Whole Nation

: 704 Sea Breeze (2)

Volume III Overlord's Mainland] 784 Sea Breeze (2)


784 Sea Breeze (2)

The Falcon Naval Fleet that suddenly appeared outside the port of Ferran Island is the Dusterenkai privately swept fleet that has just completed its recuperation in Salander. The first five giant warships are the new type that has just been launched.

Since the navy was attached to the Sarande region, a large number of Sarande naval warships that had been intensified and built have all fallen into the hands of the Falcon Army. Battleships, now all cheaper Falcon Army

For the handling of this windfall, the fat man is also simply. Most of the Salander warships are for the purpose of ocean navigation, which can make up for the short board of the Falcon Navy Dragon Tooth Battleship. Completed and 18 unfinished Salander warships, all the light fluttering was paid to Dusterenka, who complained that no salvage was made during the Saranda raid,

With this expansion, the number of warships of the private squadron directly exceeded 60, and officially became a private squadron. It completely emerged from the original southern fleet system. As a deterrent ocean naval force, the fleet Commander Du Stromkay was promoted to deputy chief of the Navy because of his outstanding performance in many naval battles.

According to the original plan, the completion of the reorganization of the Salander Fleet at the Vik port in the northern part of Salander will take over the defense of the entire Salander sea area, and use the southern water area of ​​Salander as the exploration target to find the one that can pass to Obaro Mysterious island chain on the mainland

However, because of the Nord’s attack on Peragar, the new battle order was also signed by the fat man personally, requesting the fleet under Dusteren Kay’s search for fighters within a month to divert the Nord’s attention from many Rock Mountain attracted to the South China Sea!

This is a very urgent order,

One month may only take a few round trips or one patrol for the fleet floating on the sea, but for the army on land, one month is enough to complete a battle of more than 100,000 people.

The battle of Stalos, which shocked the mainland, was only one day long, and tens of thousands of lives died in a short time.

Time is completely different for the Army and the Navy. From the moment the command was signed by the fat man, the Salander Private Fleet, who had just completed the rest, quickly set his sights on the Nordic Navy, which was rising ambitiously.

The distance between the sea is so far and so close that the navies of the two kingdoms do not see each other, but they can feel the heartbeat from across the ocean

The trombone of the war has been sounded in the hearts of the commanders of the fleets of both sides from the moment the Nord Navy entered the Nord Sea.

This is a fateful war,

When the mainland hegemony came to an end, the Nords intended to regain some dignity at sea

According to the latest news, the Kingdom of Nord has invested heavily in naval construction, not only rebuilding 20 new docks capable of building large warships,

And from the pirates in exile, a large number of sailors with nautical experience have been absorbed

In the winter, the southern waters of the mainland are unpredictable. Perhaps it was still a white wave that was gently rippling, and in a blink of an eye, it would become a huge wave that crashed the solid shipboard.

The Falcon Navy’s Longya battleship had to reduce the number of voyages due to its low side and insufficient weight. Even if it occasionally left the military port, it was only active along the coastal area of ​​the sea. Everything shows that this winter, the Falcon Navy seems to Unintentionally and launch any offensive,

No one knows that when the beast hides its claws, in order to tear the opponent at the most needed moment, the Salander Private Fleet with a large ship is under the eyes of the Nord Navy, slowly Passing through the deep sea area that was previously difficult for the Falcon Navy and its difficulties, it is like a sharp sword. Without knowing the Nord Navy, it has already leaned on the soft back.

"Send the negotiation ship, if you don't surrender, immediately sink them!"

Dustron Kay looks cold on the water. On the tall bridge of the Dragon-class battleship, the huge hull will face the waves crashing into countless fragments. The solid deck at the foot is still blue with wood, only the deck washed by the waves , Only because the seawater is washed all year round, it becomes fish white

This dragon-class battleship, which is the flagship of the fleet, has a length of 73 meters, a width of 30 meters, and a hull height of 35 meters. Among all the known warships of various countries, it is absolutely a giant. Not only is it huge and sturdy, the shooting port with 64 gun positions on the side is enough to prove the undisputed hegemony of this new battleship.

No enemy can withstand the full blow of its firepower. Even the storm warhead, the navy battleship that the Nords are advocating, is just a crushed object in front of this dragon-class battleship armed to the teeth.

The port is blocked, although the Nord Navy has an advantage in numbers, but has lost the most basic combat space, in such a dense range

Dustron Kay is confident that with one volley of the fleet, he will be able to reimburse half of the Nord ships that are crowded in the port and the masts are densely erected.

But the consequence of this is to drive more Nord sailors to the shore, which is extremely unfavorable for the later army landing operations. If you can attract the other party out of the port, it will undoubtedly greatly reduce the pressure on the army. Unfortunately, his vision is very Was almost terminated,

The stubbornness of the Nords was as smelly as their ethnic surnames. The ship sent from the squadron to negotiate was 110 meters away from the port embankment, and was smashed by a burst of slingshot on the opposite sling tower.

"Go to death, Vicky!" some Nords gestured to the Falcon fleet on the sea, and some even unbuttoned their pants and peeed in the direction of the fleet

The other party's stubborn attitude has become self-evident. The broken ship hull ups and downs with the waves, and the sailors above have chosen to jump into the sea because of the bad situation.

"Commander, the first and third quartered fleet, called the banner to open fire!"

There were some screams of the flag-speakers from the height of the mast, and the scene in front of them undoubtedly aroused the murderousness of the private naval captains. On this vast sea, they used iron and blood to prove that here It’s their home court, but now there are a bunch of rookies scratching their heads in front of themselves, the captains of the angry private squadrons bite their teeth.

"Order the fleet to be stable, you can't shoot without orders!"

Dusterenkai raised his head and responded that at this moment, the wreckage of the enemy ship would block the narrow exit. If it is cleaned up, it will take at least more than half a year. This will require a middle supply point to return to the military port. Coming from the fleet, but it is quite a tricky thing, here is deserted, there are no tools to clean up, even if it is far clogged, it is entirely possible

At this moment, the voice of the adjutant was heard beside him

"Commander you, the other party raised the combat flag!" The adjutant's voice was full of surprises. These Nords are really crazy. Raising the combat flag at this moment is tantamount to having announced the determination to fight for death.

Dustellenka's cold eyes, with the seahorse crossing navy flag representing the Uyghur navy, slowly raised at the top of the warship in the opposite port, and dozens of large Nord warships docked in the port began to slowly. Moving,

"Stupid!" Dusterenka pouted his lips in disdain, so that he would not surrender in death, but it was in line with the character of the Nord.

The reason why the millennium dynasty Ikadiva was split was because it consumed too much national power in the war against the Nords, and finally was defeated by the Nords. The entire dynasty army was almost destroyed. ,

Losing the power of deterrence, the princes and lords everywhere rose up one after another, leading to the demise of the dynasty that has been passed down for thousands of years.

"Booming" a deafening voice came from the cabin underneath. The thick white smoke instantly filled the blue sea, as if a huge cloud of fog was evaporating on the sea.

Since he wants to fight, Dustron Kay will not be weak

"Sink any ship near the exit of the strait!" Such an order has been sent to the squadrons by the flagmen, two dragon-class battleships are flanking the flagship Raptors, and the other two have been rushed towards the port.

The shells blasted from the "Boom" hit the head of the Nord navy still crowded and turned like raindrops. The side-by-side stern immediately shattered the wood, and a huge fire burst from the position of the cabin, deafening. In the roar of the water column, the water column soared into the sky, forming a very spectacular scene in the port,

The shells landed in the center of the port one after another, like the whole port is a huge fountain, and there are countless warships with wooden debris scattered in the middle of the water column~www.wuxiaspot.com~The lethality of these wood chips is also huge. Not only can the mast be broken and the sails torn apart, but for the Nord navy who hastily boarded the ship, it is also a disaster. The screams continued to be heard instantly, and the waves suddenly became more powerful.

The battleships of the Nord Navy were torn apart in an instant. Countless masts were inserted into the water and disappeared on the spot. Especially those types of battleships were engulfed by the sea without any warning.

Some left only half of the bottom of the ship. Due to the very dense docking of the ship, the thunder **** ammunition from the Falcon Navy ship had a high hit rate. The dense masts were like sugarcane forests that encountered typhoons. Rows of rows broke from the bottom and then hit the thin deck heavily, causing Broken cracks,

Some fast-moving Nord waters hurriedly spread their sails in a fierce explosion, trying to leave the port.

However, they soon discovered that it was a dead end to start sailing at this time. The falcon warship on the opposite side seems to have a soft spot for sailing. The numerous thunder bombs will make these attempted escape ships even without touching the edge of the port exit, and they are blown into tragic wreckage. ,


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