, what is it that we stopped here, and don't know what Master Renkai thought?" Fry turned red and complained to his brother with great dissatisfaction. "This time, we have a chance to play. Could it be Stand and watch like this? I also hope to be able to sink several of his warships again, so that we can upgrade this dragon tooth to a reinforced dragon tooth like the Longling

Luke patted his shoulder and comforted, "Don't worry, Lord Renkai's temper, you know, never do the kind of thing that looks at others eating meat and drinking soup by yourself, maybe you are waiting here, just waiting for the meat to come over. "

"Meat? How can there be any meat? Haven't you seen those people from Xihai almost eating it? By the time I go, even the bones are gone."

Frye seemed to be spurred to fight again, his eyes red and eager to try, but soon dimmed again, bowing his head, and the decadent helplessly said, "The kid from Krilan just changed the latest Dragontooth battleship, just It’s already displayed in Vicky Sea, we are all promoted to captain together, you see that the ship is beautiful, alas..."

At the moment of sighing, the urgent whistle suddenly and sharply sounded, and it was extremely harsh in the calm sea. At the beginning, there was one whistle, then two whistle, three whistle... Finally all the whistle became a piece, The sharp whistle between the ships seemed to pierce everyone's eardrum,

"Signal from flagship"

Fry and Luke looked up at the same time, looking at the tall mast above the head. There were two lookouts at the top of the mast, and one was holding the telescope to closely observe the surrounding sea.

The other one is using gestures and whistle to convey the most urgent battle information.

His gesture was vigorously split downwards, and then across his chest, he repeated this action continuously, as if the scene in front of him was so shocking that he could not express it without violent gestures.

Luke raised his face and murmured in disbelief, "Oh my God, one hundred and fifty... which lunatic fleet is this?"

"Haha is here, here is my new dragon tooth"

Fry bounced off the deck with excitement, and his face was red and white because of excessive excitement. It was really nowhere to be found, and it was all effortless to come. I did not expect to wait here, there will be such a big Pieces of meat fell,

Stimulated by the highest concentration of rum, the brown twist head seemed to have a strong wine taste. He didn't answer at all, but pulled out the cold saber with a brush, and took it beside the steering wheel, raised his scimitar, and shouted loudly.

"Notify Lao Tzu of Gunkang to press the gun personally and face the battle at nine o'clock"

At this moment, the West Sea fleets that are pursuing are already in chaos. They did not expect to encounter an enemy ambush here. On the east side of the channel just past, a black long wall appeared on the sea, as dense as a forest. Sails, almost covered by the distant sky


With a loud crash, a small warship in the West Sea was hit by the oncoming huge hull, broken wood flew, and the body floated on the surface mixed with the sea water. It was quickly set off by the waves of other warships Roll to other directions,

Everywhere is the dilapidated wreckage of the West Sea battleship,

The strong wind has become the most powerful weapon at the moment

The CNOOC Fleet equipped with a collision angle completely crashed into the battleship group of the West Sea in an unstoppable posture.

Like a huge sharp wedge plunged into the soft sand pile,

Squeeze all the previous targets and crush

Hundreds of West Sea battleships have been completely stunned,

Some ships began to choose large ships to gather together to form a battle group to protect themselves, and some warships turned to escape.

But soon he was caught up and became a captive under the collision of the CNOOC Fleet

The West Sea battleships are everywhere on the sea,

On the hull of a huge battleship~www.wuxiaspot.com~Arirovka held his long sword high, pointing to the West Sea battleship turning in front of him in a panic, laughing.

"Xihai idiots, today, I will let you know what a real naval battle is."

The sea breeze stirred, and the **** breath that the beasts ate

"Assemble, quickly, let all ships move closer to the flagship"

Huturil Red Moon in a fiery red armor, looking at the murderous ambush fleet in the distance, screamed with blood in his eyes,

Because of chasing at random, hundreds of battleships in the West Sea turned wildly on the sea,

In front of the huge fleet coming down the wind, it was like a piece of sand hitting a strict dam,

"No, it can't be stopped, miss, if you don't withdraw the men of Huturil's house, they will all be destroyed here."

An old man looked at the crumbling fleet in the distance and kneeled in front of Huturiel Hongyue with a desolate face on one knee. ...

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