Whole Nation

: Seven hundred thirty-seven Madness (5)

Text] Crazy 737 (5)


737 Madness (5)

In the circular collegiate hall, there were more than ten rows of ring seats in the sixty tribal speakers of Dorok, which were crowded. The atmosphere was silent and depressed. In the silence, everyone looked at the central rostrum of the rotunda.

Standing on the podium with multiple choices, his face was "red" and "agitated" with a slight reddish glow, and the white hairs that were set up like needles, making him look like a high-handed fighter. The hands on the countertop unconsciously swelled because of force. He is trying to make himself stand upright-at this most important moment in history for Dorok, he will never allow himself to be weak.

This is an important speech for him to choose. For the entire Dorok, this is the voice of a nation, and the mainland is turbulent. This is a rare opportunity for the Dorok nation to endure for thousands of years. As the chairman of the Dorok Council, he must tell all The Dorok, this bill is important to Dorok. The speech has been halfway through, and despite his exhaustion, he must persevere.

"Since it's started", the choice began to rise, and his voice echoed in the collegiate hall. "We will persevere. This may be a war, but this is the mission of each of our Doroks. We There is no choice. If we want to maintain our independence, safeguard our glory, defend our freedom, and breathe the breath of the Dorok Mountains every morning, then we must build our country and we must let our children live in a In a free, powerful, and glorious country..."

The multiple choice voices stopped, looking around the contemplative speakers, sincerely saying, "We have lived in this land for thousands of years but we have never been free,

Every year, we have tens of thousands of people who fall down because of hunger and mountain diseases. Every year, the mother cries in the arms of her child and the wife cries about her husband’s cry in the mountains of Dorok. swing"

For a thousand years, from the first kingdom of Harlembas, Dorok, was destroyed by the brutal Icadians. Time has passed for a thousand years, and we have owed too much,

We are Doroks, not Ruidians, not Rudds, not Wikyas, not Kugits, we never forget that we are Doroks,

We used to have the vastest and richest land on this continent, and once had an ocean full of fish in the south, but we could only hide in this mountainous area with poor living conditions. Like a group of cowards, we did not even have the courage to rise.

The multi-selected mouth "lip" was shaking, and his hands were squeezed, saying, "Now is the time for us to get rid of all this. The Ruidians who dominate the central part of the continent have been like the setting sun, blocking the last barrier of the development of Doroc. No longer exists,

We Dorok need living space, we need rich land, we need to have enough food to feed our family, we need to watch the children grow up in front of our eyes, we need to see the Dorok mountain range become the new center of the mainland, we need. . . . . . Now it's time for us to decide

The voice of multiple choices trembles, "I know. All of you here are deeply aware of the current situation. Even, we can predict that the founding of the country this time may face pressure from the countries of the mainland, but we have no choice.

"no choice……"

He took a deep breath, clenched his fists, and swung violently. The firm and tough facial muscles flesh, and then he gently shook: "No difficulty can stop our determination to build a country. Even if one day, the enemy 'S spear will pierce our heart again, and we will never be able to retreat because we are Dorok, we are the sons of the mountains, and the entire Dorok mountain range looks at us"

The speakers were silent. This is the first time that Doocho has said such a thing in front of everyone. He lowered his head and stared at the countertop for a long time. Multiple choices finally control his emotions. He raised his head and said firmly

"Information indicates... In order to pass on the economic difficulties caused by the civil war. The Kyoto army of the Ruidian people signed a temporary armistice agreement with the crusade forces, and the Palawan Kyoto side will send me to the Archie Mountain and Gary within a month. In the mountains of Stan, large-scale attacks were launched at the same time.

This time. They will do their best. The Musha Mountain area at the entrance of the mountain range has lost its guard last month. Now, Rui Bingchen Chen Bing is 70,000 on the border. Ready to leap over the Musha Mountains to launch an offensive against us, while in the south, the Uruid army stopped the offensive, but it may move northward at any time."

"Choose more Chinese language and be heavy" As the chairman of the Dorok Council, leading the Dorok people out of today's predicament is that I should bear all the responsibilities. Dorok, who is in the gap between the north and the south, is like a ship sailing in the wind and No matter what side I turn the rudder, there is no room for the giant midland boat. What is waiting for us is destruction. Only by establishing a nation and uniting the Dorok tribes that are separate nations can we survive this crisis."

The selective speech is over. In silence, he silently left the Speaker's Hall. All has to be done, and now, it is time to choose, and none of the speakers of the sixty tribes of Doroc spoke.

They just looked at this proposal in front of their own eyes,

This is a huge proposal. Including an administrative power structure map and a list of the division of power in each region. The speakers of each ethnic group will serve as the administrative officer according to the existing region. Dorok has no king, and the army of each ethnic group is unified into the Dorok king. The General Assembly Responsible, Kingdom affairs are uniformly voted by Parliament

In some cases, the content of this bill is not much different from the existing Doroc structure, but a unified army and unified resource scheduling will undoubtedly weaken the interests of some of the more dominant tribes, but they can also fight for To the support of more weak tribes,

From this point of view, multiple choice is a strategy of choice, which just reflects his veteran, such a big event will inevitably offend the interests of one party, since it is inevitable, use more support to even out this a little

"Let's start voting now" A chairperson Fu who presided over the deliberately tapped the hammer "Do you have anything to say, distinguished speakers?

"Before you cast a sacred vote, I want to say..." After a brief silence, a tall middle-aged speaker stood up,

He came from the Heruila area, and was just as critical as the Musha Mountains attacked by Ruidian mentioned in the multiple choices. He also knows the situation on the border best. He glanced at the people in the hall and held a document in his hand. Get up and say

"Although I don’t support the founding of the nation, because it puts the Rila people in danger, now I have to cast this vote because I understand what happened to the Musha Mountains,

A total of 12 villages, more than 3,000 people, no one survived, the unruly slaughter of the Sri Lankan army let me know that this is the price of no country. In the face of the brutal aggressors, our scattered sand will only make more Many people are hurt"

"That's right..." A grey-haired councillor stood up and equally "handed" the approval vote to the "waiter" next to him. "Unfortunately, looking at the situation in Dorok, I know that this is a In times of turmoil, thousands of years of forbearance put us in Jedi. The majestic mountains can no longer stop the aggressor’s horseshoe. We must take up our weapons, stop fighting inside, and fight like a kingdom. I doro The sword of the Warriors will surely make the mainland look sideways. If we are still in a sand, we will become prisoners held in the invader’s dungeon in a few years’ time."

The hall was very quiet, only the rustle of the speakers writing on the sandpaper with a pen,

Standing at a small window behind the lecture platform, I looked at the rolling hills in the distance with deep eyes, and the waiting time seemed to him like a kind of torment, although it has already been arranged properly, if there is no accident , This time the proposal can be easily passed, but all this is without incident


I don’t know why, I always feel that my thoughts are a little difficult to calm. I don’t know whether it is because I was too nervous. The result in the front ticket is still too concerned about the movements in certain directions.

The Doroc Cloud, who has rarely left the Doroc Mountains, was the master of the cloud, and suddenly went to the Falcon Dynasty at this most critical moment. If it is a performance, it is too insulting IQ.

Before this vote, out of courtesy,

After choosing to go to the city of Ai Lei, where the cloud of Dorok was deliberately, to meet the head of Mejcelin, and after learning that he will no longer set up a king in the program of founding the country, Mejcelin's face becomes very ugly. It's ugly. Although she didn't say anything, her tone was extremely cold and she refused to choose to invite her to vote.

Regarding this point, Docho has early psychological preparations. Few people know the origin of Doroc Cloud, known as the guardian of Doroc, but Docho is one of the few people who know very little,

The organization of Doroc Cloud has existed for thousands of years, and its members are all beautiful "female" and "sex". It sounds beautiful, but in fact it reveals blood and **** conspiracy that makes people suffocate.

The members of the first generation of Doroc Cloud are the descendants of the royal family of Harimbas who were exterminated by the Icadians thousands of years ago. The Icadians killed all the male "sex" of the royal family of Harimbass. , And set fire to the Kyoto Aire of Harlembas, and the three "females" and "sexes" of his royal family escaped in "mixing" and "chaos",

Because it is not a "female" and "sex" with many large appeals, and the army of Harlembas is almost completely destroyed. In addition, some local princes also chose to surrender to Ikadiva in order to show their generosity and eagerness for stability The Icadians in the situation did not care,

With the magical skills of the royal clan, these three descendants of Harlembas established a revenge assassination organization, the Doroc Cloud, which did not attract the attention of the upper levels of Ikadiva at the time.

Until a few years later, General Iqadiwa, who led the army to conquer the Harlembasian dynasty, had a strange look at his banquet at home, and pierced his heart with his sword in front of all guests.

This incident caused a lot of panic in the upper class of the nobles of Iqadiwa. This event was like a weird serial case, and a series of reactions soon, but in just 2 months, the high nobles of Iqadiwa There were 7 dead, and all the "color" was suicide. There was also a royal family. There was no "hair" disease on his body. Even the investigation did not know how to investigate, and even once the grievances were reported in Kyoto. Rumor has it that the once prosperous Kyoto will be "swaying" and "swaying" at night. No matter whether it is aristocrats or civilians, they dare not take the streets. The whole Kyoto is like a ghost.

Finally, the general’s housekeeper who committed suicide reported that the general had visited a mysterious concert before his death. The housekeeper suspected that the “female” at the concert was a monster, and captured the soul of the general with his technique. It was after enjoying his beautiful song that his expression was extremely low and finally chose to commit suicide

In order to clarify this incident and calm down the panic in Kyoto, the royal family of Ikadiva decided to send the hereditary "black flag" as the guard of the royal family. The black flag was the most powerful black knight combination of the Ikadiva dynasty. , These knights with strong martial arts soon targeted several suspicious Doroc "female" singers

This is a performance group, and those self-killed Kyoto nobles have one thing in common, that is, they have all been to the performance and have extremely abnormal reactions after the performance. The gods were sluggish, and the thousands of miles of chasing on both sides began like this, with 130 top royal black flags, intercepted through siege, and finally lived up to the expectations, intercepting the three Harlem Bahrain from the entrance of the Dorok Mountains to the depths of the mountains Descendants,

In one battle, the three "women" were killed and injured two times, and the black flag pursued by them all went out. The name of Doroc Cloud's phantom demon became popular. After this battle, the Iqadiwa dynasty also had to be afraid of the existence of Doroc Cloud, and it symbolized that "sex" withdrew from one tenth of the Doroc Mountains. The area, because the means of the Doroc Cloud is really inadvertently guarded, these "female" women are all long and fascinating, and it is extremely difficult to deal with, even King Iqadiwa also feels some fear.

Of course, this is a thousand years ago, after the evolution of the Doroc Cloud for thousands of years, it has transformed from a simple killer organization into a dark organization with huge power.

Its countless roots have long been deeply embedded in this continuous mountain range. It has affected the direction of Dorok's travel several times. At least it is known by many choices. At the beginning, it was married to Princess Remmell of Sri Lankan in a sacrifice. , Is a "female" head of Doroc Cloud,

Princess Moore’s motive for marrying into the royal family of Sri Lankan was not to prevent the army of the Sri Lankan army from entering the Dorok Mountains, but precisely to use the power of the Sri Lankan people to restore the ruined Harlem Bass. dynasty,

It's a pity that this was seen by the powerful Hatchis the Great. Throughout his life, Hatches the Great didn't step into the Dorok Mountains, because he knew that the moment when he conquered the Dorok Mountains was his death ,

Even if he knew the truth, Hudges the Great could not bear to kill the beautiful and flamboyant Rimmell like a colorful cloud. Besides, he knew that under the penetration of the Doroc Cloud, many of his generals had already betrayed.

After his death, the succeeding crown prince quickly imprisoned Princess Remmell according to his will, but still led to the "chaos" that almost shook the country.

There is never real greatness in the eyes of politicians, and the truth is always cruel and daunting,

As a matter of fact, when I chose to know from a certain channel, I was shocked that I hadn’t come back for a long time. Princess Remmell has always been his idol. His ambition to found the country was because of the influence of Princess Remmell,

Knowing this now, it has strengthened the determination to choose no royal family,

"Sir, the voting results come out." Douglas came in from the front "door", holding a statistical table in his hand, interrupting his multi-choice thoughts, the sun shining through the window, the sun setting like fire, and resting. The room also glowed faintly red

"Oh, how's the situation?" I chose to take it a little bit nervously. I glanced at the data calculated above. It was quite a good result. Of the 600 speakers, 474 agreed, 120 abstained, 26 opposed, Dorok. The proposal of founding a country was finally passed smoothly.

"Long live, Dorok," with the announcement of statistics, thousands of Aaron people gathered at the large "door" of the Chamber of Auditors cheered one after another,

Listening to the loud cheers from outside, looking at the cheering crowd through the window, the report will be held tightly in the hands of multiple choices, and the tense face finally shows a sign of relaxation,

Although there are 120 abstention votes, most of them are patriarchs close to the Ai Lei area. Everyone knows that the real master in that area is the Doroc Cloud, but their abstention votes show that the most feared before In the end, Roque Cloud did not make a shot. The biggest obstacle was no longer there. I was afraid that Doroque Cloud would use its powerful influence to pull back the "legs". Now it seems that it is completely redundant, even if it is Doroc. The cloud is also not able to reverse the current situation

Dorok will build a powerful, no royal, fair, and no oppressive country, and choose to know that this road will be very long, and may not even see the goal achieved throughout his life, but he has already marked it. In a direction of travel, as long as you go down this road, Dorok will surely have a strong day


At this moment, there was a rush of footsteps coming out behind him, a middle-aged man with a dizzy look, wearing a speaker's uniform, trotting in almost no manners, waiting to see the appearance of the coming person, choose more The "color" of his face changed slightly, and the rest came to be known for his stability. The expression at this moment undoubtedly showed that something must have happened.

"Sir, look at this," Reister panicked the information in his hands in a panic.

"Well? How is this possible?" I took the document with a suspicious look and confused it. My eyes suddenly turned white, and the hand holding the document shivered uncontrollably~www.wuxiaspot.com~ With a bitter smile in his mouth, "The cloud of Doroc still took our precautions, but I didn't expect them to make this move."

"War, war, long live Dorok" window excitement "exciting" sound like "wave" "tide" came, but many choices felt a cold body

Heavy rain was falling, and raindrops like beads dropped on the half-covered window sill, turning into crystal clear drops of water splashing "shot". The sky lowered, and the whole mansion was enveloped in a white "color" rain mist,

On the Guangping in the hall along the road, a team of black armor guards covered with brown "color" waterproof "hair" felt patrolling back and forth on the ground, their footsteps neatly stepped like a low muffled thunder in the rain and twilight Scroll in,

At the farther gate of the mansion, the iron railings on the blue and big gates have been washed away by the rain. The hundreds of guards responsible for the guard duty are wearing waterproof felt cloaks. They stand The figure has become a fixed black dot in the blurry rain,

The fat man folded his hands backwards, gazing at the white "color" rain curtain outside, and an adjutant **** "color" gladly pushed open the door. "Your Majesty, the dark-stinged Miss Aisha asked to see that she had a way to save Saceri." Princess Silk"

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