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: 797 The Blood of Severe Winter (6)

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Baozi sincerely thanks: Siegfried voted 1 monthly ticket; Prince of Good Deed voted 1 monthly ticket;

"Master Conorso, do you think that woman will agree?" In a room on the fourth floor of the largest hotel in Remire City, there were also three people anxiously waiting for the news. An old man in a black dress stood by the window Beside, there are two more chairs sitting on the side,

According to the convention of past deacon meetings, the time for the 13 deacons responsible for reviewing the list to accept proposals is from 10 am to 5 pm. The list and order of meetings will be issued to each proposal 2 hours in advance. In the hands of people,

But this time, something clearly went wrong,

The time is now past nine o'clock, and the news feedback from the business alliance branch has not been sent,

According to the servants who went to see the situation, now that the branch of the business alliance is full of regional leaders who are waiting to submit proposals,

Many people are anxiously waiting, but the one with the most discussion is the nomination draft submitted to it. Under deliberate publicity, the list is more like a list of warfare. It has already been between the deacon and the regional leader. Spread all over,

Everyone is waiting to see,

The horn of war between the deacons actually sounded in advance from the two deacons, which is indeed beyond the expectations of many people,

But everyone knows that the strength of the Falcon Dynasty military stands behind Deacon 13, and since the two deacons dared to take action, it shows that they already have a certain degree of certainty.

Everyone wants to see who will win the final victory in this invisible war

Is it a high-weight two deacons, or a mysterious identity, thirteen deacons with absolute authority within the business alliance,

"You said, will that woman choose to escape! She has the final veto power over the list of candidates." The bald Conorso turned from the delicate white window and raised her glass of wine nervously. The two companions behind him raised their glasses, and looked worried

The list is like a boulder pressing on the heart of him and his two companions. The offensive horn has already been blown. Will the opponent fight?

"No," Sokotus Delan is a very confident woman! "A bald-headed old man behind him responded by raising his wine glass. He was tall and slightly fat, with blue eyes and a calm thoughtful look. The whole person stood there, and it seemed that even the sun would be a few degrees cold.

His voice stopped and said in a decisive tone

"I have specially observed her work style. She is decisive and decisive. It is by no means a decorative vase. For many difficult problems, I can quickly make my own judgment. It is not a person who faces challenges and chooses to retreat.

We deliberately wrote the name of His Excellency Bai Kangdi again this time. According to her courage, I will definitely choose to face the battle, because this matter has already spread among the representatives of this meeting under our propaganda.

If she chooses to retreat, her absolute authority in the business alliance will inevitably be weakened. With one, there will be two. Retreat will only let more problems arise.

The meeting was about to take place. She had worked hard for several years to establish her prestige, and she would never give up in vain! She has no room to escape"

"Sir Asild's analysis is very brilliant!" The middle-aged man who had been silent for a while stood up from his seat and nodded gently.

"Although I haven't seen the true face of this woman named Sokotus Delan, but from several encounters, I can feel the aggressive momentum from the other party,

She never knows what it means to be afraid, and she is even more decisive than me in dealing with certain problems. If it were not for her to intervene a few times, the current Ruimier City would already be our world! "

The middle-aged person's voice is very loud, the figure is burly, full of noble temperament, said with a smug tone

"But she has forgotten that there is no absolute thing in the world. The more confident people are often the most vulnerable. I really want to see what the tall woman will look like when she is revealed! "

"Are you absolutely sure?"

Conlesso said a little uncomfortably: "This time she was able to leave Wichia's nest and hold a meeting in this unfamiliar area, which has already used a lot of our connections.

Although there are many people in other deacons who want to knock down this woman, these cowards will not be on our side without sufficient evidence! "

"Of course, this time I have absolute confidence!"

The middle-aged noble smiled at the corner of his mouth, put the glass in his hand on the table, picked up the file next to it, and said with a smug look, "Look at this and you will know that this time she will die very miserably!"

"Oh, so sure?"

Bald Conorso picked up the document with some confusion, his suspicious eyes rolled, and his mouth laughed with laughter. "Okay, with this, even if the woman is capable, she will be infamous!"

Aseld next to him quickly took it over, wanting to see what made the always rigorous Conorso so happy. After looking at it, his face changed slightly, and he took a deep breath of air-conditioning, which was too poisonous. You can come up with this kind of trick, you can't win or not, and this time it depends on how the woman gets mad,

"If you want to knock down a strong enemy, you must understand his weaknesses and give a key blow at his strongest position!" The middle-aged noble sneered, sneering,

"This woman's greatest reliance is not on the strength within the business alliance, but on the strong support from the high-level military of the Falcon Dynasty. This is also the place where everyone is most worried about.

But this time, not only her father’s designation, but also a craze of 600,000 tons of food~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Even if we can’t defeat her at the meeting, the Falcon Dynasty’s military won’t let go Pass her, so we just have to wait! "

"Gao Ming! "Console's excited palm clapped on the table. "It is the most proud of my life to be able to cooperate with His Excellency Bo Condi!"

"Come on, let's have a toast and wish us a victory in advance." Baikangdi raised the glass in his hand, "Dang Chi" three stemware touched together and made a clear sound in the room,

"Cheers! Let's make more money!"

Conlesso swallowed the red liquid in the glass, and his neck was flushed with red. The two people beside him also drank extremely freely.

"Sir, the list of interviews has come down!" A servant wearing a blue broad-brimmed robe ran in with the list sent by the business alliance. Bercondi immediately took it in, and glanced at him. A nervous collapsing collaborator with a triumphant smile, "You, we are five hours away from victory, she agreed with that woman! We are scheduled at three o'clock this afternoon"


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