Whole Nation

: 782 Doroc Offensive (9)

Volume III Overlord's Continent] 782 Doroc Offensive (9)


782 Doroc Offensive (9)

"Kill, the cavalry iron flow down like a huge black rolling dragon into the crowd of the Bernese, the glaring Wikki cavalry sword was raised high, the Bernese infantry only felt the flowers in front of them, countless cold lights Already dropped with the whistling air tear,

A large piece of knife light flashed in the collapsing queue of the Berne tribe, "Ah" the horses galloped past, the Berne soldiers rolled and fell on the ground, and 2,000 light cavalry washed the crowded queue in front of the hurricane. Like a side knife, the left wing of the Bernese army was cut into two pieces with a brush, and the flying horseshoes drowned hundreds of Bernese infantry on the impact arc.

"Fight now!" Seeing that the light cavalry of the Falcon Army was chasing after him, Bernton Sue knew that he could no longer escape, otherwise, once the whole army collapsed, the cavalry of these Falcon Army would be like wolves on the grassland Followed by a group of soldiers, drove and attacked, until everyone was exhausted and could not run again, and then easily harvested their lives one by one.

He quickly hurriedly fought, and shouted to the dozen squadrons that were still intact. At this moment, in front of the forest less than 200 meters from the Bernese, Caesar Sauron also pulled out his command knife.

"The whole army is advancing!" The command knife waved forward, and 15,000 Falcon soldiers, like a thick black line, appeared on the flanks of the Bernese, "advancing" ten thousand falcons wearing heavy armor The spear soldiers formed several black walls, and countless spears were like a dreadful thorny wall in the sun


Ten thousand pairs of feet were walking at a neat pace, making a thundering sound that shook the earth, squeezing towards the left wing of the chaotic Bernese, creaking! A violent squeeze collision sound, the front row of the Falcon army spear soldiers fiercely hit the Berne defense line

"Spear spear assault!" In the falcon heavy spearmen shouted in unison, the neat spear slammed into the panicked Bernese queue opposite, and the "splash" special sharp spear tip, pierced With the Bernese light-armed spearmen’s weak armor, it’s like tearing a fragile piece of paper. A large piece of blood is pulled out of the enemy with the spear tip, and the bright red blood shoots out of the wound, just like a tent. The fog exploded in the middle of the queue squeezed by both sides,

"Mah" En clan spearman was hit hard from the side by experienced falcon spearmen without any queue at all. The soldiers encountered such a powerful enemy for the first time, the opponent's skilled skills and good protection Force, let the Bernese spearmen fight for the first time, and lay down about a thousand corpses,

However, the falcon spearmen with heavy armor protection fell only a few hundred people. The black spear that was constantly advancing, tore a huge opening in the left wing of the Bernese, and cut off the guards on both sides. One’s killing contrast made Bernton Su, who also pinned hopes on infantry melee, completely desperate,

The good fight of the Falcon Army has frightened the Bernese, and the spearman fell in the front, and the dozen or so formations as the reserve team in the back also appeared shaken, regardless of the companion in the front, the commander in the back Almost all of them gave orders to temporarily retreat, the ground was trembling violently, and the light cavalry of the Falcon cavalry was pressing towards their defense line!

The horse's mane with flying horses is like a group of leaping war flags. Behind the cavalry charge, the Bernese clan that was torn apart by the front runs in embarrassment. For the sake of escape, the weapons and the war flag are still on the ground. After chasing it, this dark cloud is expanding rapidly, and even occupies all the vision of everyone. The mountains and the wild are black armored falcon soldiers, which almost cover up the color of the earth. The heavy armor of the falcon infantry advances unstoppably. !

In a scream of "screaming", the falcon light cavalry was already like a huge triangular arrow cluster, and it met with a shaking squadron. This squadron in contact was instantly cut by a sharp knife. The light cut was cut in half, and the army was war-free. Everyone could come out. They fell into the ambush circle of the Falcon Army. This squadron did not even have the most basic resistance, and was broken up.

Following this, the horses of the light cavalry rushed into the second team effortlessly, and the second team was suddenly rushed into the army. This situation completely shaken the determination of the Bernese to continue fighting. Under the same strength, the Falcon Army 'S fighting power defeated the soldiers

"Withdraw, withdraw immediately!"

Burnton Su vigorously beat the warhorse and took his guard first to retreat from the front, because the position of the battle flag made him a target that the falcon cavalry chased and released, and the road was full of broken Bernese, heard The news of the defeat in the front, followed by about 150,000 Bernese civilians who bombed the battalion on the spot

In order to wipe out the defeat of the Berne clan as soon as possible, Caesar Soron had to transfer a main flag group originally used to prevent the fleeing of the Berne clan to transfer reinforcements. As a result, the soldiers could not find that one. The flag group of more than 5,000 people learned afterwards that the Bernese people of more than 50,000 people ran across the main flag group during the fleeing.

In the case of a frontline victory, the leader of the flag issued a chase order. The excited Falcon soldier chased the fleeing Bernese race and ran away, leaving the main battlefield thirty miles away, worse The thing is, they lost their way in the dark. Can't find the way back.

Without any cover, the news of a penetrating deep into the hinterland of the Bernese tribe caused Caesar Sauron to punch an angry fist on the nearby tree trunk, and the yellow leaves fell from the height.

After hesitating for a while, Caesar Sauron turned and ordered "The whole army pursued!" On that dark night, 30,000 Falcon troops and more than 100,000 fleeing Bernese tribes played peek-a-boo in the mountains, and Bernese, who was familiar with the terrain Compared with the clan, the falcon army wearing heavy armor and slow motive power is obviously at a disadvantage.

If it weren’t for the 2,000 light cavalry who were chasing the main force of the Bernese race, Caesar Sauron and the heads of the flags under his command would be almost dizzy by the rolling hills and ravines in front of him.

Obviously it was a mountain, and I didn’t find it until I climbed to the top of the mountain. It turned out that this was just the footing of a larger mountain, or it was a bottomless gully that could engulf everything in the mist, so there were hundreds of soldiers. Disappear for no reason

At this moment, Caesar Sauron fully understood why the fat man did not advocate that he should take the initiative to attack. According to the law of His Majesty Falcon, war should pay attention to the time, the geography, and the harmony of the people. The opponent's every move is under his eyes,

However, once entering the other party’s area, these advantages that were beneficial to themselves were completely lost. This is the home of the Berne tribe, but in this complex mountain range, oneself and the 30,000 troops under him are blind.

Looking at the endless deep mountain ranges, rolling canyons, and large swaths of evergreen pine forests like crests, Caesar Sauron, who just felt that he had the winning chips, tasted the bitter taste of near failure for the first time.

Although he has not failed yet, everything is messed up. He not only does not know where the Bernese are, but also loses contact with the two main banner groups under his command. Even if he wants to retreat and then gather, there is no way. If he leads the main force of the legion Forcibly retreating, it is tantamount to throwing the two flags deep into the mountains in the mountains, waiting to be swallowed by the Bernese

Caesar Sauron decided to take a risk. He ordered the scout cavalry to light three fires on the flat rock on the top of the main force. The black smoke quickly attracted a nearby flag group looking for the main force of the Bernese.

"Sir, the third banner regiment Nagano Suhaili reports to you!" A middle-aged officer with a disoriented look came riding from the opposite side, and he looked ashamed to Caesar Sauron. He was the banner leader who ordered the chase without permission. , Because of his unauthorized attack, in order to avoid him from being ambushed by the Bernese, Caesar Sauron could not continue to issue an order of full pursuit,

After discussing for a while, Caesar Sauron was confirmed from the flag leader’s mouth that the Bernese were completely messed up, and their clan was thus in the same direction, towards Nilas in the east of the mountain. River retreat

"Adults, if you don't have a specific goal, you might as well concentrate on capturing the Nilas River, grabbing the main force of the Bernes, and cutting off their only back path." The third flag regiment Suheli Nagano stood upright in front of Caesar Sauron. , Out loud his ideas to Caesar Sauron

"In this chaotic situation, the opponent must have the same headache. More than 100,000 people are scattered in the mountains. If it is easy to gather together, otherwise it will not be counterattacked until now.

Although there are more than 100,000 Bernes in front of them, most of them are civilians with no combat strength. The actual combat strength is already less than 10,000, and it is still a chaotic situation.

The opposing commander must be like us, losing effective command of the troops, and everyone is fighting. "

Ye Suhaili pointed to the front of the mountain and his voice paused. "The situation is very obvious. Whoever can gather troops to restore order faster will win."

Caesar Sauron nodded secretly. Ye Suhaili was right. Instead of playing hide-and-seek with the Bernese in the mountains, it would be better to drag the battlefield to a specific place, so that the battle could be quickly cleared, as long as Berne The main force of the clan is exposed on the front of the legion. With the fighting power of the falcon army, it can easily defeat this remnant enemy

"Let's take the Nilas River first!" Caesar Sauron's expression affirmatively agreed with Ye Suhaili's plan, and the 20,000 Falcon Army turned towards the river area on the east side of the mountain range.

A day later, on the turbulent Lancang River, the roaring slings of rock throwing roared like a thunderous quake in the sky, and the Falcon Army and the 5,000 defenders left by the Bernese started fierce offensive and defensive warfare. This is the retreat of the Berne clan. The five thousand soldiers left are all warriors who voluntarily leave the clan for the clan.

Tens of thousands of falcon soldiers rode across the river with wooden platoons tied along the river. The Bernes on the opposite side met with unique pointed wooden boats. The two armies circled each other on the river, smashed, bumped, sprinted, long On the surface of the river, the boat crossing the river has already broken off the surface of the river. The turbulent water rushed straight away,

The simple wooden platoon of the Falcon Army and the Berne's horn boat opposite the rectification together.

The Abbots Corps, which had never fought in water battles, appeared chaotic. A lot of wooden rows hit the front together on the back, causing many soldiers to fall into the water and be washed away by the torrent.

Most of the soldiers of the Aberdeen Regiment are from the northern inland areas of Wikya. No one has experience in water warfare. The soldiers are not stable on the wooden platoon. They can only fight in a semi-squat position. Suppress, 5,000 Bernese soldiers who are familiar with water, almost cost Caesar Sauron a heavy price

The battle continued into the middle of the night, the two armies engaged in battle night after night, countless torches shone on the surface of the river like a day, and the black pressure of falcon soldiers crossing the river covered the river bank and the ground like ants.

The white reflection of the weapon is like a wave of water turning over the river, and the fighting continues. In the dark night sky, the clusters of arrows reflected in the fire light continuously floated across the river, adding a few gorgeous and dreamy tones to this cruel picture intertwined with blood.

At dawn the next day, under the impact of waves of falcon troops, the defenders of the Bernes finally chose to retreat, and the road of more than 100,000 Bernes was completely cut off.

"The news of the loss of the Nilas River" produced an unprecedented shock within the Berne tribe. That is an army of 5,000 warriors in the tribe. The combat strength is definitely much stronger than the 20,000 troops in charge of opening the way. By the way, according to the fact that the river surface was forcibly defeated by the falcon army, it is enough to prove that the falcon army is coming

Soon, new news came, and the embarrassed and embarrassed Bernton Su personally led a force of less than 8,000 people to attack the Nilas River. The crossbowmen of the Falcon Army completely blocked the river with crossfire, relying on the water The 8,000 Bernese soldiers in Shuifudu suffered heavy casualties, and the dense bodies almost blocked the downstream river channel, and Burnton Su also died in the chaos.

At this moment, the Berne finally felt that they were getting closer and closer to the demise, and there were more and more people of the Berne gathering on the River Ness every day, first several thousand people, then tens of thousands, and finally became More than one hundred thousand embarrassed refugees, these Bernes in front of this 100-meter-long river, facing the falcon war flag flying opposite, felt an uncontrollable despair

"No, this battle cannot be fought!"

On the top of the mountain opposite the river, the tribal leaders of the previous main battles were all gray-faced, and they wandered in the mountains for more than ten days, and then blew the river wind for a few days by the river. Whose face Not red and black,

The Falcon Army cut off the way back, and more than 100,000 people can’t wait to die here, but forcibly attacking the river and undoubtedly commit suicide.

Burnsland, the patriarch who had been neglected, finally got the right to speak within the clan,

He glanced at the leaders and pointed at the falcon war flag flying across the river, saying, "If you want to live, there is only one way. Surrender, as long as the falcon dynasty is willing to accept us, all conditions can be promise!"

Great! "Some leaders hesitated, and all the conditions can be promised, which is tantamount to admitting to give up dominance, and truly attributed to the management of the Falcon Dynasty,

"Don't agree? Then you are responsible for opening a way for the tribe!"

Burnsland waved his hands disdainfully and snorted. He knew too much about these guys. Surrendering the Falcon dynasty might be a good choice for the entire tribe, but for the leaders who are used to the privileges and used to the high, It’s not a taste anymore. People don’t reach despair, they always have a chance

Thinking of Burnton Sue who died in the river a few days ago and the 8,000 soldiers under his command, all the leaders shrank their heads subconsciously and opened a way? It’s brave to listen to it, and it’s bad to hear it. Think of Bornton Su. How brave a person is.

This time it was not the same as a defeat by the Falcon Army. The 20,000 army did not even have a photo, so the brave and fought Falcon Army played a pair, causing the people who followed to have to blindly escape. It’s a shame to get up,

"Why, do you have any comments?" Burnsland glanced at everyone's dodge eyes, and finally asked, "If there is no opinion, I will send someone to cross the river to contact!"

No. 23 West Street, Airey City,

"Sir, we still have to stay here more?" Bosha Huali struck a plain long dress, leaning side by side with the fat man on the torrent of the river flowing from the villa window, his white hand gently supported his chin, and hesitantly murmured. Road,

"I don't know about this. Here, I am a guest! When can I leave? I have to ask the owner!"

The fat man did not lift his head, but sat on the bench in the living room leisurely, gazing vigorously at a map depicting the polar country in his hand. Ever since he promised that the alien princess Austin Yundai would invite the Turites Later, the fat man’s residence was temporarily set in the mansion of the alien princess,

The flag of the Vickia Falcon hung outside has caused the shock of the Dorok Coalition outside the city, and the subsequent spying has also occurred frequently. Both the Dorok and the Nords are extremely concerned about this thing,

The 200 Vikya Guards have been instructed to take charge of the main government hall in the city. Several layers of guards inside and outside are like iron barrels, making the investigation of the Doroc and Nords unsuccessful.

No one would think that the real Vickia Falcon is not in the political hall where all eyes are on, but a remote and alien settlement, because the fat man is a key figure related to whether his sister can detoxify.

Austin Yundai is also very polite to fat people, accompanied by art such as thin Sari flowers, and chatting with beautiful and unique interracial princesses.

The fat man's life is very comfortable. The only thing that is missing is perhaps the cold waiter of Austin Yundai. He always looks very contemptuous to the fat man, as if he is looking at a cheat who deceived his master.

"You two are really here, what is this?"

At this time, there was a shattered footsteps outside the door. The Austin Princess, Austin Yundai, came in from the outside with a pale face, holding a notice from the city's interior office. Will appear like the one posted at the entrance of the Interior Hall, but the look on her face shows that this announcement is by no means simple

"Something" Tulle Hua Liqi took over, the fat man casually drank the water on the table, seemed indifferent

"The Berne tribe has fallen~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The Bernese tribe of the second largest tribe in the north of Dorok has surrendered to the Falcon Dynasty three days ago!" Austin Yundai's pretty face was completely incredible The expression, said, "The Burns have a population of nearly 200,000, and more than 30,000 troops. How can they not be in front of the Falcon Army for a few days?"

"Slap" Who knows that her voice has just fallen, she is opening the announcement, and the future and observing Bosha Huali has got up in horror, the announcement is only half open in her hand, and she fell heavily from her hand to the ground,

"Did you do it?"

She stared closely at the laid-back fat man next to her and suddenly asked an inexplicable sentence. She followed the fat man from Palawan once, so only she knew what role the fat man played in this incident. , From the beginning to the end, the Bernese have never escaped the palm of this man with a harmless face,

"Don't do anything, rely on me"

The fat man got a confused look, picked up the notice that fell on the ground, glanced at it, and placed it on the table. The look seemed to have given Bo Sha a gorgeous answer. Only Austin Yundai next to him touched it completely. Not mind


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