Whole Nation

: 804 Wind and Cloud in the North (2)

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At the end of December, in the history of the turmoil known as the blood of the severe winter, in the far north, the pace from the East Court empire was also approaching, and after the defeat of the West Kugit Department in the East Court Grassland, they retreated to the Mayan Mountains to stay in line and wait for assistance , The East Court troops supported by the Northland, the aggressive soldiers pressed against the Maya, and the war was about to happen.

"Treading" the horseshoe boomed, like the dull thunder in the distant sky tumbling,

In the cold wind blowing from the north, the fat man drove the upper section of the hills, Lema stopped, and the two Samor swords were hung on the back, extending diagonally from the back of the shoulder, matching his heavy weight The size, sitting on the Xuan Ang's unusually high battle immediately, there is indeed an invincible, hegemonic lord of the earth. ≮wW.9 Quickly read≯ full text without ads

Princess Austin Yundai, who had a tight-fitting flaming red mail armor, followed him quickly to the hillside. This heroic and interracial princess bundled her hair into dozens of braids, hanging freely on both shoulders. He Xiangbei,

It further highlights her beautiful neck, emphasizes her beautiful silhouette, plus her moving posture, standing alongside the fat man, the heroic beauty, complement each other.

More than 20 Samor's guards wearing heavy black armor dispersed to the Quartet to monitor the movements. In the distance, 40,000 Wikia cavalry rushed in like a black iron stream from the mountain pass in front, and the horseshoe stepped on this hard frozen ground of the ancient millennium, raising a piece of flying ice, black clouds Like the canopy of the earth, over the white wilderness in front of you,

The fat man's eyes were gleaming, and he looked at the earth from a condescending position. His ears seemed to sound the sound of thousands of horses and horses at that time. It shook through the clouds. After a few days of running around, although it was extremely exhausting, this piece of wasteland seemed to be With endless energy,

"The front is the edge terrace of the Maya Mountains where all the tribes are retreating!" The nearby Austin Yundai suddenly pointed to a faint black line in the original sky, and the voice was a bit cold.

"Mount Maya is the border between the grassland and the extreme north. At first, we followed this road from the extreme north to Ai Lei. I remember that there were more than 170 guards at the beginning, but it was for cover. The safety of our sisters, most of them have been sleeping here! Their looks and names, I still remember now!"

"They are real warriors." The fat man looked in the direction of his fingers and couldn't help feeling a tremor of heart. In front of him was a vast and endless wilderness. The sky was covered with a bed, and a pale sky was like an endless curtain. The whole world is shrouded in it,

The snow on the ground, the endless grasslands here turned into a dazzling silver and white vast, countless grass stalks bent by the snow, frozen into white ice in the whistling cold wind,

Anyone who steps into this wasteland will have a small sense in his heart,

After continuing for a long time, the distant mountains gradually became huge, and the hard icebergs gradually increased.

"Falcon's battle flag is the battle flag of His Majesty the Falcon!" In the distance, with the cheering sound of a long horn, in the middle of the Maya mountain range, the Kurgit's wolf head battle flag can be seen, more than 20,000 The Kugits who retreated were staying in the middle of this mountain range

"His Majesty"

In the camp at Mount Maya, the chiefs of the various tribes of Kugit had already been waiting. When they saw the fat man coming down from the horse, they squatted down in half.

"Let's get up, go into the countryside and follow the customs, the Kujit goshawk soaring in the grassland, but there is no such etiquette!"

The fat man smiled at the corner of his mouth, and he raised the half-kneeling tribal leaders one by one, and did not put on the shelf of a little king of sweat. Like an old friend who had not seen for many years, he carefully asked the heads of various tribes to plan their winter this winter.

The leader of the Sukh tribe, one of the eight major tribes, Laisuk, when the fat man passed, the old hand grasped the fat man's shoulder and said with red eyes

"Your Majesty Khan, do you want to take revenge on the tens of thousands of people who died in the Bea Meadows?"

In addition to a few medium-sized tribes, most of the troops were sent by the eight major tribes. Among them, the Suko tribe was the majority. Of the 20,000 cavalry who died in the Boya Meadows, there were 8,000. They are all Subos. At the same time, there are 8,000 brave and warlike clan, even the Sukh with a population of 250,000 can't bear it.

This is the first time that Vickia Falcon appeared as a king of Kujit Khan, and appeared in front of all the Kujit tribes.

His Majesty the Falcon is known as the undefeated God of War on the mainland, and his army is also an elite who has never failed.

This attack on the East Court was a fiasco, and the clan leaders were also worried about it. According to the decree of the ruling Kujt clan, the King of Khan had the highest power to dispose of the defeated army. Even if Vickia Falcon asked them to commit suicide, they could only execute Order, but at this moment, it seems that His Majesty Falcon has no intention of punishing the defeated generals, which makes most Kugit leaders feel relieved

The fat man glanced over the densely crowded Kugit people. Although the war horse withered, the scimitar remained as snow. Whether it was a tribal young man or a weathered old man, although he had just experienced a fiasco, but There is still no trace of sorrow, but the face of the war can be seen faintly on the face,

No wonder, the Kugits can be called the strongest race on the mainland. This nation forged in the bitter cold land does have a far stronger will and fighting spirit than other races. Fighting with the sky and the earth, even as the Kuji The conqueror of the special people, the fat man still believes that among the mainland peoples, only the Kugits are the most invincible and are natural warriors.

The fat man raised his right hand high and glanced sharply across all the Kugits in front of him. He said loudly, "This time I brought 40,000 reinforcements, and there are 6 flag regiment infantry regiments on the road. Our total strength will exceed 100,000,"

The fat man's voice paused, and his left hand raised the hand of Lesuk next to him "I promise you, the people of Changshengtian will not die in vain! Blood debts must be paid!"

The eyes of everyone were filled with hot tears, golden sunlight that had not seen for many days, penetrated through the clouds, shining from behind the fat figure of the fat man, and a golden crown was vaguely visible on the fat man's head

"Eternal life!"

The Kugits were frightened by the sight before them,

According to the legend of Kugit, the man with the crown above his head is a walker on the grassland for longevity, he will hold the whip of the longevity, and will mass the prairie of the will of the longevity.

Among the tribal leaders, Lai Su Ke, who was in tears, knelt down first, followed by Du Weiyan with the same excited look, and then more than ten tribal leaders,

Then the whole piece of tens of thousands of people, like multiple strands of dominoes, knelt down on the ground one after another, spreading out like a huge arc, covering the earth,

"Long live Khan, long live Khan"

Everyone showed an uplifting look. The Maya mountain range rumbling without advertising sounds in the whole text, its spectacular scene is still a topic of relish for the Kugit herdsmen twenty years later.

December 22nd. The main force of the Falcon Dynasty arrived at Mount Maya, and before this, the advance cavalry on each route of the two armies had encountered many times.

The Dongting Cavalry was bitten by a snake for ten years, and was afraid of the well rope for ten years. After learning that the opposite side was the Vickia Falcon, the whole army retreated 30 miles,

Everyone knows that the Vickia Infantry formation is in a tremendous world. On the rugged mountain road, the advantage of the Dongting cavalry is difficult to exert, and the heavy infantry in the extreme north can not resist the attack of the Vickia infantry crossbow.

If you decide to fight in the mountains, it is tantamount to finding your own way. Even the hundreds of thousands of northern troops in Ruierdian are still in the wild mountains and the fallen flowers are beaten by the Wikiyas, not to mention their 80,000 temporary spliced ​​troops.

The commander of the Dongting people is also a general who is not born,

Regardless of offensive defense. They all have superb ground standards. Even if they retreat, they still make it like a big attack. For the Dongting cavalry fighting in the wilderness, even the fat men are deeply afraid of the other party's familiarity with the terrain. Therefore, I was quite cautious in marching

At the beginning of the battle, the tactical actions of both sides were exactly the same. The main force is still. The Cantonese scouts scout the opposing camp, detect their strengths, and prevent the scouts from spying on themselves.

The collision between Dongting Bow and Qiweiya Qingqi Guards, the two armies are world-class strong soldiers, and the elites in the army can also serve as scouts. With the arrogance of perseverance and defeat, the fight is always to die,

The scale of the battle was not large, but the casualties were tragic. Both sides had a whole team of scouts destroyed by the other side. Both sides scolded thousands of casualties.

The Falcon Army is strong, so casualties can be tolerated. The Dongting people are already suffering from pain. After a week of fighting,

General Wu Ting, the general of the army, was forced to order the scouts to shrink the line of defense. Avoid fighting hard with the falcon cavalry, and give the falcon cavalry free gallop to the battlefield.

The soldiers in the Dongting camp set up high platforms around the camp, watching the falcon cavalry who saw the black armor in the wild desert and woods, peeping into their camp.

The Dongting people originally imagined dealing with the Kugits last time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ used powerful bow riding tactics to introduce the Falcon Army into the ambush circle, but they soon found out that the Falcon Army’s long-range The attack power is not inferior to the armored bow, often when the two armies encounter,

Countless clusters of arrows crossed the sky like a meteor, and the fierce battle stained the wilderness. In the heavy snow of the feathers, the Falcon Legion always displayed a steadily advancing posture.

In front is a heavy shield infantry, in the middle is a well-protected crossbowman, and the two wings are a huge group of cavalry that flanked like a sharp blade,

During the two battles, the Eastern Cavalry did not take advantage of it,

Even if there are occasional falcon infantry clusters that are too aggressive in the battle, they are still in combat and never collapse, even if the casualties are large. At most it's retreat

Orderly. With cover, there is a retreat after the break, so that the Dongting cavalry can not win the chase. The battle loss ratio between the two armed forces has always remained around one to one.

On December 29, the last day of the year, one hundred thousand falcon army soldiers arrived at the Dongting NPC


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