Whole Nation

: Seven hundred and eighty-three sea breeze (1)

Volume III Overlord's Continent] 783 Sea Breeze (1)


783 Sea Breeze (1)

Baozi sincerely thanks: Gu Dazu voted 1 monthly ticket for not vomiting bone;

When Austin Yundai left, Bosha Huali opened the notice on the table again, glanced at the fat man with a bitter look, and leaned over quietly.

"Now the entire mountain range in the north of Dorok is under your control. Can you promise me a request? Will the 200,000 surrendering bern tribe be treated well in the north of Dorok, who will soon become your subjects?"

"Your request is a little too high." The fat man raised his head, a little silent, and decided to tell Bosha Huali the truth. "The news came from Caesar Sauron, because there were too many people surrendering this time, plus the first northern tribe. The pressure of the Vedic tribe, these 200,000 Bernese people had to leave their current residence and migrate to the Ansti region near the northern part of Sri Lankan, which would consume the last preparation time before the winter,

Because of the war, the Ansti area is completely deserted now. If there is not enough food for the winter and the cold protection materials, the situation of the Bernese will be very bad. Even if we try our best to dispatch, we are afraid that these 200,000 people At least half of people will die in this cold winter! "

"Half of them!" Bosha Huali's face turned pale. Half of the 200,000 people had a full life of 100,000, and the most likely were the frail elderly and women and children. The coming of the Bernese tribe is like adding to the snow

"Isn't there any way? Even if it's just a part of the bailout," Bosha Huali pleaded with a heartbreaking tone, a faint hint of blush on her delicate face, and jade teeth gently bit her lip. , With a decisive glance at the fat man, the sound paused before continuing: "As long as you promise Huali to treat these 200,000 people of the Bernese tribe, Huali is willing to give up the power to return to Dorok. Be a servant by your side!"

"Well, you really care about these Bernes!"

The fat man raised his head in amazement. Bosha Huali always gave people a strong appearance, and rarely showed such a weak posture. Now because of these 200,000 Bernese people, they pleaded with themselves in a low voice Too abnormal

"This is not surprising. If you understand the history of the Doroc people, you will know that the surname of Bosha is a branch of the Berne family! That is, the Berne family is my mother." Bosha Huali looked slightly Red, but still a determined look

"How could this happen? Aren't your Dorokh clouds all descended from the Harlem Bass dynasty? How can you be related to the Bernese tribe?" The fat man asked with a confused look.

Bo Shahuali replied to him, "The predecessor of the Burns is the third high prince Burns, one of the royal families of Harlembas. When the Harlembas dynasty fell, the only survivor, Prince Burns, took Harimba The fugitive of Sri Lanka entered the mountains in the north and relied on the blocking of the mountains to resist the capture of the Icadians.

For this reason, the Born tribe is also known as the "descendant of the prince" among many Dorok races, otherwise it will not grow into the second largest tribe in the north of Dorok. The mountains are also known as the Borne tribe. The gift, unfortunately, did not expect that even the gifts of the Berne clan did not resist your army! "

"This is probably the fate!" The fat man shrugged a little helplessly. "In fact, in the top-secret report sent by Caesar Sauron with the pigeons, he was very afraid of this rolling mountain, even uncovered. Said that if the Dorok continue to hide in the mountains, their 30,000 army will definitely collapse before the Dorok,

Only when luck was on his own side and he unintentionally judged the route of the Berne clan retreat, he cut off the trail of the Berne clan from the back and forced down the Bernan clan with 200,000 people. The battle was extremely dangerous, it was all based on luck

"It is rumored that your majesty appears in places, even the gods will escape! I used to believe this rumor, but now, I believe it, and most of the Dorok believe it."

Hearing the fat man describe the most dangerous part of the battle, Bosha Huali stared at the fat man with a difficult face and sighed. "Your Majesty knows, how shocking the defeat of the Berne clan is to the other tribes of Dorok. Thing"

The voice of Bosha Huali stopped, and continued, "We Doroks are a race that adore various gods, some worship big rivers, some worship ancient trees a hundred meters tall, and some worship deep valleys,

But no matter which tribe, the huge mountain range that covers the end of the earth is always full of highest respect and worship,

The meaning of the Doroc people is the son of the mountain. We used to believe that as long as there is protection of this mountain, we can survive safely, but the defeat of the Bernes has proved that the mountain of Doroc can not give them a safe cover. This is an unimaginable cruel reality for a nation that relies on mountains. "

"Oh, how is this possible... Such rumors are too unfounded!" The fat man's mouth laughed when he heard Bosha Huali's grudge.

"No, on the contrary, this rumor has already spread throughout the Doroc Mountains!"

At this moment, Mesjielin, who hadn’t seen in a few days, walked in from the side door of the room, and sat down on the opposite bench in the stunned eyes of the fat man and Huasha Huali. White legs, a string of delicate seven-colored ankle bells appeared,

The fat man accidentally glanced at Bosha Huali next to him. Such exquisite bells were also seen on Bosha Huali's white and beautiful ankles. But I don’t know why I didn’t see Bosha Huali wearing these days.

Bosha Huali seemed to know what he was thinking, and he glanced at him angrily, saying, "The colorful footbell is the sign of the leader of the Doroc Cloud. If the two touch together, the other one must be taken down to show that he is right. The tribute of the chief, my colorful bells were left to me by my mother, usually just a picture. Now that I am in front of the real chief, Mesjielin, how dare I take the swagger!"

"Your Majesty, don’t listen to this Nizi Hu Badao, these seven-color footbells are just some kind of exercise props." Mesjielin next to him showed a smile comparable to Hua Jiao, laughing and cursing. "She didn’t wear it because she was afraid of being affected. It’s just your Majesty’s state of mind!"

"Why did you come here? Isn't there a special case that you don't need to come in person?" The fat man asked Messi Lynch, I don't know why, because of the previous assassination, the fat man always had for Messi Lynn A little bit of precautions, that was the only fatal assassination. Now that I want to come, it makes the fat man feel scared. This person is ruthless, and it is really dare to die!

"The parliamentary coalition outside the city of Ai Lei has withdrawn! Such a thing should be considered a major event!" Mesjielin picked up a glass of water from the table and took a sip before expressing her emotion.

"Last night I received a report from the watchtower that the parliamentary coalition was tossing out of the city. The voices and horses of war were like a rally. At that time, the defenders thought that the parliamentary coalition was going to prepare for a strong attack, especially strengthening the defense of the city wall. I thought that I would not find out until dawn, and I saw that the allied army camp outside the city was completely empty, and tens of thousands of people even walked out of the night!"

"Oh, some people in the parliamentary army know that life is more important than face"

The corner of the fat man's mouth slightly flicked, revealing a mysterious smile, which made both sides frightened and air-cooled. There is no doubt that the retreat of the parliamentary army this night is entirely related to the man in front of the chatter and the strong enemy who is smashed.

"Don't hold me like this, I just ordered someone to write a letter to the Dorok Council!" The fat man raised his hand leisurely and made a gesture of underlining, "I just told them, within three days, If the Dorok parliamentary army does not withdraw from the Ai Lei area, the 100,000 main force of my Falcon dynasty will be inserted directly from the Palawan into the heart of the Dorok, the Allen Basin!

The fat man's voice paused and continued, "Now that the Born tribe has surrendered, the entire northern mountain range of Dorok will become my Falcon dynasty's sphere of influence. Now it continues to attack Ai Lei. It has no meaning anymore. As long as it is not a fool, Know what to do!"

Nord South Sea, Ferrand Island

Located in the south-central part of the Nord Sea, this is the closest archipelago to the China Sea. With the vigorous construction of the Nord Navy in the past six months, this excellent natural deep-water port has become a port where dozens of large ships can be moored at the same time. The nearby population has reached more than 1,000 people, most of them are supply workers and their families in the military port

So strict, Ferran Island is still a barren land, hot climate, barren land, this island has no original inhabitants, people who originally lived on the island, either pirates, or residents who came to the land opposite the island, These people, as long as they have lived here for more than ten years, are also called local residents.

In the era of the Ali family in the island-dominated Nord Sea, the island’s strategic significance did not manifest itself, but as the Ali family repeatedly hit the wall in the southern waters, the strength of the Nord’s upper layer for its support has weakened a lot, and It is to vigorously develop the true national navy. With the launch of the first Nord warship Storm Sea Snake, the ambition of the Nord navy is slowly recovering.

In order to make up for the lack of naval strength, King Norgor Agrolk even disrupted the army’s establishment, mobilizing 15,000 coastal soldiers from the army to the naval establishment, and placed all coastal ships on the navy. Carry out a transformation to piece together a new navy with 40 large sea ships and hundreds of medium-sized warships

At the original suggestion of the new navy minister, King Agrolk specifically authorized to find a place west of the coast enough to establish a military port, and according to the proposal of Salton, a maritime defense line was built with Ferran Island as the center to respond Enemies from the sea, and issued orders, migrated from the inland to more than 20,000 residential islands near the island, trying to develop this piece of pearl chain-like defense chain of Ferran Island

But the final result is very regrettable. Due to the bad climate and the poor land, it is difficult to survive, so the migrating people have returned one after another, and the people who stayed in the end have not insisted on it, and there have been outbreaks of naval soldiers from time to time. The incident of harassing residents at sea, so the remaining people also moved away, leaving fewer than a thousand people on the island

Although the inhabitants of the island have no worries about their lives, their lives are very good. All their hard-earned items have been taken away by the Nord Navy. They can only live by eating wild vegetables. With the exile gangsters and fools , Scammers, and murderers also migrated to the island, making this place black and white, and there were frequent killings and robberies, so the number of local residents was even less.

According to the continuous observation of the reconnaissance ship disguised as a merchant ship sent to the sea area, there are fewer than 800 defenders on the Ferran Island chain, and the Naval Navy warship group will dock here every seven days to replenish supplies and After Tamsui, this large fleet of 29 large warships and 43 medium-sized warships continued to sail to the port of Ansu near the south of Nord

In addition to winter, the waves in the other seasons of this sea area are very large, although there are many islands around here, but it can not stop the roar of the waves.

Large waves of waves were surging and tumbling, rushing mercilessly from the sea to Cape Verde. The waves here are more than one meter high in the most gentle time, and more than seven meters in the most violent time, and the average wave height is more than two meters.

The waves slammed against the reef above the sea, splashing waves, and making a huge roar at the same time, people who are not familiar with this place will have a sense of fear

It seems to feel something. Today's waves are particularly fierce. Since the morning, the weather has changed. Although the sun is still shining brightly, there are strong winds on the sea, and the average wind force exceeds seven.

The strong wind drove the sea water, forming turbulent giant waves. The continually surging waves continued to hit the island's levee line. The wave head exceeded two meters, sometimes reaching three or four meters. In the worst case, even Over five meters

The reef on the edge was directly covered by the waves. When the waves broke apart, it felt like the reef suddenly came out of the water. Some of the original reefs that had stood upright, which had already been shaken by the impact of the waves, crashed down at this time, and made a huge noise with the impact of the waves, which gave people a great shock.

Huge waves slapped on the shore one after another, all of which impacted the pier on the shore was sea water, and the sea breeze swept through the port, blowing the bushes of the port almost overturned, in the port of Fran Island Inside, the battleships of the Nord Navy were packed up and down, and under the impact of the sea breeze and the waves, the ships collided with each other, making a tuk-tuk sound,

The tall mast was also shaken by the sea breeze and seemed to fall down at any time. Occasionally, there were a few Nord sailors, who hurriedly anxiously used ropes to fix the boat. As a result, they didn't know who stepped on the air suddenly, fell into the sea with a thump, and disappeared completely after being beaten by the waves.

Since the Falcon Private Pirate Fleet was transferred from Salander in September and appeared in the Nordsea, the nerves of the Nord Navy began to tense. This is a naval fleet with a very famous name, the battle of Nordsea Although, because of special reasons, it was only circulated in a few high-rises. The glorious record of sinking hundreds of warships with 20 warships is enough to nail the Nord Navy completely on the rack of shame. It is also very disparate. It was only after the battle was damaged that the upper layer of Nord was determined to rejuvenate the Nord Navy,

Since the Falcon Dynasty navy fleet has been cruising in the Nord Sea, the Noord Second Fleet in charge of this area did not dare to collide head-on with the Falcon Navy, only quietly wandering in this area, but today the waves are so big, that is The temporarily formed fleet only feels more at ease when it hides in the port. Many Nord sailors have chosen to go ashore. Such a big wave, I definitely do not have to go to sea today.

Some warships patrolling outside the port have fallen into the port in front of the turbulent wave. Some sailors easily lowered their anchors. Today’s waves have become so fierce, and their attitudes have been relaxed a lot. Work also seems much more relaxed. They believe that in front of such a wave, unless a madman will attack at this time, such a wave is not suitable for battleship combat.

However, they soon discovered that they were wrong, and they were very ridiculously wrong. The commander of the private falcon fleet opposite was a lunatic,

At 12 noon on December 13th, the Falcon dynasty's private squadron suddenly appeared in the eyes of the Nord Navy. At that time, the sunlight was very strong, and the sea breeze was also very strong,

The Nord sailors on the shore only reached the dazzling white light, until the huge ship hull on the far sea completely appeared like a black wall~www.wuxiaspot.com~The Nord sailors did not know, That's more than 20 huge battleships. The first five of them are significantly higher than the other warships. The tall bridge is on the distant sea, like a huge whale rising from the water. The side baffle is lowered, exposing dozens of dark muzzles. It is the main battleship Dragon class that the Falcon Navy only served in October.


The Nords in the port were in a panic. At this time, no one in the Nords didn't know what these monsters were. In front of these huge monsters, any ship of the Nord Navy was so vulnerable.

However, they did not expect that these giant monsters of the Falcon Navy dare to appear here, and suddenly appeared in such a storm. Apparently it was for Ferran. The harbour was in chaos, and the alarm bells rang together.

Due to the fact that today’s stormy waves are so great, the Nord’s naval warships are sheltered in the harbor, the roots have not gone to sea, and the sailors have also gone ashore to have fun and are now blocked by the Falcon Navy outside the harbor. The consequences can be imagined And know.

For a time, the Nord navy throughout Ferran felt scalp numbness. Not knowing what to do, many people were stunned and stared at the distant sea.


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