Whole Nation

: Eight Hundred Winter Blood (9)

Full text without ads 800 blood of severe winter (9)

The second-floor glass window of the small grocery store Tang Ruide's house was smashed and smashed by a flying roadside stone. He was hiding behind the window and watched the grocery store owner Tang Ruide hurry to hug his head and squat down his wife next to him. Holding the head of the daughter next to her, the glass scum covered with rain fell like raindrops,

There are mobs everywhere, but it is only 100 meters away from the branch of the business alliance. Some violent demonstrators find the shops on both sides of the road as targets of venting when they cannot find a way to vent. Most of these street shops are For commercial and residential integration, open a shop on the first floor and use the second floor as a living room

"Come on, this family's goods are the most abundant." There was a mob cry from outside. The dazzling goods hanging from the window of the grocery store quickly attracted the mob of wandering outside.

Hundreds of people quickly gathered at the door. The grocery store owner Tom Reid was terrified. He crouched in the tattered window and looked timidly from time to time. It happened that he saw several mobs holding a wooden post and slamming his own shop door. , The wooden pillar is not big

The door was quickly knocked open by the mob with wooden posts. The first thing that rushed in was a fierce faced guy with a sharp boning knife in his hand. The vicious eyes were all greedy,

"It's you!"

Tang Ruide exclaimed with a pale face. He knew this leader. It was in their small underground leader who specially collected protection fees. Last time, because he refused to pay protection fees, he also brought this matter to the city hall. , As a result, this guy was beaten fiercely, and then sentenced to three months in the City Hall jail. I didn’t expect this guy to run out so quickly.

"Oh, Tom Reid, I can't think we can meet again! This is the end that is against me." The little leader looked at him with a grin, his tattooed arm punched him in the eye, and he was fat. Screamed loudly, holding his eyes and backing away

"What else to see, move, move everything that can be moved away!" The little boss turned his head and shouted to the crowd gathered behind him. Now that you are the master of this city, what else do you need to fear? Even if it is If we want to investigate, can we still hold all of us thousands of people?"

"Yeah, what else do we need to worry about now? We are the master of this city! Do we still need to be afraid?" The words of the small leader quickly caused a commotion among the chaotic merchants, and the good things came first. It’s a fool. Driven by this kind of thinking, hundreds of people almost rushed into a small grocery store with only a dozen flat widths.

Scenarios like Tang Ruide grocery stores are everywhere in the streets nearby. Most of these wandering mobs are a group of more than a dozen people. They hold a rough wood in their hands to find their targets. Once they find a valuable target, they will forcefully open the store. The thin door, and then the unscrupulous robbery, in the tears of the shop owner’s tears, moved all that he saw and could be moved,

Most of these mobs are gang organizations in the city. Taking advantage of this enthusiasm that swept the city, according to the above order, they looted a few blocks in the city to create chaos and make the situation turbid and difficult to distinguish. Bargaining chips for convening business alliance deacon meetings

At 1:20 in the afternoon, the garrison outside the city began to march into the city. A total of 13,000 regular troops of the Falcon Legion entered the east and west gates. The black armor was like two black iron flowing to the center of the riot. The 64 of Ruili Yang Street was opened, with spears like rain, rain silk splattered on the soldiers' faces, and the tidal footsteps thundered the ground

"The 1st Squadron goes to Xihe Street, the 2nd Squadron goes to Dallas Street. [enter www.93Z, go and read] (full text e-book free download) full text without ads..."

After the black-clad troops entered through the city gate, they formed a slightly irregular queue on the periphery of several streets away from the center of the riot. The neatly arranged armor and the bayonet did not end at a glance.

"Remember, give you 20 minutes." Seventh Banner Commander Andris pointed to a few blocks with smoke in the distance and shouted to the soldiers. "If any squadron makes a mistake, the whole squadron Give me the moat outside the gate of the city jump! Do you understand?"

"Understood!" The response of the seven thousand soldiers tore the sky above like a sword, and thunderous sounds rumbled in the endless rain, and countless spears were held high, as if a dense forest appeared out of thin air. The cold spearpoint shone in the rain with a cold, bitter luster,

"Get off!" Andris swept his hand, and the black armor soldiers immediately turned to the area they were in charge of. The rain drenched the helmet and entered the gap of the cold helmet. Flowing down from the soldiers' perseverance.

No one said anything, only the slamming rain, the dense dripping of splashing iron pieces on the armor, and the shouts of the various squadron leaders in front of the queue. Under the black iron helmet, the rain water was scorched by the hot sun. The tanned face was the slightly gloomy eyes under the brim due to fatigue.

The neighborhood of the riot center is still in chaos. Nearly 5,000 people have gathered here, and the situation of smashing and robbing has affected almost all the shops. There are strange noises from the rioters calling friends or running with goods Man, this is a world without order,

"The people in front listen, put down their weapons, and within a minute, wandering in the streets or gatherings of more than three people will be regarded as rebellion!" The fifth squadron leader of the third squadron of the Fourth Banner Regiment, the elite crossbowman Durak Shouting with his best strength, a hundred meters in front of him, a group of rioters with about 100 people was staring at the black army emerging from the street entrance

These guys have just looted a jewelry store, making everyone more or less hang all kinds of jewelry, necklaces, and loose clothes on their bodies, it really looks nondescript,

Seeing the soldiers in front, an obviously courageous guy, picked Rai from the inside and shouted to the mob behind him, "Don't be afraid, everyone, even the army! Do they dare to attack us? We are Merchants, in accordance with the Falcon Dynasty Merchants Protection Law, attacking merchants without authorization is to be deprived of military positions... These guys are paper tigers, and they dare not do it...we don't be afraid...we! "

"Shoot" A swift white light shot out from the army of falcons on the opposite side, pierced this throaty guy in front of all the mob,

"Kill... kill!"

The mob was completely stunned. Hundreds of people held their breath at the same time. I saw the unlucky egg pierced by an arrow and stood in front of everyone. His hands were tightly holding the arrow that shot through his throat because of suffocation and pain. Rod,

His eyes swelled, like a chick caught by an eagle, his face red and purple, his torn throat made a breathing heavy gasp, and he fell with an unbelievable look, red blood foam He kept coming out of the wound on his neck, his body was still twitching,

"Idiot" Durak scorned his lips in disdain, put down the crossbow in his hand, pulled out his saber, and shouted to the soldiers behind him. "All offensive, clear the street within ten minutes, any resistance, kill in place!"

"Yes!" The regular shouts from the regular army made the mob scared, and the dense spears lined up in a row, like a long wall of iron thorns slowly advancing, and hundreds of archers with crossbows in their hands , Followed closely by the forward infantry, a terrible breath came with the heat and blood in the wind,

"It's killing, the Falcon army has killed!"

The mob looked at the dead bodies in the pool of blood one by one, and hundreds of people were completely panicked, fighting the regular army? What a joke, these are machines that kill people without blinking. There is absolutely no hesitation in killing people. If you shoot them, you will never have a live mouth.

Under this offensive, the mob in each block was squeezed like an avalanche and gathered in the middle. Some mobs who found something bad tried to find a way to escape, but they often saw the same situation when they ran to another street. All the exits of the street were surrounded by Falcon soldiers, and no one could get in until the riots were completely calmed down.

Martial law in the city, fear and panic sounds everywhere, half of the sky in the city of Ruimier has been reflected by the fire of these streets. The prosperous city is full of mobilized troops. People in the city stand on the balcony of their home and look far away. All they can see is the black armored soldiers and the black cavalry who passed by.

"No, my lord, the Falcon Army has entered the city! Now it is under martial law throughout the city, and all the streets leading to the branch of the business alliance are blocked and not allowed to enter or exit!" Ran into the guest room where the three were,

"It's not very good. From the time point of view, it should be this time." Bo Kangdi took a disappointed pick up the glass on the table, and after a soft sip, there was a smug smile on his face. The other two nervous companions said, "The military’s such a big response just shows that the huge amount of food and that key person have already fallen into the hands of the military. Such a large amount of such bad corruption has also caused The riots that affected the entire city of Remmel, this woman is dead this time!"

"It makes sense that if such a big problem is found, the military has not responded at all, which is strange!"

Hearing Bercandi’s explanation, the experienced Conorso nodded appreciatively and looked up at the clock on the wall. It was 1:40 in the afternoon, four hours before the deacon meeting was held. For a long time, at this moment, the self-righteous woman must be hiding from the panic in Tibet east of the city, all the time, it must be very uncomfortable to betrayed by your own loved ones.

"I think we should celebrate in advance, we are about to witness the coming of a great era, an era that belongs to the three of us." Asild smiled and took a bottle of red yam from the kitchen cabinet next to him, holding Three wine glasses came towards the two,

"Yes, this is a great victory!" Conlessau extended his right hand to take the wine glass.

"I belong to our three-person age, I like this word!" Bai Kangdi laughed in his mouth, drinking a full glass of red rum, and the hot wine grunted down his neck.

The three people in excitement did not know that, in the center of their expectations, this riot that should shake the basis of the Merchants Union, with the strong intervention of the Falcon Army, was like melting snow and ice at the unprecedented speed.

In front of the spear of the Falcon Army, the businessmen who were just arrogant enough to control the situation suddenly found that they were nothing in the eyes of the real power. The businessmen knelt down on the streets as required by the army unless they were able to The merchants who prove their identity will be ruthlessly arrested by the army,

The underground gangs who found it impossible to get through the borders were bad luck this time. They didn’t have a merchant’s proof. If they were caught, the final result must be executed on the grounds of unrest if they were unable to obtain proof. In this regard, The Falcon Army has never been a soft-hearted person.

Found that there was no escape route, the surrounded gangs began to gather,

"If you don't want to die, just rush forward!"

They first broke through to the seemingly smaller number of Southeast Street, but unfortunately their lives were bad. The reason why the number of Falcon Squadrons on the Southeast Street is the smallest is that these guys are heavy infantry responsible for siege, because today’s task is only auxiliary, so Today, I don’t wear heavy infantry armor, I just wear ordinary mail armor, and most of the weapons in my hands are weapons like siege cones, heavy armor, etc.

Although the number is small, they are all the guys who really rolled out of the blood of the corpse mountain. When it comes to fierceness and martial arts, they are the sharpest troops of the entire banner leader. They did not expect that they will be treated by the chaos because of the small number of people. The target that could break through, the bloodiest conflict in this riot broke out in this situation

This was a massacre, and later historians called it "the blood of severe winter"

Although there are thousands of people gathered together, but in the face of these elite soldiers who are professional in killing, there is no power to parry. Under the special thickened siege cone in the hands of the heavy siege soldiers, a **** resists. The **** arm was smashed with a stick, blood spewed from the fracture,

The hobbits in the city have seen such terrible weapons~www.wuxiaspot.com~ They have retreated back and down, reloading the infantry with a grinning smile and rushing up, like a dragon entering the sea and screaming into the muddling group. The sound of the bones cracked up, and there were constantly mixed faces covering the smashed parts, and they fell in the pool of blood within a few steps.

The siege infantry is different from the ordinary infantry. Their weapons need to be able to tear the enemy's defense line in the shortest time, so they are equipped with large killers, and the wide back of the war knife can make the blood groove deep and the sharp blade cut. Human body, the deep blood groove can cause a huge incision after the knife is cut out, and many mixed stomachs are cut with a big mouth, which flows out of a pool of **** intestines,

The street gangsters are asking for money, not life-threatening. Although there are gangs supporting this time, they haven't reached the point of life-threatening. I saw these lunatics who cut people as fiercely as vegetables and vegetables. The outside gangsters turned around and ran, and the gangsters inside also coaxed away and ran away with their dead legs.

Seeing such a scene, the heavy infantry killed even more vigorously, and the swords were wielded in their hands. The slayers cried and yelled at their mother. They only hated that the father and mother had fewer legs and ran slowly. They were caught up by the heavy infantry. It was a knife, blood fell to the ground.


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