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: 802 The Polar Cold (1)

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"I now have enough evidence to prove that the sudden tax increase and riots are actually a deacon's pre-designed conspiracy in order to increase the price of food." Conrador's eyes were full of fierceness, and he took one out of his arms. Sealed transport book,

He spread out on the table in the presence of many deacons, and said sharply, "Look at this, this is a consignment note that shipped 700,000 tons of food from Palawan to Remmir in secret seven days ago, 700,000 tons, This is the largest transport order of our business alliance this year, so who is the owner of such goods?"

The excitement of Conlessau's voice paused, and his eyes swept the deacons around him with confusion, feeling a sense of excitement, and smashing the scheduling in his hands on the table,

Pretending to have a tragic look, he continued, "At eight o'clock this morning, not long after this batch of unidentified food arrived at the warehouse outside the city, the Remel City branch issued this turbulent tax increase order.

In order to reduce losses, merchants with grains in their hands must accumulate grains in their hands and let them out. Isn't that too coincident! For this reason, as a deacon of the grain trade, I quickly launched an investigation. The result was terrible, even terrifying. Now that we have all the evidence and evidence, but because it involves a deacon, we have called everyone together! "

"What, 700,000 tons of food!" Console's generous and loud voice made the audience suddenly uproar, except for Sokotus Delan's indifferent face, the other deacons were whispering and shocking,

The deacons looked from time to time to the location of Sokotosdalen. 700,000 tons of grain is absolutely a huge and unbelievable number for these deacons with super merchant backgrounds. 700,000 tons of grain is enough to make one A large city of 300,000 people has been eating for a month, and in the northern part of Ruidian, which has just experienced wars, disasters and migrations this year, the value of 700,000 tons of food needs to be at least tripled, at least 2 million gold coins Above, this is an unimaginable big deal

What shocked the deacons most was the information revealed behind this number, the war-torn north of Ruidian and the appeasement of the victims. [Go and read, go to www.93m] It is absolutely impossible to have so much stored grains, let alone the nearly exhausted Palawan area, so the source of such a large amount of grain is only one possibility,

Someone used the relief food of the falcon dynasty in Palawan!

This terrible truth, like acupuncture, made deacons feel restless, this woman is playing with fire! This is the idea of ​​most deacons. Even with a tough military background, such a huge amount of ink is tantamount to piercing the sky. Unless you can get the handwriting of His Majesty Falcon, you are looking for your own way.

If this news is heard in the ears of the Falcon Dynasty, a disaster will come. Think of Tulun End who was sentenced to death and confiscated all his property in the Twelfth Lienbao incident. I have never been soft on this kind of thing, but there are also some deacons who believe that this woman has an inexorable relationship with the upper level of the Falcon military. There are really secret warrants.

Just when everyone was wondering and guessing,

The thirteenth deacon, Sokutus Stellar, who sat alone by the window, sneered with a disdainful mouth, like a flowery face with a bit of arrogance, like a lily blooming against the cold wind, so that everyone in the hall Feeling bright,

"Oh! If only one inexplicable consignment note can prove anything, it's not ridiculous!"

In the aggressive eyes of the people, the thirteenth deacon, Sokotus Delan, had no fear on his face, took the water cup on the table lightly, gestured a sultry soft sip, and couldn't express the charming,

Even if the woman is facing a desperate situation, she is still fighting without giving up. With such perseverance and perseverance, even if you already know the ending, other deacons can't help but feel a little admiration.

"We have definite evidence and testimony, and if the meeting requires it, we can show everything at once..." Conorso was anxious,

Before the opponent's disdain and ridicule, his face was flushed, he was a relatively calm person, but I don't know why, but I can already feel the call of the Goddess of Victory, and some seem impatient and can't wait.

"I don't want to continue to listen to nonsense!" Sokotus Delan interrupted him with a wave of voice, and said in a cold tone. "If Deacon Conorso thinks that this batch of food is related to me, please come up with more precise evidence. What is being covered up, since it is all stolen, then please take out people and stolen goods!

I believe everyone’s judgment will never injustice a good person, and will not arbitrarily approve of an unscrupulous planting, otherwise, whoever finds an unexpected name next time will be able to pour you all over. ! "

"Okay, you'll regret this sentence!" Conranço shuddered, he didn't expect this woman to face such a shocking news, instead of appearing to be in a state of retreat and losing ground, but showing an extremely stable state of mind, this A woman is like a coiled viper, even if it is a beast that is much larger than her body, she still dares to raise her head and reveal a terrifying fang,

But the viper is only a viper after all, when the deadly fangs no longer exist, then she is just a boneless plaything

"I suggest that in order to show the fairness and reasonableness of both parties, Deacon Sokoutus and I both temporarily gave up the deacon power in our hands." Thinking of the victory soon, Conleso showed a slight smile in his mouth. Since the other party had opened the conditions, he also The plan can be carried out. "Only in this way can we guarantee that no one can wait for the time and will not engage in small actions! After all, this is someone else's territory!"

"Give up the deacon's power?" Several deacons looked at each other in confusion, and they all saw a horrified look in each other's eyes. What did the old Conorso want to do?

They don’t think that the well-trained Conranço was really proposed to ensure the fairness of the shit. In this world full of power, the word fair is not as clean as a shady cloth. Everyone is smart, some I don’t know what happened and I knew that old Conorso did this for the last killer,

There is really no great evidence!

Some deacons who have long expressed their opinions on Sokotosdalen can hardly conceal their eager expressions on their faces,

Five deacons who once had a holiday with Sokotus Delan, including Anconius, Soya, Listi, Anduinfy, and Yayakadu, did not express their agreement or expression at this moment. disagree,

"I'm sorry, the Union Headquarters will think so" "

Sokotosdalen's gaze circulated, and looked at other people left and right, some guilty people, all lowered their heads under her gaze, Sokotosdalen's calm face did not fluctuate at all, just the moonlight-like bright eyes , A flash of cold light hard to detect

"This is my ring, I believe in the justice of the alliance!"

After a while, Sokotus Stellan was somewhat sloppy from her white and slender fingers, and removed the ring representing the deacon's identity, and then gently placed it on the table in front of her, "snapping" the platinum badge of roses The ring collided with the smooth tabletop and made a clear sound

The sound of the overnight wind blowing in the hall of "Hu", and the silence of several deacons secretly sighing, retreating gorgeously, the era of this woman is over,

Pollock the rotating deacon carefully placed the ring on the table in the gold plate. (Full text e-book is free to download) "Okay, now both parties can come up with your proof!

Pollock made a gesturing gesture to Conorsome, who was proud, with a smile on the corner of his mouth,

At this moment, no one knows, under Pollock's grinning face, he is saddened by the excited Conorso, "Fool, against the Falcon woman, you really want to die!"

"Okay, I believe everything will be judged fairly!" Conorso looked at the ring on the table brightly. He knew this. He hadn't felt the strange atmosphere in the venue, but stood proudly. Get up, turn around and whisper a few words to the next Asild,

"Okay, I get it!" Asild, tall and thin, agreed to nod his head excitedly and pushed away the long backrest chair in front of him. The tall figure quickly disappeared at the entrance of the hall.

Time passed in a moment, the sunset outside the window also fell on the distant horizon, the earth was dark, the hall lit the candles, the candles swaying in the wind shone on everyone in the hall, and the long shadow dragged all the way to the wall,

"what happened?"

"It's been an hour, and still nothing happened!"

‘It’s estimated to be hanging. Old Conorso is afraid to plant it this time! "

With the passage of time, the atmosphere of the deacons in the hall became more and more weird, and the voices of the deacons whispered in the hall like a mosquito-like grace,

The strange eyes of the deacons made Conorço anxiously waiting for an echo, like a thorn in the back, already holding the original winning ticket, becoming anxiously pacing back and forth in the hall,

Sokotus Delane was still indifferent, looking at the city lights shining like stars outside the window, it seemed a little confused, the night wind blowing her black hair, showing a bright and amazing silhouette, all the deacons were Feel a strange breath floating in the air,

"It's 7:30, Deacon Conor, where is your evidence?" Pollock, the rotating deacon, had some helpless voice, breaking the embarrassment in the hall,

He looked at the strange look on the faces of the other deacons and continued: "If we can't see enough proof before 8 o'clock, we can only think of the deacon of Conorso, and slandering Sokotus on unprovoked charges. Deacon Dylan, in accordance with the provisions of the deacon, the identity of Deacon Conranço will be cancelled!"

"No, you can't be like this!" Hearing such a judgment, Conorso panicked, his pale buttocks sitting on the bench, he didn't know what had happened, but from the current situation, Asild only I'm afraid it won't come back,

If the deacon's identity is cancelled, the entire business of the Conorso family will be finished. The revenge from the 13 deacon Sokoutus Delan is definitely not something that an ordinary merchant family can contend with, or even only need to reveal a little wind, and there are countless outsiders watching. Hao merchants, like hyenas, will tear the lost Conranço family into pieces.

"I have one more, and there is another complaint!" The old face of Connorsau was terrible because of the extreme distortion. do not know why,

He suddenly remembered this morning. At that time, he was standing on the viewing platform of the hotel. At that time, the sun was just a round of red **** wrapped in dense fog and smoke on the top of the distant mountain.

The sun shone in the mist of Ruimier City, getting whiter and brighter, but still unable to penetrate this layer of tulle and appeared in shape.

"I sued Deacon Sokotus Delan, without the authorization of the deacon, he issued a tax increase order without authorization!" Conorso stood in the magnificent and bright hall, covered with **** eyes, staring deadly at the window Kutus Stellar, he can feel the change of wind direction, but it is not enough to be reconciled just to fail,

He accused Sokotus Delane of being exhausted, like a drowning man who grabbed a straw on the shore

"Old Conranço must be crazy, now who cares about it!" Some deacons couldn't bear to look away, and gave a cold response to Conranço's last hope. The rotating deacon Pollock looked at the crowd, there was no bite, silence In the hall, only the ringing candles made a burst of crisp sounds, and the sound of crying was like burning in everyone's heart

Obviously Asild will not come back, everyone knows this,

The strong counterattack from Koutusdalen, as it always has been, has been unconsciously launched. After losing the deacon power, without mobilizing anyone, even without standing,

Let a high-powered deacon go back and forth, proving that the third-party forces that have remained silent have finally shot. After mobilizing a large number of troops to suppress the unrest, they stood firmly behind Kutusdellan. The invisible magic hand has already controlled everything in its hands

The overall situation has been decided, and what evidence is still talking about, has long lost meaning,

The deacons are elite, especially the five deacons including Anconius, Soya, Listi, Anduinfi, and Jayakadu who were previously invited to investigate. The farce of this defeat was obviously wiped out by the powerful wrist of Deacon Kutusdella

Although I don't know how to do it yet, the attitude of the army! Let all this be unimportant!

Listi, the only female deacon among the five deacons, had some pity, the old Conranço, who seemed to be in a state of disappointment, secretly sighed, "Poor old Conranço, who thought he was already facing the wind, spread his wings... but was gorgeous at one time. After floating, everything burst like a bubble,

Haven't you realized it yet?

Without the powerful military alliance supported by the Falcon dynasty, at most it can only be regarded as a second-rate organization. Only when it is connected with the military system of the Falcon dynasty, the business alliance is the uncrowned king who controls the lifeline of the mainland economy. Our family, wealth, prestige So that the status can be maintained

This is the relationship between the tree and the root system. Without the root tree, no matter how thick, the final result is only one possibility, that is, death. Under such consciousness, no deacon will be on your side! "

"Is everything over?"

Kutusdalen's right hand closed her black hair in her ear. The beautiful figure stood up from the seat for the first time. The black long dress made her a mysterious and arrogant color.

"As for the tax increase order, I also have a witness! But for some special reason, he cannot attend the meeting, but I brought this! It is enough to prove everything."

Koutusdella’s crisp voice echoed through the ceiling of the conference hall after the old Conran

She raised her right hand, carefully dropped the upper white gloves, under the burning candlelight in the hall, between her right middle finger, shaking a black aperture that seemed to absorb all the light,

"Oh my God, it's Heraldic Ring of Her Majesty Falcon!"

The deacons looked at the stuff on Koutusdalen's fingers, and took a breath. A black falconry ring with wings spreading awkwardly, on Kutusdalen's white and slender slender fingers, was like a The falcon heading straight into the sky, portraying the most beautiful and vivid, two eyes embellished with fine-grained rubies, flashing a lustrous luster

All deacons are no strangers to this ring, this ring used to be the logo of the president of the business alliance,

Later, because the former president Si Duhan was dismissed, this extraordinary ring was withdrawn and now appears on Koutusdellan’s finger. It is enough to show that what happened tonight is to uphold His Majesty Falcon. will,

"Poor Old Contortionist"

Everyone was shocked and looked at the loser at the other end in compassion. The old Conran was not only defeated, but also had no chance of turning over. No wonder the military’s attitude was so firm, no wonder that the 13th deacon Kutu Stellar was so calm in the face of sudden accusations and blows, that everything was already in the hands before the meeting,

In this kingdom, His Majesty the Falcon is the master of everything. Such thinking has already penetrated into everyone's heart. No one can compete with His Majesty the Falcon, no one!

"No, this is impossible!"

A huge sense of despair hit the heart of old Conranço~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Only then did he know who his real enemy is, if time can stay for a certain period of time, or can go back like a thought, there should be How good!

"Why is the feeling of victory so short, just came and went away quickly!"

The pain caused by this thought is unbearable. It was like a cone piercing his heart fiercely, like a sledgehammer hitting his chest fiercely. It's like being suffocated in water, like being burned on a fire stake, like a poison turning over the river in your body, like your skin being sluggish... How he hoped this was just a dream*..."

"This is a letter from His Majesty this morning to the branch of the Business Alliance, which has instructions on the tax increase order."

Koutusdella took a letter with red paint from her skirt, and in front of all the dumbfounded deacons, handed it to the rotating deacon Pollock, saying, "Consor and Asild deacon , In cooperation with the Bercondi family in Remmell City, in order to plant framing, eliminate dissidents, and greedy Mopalavon’s relief food of 700,000 tons, also ask Deacon Pollock to deprive the two deacons of their identity and pay in accordance with the rules of the business alliance. Dispose by the military!"


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