Whole Nation

: Seven hundred and ninety-six The blood of severe winter (5)

796 Severe Winter Blood (5)

Sokotus Stellar stood in front of the window sill on the fourth floor of No. 64 Ruiliyang Street, wearing a dark black dress, making her mysterious and seductive temperament more intense.

Slender willow eyebrows, dark and clear eyes, straight nose bridge, soft and plump cherry lips, and beautifully smooth and smooth cheeks, blown powder face, just right in the same light collection On the beauty, exuding charming charm that makes people irresistible;

There was drizzle outside the window, with a bit of coldness and indifference, the white rain silk fluttered in the wind, covering the surrounding of the old castle like fog.

This is a magnificent large courtyard with a 2 meter gate made of white iron. The huge flowerbed covered with flowers extends from the exquisitely carved gate to the extension of the greenery.

The two rows of neatly trimmed low-legged evergreen trees look like tall sentinels. Even in the cold winter, they still look leafy and green and lush and vibrant,

The rain was hazy and rustled on the land of the flowerbed. With the extension of the line of sight, at the end of the green avenue, it was a quaint and chic, beautiful white castle, and four red castles pointed round The light blue sky is connected to the outer wall of a large white stone covered with blue vines,

When you see it, you will feel a pristine breath coming out. Hundreds of exquisitely carved flower window frames are distributed on the walls of the old castle in four layers, like a pair of beautiful eyes staring at you

This is one of the most famous buildings in Remmell. A very ambiguous name "White Rose" is as old as this city and it makes people feel a touch of pity, because this is the name of the Swiss famous for its passionate beauty. The last destination of Princess Mill,

It is here, in the back garden of the old castle, there is still a tomb without any mark, a handful of simple yellow earth, buried in a tragic life of a peerless red face, the person who buried her at the time Consider, just temporarily planted eight red trees around the tomb to implicitly hint at something,

Later, the owner of the old castle quietly built a beautifully decorated white pavilion on the tomb to protect the poor woman from the village. {WW.3 Go and read quickly} After hundreds of years, the beautiful canopy of the eight mangrove trees has been formed around the small pavilion,

In the splendid season of mangroves, the leaves that are rolled up in the wind are constantly circling, just like a red dance skirt that a beautiful woman keeps spinning,

Just like the autumn harvest in the Dorok mountain area, all Dorok women will use the collected red leaves to weave beautiful ornaments in the shape of long strips and hang them on their red glamorous long skirts to let these red leaves follow. With his graceful posture, it turns into a beautiful dance of wind in the mountain breeze

Beautiful things can never withstand the ravages of war. The falcon army entered the three northern counties with strong force. The iron hooves of the eastern court cavalry looted in the north. Countless cities were burned and millions of people were displaced. City, before the brutal war, anything that can’t be taken away has no value at all, no matter how beautiful the building is under fire, there is only one color, the color of scorched earth

The old castle with a minimum value of 300,000 gold coins or more was also sold to the business alliance by the former owner of the Bastide family for 50,000 gold coins at the price of cabbage, because of the war. I didn’t expect Rumil to overdo in peace,

Waiting for the sword of the war to sway a shot outside the city of Remmel, he gradually became angry, and the panic could not be found all day long. The talents of the Remmel found that the Falcon Dynasty did not mean to attack Remmel at all. This is a strange and beautiful and elegant. The castle is a branch of the business alliance in Remmell,

This time, there are only two who get the most benefits. One is the thirteen Deacon Sokotus Stellar, who has entered the business alliance with a lot of money,

Under the order of the fat man to try his best to stabilize Rimmel, Sokotus Stellar took advantage of the opportunity of the city’s nobles to flee and bought 30% of the nobles’ homes and a large number of industries in the city with very little money. The most valuable things in this city are firmly in control

The other person is the Marquis of Bercandi, the leader of the underground forces in the city. This is a veteran figure of the local forces. Although the Marquis of Bercandi is an upper-class nobility, for hundreds of years, the Bercandi family has already been with the local The underground forces are inextricably linked,

This time, under the imbalance of power caused by the high-ranking nobility, Marquis Bercandi used various resources in his hands and several gangs that controlled Remil, and also obtained a lot of benefits in this war. Has made a fortune, although most of the industries they control are small and medium-sized industries, but the number advantage is enough to allow them to gain the upper hand in the control of the city.

Now one-third of the economic lifeline in the city of Remmel is in the hands of Sokotus Stellar, and one-third is in the hands of the Marquis of Marquis Bercandy,

The remaining one-third of the composition is more complicated. There are business alliance deacons who have subsequently added in. They also have the opportunity to see the investors who want to make a fortune, and some new businessmen.

This is a situation of chaotic war. When the new economic center is formed, the calm water surface has already been a surging wave. Whoever can control this new economic center can undoubtedly become the uncrowned king of the northern merchants in the mainland.

"Miss, this is a list of the people who are scheduled to be interviewed this morning!" A female assistant, also in a black dress, came in from the door with a list in her hand,

"There are so many people!"

Sokotus Stella was helpless to take over the list from the female assistant, thinking that she had to face so many requests again, could not help feeling a little upset, was able to be qualified to receive her own, and submitted the proposal, the smallest is the business alliance in The person in charge of a certain area is the real elite of the business community and the driving force behind the rapid development of business alliances

"How is this going"

Sokotus Delan looked at the name on the moon-like eyes, fixed his eyes on one of the names, and crooked his crescent eyebrows slightly.

"Slap" Sokotosdalen threw the list of his hands on the table, pointed to one of the names, and asked with a clear voice.

"Before the deacon meeting, I only received twelve deacons and 72 district leaders. What's the matter with this Marquis Bercandi? I remember it was not a half-way to send him the joint letter from the last time he was promoted to the leader of the three northern counties. Just call back? How could he write his name in!"

The female assistant said helplessly, "Miss, I also know that this person is not qualified, but this person was recommended by the two deacons of Conorso and Asild. According to the rules of the business alliance, if a deacon can be obtained If you recommend, you can submit suggestions to the above level. If there are two, you can attend the meeting and listen to the content of the meeting. This time, the two deacons of Conorso and Aselde recommended at the same time, so he is qualified to propose and attend the meeting. !"

"Recommended by Conorso and Asild?" Sokotus Delane snorted heavily when she heard the names of the two deacons heard by the female assistant

"Yes, this recommendation was only sent yesterday! I have submitted it with other documents!" The female assistant turned innocently through the pile of documents on the desktop and quickly found a signed The recommendation letters of the two deacons come up with such content

Sokotus Stellar's face was even darker, and there was a faint feeling of lightning and thunder, "What do these two guys want to do? I have endured the last incident once, and they really treated me as bully!"

"Yeah, miss, they are too much this time!" The female assistant said aside, in fact, she was pretty long, with a slender figure wearing a black gauze skirt, although there was no such thing as Sokotus Delan. Stunning inexplicable shock, but also gives a fresh and capable feeling, do not have a flavor

Within the business alliance, everyone knows that the thirteenth deacon is in conflict with the two deacons who are responsible for food trade Conorso and iron ore trade Asilde.

One of these two trades is related to people's livelihood and one is related to the military, so it has always been strictly controlled. The original contradiction is not so sharp.

However, with the Falcon Dynasty fighting in the north, more than 100,000 troops have been in combat for a long time. The daily consumption of food and the forging of iron ore clusters require a large amount of iron ore. In the name of regulation and control, the businessmen chase profits, double the benefit of daring to break the law, and double the benefit of daring to risk decapitation,

Tight commodities like grain and iron ore can get rich returns in any war-torn area. Now this road has been cut off by Sokotus Delan, but the price that should have been increased significantly, but Because of this woman's intervention, she was strictly controlled

Responsible for the food trade Conorso and responsible for the iron ore trade Asilder ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Naturally, the thirteenth person with great power, such as Sokotus Stellan, is regarded as a nail in the eye and a thorn in the flesh.

But the previous temptations ended with no results, sending people to slander, the slanders were thrown into the stinky ditch, and the assassination was secretly arranged. As a result, the assassin was killed in the residence the day before he started, which shocked most of them. People with dissatisfaction, there is no mobile phone meeting for Sokotosdalen in Vickia, which has become the consensus of the senior level of the business alliance, but this meeting in North Three Counties is undoubtedly a once-in-a-lifetime event. opportunity

From this list, Sokotus Stellar smelled an unusual taste. This is a challenge among the deacons. If you back down, you will make other deacons watching the fire look down,

The dominance is in your own hands, and you really don’t have to fear the little movements of these two guys. Unless they can shake His Majesty’s trust in himself, everything is in vain!

"Anna Jayline, just follow this list!" Sokotus Stellan said to the female assistant who was waiting for a reply, and then took the list from the table with dignity and put it gently behind him. On a document almost a foot high, "I have taken over your declaration of war!"


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