Whole Nation

: 803 Wind and Cloud in the North (1)

803 North wind and clouds (1)

Baozi sincere thanks: Bi Dianfeierte voted 2 monthly tickets;

"Your Majesty" in the quiet room, starlight everywhere, the head of the supervision department Lidastove looked happily opened the door

"The business alliance deacon meeting just passed a resolution announcing the deprivation of the deacons of Conorso and Asild, and handing them over to the Falcon military. As of 10 o'clock tonight, a thousand arrested Many businessmen have already handed over 430,000 tons of food"

"430,000 tons! This group of guys is really enough to hoard the 700,000 tons of grain greedy, plus this redemption food, this time the total food exceeds 1.1 million tons, enough for Palawan to use all winter!"

Hearing the number reported by Lidakus, the fat man looked immovably, holding his hands on his back, gazing affectionately at the distant moon-shining land,

The location of this tavern just happens to stretch out the window and extend into the vast wilderness beyond the horizon. [Go to read, read wW.m] The earth is quiet, the black shadows of the villages outside the city and the forest are reflected together, and under this starry night, mountains and rivers are winding at their feet. Suddenly,

Suddenly, the fat man felt a kind of monarchy, dominating the earth, but there was also a sense of crisis. His mind flashed and suddenly turned his head,

A dazzling black eyes flashed a dreadful cold light, and Ning asked, "How is the background of that Burcondi checked? It would be too abnormal to say that just a regional businessman can have such a large amount of energy. Go!"

Moonlight is like a shadow, shining on the back of his not burly, outline a powerful and domineering picture, it seems that the world is in its grasp

"The subordinates have found out that this Berkandi is indeed a relatively influential businessman in the Rimmel area, and a third of the industry in the city is almost explicitly or implicitly under his name!" Lidas Toff responded with a respectful face, "But when we searched his mansion, we found that one of the most important confidants on the wanted list, Hu Erdu, was missing. He suspected that he had known the news in advance, and his subordinates had ordered four cities. Martial law, I believe this person will be arrested soon!"

"Hurduk?" The fat man's face was silent for a moment before he continued to ask. "This person should not be a Ruidian. Such a weird surname is among the Doroks, who are known for their multi-ethnicity. Rare"

"Yes, this person is not a Rui Erdian. According to some of the people we arrested, this person suddenly appeared beside Bocondi three months ago.

It was also after this person appeared that the originally declining Baikangdi seemed to be expanding rapidly like a help. Several families that had been right before were inexplicably stricken and had to choose to move away in advance.

This is the same person. When everyone thought that the Eastern Cavalry and we will definitely fight in Remmel, we will stand in the way of the public and insist that the city will not be affected by the war, but will be more prosperous.

It was based on this that Bercondi did not choose to leave, but seized a strong opportunity to acquire nearly one-third of the industry in the city at an ultra-low price! Become the leader of the underground forces in the city of Rumil!

And those people also said that although Huerduk is the most important confidant of Bercondi, not many people have really seen him.

Every time he appears at the meeting, he is masked with black yarn. Bai Kangdi trusts this person very much, and the judgments on many major events are based on this person's opinion."

"Oh, to put it this way, this talent is the real master behind Becondi! Who do you think he has something to do with?" The fat man sneered, and suddenly asked with a pointed voice

Lidasto's head was cold and sweating, and he seemed to have thought of it, his face changed slightly

The fat man said, "Three months ago, the Dongting cavalry battled against the Rui Erdians and the Rebogen in the three northern counties. Our army was watching on the front line in the northern counties. Only Remil was not affected by the war.

Although from a strategic position, the county of Remmell is flat and easy to attack and difficult to defend, but it occupies a geographical position. If the Dongting people obtain Rebogen, they can form a horn with each other and form a check on our army. ,

In this case, even if our army is willing to go south, we can only watch the Dongting cavalry swept the entire Palawan Plain by virtue of the victory! Acquire the most fertile land in the center of the mainland.

"This Hulduk is from the East Court!" Lidastov showed a look of sudden enlightenment,

"Yes, if you can't even see this now, you are too disappointing me." The fat man nodded slightly and continued to analyze.

"The time when this person named Hulduk appeared so coincidentally, I am afraid that it is not unrelated to the Dongting people. We want to take over peacefully. The Dongting people have the same idea. If I guess right, this person must be Dong. The person in charge of the court sent to Remil only had to hide it temporarily because the east court was defeated too quickly..."

Lidastov nodded in agreement, and then said confusedly, "It's just that his subordinates don't understand that the main force of the East Court has been defeated, the King of Khan has died in battle, and the Dongting Prairie of the Old Nest is also in jeopardy under the attack of the West Kugit cavalry, Why is it still at this juncture, suddenly starting within the business alliance, do they still want to fight back!"

"This is also where I am puzzled!" The fat man shook his head in confusion. "This Hulduk has been hidden for so long, why would he risk the risk of exposure, he did not hesitate to use the extremely valuable **** Pakangdi, An eye-catching turmoil has formed within the business alliance. What he is planning is really only known to him!"

"Bang Bang" At this moment, the door knocked, and Mao Mo Na Qing walked in with a letter printed with emergency red paint

"This is an emergency report just sent from Princess Selice. Because Wang Tingqingying is used, it is very confidential, so I sent it without dismantling it!" A bit dignified

"Wang Ting Qing Ying!" The fat man's face changed slightly, and an ominous premonition appeared in his heart. Wang Ting Qing Ying was not easy to raise. Although the speed was fast, but he would be exhausted to death with one use. Will use,

After receiving the lacquered letter, his eyes were swept, the fat man’s tight eyebrows twisted into a Chuan character on his forehead, and he looked at Lidastov. Going south"

"This ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is unlikely!" Lidastov was stunned.

The fat man handed the secret letter in his hand to Mao Monaqing next to him, and slowly said, "Ten days ago, the 50,000 West Cugett cavalry responsible for the attack on the Dongting grassland was Ya Meadow, encountered a fierce counterattack from 50,000 Dongting cavalry,

In the two days of fierce fighting, the departments of Sikugit, which had already gained an advantage, were almost simultaneously attacked by unknown enemies from the flank.

The whole army collapsed to the 140 Limoye Mountains to stabilize its footing,

In this battle, more than 20,000 people were killed by the Sikugit cavalry. What appeared before them was the Dongting army of more than 80,000 people. However, there were a lot of strange infantry regiments inside."

"A strange-looking infantry regiment?" This time even Mao Monaqing was shocked. The Dongting men, women, and children are all ethnic groups. Since childhood, they have used horses instead of horses. How come the infantry regiments?

"If I guessed right, it should be the Austin from the extreme north!" The fat man punched the window sill with a decisive punch


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