Whole Nation

: 798 The Blood of Severe Winter (7)

798 Severe Winter Blood (7)

In the lobby of the Rimmel Business Union branch, clerks with various business contracts in their hands, shuttled through the stairwell. A ten-meter-long office desk was distributed with four windows in front of the windows. Already full of merchants

"Quick, 1600 pounds of rye wheat, need to be loaded immediately!" A businessman crowded at the front desk handed in the contract from the iron fence-like window. His fat face was covered with sweat, and his fat hands were difficult Came in through the narrow iron window, there were too many people in the back, and even with his size, he could only try to maintain the position in front

"Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up in front!" The businessmen in the back lined up in a long line. This year's Ruidian North rye wheat grows happily. The price of this low-cost food crop is the same as the domestic food price of Vickia. There is a third of the gap. If you transport the rye wheat here to Vickia to sell, you can get a quarter of the income of a small grain merchant in one trip

"I'm sorry, sir, there is something wrong with your contract!" The business alliance clerk wearing a feather hat on the head of the window, after carefully comparing the copy of the document, neatly stamped the seal of fortune on the contract, Then hand it back to the businessman on the opposite side, "please make up 1135 gold coins"

"How can this happen, it shouldn't be! My goods were all verified when they were loaded, why would they have to pay the freight again for no reason?" The bitter complexion is like an eggplant that Frost has beaten. For a small businessman like him, 1135 gold coins is not a small amount, and even exceeds the trade profit obtained this time.

As he tried to raise his head, he explained to the clerk in front of the desk that he tried his best to resist the crowd behind him. Today is the day when the deacon of the business alliance submits his application.

Every time when the application is submitted before the meeting, there will be some good news promulgated, so many businessmen will choose to suspend their business at this moment in order to retain sufficient mobile funds, hoping to be able to release new news at the moment, The person who grabs the first pot of gold at the fastest speed and takes the first step can earn the greatest benefit in such an encounter. Everyone knows that no matter how good the business is, as the number of participants increases, the benefits will increase. Getting thinner,

Especially in the morning, some people let out the words. This time, the grain prices of the three northern counties in Rui'er must rise sharply, and it has not doubled, but it has doubled. The purchase of grain requires an order through a business alliance. ,

In order to evade the level of the business alliance, many businessmen have signed a contract with each other. In the name of transportation, they will first hold the food on the market as much as possible, and then hoard up, wait for the price to rise, make a big profit, and now wait The businessmen who signed the contract have packed the business lobby of the business alliance, and even lined up outside the door. There are thousands of pies in the sky. The crowd of people is like a black dragon.

"Sir, your quantity of goods exceeds one-tenth of the standard allocation! So we must charge a handling fee according to the third tax point." The clerk glanced at him, and explained impatiently. "According to the new regulations just issued, all For food transported within the territory of Rui'erdian, a tax point needs to be added. If it is a transportation fee outside Rui'erdian, a tax point can be levied less. {WW.3 Go and read quickly..."

"When will the new regulations be promulgated!" the fat businessmen shouted, and the merchants behind were also sensational, "how is it possible? When did we know why?"

"Thirty minutes ago!" The clerk held up a new document, and then hung it on the servant window in front of all the businessmen. "This is a temporary resolution of the Deacon Board of the Business Alliance, which fixes the price. This is before the deacon meeting. Convention!"

"What can we do, a tax point is one-tenth of the benefit!" The merchants mourn lamentably, and the merchants who lined up outside began to spread out.

The tax point is the name of the business alliance for the transportation cost of the goods. One tax point represents 10% of the total value of the goods. The highest level is five tax points, often only for profitable arms trade, and the food trade is the second tax Points, less than luxury goods, weapons, and minerals, but higher than ordinary daily goods, and now suddenly raise a tax point, almost to mention the same level of food as minerals,

The businessmen who wanted to make a lot of money suddenly seemed to be covered in ice water, shaking their heads pale and leaving, but no one thought that the business alliance would take such measures to deal with the previous appearances in the city. Rush to buy food,

Although there is news that the grain will soar, the result will not only not increase, but will increase the cost of hoarding and transporting, but it will be a lot of misfortune for many merchants, and the grain will not be shipped out, or the more it is transported, the greater the loss The situation is that for the private food trade that is now rampant in the north of Ruidian, it can be described as a fundamental earthquake.

"You said that the woman issued a tax increase decree in the name of the deacons?" When the three Conorso who celebrated the victory in the hall heard the news, they thought they had heard it wrongly. After confirming it several times, they issued Ecstatic cheers

"Tax increase must be fully approved by the deacon of the business alliance. This woman must be crazy. In order to highlight her absolute authority, she has come up with such a way of self-defeating!"

Another deacon, Asild, also laughed ecstatically, "Who does she think she is, so that the price of food can be suppressed, and other deacons can think that she still has the power to control everything?"

"Oh, Lord Asild is right. In our Rimmell, there is a proverb. If you want to destroy it, you must make it crazy!" Bo Kangdi smiled with a smile on her face. "This woman has forgotten her original status. It was a prosecution, not an order, a business alliance across the continent, or a toy she could play around with. She did not arbitrarily hold a deacon meeting, and promulgated tax increase regulations without permission. It touched not only us, but also those Deacons who were still neutral,

Today she will be able to increase our taxes, and tomorrow she will increase the taxes of others. I dare to guarantee that if other people have a little vision, even if they will not explicitly oppose her, they will never support her anymore!

Bai Kangdi's voice paused, with a bit of complacent eyes and a smirk in her mouth. "She is digging her own grave, so she can't blame us for being cruel. Since the other party can't wait to move, we also It should be the immediate answer! Otherwise, it’s not that we are even afraid of a woman! It’s so big to play this time, it doesn’t matter if you mess up some more, those businessmen who have hoarded food should take action!"

"Some action? What do you mean..." Connor stunned for a moment, then showed a sudden enlightenment, extended his right hand to Bo Condi, and gave his thumbs up

"Gao, I never imagined that this time, under the circumstances of our early release, the entire merchants of Ruimier City bought a large amount of food, and now such a decree is suddenly promulgated, and those businessmen will be fiercely opposed, that is There are more than 3,000 people and nearly 400,000 tons of food. Such a large loss is enough to make those businessmen crazy. They will definitely go to the branch of the business alliance. By then, we can see that the merchant is the foundation of the business alliance. For this reason, hold an emergency meeting in advance so that the woman will get out immediately before the formal meeting!"

"To be honest, this woman's ability is still very good, but it is too young, young and frivolous, I really don't know that the sky is thick!" Conleso shook his bald bald head, and the words turned, revealing a cat crying and a fake Compassionate look,

As expected by the trio, the businessmen in the city were informed that the provisional tax raisers were accumulating at the door of the business alliance branch. In order to prevent accidents, the iron fence gate of the business alliance was closed tightly and gathered outside the door There are more and more people, some suspiciously pale faces, mixed in the crowd waiting for opportunities,

In a building not far from the branch, Conorso looked at the black crowd crowded outside the business alliance branch with pride. The muddy water had stirred, and every step of the walk, the woman did not delay one. It was more muddy, like blisters floating from where, some voices echoed each other, and there were also whistles and rogue cries sent by the little concubines sent by Bercond, revealed in the noisy crowd , It makes people feel that the accumulated water is like a group of animals.

"Against tax increases!"

Incited by some ulterior motives, the **** rage finally began to move towards the closed iron gate, with anger in his eyes and shouting murderous in his mouth. Some people hiding behind the three or four rows began to throw stones at the big iron gate. , Many people looked at the window facing the street as if they were watching a movie, and some people fanned the flames inside, shouting loudest, but they did not move forward at one step,

The iron gate made an unpleasant creaking sound under the crowd's squeeze, just like a thin old man wrestling with a group of robbers who robbed property, and was finally trampled on the ground by countless feet. The gate was tragically lost. The business alliance behind Staff, fled in front of this torrent

"Rush, rush in, it's the woman who made the ghost!"

The crowd did not know who shouted, and then the black crowd rushed into the door of the business alliance branch. Under the crowd's anxiety, everyone felt that they were full of courage. They had long forgotten their original intentions and lost their reason. , Surrounded by the tide, smashing everything that can be seen in front of the eyes like a wave, struggling to mess up the neat low-footed evergreen trees, it seems that only in this way can their anger be vented

"Dylan, it seems that your opponent is not weak!" The fat man stared coldly at a room on the second floor of the opposite street, staring at the overturned branch iron gate and the mad crowd smashed inside. , And beside him, Sokotus Stellar's face in a black dress is even more embarrassing and ugly,

Although it was expected that some excessive behavior would occur, she did not expect that these normal businessmen who would abide by the law would also become savage thugs in a moment. Although the decree had some unauthorized ingredients, it did suppress the current rapid increase in food. Price, and the quickest way to establish your authority before many deacons

"It was Dylan's incompetence, and he made such a difficult situation today, and also please His Majesty to punish!" Sokotus Dylan knelt in front of the fat man on one knee, a black hair lightly draped on his shoulders, his pale face slightly Some of them were red, and the thin cherry red lips lightly opened, trying to speak, but in the end they still squeezed tightly,

"I was too negligent, it has nothing to do with you!" The fat man sighed dignifiedly and lifted Sokotus Stellar's hand with his hand, a flash of cold light flashed in his eyes. "These guys are used to peace. The environment seems to have forgotten the most basic things, all benefits first come from absolute power,

Without the country, there is nothing. Just like Rui Dian in front of him, if the Eastern Cavalry is still raging here, they can still do business calmly. It is no surprise that businessmen earn profits, but if they shake the foundation of the country Even if he has three heads and six arms, I will surely kill him. This is the country, the essence of the country, and the largest violent machine on the mainland to protect its own interests! "

"Your Majesty wants..."

Sokutus Stella, who was half-kneeled and stood up, shivered a little. Hearing his majesty Falcon so murderous, it was the first time that he looked outside the window and gathered in the business alliance branch, still smashing the robbery. Merchants, Sokotosdalen gave a pitying gaze, but this is for thousands of people. If your majesty kills you, the army outside the city will come in, and in a moment, it will become a river of blood. Shura hell,

"Your Majesty, these people are just bewitched. The real latter is actually someone else, and they are not mobs. They are just businessmen. In order to develop this group of people, we have spent a lot of hard work and please His Majesty... ... "Thinking of this, Sokutus Stellar couldn't bear to see such a scene kneeling down again and said

"About half of these thousands of businessmen are local businessmen from Ruierdian. It is a very valuable resource for the business alliance that has just established its foundation in the north of Ruierdian. These people will be the business alliances in Ruierdian. It is hoped that the business alliance needs these people

The fat man grabbed her hand, and her strong arm held her half-squatted body tightly

"I know what you want to say, but before that, I think you should take a look at this first!" The fat man waved his hand to stop Sokotus Stellan and went on, picking up a document from the table in front of him

"Is this person?" Sokotus Delan took the document in confusion, turned over the first two pages, and saw a portrait in it. His face suddenly became bloodless, and his body was almost paralyzed by weakness and shock. Down

"He shouldn't be here, he... how could he be here!" Sokotosdalen said, holding the portrait in his hand, his eyes fainted with tears, and said incoherently.

Under this sudden blow, no one can remain calm. She has already broken contact with her family. Although she left with hatred, she never expected that she would be able to meet one day.

The portrait is of a thin old man, with old eyes, white hair with two temples, and an eye-frame similar to orange zou. In a few years, it has become quite older than before.

If it weren’t for those eyes, and for the familiar, disgusting smile, Sokotus Delan could hardly recognize the person in the painting, that is, the gambler who had bet on his property a few years ago and wanted to sell himself to a brothel father,

Seeing Sokutus Stellar’s ​​extreme gaffe, the fat man started carrying his hands behind his back and said slowly, “You may not yet know that this person has just taken over a batch of 700,000 tons of grain in Remmell City, if there is no intermediate interception If you don’t know, this person and 700,000 tons of food will quietly enter the warehouse outside the city,

Then, under the correction of someone's righteous words, prove that the reason for your unauthorized increase in food tax is actually because this person and you have greedy a large amount of food together. In order to avoid competition, you come forward and use high tax rates to put other merchants in the hands of All the food is forced out, and then the tax rate is restored to make a big profit! By that time, you have grown up with nine mouths and there is absolutely no opportunity for excuse."

"Father and 700,000 tons of food!" Sokotosdalen's shocked mouth opened slightly. With such a large amount of food, and the appearance of his father, everything seemed very clear. A trap that can’t be confessed, as long as you step into it, you’re in vain,


A knock on the door sounded outside, and Mao Monaqing walked in from the outside wearing aqua leather jackets. Two straight long legs reflected her trimmed figure vividly. Nodded slightly to Sokotosdalen before speaking to the fat man

"Your Majesty, according to the report, among the twelve deacons, five deacons of Anconius, Soya, Listi, Andu Infi, and Jayakadu have left the hotel and are rushing to the barracks outside the city. Go, it seems to be prepared to persuade the army outside the city to intervene, so that they can have a basis to investigate the warehouse outside the city."

"Oh, it's pretty fast!" The fat man touched his chin and asked, "How about Conorso and Asild? Did they move?"

"There is no news yet" Mao Monaqing said with some hesitation. "Since they entered the hotel yesterday, they have not come out again, but we saw a servant running in and out frequently,

Just two hours before the merchants began to gather, we saw Conorço’s confidante, Chivazedo, left the hotel and visited the twelve deacons’ hotels in turn.”

"Oh, really two old foxes plus a little fox, so calm!"

The fat man was a little surprised by surprise, and then showed a sneer. "Since the main master still doesn't want to show up, let these little guys make trouble first. I also want to know what these guys want to do in the end, order the fourth and seventh outside the city. Qituan, without command, slay a soldier, cut!"

The station of the 7th Banner Regiment outside the city

The head of the flag, Ondras, almost walked to the entrance of the camp in a robe. Sure enough, he saw five well-known business alliance deacon pacing back and forth anxiously,

"Five, you are..." The head of the flag, Ondras, asked in a trance, but these five big men who could sway the mainland a few times with a stomping foot, how to give face at this moment, I usually have to make an appointment if I want to see one. Now there are five at a time. When the guard came to report, Ondras thought he was sleepwalking.

"Did you know that there was a riot in the city? Those mob-impacting business alliance branches also smashed the shops. As local garrisons, you must stop them immediately. The team soldiers assisted us to go to the warehouse in the west of the city. We need to find the source of the rebellion and get the hands behind the scenes!"

"Riot?" Ondras, the leader of the banner, was a little panicked~www.wuxiaspot.com~The deacon meeting of the business alliance was held soon, and the Falcon Dynasty military department specially mobilized the two main banner regiments to avoid the city of Remmell In case of any accidents, there is also the autograph of His Majesty Falcon and the coat of arms of the Falcon on the transfer order. It can be seen how important His Majesty Falcon attaches to this matter, and the order is also regarded as a heirloom treasure.

If there is a real rebellion here, how can he return his boss

"Ring the bell immediately and order the whole army to gather immediately! The head of the flag, Ondras, shouted to the sentry at the door, and the messy barracks was full of soldiers.

"Come on, come on, give me your strength to breastfeed!" Just as he cried out loudly, a black armored cavalry rushed from a distance like a whirlwind,

"Are you the leader of the banner?" The black armored cavalry stopped in front of Ondras, and his sharp eyes stopped on the badge of the leader of the banner. He threw the file in his hand to him with a blank face.

"This is..." Ondras, the leader of the flag, confusedly picked up the document, with the same signature and coat of arms as the order book, which made his face change.


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