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: 747 Attacks Yamaguchi (4)

Volume III Overlord's Big 6] 747 strikes Yamaguchi (4)

747 strikes the mountain pass (4)

Baozi sincerely thanks: neybear21 voted 1 monthly ticket; Final Fantasy voted 2 monthly tickets;

at dusk,

The slanting sun of Emila Pass is in the gorge covered with rocks, dragging out long and strange shadows, the rolling hills are reflected in the golden "color" sunset, the wild "flowers" in the mountains, accompanied by a burst The sound of a tumbling horseshoe trembles on the semi-protruding rock wall,

The cold wind of the cracked valley screamed into the front corner, just like hitting a huge wall and bursting into a violent cry, turning in one direction and rushing out, bringing out a burst of hissing sound,

Horseshoes fluttering, sweaty Varisian, some can't wait to jump up the mountain slopes in front, and behind the "chaotic" horseshoes, the crushed stones flew "shot", hitting the interlocking stone walls for a while. Stormy crisp

"Speed ​​up, the whole army passed quickly!"

The rough and temporary map of the mountain road in his hand was tightly pinched into a ball. Varisian lifted the whip "excitedly" and shouted that 6,000 falcon light cavalry took up the sky where he could see it. The smoke and dust, like a huge steel rolling dragon under the golden "color" sunset, the vast "dang" "dang" poured out from the narrow pass of the mountain pass, the sunset was like blood, shining on the falcon light cavalry as a re-release On her face, dye the light chain mail on her body with a rolling blush

At the end of the huge mountain road is a huge exit about a meter wide,

Just like the giant teeth opened by a beast, it is facing a piece of grass filled with green "color". There is the exit of Emira Mountain Road that I have been looking for a day. Outside the scene of the "chaotic" stone in the mountain, there is a scene of "color". The beautiful, undulating plain of green "color" suddenly appeared in front of everyone, giving people an awe-inspiring feeling

Prais, who was behind the team, truce the horse at the mountain pass. His face "skinned" with some emotion, the vast earth in front of him,

This is a beautiful forest area, with dense alder trees and the shade of tender white birch trees, the plain wind blowing through, the desolate and desolate road in the wilderness, and the endless green "color" earth all around, extending like a gorgeous meadow carpet To the distant sky

This beautiful land gave him a sense of inexplicable grief. Once upon a time, here was a country where he had vowed and would rather give up his life to protect.

But now that the protector has become an aggressor, he is getting farther and farther from that ideal path. Leaving Rui Erdian and surrendering to the Falcon dynasty, such a move is an enduring decadence? Or will it spread in the name of a generation of capable officials? No one knows,

But Prais knew that this road was very tortuous, but he had to go,

Palawan has been unable to fulfill its original commitment to protect the people. Sooner or later, the civil war for power and profit will bring the whole country to an end, and millions of people of the Sri Lankan people will also be trapped.

Even if he is stigmatized, he must carry out the oath that has been guarded for hundreds of years. The dark nobles have never loyal to the king, but the people of Rui Dian, a group of people who bear the noble’s "fine" English consciousness, even in the face of darkness , Also take responsibility

Now the only person who can end all the turmoil and restore the rest of peace to Reidian is the falcon, who is high on the throne in the north. This is the general trend and the reason why Prais finally decided to surrender.

At a distance of 5 miles from the mountain pass, Varisian ordered to rest on the spot, and then sent a squadron of cavalry to return along the mountain road to lead the falcon army after two days.

The sky was "shadowed" and "yin" was dripping, and the sky was drizzled with "Mao" and "Mao". The raindrops hit the ceiling of the military tent, and there was a rustling sound. The tent that the light was shining was full of yellow. Halo of

With a torch on the pillar of the tent, Varisian looked at the map hanging behind him with some headaches. At the military meeting, His Majesty Falcon's requirements for this attack were extremely strict, and even reached an unreasonable point.

"Sir, Deputy Chief Praise is here!" At this time, the voice of the guard came to the door from the door,

"Please come in!" Varisian raised her head from the map with a frowning face, and was seeing the deputy chief wearing a rain cloak open the door.

The young man who sent him was gone. Presumably, he was kept by Prais in the army. When he came so actively from Prais, he could express his kindness and get the recognition of the other party.

Varisian quickly got up from his seat and saluted Prais,

"If this time it wasn't for adults to help get the map of the mountain road! Our army might have to turn on the mountain road for a day, delaying the fighter plane of your majesty's army going south, even if you have the merits of battle, according to the temper of His Majesty Falcon, you will definitely I was slashed in front of more than one hundred thousand troops with high fighting spirit, to stabilize the floating military heart."

"My lord saved my life this time! Please also be worshipped by Varisian!" God of Varisian's "satisfaction" said with gratitude

Although he is a high-powered legion chief, this deputy commander of His Majesty Falcon, and the commander-in-chief of this assault,

Behind his 6,000 forward cavalry, the 15,000-infantry infantry led by Prais was the main force of this attack, and his other troops will have to wait until the army is dispatched tomorrow.

"Everyone is a colleague, just put your hands up!" Prais glanced over the account and asked a little sleepy and "bewildered" "I want to ask, why is the army standing still since the mountain pass!"

Varisian rolled up the map on the wall and came to Prais, hesitantly said, "This is also the reason why the subordinates invited adults to come. Although we passed the mountain pass, the subordinates really did not know, How to fight our army's first battle out of the mountain pass! This battle is related to the success or failure of the entire southern battle, making it really difficult for me to decide!"

"Are you worried about who you should fight first?" Prais said softly. He deserved to be a battle-hardened veteran of Rui Erdian. With his eyes, of course, he knew Varisian. The 6,000 cavalrymen are all first-class "fine" sharp. The "fine" of their riding is not inferior to the Kugits of the northern grasslands. In fact, more than half of them are Kugits.

Although there are 80,000 noblemen in the south, most of them are weak infantry. Do you have enough mobile cavalry to contain the enemy? If you face an unexpected surprise attack by 6,000 cavalry, you only need a few shocks. Varisian It’s more than enough to hit the opponent’s loose defense line,

Since it is undecided, it is naturally annoying for the first attack target.

Thinking of which point to attack at the meeting first, His Majesty the Falcon did not know, but made a request that made people want to hit the wall, no matter who you fight, anyway, before the army goes south to occupy the six cities, you must not let the slightest news pass. , Such demanding requirements, no wonder makes Varisian so embarrassed

"My Excellency the Deputy Chief, this time I can't do anything at all!" Varisian smiled bitterly, spread his hands, and asked the guards to take the map off the wall and spread it on the table in front of them.

Varisian pointed at the map and said, "Your Excellency, please, here is the city of Dris that is closest to our army's attack on the mountain pass. If you can't win it in the first time, the acquired army will certainly be able to exceed its ears!"

Varisian's voice paused, condensed, "According to the information obtained beforehand, it is responsible for stationing here. It is the Rida Corps in the southern noble army. This is a group that is excluded from the mainstream regular army. The second-rate army formed with the Liumin has poor weapons and equipment, and its combat effectiveness is almost equal to zero. The only role may be to serve as cannon fodder.

Such an army with no status is better known as defending Emila Pass, which is actually equivalent to a banishment in disguise. It is ridiculous for the opponent to arrange it here, but it is actually a very powerful trap."

"Oh, the trap?" Staring at the location of Varisian's finger, Prais's pupil narrowed and took a deep breath. It was in Dris City, which was not far enough from the Emila Pass. It is the closest point to the mountain pass and the most advanced position on the defense line of the entire southern noble army. It is like an eye nailed to the Emira Pass. If there is a little wind and grass, it will immediately send the news back. No wonder Varisi Eun went to this place at first glance, indeed the most threatening position

"The opponent has almost no strength in a battle, so it is the most troublesome!" Varisian tapped the map with his fingers and explained, "The so-called defense of this legion is that when the army is present, the whole army quickly flees and will The news brought back, there are 8,000 rushed troops who panic and chaos, including the famous light cavalry, such a group of scattered soldiers who have no fighting will. Once the battalion is blown up, I have to rely on my limited hands. All the troops were intercepted, and no trace of wind was passed back to the top of the noble army. How easy it was!

It's really troublesome! "Prois froze," he didn't expect Varisian to consider such meticulousness. No wonder he was able to ambush and kill the Eastern General Bogolzamu. Varisian's grasp of the fighter and the enemy on the battlefield. The status of the two sides is very well understood. I think of an opponent who will run away from the wind if he sees the enemy~www.wuxiaspot.com~,

Praise’s calmness also frowned, and he finally knew what Valisian was worried about. This time he went south, he just went out of the mountain pass and caused the news to leak. Not only did all the preparations in the front give up, but also It may also be encountered from both sides of Palawan Kyoto while going south,

Such a situation is tantamount to exposing the violence behind more than one hundred thousand troops under the long sword of the Rui Erdian, and they will fall into the edge of destruction at any time.

After gazing at the map for a while, Prais frowned slightly, hesitating for a moment, and said to himself "If you want to keep the news out, you should just cut off the connection between the six cities and Kyoto, but only There are more than a dozen major roads connecting the six cities to Kyoto. Even if you divide your troops and cut them, it is difficult to ensure that they will not cause suspicion in Kyoto. This is the most critical place."

"Disconnect?" Hearing Praise's words, Varisian's face "skinned" thoughtfully froze for a moment, then his face "skinned" rejoicingly, "I know what to do!"

"Oh? How?"

Prais is a little sleepy and "confusing" to him. Just now, he is, he wants to cut off the connection between the Six Cities and Kyoto in one fell swoop.

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