Whole Nation

: Seven hundred thirty-seven Madness (4)

Text] Crazy 737 (4)


737 Madness (4)

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At 1:30 in the afternoon, when Aaron's bright sunshine finally appeared in the buildings, between the windows and the gap between the branches and leaves of the canopy, their bodies appeared. This golden light has drawn the entire city into countless oblique projections. The contrast between the shadow of "Yin" and the light makes the world clear and three-dimensional, and it becomes alive.

The Speaker of the Bernst region, Marquis Speet, sorted out Zou's robe, and pulled the armrest of the carriage down from the "door" of the carriage. He had a cute and handsome face. The curly brown hair of the "fell" person, the deep blue "color" eyes, the high "very" nose bridge and the slightly upturned chin, as the speaker of the Bernese region of Lower Dorok, he He was also a general under Dorok who had just arrived from the front line,

The 30 steps leading to the hall are full of people. They are either "crossing" their ears, or gathering in groups of three or five, holding in their hands information that they don't know, and looking away from time to time. In the direction of the closed Parliament Hall, the expression of concern was written on the face unabashedly,

Thousands of "agitated" citizens of Aaron gathered at the big "gate", and some young people wearing simple mail armor held a banner under the steps of the conference hall "Down with the tyrant, the Doroks are not cowards, down with the tyrant, down with the tyrant. "The slogan makes the messy scene even more confusing and chaotic,

"Foolish" Marquis Spitt groaned in the corner of his mouth. These young men with "excited" emotions reminded him of his youth. In Aaron's time, he was already surprised at this kind of thing. In the city of Aaron, because of the first beauty of Dorok The rumor that "female" Bosha "Hua" Li was detained by the falcon dynasty, the entire Aaron is like a lit barrel of fire "drug", it seems to change from a pacifist to a war faction overnight.

Especially the young people who are passionate and excited, they can’t wait to fight the Falcon Dynasty immediately. Although they have played a heroic role in the rescue of the United States, although there has been a fight in the Doroc Mountains, there has been no large-scale war for nearly a hundred years.

This city is located in the hinterland of the Dorok Mountain. Hundreds of years of peace have already made many young people of Aaron forget the **** war that their ancestors had to defend Aaron. The war is so far away, causing them to shout. It also seemed extremely easy. It seemed that with a slogan, it would be able to succumb to the big man who was shaking the whole continent.

If it was half a year ago, Spit may also like the young people who clamored for war, think how strong Dorok is, and always put the country, war, and the like in his mouth.

But the war with the Ruds half a year ago completely reversed Spitt's understanding of his own strength. Compared with the real mainland power, the scattered Dorok was completely incapable of World War I. Now he suddenly announced the establishment of the country and did not commit suicide. What a big difference.

Think about a few months ago, the 100,000 troops of Dorok were attacked by 50,000 Rudd troops in the Aarhus Mountains. Instead of gaining any advantage, they had to retreat hundreds of miles in just 2 months. , In the case of more than 30,000 people killed in the war, chose to give up the central city of Kotor in Dorok,

In this battle, the entire Dorok coalition nearly collapsed, the generals blamed each other, and the coordination between the military was appropriate. Spitt, who served as the commander-in-chief, suddenly realized how ridiculous his previous thoughts were.

The towering mountains and complex terrain have led the Doroks to develop a self-contained idea that although their strength is not as strong as that of Rui Dian, Ruo De, but at least compared to those second-rate Vegia, Sa RAND and other countries are stronger.

However, the fiasco of "fighting" with the Ruds undoubtedly and brutally told the Doroks that a deserted Dorok was not even comparable to a second-rate country. If it was not the timely rescue of Dorok, go to Dorok The region has long since finished, and now the German army is still watching. It is not ridiculous for the Speaker to propose the founding of the country.

"What's the situation?" Marquis Spit delivered the representative's document to the soldiers on guard. The eyebrow "Mao" slightly indicated that he was here to vote on the multi-selection of the Speaker of the State.

"Sorry, please come with me," the "waiter" guard standing at the entrance saluted him respectfully, and then summoned several court service staff wearing blue "color" robes from the adjacent lounge. Said solemnly to Marquis Spit

"Because of the special "property" of today’s issue, in order to avoid accidents in the venue, all the speakers cannot enter with weapons, and enter the lobby through the small parliament on the side of the hall, please don’t worry, we have made all preparations, Today’s resolution is an unsigned resolution. No matter what answer you fill in, no one will know who filled it.”

Under the guard. Spitt walked into the small conference hall next to the parliament hall that had not come for a long time. It is usually used as a rest room, but today is obviously different. A serious team of soldiers stood at the door, and the argument inside Enn was loud. Coming

Marquis Spit was not a rookie. He also participated in the last meeting of the Speaker of the General Assembly. Although he had already made psychological preparations, the scene in front of him surprised him. It was really "chaotic".

The side door leading to the main hall is filled with many Dorok nobles who are very concerned about this matter. They are not qualified to enter, but it does not mean that they are not qualified to listen against the wall. Seeing Spite representing the speaker Robes have given way

No wonder you want to collect weapons intentionally, but you have to get out of trouble

Passing through these nobles, Spit secretly sighed with emotion,

Although I couldn’t see the scene inside the "gate" and could not hear any "exciting" arguments, Spitt knew that behind the closed and heavy "gate", there was a major vote that determined the fate of the entire mountain kingdom Being held

The side door of the hall flooded his figure. After him, more speakers also entered the hall from the small door. www.wuxiaspot.com~ The multiple choice proposal was arranged in the afternoon vote of the Parliament One, with 30 rows of rows, can hold a 600-person discussion hall. In the dozen years after its completion, there was a phenomenon of empty seats for the first time. The 64 tribes of Doroc, all so neatly arrived for the first time. For the first time, the 600 seats in the hall were so full, everyone stretched their necks and looked at the parliament stage in the center of the hall

The protagonist of this meeting has many choices, standing quietly in front of the window with a cigarette in his hand. The straight body pulled out a slender shadow in the sunlight passing through the window, and the green smoke fluttered in the sunlight and dispersed. Behind him, there was a row of people

Douglas, personable, highly infective speech; mature, stable, trustworthy Restor; young and powerful, but more warlike than most of his peers, and more courageous General of the Dorok Border Guards Saars Alger , These are his most loyal supporters, they stand in silence. Like a strong support point standing behind the multiple choices, a personable speaker walked in from the "door" and said to the multiple choices standing in front of the window, "Sir, here you are."

"Bone Lu" even with multiple choices of firmness, thought that he would face the gaze of so many eyes, he swallowed a spit nervously, his temples were white, and he had a Chinese face, which was quite mature. Choose, just walk onto the stage of their own

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