Whole Nation

: Seven hundred and forty-eight attacked Yamaguchi (5)

The white rain silk slipped from the black sky and dripped on the ancient and vicissitudes of the ruins of the city of Bernka,

The white splash hit the hard table stone and splashed around,

Like a large area of ​​crystal clear flowers, blooming on the wall covered with blue vines,

The blue suspension bridge was washed like old watercolor in the rain,

A team of black shadows slowly approached the moat in the heavy rain,

"Stop, who?"

The shout of guard soldiers came from the city head, and then the brazier at the gate of the city gate was lit by a city gate guard with a tired look. In the firelight, the black shadow in front seemed not to stop. I stopped before the suspension bridge,

"We are the light cavalry of the city of Deris and we encountered heavy rain on our way back, hoping to enter the city and avoid it"

When a tall black figure lifted his hood first, revealing a young face, he raised his head and responded with a regular accent in the southern accent of Sri Lankan. At this time, the defenders on the city wall could see clearly Behind him is a team of cavalry covered in waterproof cloaks,

The tall and unusual warhorse was wearing light mail armor. Under the torchlight, the metal plate on the cavalry mail armor shone with a red luster. Unfortunately, these knights had a blue vest on their faces, and the rain fell along their cloaks. Flowing on the ground, the ticking sound gives a cold feeling,

The flashing electric light shone on the face of the light cavalry, and he could not see the appearance at all. The only thing that could be seen was the cold eyes radiating from the face, allowing the raindrops to hit the armor on the body, splitting and splitting. A piece of white water, in the silent silence, only heard the "pop" sound of rain drops falling on the ground

"You are the light cavalry of Dris?

"The defenders on the castle wall looked at it casually, and sneered a bit dismissively, because the sky was too dark, he did not notice the flash of joy in the eyes of these cavalry,

The so-called Dries Light Cavalry, everyone knows what is going on. The light hussars of **** are basically a group of robbers who rob the caravans. Just like their infamous masters, they are all without knightly glory. The guy who said it was a group of robbers who beat the house and robbed the house, because they turned to the robber leader of Rida, because the number of more than 1,000 people was organized into a cavalry squadron, specializing in the dirty work of robbing the caravan

Hearing the familiar southern accent below, this guard officer didn’t think much about it. These guys knocking on the door in the middle of the night are not uncommon. For the Red Army who are in short supply, for the robbery of the caravan, Has already become a necessary means for its maintenance,

I thought these poor guys didn’t wait for their prey, but they hit the sudden heavy rain, so they were so embarrassed. If they came out tomorrow and they were close to these robbers tonight, it would be a shame.

"Let them come in"

In the direction of the suspension tower, he waved listlessly and ordered the people over there to pull up the suspension bridge. "Giggle" pulled the iron lock of the suspension bridge and slowly lifted it, making an unpleasant metal friction in front of the black armored cavalry.

A few minutes later, the heavy horseshoes of the cavalry, slowly stepped on the suspension bridge, the queue was very slow, but a dozen cavalry walked for seven or eight minutes, there was a burst of laughter from the tower, it was obviously mocking these cavalry too timid By the way, this suspension bridge has been specially strengthened, and even if it is weighed several times, it will never break

"Slap" a silver lightning flashed across the sky, drawing a curved trace,

There was a dull thunder vibrating in the sound of water droplets in the raindrops. Just as Thor was rolling above his head, a light cavalry who stood in front of the sling lifted a sharp curved long sword in the lightning, "嘡啷嘷"A brittle sound of metal fracture sounded in the rainy night, the suspension bridge wire was broken from the middle, "snap" hung on one end of the suspension bridge, and hit the bridge surface like a broken tail.

"What's going on?" The dozen defenders on the city wall looked at the broken sling completely silly. Their first image was. These guys in Dris are crazy. These guys who grab things every day even use their slings to vent their dissatisfaction.

"You pigs, pigs, that's a sling, not a **** a truck." A soldier who got up to pee in the middle of the night heard the scolding of his captain and felt like he was making a fuss. He spit on the battlement and raised his hand to prepare Walk towards the city wall channel,

Suddenly a dazzling light flashed in front of his eyes, and then a metal impact sound came from the gate below. The guard inadvertently glanced at the gate. The whole body was cold, and the hand holding the pants unconsciously loosened the pants. Fall to the ground,

I saw that under the city gate torchlight, a cavalryman in armor emerged from the darkness not far away like a black ghost. The light shining from his own eyes just now was when the sky lightning crossed. The white reflection on the cavalry armor

At the gate of the city, the black crushed heads are like a crowd of ants. These armored cavalry hold a long, cold sword in their hands, and silently but swiftly pass through the gate of the city.

The black armor on the cavalry was dazzling in the light of the torch, and it was like a demon killed in the dark in the eyes of the defender

The cries of "enemy attack" exhausted all over the city instantly.

"Army attack"

In the dark forest in the distance, Varisian raised his command knife in his hand at the same time. The bright mail armor glowed with white flowers in the rain. The rain flowed down his thin cheeks. He lay on his horse and bent his body. Formed into an arch, tightly pressed against the undulating horseback, the war horse quickly accelerated like the wind

"Kill" Thousands of light cavalry's shouting sound accompanied by the dull thunder in the air~www.wuxiaspot.com~Plais waiting 10 miles away, looking at the castle with fire in the distance, his face dignified Turned around,

Behind him, the 15,000 army was already ready to go. The rain hit the faces of these determined warriors and turned into a dense white splash. The black-pressed figure carried a world-destroying momentum.

The elite level of the Falcon dynasty army has made Prais also have to admit that it has far exceeded the level of Rui Erdian's original heyday. Every soldier here can be turned into a fearless dead soldier. They are equipped with the most Good weapons have the best commanders, they are the most powerful army of this era,

At the beginning of the Bernakala attack, when he was heading towards the target city of Dris, this was a gamble. Since the Southern Noble Army set an eye in the direction of Dris, then start from the middle and completely cut off the eye. The connection with the ontology, the location of the Bernka Castle, is at this node,

Due to its proximity to the Emira Mountains, Dries City has always had poor traffic. If you want to enter the vast southern plains, you must pass through the location of the city of Bernka, otherwise, you must walk on the Baili Mountain Road. If all goes well, then At that time, the army of His Majesty Falcon had already gone south,

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