Whole Nation

: 801 The Blood of Severe Winter (10)

Full text without ads 801 Blood of severe winter (ten)

"Your Majesty, the rebellion has subsided, and a total of 2,432 people have been arrested. Among them, 1,785 people have been identified as businessmen, 214 local gangs, and others are citizens who are taking advantage of the chaos!"

Lidastov looked respectfully and placed the report in his hand on the table next to the fat man's seat. The wind and rain outside the window had stopped, and a rainbow of rays of light faintly appeared in the distant sky

The scene of the riot outside the window has been replaced by a strict and orderly army patrol, and the flames in the distance have been extinguished by the soldiers. Shang Congxin regained his peace, only those burnt black shops, like a big toothless mouth, countless accused of the atrocities of a few hours ago

"Arrest 2432 people? Are you sure that only these people participated in the rebellion?" The report in the hands of the flipper, the fat man's eyes twitched unnaturally, and he grunted unpleasantly, "2432 people? What a joke, from the scale just now, The number is at least 3,500 or more. Now that the riots have subsided, have the Fourth and Seventh Banner Corps said, how many people have been killed in this crackdown?"

"This. ◣ Please enter m to provide the fastest chapter to read! ◢ No text in the advertisement..." Lidastove sweated in his head. He just forgot to ask this question in order to rush to ask for help, just now. He also saw the situation. If the number in the report is correct, those who did not report it, I am afraid that it is not less than the number reported now. If it is not reported, it basically means death, how to die naturally It is also self-evident,

"Damn, these two guys are too cunning!" Lidastov secretly scolded the heads of the fourth and seventh flag regiments. It is no wonder that when the two men reported at the same time, the strange faces at the same time twitched their eyes, At that time, Lidastov thought that the two had differences in the number of people. Now it seems that there is not a difference, but the data.

"Large... About 1,300 people were killed in this riot! Among them, the most people died on the southeast street, and there were more than 700 bodies." Lidastov can only rely on memory Answering this question, I was secretly thankful that the Supervision Department also had eyeliners, otherwise I wouldn’t even know how I died.

According to his imagination, the gathering rebellion like this, of course, the more kills, the better, it can be a good deterrent, so I really don’t care how many people have died, but from the current attitude of His Majesty Falcon , Your Majesty doesn’t seem to have all plans to execute

Sure enough, as he expected, the fat man's eyebrows slightly frowned, and he didn't speak. To be honest, although he thought that he would die, he didn't expect to die so much.

Fat people are not very satisfied with the results of the repression of this riot. Are these unarmed ordinary names also worth the army's killing? But thinking about it will make you feel relieved. This is also impossible. The army is the weapon of the country. Once the sheath is out, it is very difficult to control it carefully. At least these two flag regiments completed the mission within the prescribed time. ,

Rapid land chaos is extremely important for the stability of the city,

"You go down first!" The fat man stood up from the seat coldly, and asked dignifiedly, "Remember, since the person is dead, this matter must be investigated thoroughly, and his goal must be taken into account, otherwise, these The blood will be in vain. Those businessmen whose identity has been verified will be released after paying a certain amount of compensation.

As for the other people, put them up first, and wait until the meeting is over, and a trial meeting will be formed by the merchants who have been smashed by them. This is good for redeeming our national prestige"

"Why is this? Your Majesty, is it too light to deal with this? They are riots, they are the enemies of the country, and should all be executed!" Lidastov looked up inexplicably, with an inexplicable flash in his eyes. Shock, the word national prestige is very new, but it is also concise,

The riot is a devastating disaster for a city or region, but the most terrible is the blow to the national prestige. When it is found that the country loses control of the riot, the risk of the riot eventually becoming a rebellion is greatly increased.

Therefore, in any country on the mainland, the punishment for riots is not much lighter than that of the rebellion. Even if they are not all killed, they must be escorted to dangerous mines to dig iron ore, just to show the country’s control over this rebellion, and the deterrence is always better than Killing works better

"Are you really stupid or fake stupid!" The fat man rolled his eyes unpleasantly. "Don't you see it, this riot is completely driven by someone behind the scenes, and now the most hope is that the army will make the whole thing bigger People, in order to expand their influence, they must threaten the army and stand on their side. They must be hiding somewhere now. I hope we can execute all these more than 2,000 people."

"Yes, my subordinates understand! Let's do it

Lidastove shivered subconsciously and quickly nodded. Although he didn't understand the fat man's words very well, he heard the matter from behind and secretly played with the taste, using thousands of blood as the basis for his conspiracy. , His majesty’s enemies, he was so shocked that this black-hearted wolf also felt a little shocked

In the hotel room, three pairs of excited eyes are gazing at the army standing on both sides of the street outside the window. The city is under martial law. All the streets are armored patrols, and the footsteps are neat, like Drumsticks shook the heart of the whole city. Some daring citizens of Remmel cautiously protruded their heads from the windows on the second floor, looking cautiously at the muddy and **** streets. The corpses had been moved away, but left in the streets. Blood stains between the stones are faintly visible

The thick rain clouds have dissipated, revealing a blue and white sky above the head, and the red sun showing half of the bright face. The light shines through the scattered black clouds on the houses in the spires below, turning the entire city into countless pieces of light and dark Area,

The black smoke of the riot has dissipated, the streets have regained calm, and the streets affected by the rain still have traces left by the riot, red blood, miscellaneous items and messy shops have spread from the center of the riot to 7 Outside the street, almost one-third of the whole Remmell,

"嘡啷" The red wine glass made a crisp collision sound. In the semi-drunken drinking, the old-fashioned Conorso put down the wine glass in his hand. "Okay, two people, the carnival is almost over. We should consider how to harvest our Victory is right!"

"Yes, yes, this is a carnival!" Aseld was full of alcohol, and his eyes were full of excitement. He sipped the red rum again, just like drinking blood gathered by countless people, and the army was like The expected strong intervention, without any intervention, the always-blooded falcon army will surely make blood flow on several streets, no matter how many people die, even if only one, will be the best excuse to attack that woman. ,

Excellent and diligent businessmen have been strangled by the army because of the fault of the business deacon!

The three believe that once such news spreads, even the three neutral deacons who claim to be the woman’s ally will raise their arms of opposition at the meeting without hesitation.

Plus two deacons, and five deacons including Anconius, Soya, Listi, Andu Infi, Jayakadu, who went to investigate in person, and ten deacons accounted for 10 deacons, This meeting is foolproof,

Unless that man will come in person, is it possible? Even if the man is as good as he is rumored, it is absolutely impossible to predict the riots that broke out at noon today. It will take at least three days and three days from Palawan to Remmell! The overall situation has fallen to the ground, even as a great majesty, it is impossible to take the infamous woman from the new stage

The bell that sounded at five o'clock in the "centre" city center square was so sweet from the window, like cheering the victory in advance,

At 5:13 in the afternoon, the head of the supervision department Lidastov once again knocked on the fat man's door, bending down and whispering, "Your Majesty, Conlesso and Asilder came out of the hotel in a carriage together!

Behind them, followed by a carriage with the Bercondi family badge, from the direction and route, it should also go to the deacon meeting venue! However, they are divided into two routes to go. Although the martial law is now in the city, because of the qualification certification of the business alliance, the army’s checkpoints are only afraid that they cannot stop them.”

"Why do you block it?" The fat man slightly tilted his head and smiled at the corner of his mouth, telling it, let go all the way, not only don't block it, but also ensure their safety!"

The fat man's voice stopped, and there was a slight silence, and he continued, "It's not just them. All the deacons must send troops to ensure safety. After the riots, I don't want any sequelae!"

"Yes, Your Majesty" Lidastov nodded as he hurried away

At 5.40 in the afternoon, the carriages of Asilde and Conorso arrived at the meeting place, a side hall in the city hall of Remmel,

"Deacon Aseld and Deacon Conlesso, I was fortunate to have met. I had heard that the two had arrived. I had to think about it today. It was really memorable." Pollock, the rotating deacon in charge of daily affairs, smiled. Ushered in,

"It's our pleasure to see Brother Pollock there!" Conorso and Asilde shook hands with Pollock, and exchanged a few words of greeting.

Pollock's body is thin, but his face is fair, he has a kind face, he smiles professionally during the action, and the action is quite stable, let people know that it is the kind of hypocrisy. The businessman, describing him with an idiom such as hiding a knife in his smile and a sweet-mouthed sword, must not be mistaken. Full text no ads

The side hall of the city hall is not big. Coming in from the door of the side hall, the eyes of Conorso and Asild who are holding the winning ticket soon pay attention to a beautiful figure near the window.

Under the golden evening light, the thirsty Deacon Sokotus Delan's cold and proud shadow, and her black hair, made her highlight a certain kind of indescribable temperament, and her whole body was wrapped in a snow-white pure white dress ,

"This woman is so beautiful." No matter who sees this scene, anyone will sigh heartily, but in the eyes of the deacon of the business alliance, this woman is like a flower with poisonous thorns, which combines beauty and death. The expression on her face is indifferent. , As if you didn’t even know the riot that happened a few hours ago,

Under the eyes of all kinds of emotions, Sokotus Delan sat alone in a leisurely expression, with an inexplicable bewilderment shining in the show,

The thin and long phoenix eyes are more varied, can be indifferent and mysterious, and can be full of charm.

"This woman's good life is not far away! Now it is probably aftertaste the last scenery"

Conorso and Aseld looked at the beautiful and attractive figure in the distance bathed in the sun, and glanced at each other in a tacit understanding.

There was a smug smile on the corner of my mouth,

How long can this beautiful enemy remain leisurely? five minutes? ten minutes?

Victory is imminent, and within a few minutes, all the deacons will be there, and the motion to impeach 13 deacons will be passed with the consent of most people.

The era of this woman is over! She has lost the most powerful support, and has no means, but also room for her authority to continue. After this meeting, this woman will become synonymous with history, or a landmark person of a historical event , Of course, that is a tragic character, and the winner is himself

The other three early deacons clearly felt something wrong, and they had a close relationship with Deacon 13,

But at this moment, he didn't consciously keep his distance from the thirteen deacon with high weight in the past, he

They all sat down on a bench a few meters away from Sokotosdalen to show their position,

The riot in the afternoon rectified the whole city. The riot lasted for nearly 3 hours and affected the streets of most cities.

Everyone knows that the cause of the riot was because of the tax increase order of Deacon Thirteen, which was so loud behind it, and almost half of the Remmel city was stirred in. If it was not the timely entry of the army, the entire Remmel city would be Destroyed in this riot

The incident was so big, thousands of people were killed and injured, hundreds of shops were burned and looted. It was definitely a major disaster for Remmel’s business. The touch of the Falcon army proved that the business alliance could not control the situation. Once this matter was reported by the military, even with the background of the deacon of thirteen, this time it was considered to have been planted. Such a big loss, if there is no one to explain, it cannot be said in the past.

"These guys are really real!"

Seeing all the deacons look away from him, Sokotus Delane's face was calm, and her ruddy and **** lips gently blew the heat from the cup in her hand.

She has a very tall figure, and the tallest figure among almost fat women, probably because her legs are a little longer, her waist is a little thin, and her figure is a little slim, like a beautiful fetish when the world first opened.

Her lively body shape and lines are as impeccable as nature. At this moment, like a light lily, bathed in the mist of the cold winter, many deacons are sorry for the fall of this beautiful woman,

Several deacons froze in front of such a beautiful scene, and then sighed unintentionally. Unfortunately, this stunner should not have stirred up this kind of power war between men. In all fairness, this woman’s talent is amazing Only in this age of patriarchy, his talents are never under any deacon, and he has a strong military background. The future is unlimited, but now, he can only sadly retire from this gorgeous stage. The consideration is, who will fill the vacancy, the woman is already out of breath

"Miss Sokotosdalen, it's such an honor to see you!"

Just as everyone was stunned, a loud voice came from the door, and He Ruile, who was in charge of the sea trade, hurriedly walked in from outside the door. Regardless of the stunned expression of others, he bowed down with respectful expression to Sokotus. Lan Bi respectfully bowed, as if nothing had happened.

"That stupid, can't distinguish the form until now, and still regard the woman as her own master, really a stubborn guy who doesn't know the current affairs!" Bald Connor sneered and sneered.

Then, a series of footsteps sounded outside the door. The five deacons, Anconius, Sawyer, Listi, Anduinfi, and Jayakadu, dressed in black, came in from the door with disgraced faces. Horrible, the five deacons seemed to be unaware of the greetings of Conorzo and Asild, but according to the rules, they saluted in front of Sokotus Delan and then sat down next to them

"What's the situation?" Conlesso and Asild were stunned, and several other deacons were also stunned. "Now, let's start the meeting!" The number of people gathered, and the voice of the rotating deacon Pollock interrupted the two. Thoughts

"Slow down, I still have something to say!" Conlessau felt a little bit wrong. There should have been a situation where the five deacons had argued with Sokotus Stellar. The original plan had variables, just like once the meeting was held, There are fewer opportunities to find statements and accusations,

He quickly waved his hand to stop and stood up from his seat~www.wuxiaspot.com~ with a sad look on his face, "Everyone, you should know the reason for this meeting in advance, just a few hours ago, In this city, the blood of countless kind merchants, because of the unauthorized act of a deacon, and worthlessly flowing on the streets, they are merchants, but they are forced to become thugs, whose fault

Some people are secretly greedy for food and manipulated food prices privately, which eventually led countless businessmen to blaze the streets. In the face of such a bad event, as a protector of businessmen, are business alliances prepared to turn a blind eye to such a bad event? Did you forget even the most basic duties? Or do you all fear the power behind someone? "

The stimulating voice echoed on the ceiling of the hall, and there was a silence in the hall.

Although it is not stated clearly, everyone knows that Conlesso and Asild have been dissatisfied with the deacon for a long time. This time, in the face of the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, it will naturally not endure.

However, it seems that it seems too biased to jump out and blame so carelessly. Seeing that the deacons are still hesitating, Conorso and Aseld decided to throw out the most advantageous killer.


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