Whole Nation

: 818 The Nords' counterattack (1)

818 Nord's counterattack (1)

Two Dragon-class battleships were mixed with twelve Dragon Tooth battleships, and six huge merchant ships drove against the dark sea of ​​the Nord Sea, and the strong wind swept the deck with heavy rain. ◣Please enter m to provide the fastest chapter reading! ◢ Splashing out splashes.

The six large commercial ships have a displacement of more than 100 tons, and they can barely maintain stability in the wind and waves. They move slowly, but the twelve lighter Longya warships are very bumpy in the storm. The bow is often submerged in the giant * , Seawater is flowing everywhere on the deck

"Tell the bō Lanfork on the port side, pay attention to their position, they are too close to the transport fleet." Falcon squadron leader Fry put down the lookout in his hand and whispered to the deputy behind him, originally xìng grid, it is very rare to remind others, others have to die or live, it is not his business,

However, this transportation task is really important. Since the Ferran Island chain fell into the hands of the Falcon Navy, in order to deeply pierce this piercing nail, the Falcon Navy continued to strengthen the fee on the basis of the original Rud The defensive power of the Lan Island Chain not only repaired the fortress on the island chain, but also added two small military ports to serve as a docking point for Dragon Tooth warships that are not good at ocean operations.

The twelve Dragon Tooth battleships accompanying this time were the Fry squadrons stationed on the Ferran Island chain. As agreed by the Admiralty, the first Admiral of the Fleet Island chain Naval Defensive Fleet, Frye can now be regarded as impatient and cannot wait Of his own home in Saranda to the Ferran chain.

The six huge Salander ships that accompanied him carried the Fry fleet's much-needed supplies on the Ferran chain and ten army-type Thors that had just been produced. This kind of Thors had greater power and longer range. The only one The disadvantage is that it is too heavy to move,

Used as a fortress cannon, this kind of Thor is produced in limited quantities according to the requirements. It has a number and the name of the fortress to be equipped. It is a radish and a pit, and there are very few outflows.

Even within the Falcon Army, these Thors are also eye-catching and valuable materials. In exchange for these ten Thors, Fry can be said to be selling pots and irons, and even coaxed to borrow the entire six-ship trophy from other colleagues. It is said that now Frye walks anywhere, there is always a creditor behind the ass

In the winter, the Tuo Dehai is generally bubbly and turbulent. The complex and changeable climate changes have caused it to become a monsoon-prone area. Winter storms come without any warning.

The ships passing by here generally take sufficient measures to protect against the storm. Since the Falcon Dynasty fleet extended its sphere of influence to the Nord Island chain, the captains of the Falcon Fleet are also accustomed to the volatile storms of the Nord Sea, as long as it is not Great storms of level 6 and above, the improved Dragon-class main battleship and the Salander sea ship can handle it

As the order was communicated, a huge wave hit, and the deputy standing on the deck was stunned, grabbing the railing hurriedly, and turning his head to look at Fry. I only saw him covered in sea water, but still standing, this is the ability of people who have lived on the sea for a long time. The deputy was about to say something, and Fry suddenly turned around, looking at the lookout on the high mast.

The adjutant's face was stunned. I saw that during the storm, the dragon-class battleship was more than 20 meters high on the main mast. The watchman held the mast one hand to stabilize his body, and quickly waved the red in his hand. sè flag. The red flag was flying fast, and it looked quite bad.

"No, this can also meet the enemy?" The adjutant's face changed slightly and said incredulously. After going through the sea for two days and two nights after the first storm, and now encountering a hostile fleet, it is really blessed.

"Using the slogan to order the ships, prepare to fight the entire fleet to me." Fry standing under the mast has begun to run on the bridge of the warship. The slogan means that there is a huge fleet in front. Although there is no flag flying, In this sea area, except for the Falcon Fleet, there is only one possibility, the Nords

As the flag whisperer quickly spread the order, the Fletcher fleet suddenly became chaotic,

"Have you seen a ghost"

"Come on, open the baffle baffle, otherwise you will run across to kick your **** on the opposite side."

The captains had different gods and hurriedly started combat preparations. All kinds of ghosts and crying wolves roared through the deck for a time. The sailors quickly cleared the excess from the deck. Many things that needed to be fixed were reinforced again.

The arsenal was opened, and ammunition began to be delivered to the cannon. The twelve dragon-tooth battleships swung their stern, and like the shepherd of a wolf pack was found in the waves, they quickly separated from the wings of the large sea ship.

"Vertical Banner"

Fry's face ordered coldly, and soon, a flour piglet flag slowly rose from the main mast, and the fat and dull face of this pink piglet, with a black pirate in his right eye The blindfold, holding a trident in his hand, looks both funny and full of black humor, but this flag has an extremely horrible name in Dudehai, the blood pig flag

Soon, with two Dragon-class battleships as the center, twelve Dragon-tooth ships lined up in a diagonal line, and the thin hull lined up in the storm is very difficult, but no matter how difficult, before the battle It is necessary to line up and align your side ship to the enemy. This has become the most basic principle of the Falcon Navy.

Six commercial ships full of supplies lowered their sails urgently, dropped heavy iron anchors, reduced their speed, and slowly followed the waves of jīdàng up and down. After ten minutes, the storm weakened, and most of the sailors You can stand on the deck without relying on railings. Almost at the same time,

On the sea in the southeast, the shadows of black sails appeared one after another, densely and densely, like a huge black wall coming out of the waves, the silence of the depressed atmosphere was a little breathless, and it seemed that the ship was quite A lot. Fry can already see the Tomahawk flag hanging on the other party's mast through the look-out mirror in his hand, as well as the navy flag crossed by the red axe handle.

"Oh, really, isn't it that the enemy doesn't get together"

Fry's ugly face grinned, subconsciously, dry mouth chún, that was the fleet of Nordy Bendenko, the regional fleet that had just been transferred from the Nord headquarters, was Ferran The enemy of the Fry Fleet of the island chain has 40 large and medium-sized warships. Although it is not as powerful as the Fry Fleet of Ferran, it has the number and support of the coastal areas. On weekdays, he always plays with Fry to hide. Will meet here today

The sails fell and the formation was gathered. Twelve Dragon Tooth battleships slowly lined up in a battle formation. The gunners all opened the portholes. The muzzle of the four 100mm heavy sea guns specially equipped for the Dragon-class battleships also began from The front turret of the Dragon-class battleship was pushed out, and the shells were already installed. As long as the fire door was pulled, it could be launched.

Slowly, the huge fleet in the southeast gradually appeared completely on the sea level, at this time. The storm is getting smaller and smaller, the sun appears miraculously in space,

Thousands of golden lights sprinkled on the surface of the Aden Sea, letting the sea radiate the brilliance of five faces and six sès. The clear water can even see the big sharks swimming in from time to time. This is a place where sharks frequently infest. However, no one has the intention to observe the beauty of the sea, nor does anyone imagine how to face the shark attack once it falls into the sea, because everyone's eyes have been firmly locked on the approaching fleet.

As the line of sight became clearer, the fleet on the opposite side also seemed to find the blood pig flag that blew in the wind, and it was suddenly in chaos. The name of the Nord Commander Marquis Bangadi was not loud in Germany. However, because he is a traditional martial from the Nord family, as a navy general vigorously cultivated by the Royal family, the force of the fleet he leads is the most combative fleet in the Nord Navy except the Nord Navy Corps.

3 newly launched Storm Sea Snake-class main battleships, 30 modified Nord large sea ships are proof of this, each of these warships has a displacement of more than 100 tons, with more than 300 sized trebuchets and The 3,000-person carrier soldiers, and from the appearance, almost all of them are the latest new ships launched.

"Admiral, the other party sent a banner"

The flag soldiers shouted from the mast. "They said that the sea belongs to the Kingdom of Nord. Please leave us immediately." "Oh, pretend to be silly, is it interesting?" Fry sneered, his eyes full of murderous murder.

No matter what the other party means, but dare to appear in front of yourself in this way, it is already offending your dignity. "Tell them that this sea area belongs to the Falcon Dynasty. All non-Falcon Dynasty fleets must accept our Falcon. Navy investigation..."

The Qiyubing sent a signal, and the other party quickly responded with a message. Qi Yubing's voice seemed a bit indignant, and his mouth yelled, "The other party called us to die"

"The whole fleet fires to see who is going to die," Fletcher laughed, and he and Bandinko were both unruly guys, who had long been disturbed by each other.

"Booming" There was a fierce thundering bombardment, the forty-eight doors of the flanks shot Thor one after another, and the shells swept across the gorgeous sea and landed in the middle of the Nord fleet, making a huge explosion.

However, most of the shells did not hit. They basically fell into the sea and exploded a huge column of water. At a distance of more than 700 meters, firing artillery on a floating boat, it is basically very difficult to hit,

Fry did not dare to have such extravagance. However, he had to fire the gun. He wanted to attack first. He wanted to let Nord Navy know that he had always been active in attacking. Passive, definitely not his Frye style.

In the bombardment of the navy of the opposite Nord, the ten large and small warships that were like chicken blood were suddenly blooming flowers, quickly spread out, like a huge arc rushing towards the falcon fleet because of Far away. Fry squadron's first round of shooting had almost no results

"Wow this guy has a hand!" Fry could not help but exclaimed when he saw the scene from the look glass. In the past, even in the face of the fierce volley of the Falcon Navy, even the most sturdy battleship could not withstand more than ten attacks,

"Booming" In a swift charge, a German navy warship was still "accidentally" hit by two rounds of thunder bombs on the side of the warship, and immediately exploded with a huge roar.

In the thick smoke of the black sè, this warship broke off from the middle, the bow and stern were both high and tilted, severely tilted, out of control, almost collided with the fellow warships next to it, "snap" the broken master The mast crashed into the sea water, hitting a long wave of water.

The fleet of Bangadi, obviously also made a little bō movement, so sunk so tragically, it was a shock to all the Nord Navy personnel

"Accelerate and rush over"

On the Cambridge of Noord's flagship Fengxiangling, a middle-aged general wearing a navy uniform shouted with bloodshot eyes, and the black smoked shells screamed from the ship's side from time to time, and he still had no fear. Standing on Cambridge

In the successive bombardments opposite, the Nord warships scattered and approached step by step,

"Preparing 400 meters" the heavy catapult winch on the Nord warship began to pull slowly. Twelve strong sailors exhausted all their strength, the teeth bite rattled, and the heavy rolling stone was pushed into the speculative loading frame

They must enter their own trebuchet shooting distance to be able to fight back,

"Wow" I did not expect that the Nords would launch such a direct attack on the ten warships as if they were unavoidable, completely ignoring the shells coming from the opposite side, puffy "The huge water column washed up into the air, and the shells fell on the warship. There were bursts of water on the surface between the seas, and many shells even exploded next to the enemy's warships, but it was so little that they never hit.

"Order the ships not to mess up, put them in 400 meters and then fire, even in close combat, we can tear them apart."

Fry watched countless countless bombardments of his fleet, his face calmly ordered, he also knew that his artillery had tried his best, and he must first hit the number on the warship that was undulating in the storm with his eyes and predictions. The goal of 100 meters away is basically a very difficult thing. The size of the warship is really large, but if it is 400 meters away, it is just a **** spot.

"Booming" white smoke filled the sea, flowing like clouds to the sky in the roaring sea breeze, the thunder cannon on the same Longya battleship volleyed, and the huge recoil could even reverse the Longya ship on the sea. Pushing more than ten meters in the direction, if you are not careful, you will be in danger of overturning because you lose your center of gravity,


In Fry’s anticipating eyes, a Nord sea battleship Storm Sea Snake rushed to the front was hit. This battleship is twice the size of other ordinary warships. As people always like, it can be said to be indestructible. The middle of the deck that was directly hit by the shells, the tall mast broke from it, and the sailors who sailed on it,

But this stormy sea snake is still accustomed to the high-speed advance, and the Nord sailors above jumped into the sea, but because of the high winds and waves, as well as the continuous waves of Nord warships surrounding the waves, most of the sailors did not escape After the fate of being entangled in the vortex in the sea, when this nearly empty storm sea snake rushed in front of the Longya battleship, it had been hit with holes, and the three huge main masts on the deck were only half, and the side The deck was penetrated by dozens of large holes, and the sea water poured into it

Perhaps it was too close, the sailors of the Falcon Navy were deeply shocked by all this in front of them. They had seen a lot of sinking warships, but they were beaten into such unsinkable warships. But for the first time, this will feel a powerless resistance for all sailors sailing on the ocean. If this storm sea snake is not intercepted midway, with its sturdy hull, you can hunt in one fell swoop. The queue of the Eagle Fleet was torn apart,

"It must be the legendary steel tree. The Nords actually used the steel tree to build the Storm Sea Snake." Fry was scared secretly, but he also gritted his teeth and watched it almost become a horse honeycomb. The storm Sea Snake slowly sinking , Can't help but feel sorry and indignant,

These Nords are too unaware that they are sucking. If this storm sea snake is made of stainless steel trees, then the evaluation of the new main battleship of the Nord Navy must be improved by at least two levels. The battleship is comparable to that of any warship that cannot withstand the impact of a warship made of steel trees. In this respect, even the frivolous Fry can’t deny it.

The steel tree is a very hard wood, and it only grows on the hot southern islands. In the past, it was only in the stories of old sailors full of singularity and fantasy that I heard about the existence of this tree. Most people I don’t believe the truth of this kind of thing, but occasionally there are a few small steel trees sold on the black market, the price is almost equal to the weight of coins, because of the solid anomaly, it is made of the warship deck or the collision angle of the warship. Need material

"If you can have a collision angle made of a stainless steel tree, the Kraken will also bypass you." This is the mantra of many pirates. There are also some legendary pirates who are driving a stainless steel tree. The super warship looted the Quartet and became an irresistible overlord at sea,

As the distance shortened rapidly, the situation on the sea began to benefit the Nord Navy. Despite the loss of a main storm sea snake and eight heavy warships, the advantage of the Nord Navy is still obvious, and there are already three Clippers risking The artillery fire of the Falcon Navy entered the range of the catapult,


There was a burst of sound like a torrential rain crashing in the direction of the catapult shooting platform. Dozens of heavy trebuchet shells shouted from the Nord ship that had hit the front.

"All go to death" the Nord Commander Marquis Bandinco’s marquee roared loudly, pointing the command knife in his hand straight ahead. He wanted to send all these falcon navies who did not know about life and death to the bottom of the sea.

"Papa" the broken wood splashes,

Countless slingshots landed on Fry’s warship deck, smashing holes large and small, some of the Dragon Tooth warships that were too close to each other became messy under the slingshots of the other party, and the deck was everywhere. It is a bullet hole, so is the side of the ship's side. Many soldiers were directly hit by dense gravel, giving their young life, blood, and began to flow on the deck.

Frye was still calm, not even frowning. Because he knew that as long as he suffered the opponent's first round volley, he had already won the chance to win.

In order to fight back the enemy as quickly as possible, the first round of salvo of the Nord fleet used solid missiles with a relatively long range and high accuracy.

After the first salvo. They immediately changed the type of ammunition and chose the gravel dedicated to killing the opponent's sailor in order to completely remove the enemy from the deck. While destroying enemy ships,

In this way, it takes about five minutes from pulling the winch to loading, and five minutes is normal for the usual naval battles.

Removal of the residual gunpowder in the thunderbolt's barrel, reloading of shells and propellant, and then shooting, no matter how skilled the gunner will take a short time.

Because I know the weaknesses of the Thor Cannon in advance. Therefore, Bandinko feels that he is already in the win. As long as the second round of intensive volley can be successful, the opponent's dragon-class main battleship will be severely damaged, and may even sink. Other smaller Dragon Tooth battleships could not withstand the impact of their storm sea snake,

This time, I will personally break the myth that the Falcon Navy is invincible. I will use the wreckage of the Falcon Navy to prove who is the strongest person in this sea.

However, Bandiens didn't expect that Frye didn't need five minutes to reload the shells, not even forty seconds. He gave only one command and turned

It only took him forty seconds to eject the cannon from the gun and plunge into the belly of the Nord warship at close range. "Boom, boom, rumbling." , The muzzle shines with a dreadful light.

The huge hull of the Bandines Fleet ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ instantly became the best shooting target for the Falcon Navy Thor, with continuous artillery fire falling among them, and several large battleships were hit directly in a row, It was shattered and shattered in a huge explosion, and the debris and the personnel were serious next to the battleship.

In just four minutes, twelve Dragon Tooth battleships, more than three hundred curved fire thunder cannons fired continuously, and at such a short distance, concentrated such fierce artillery fire, even if the Bandiens seat The ship is a storm sea snake made of stainless steel, and it can't bear it because it is hit too much, not to mention other ordinary wooden sail warships.

"Adult, look northeast, look quickly." During the battle, Fry heard the shout on the mast above his head, and quickly raised his lookout mirror. Only a white mast appeared on the sea like a forest. At least there were Hundreds of warships with Nord's navy flag were like a huge rolling white wave, slowly rising from the sea level

". It is the main force of the Nord Navy." Even with Frye's daunting and conceit, at this moment, he had to issue a retreat order with great regret. It is no wonder that the Nords are so fearless to die this time. The way to do it was to get entangled with yourself and get time for the main fleet behind

818 Nord's counterattack (1)

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