Whole Nation

: Eight hundred and nineteen Nord's counterattack (2)

  March 5th, Founding Day of the Kingdom of Nord

   countless military flags were grinning on the ceiling of the square on the street of Noord Kyoto, and the huge wide flat in front of the square was densely packed with troops about to be reviewed,

Rows of handsome tall battle horses, thousands of young soldiers holding various flags of glory, their red faces were full of excitement, and behind them, the Nord army was all brown. There are a total of 30,000 people. Some of these soldiers are from the Legion with outstanding military merit, and some are from the 4 Legions that have been temporarily formed in recent months.

At the front of the queue is a team of elite veterans composed of guards wearing gold-rimmed uniforms. Their bodies are generally one head taller than the soldiers of ordinary troops, and most of their armor are heavy and tight heavy armor. The neat queues and the silently formed oppression force stood out in the team that was about to be reviewed.

   Today is the founding day of the Nord Kingdom, and is also designated as the National Day of the Nord. The sky was filled with light snow under the guard line of the city guards holding square shields. They stood full of more than 100,000 people dressed in festive costumes. They braved the heavy snow to watch this parade, which was the largest military parade in ten years.

The number of people participating in the military parade in Kyoto reached 35,000 this time. They are the most elite troops in the Nord army. Looking at the huge military capacity that a team passed by in front of them, the citizens sighed one by one softly: "God "A spectator with good eyesight can see the high platform behind the review troops, where the giants of the Nord Kingdom gather.

  In this parade, in accordance with established practice, His Majesty King Agrolk will review Nord’s army on this day. In previous years, it was just like looking for a legion from Chengzhong's garrison troops, and walking around the square would be done.

   But this year's review ceremony was particularly grand. Not only did the guards and main battle corps in Kyoto, but also the troops were drawn back from the northern border and the southwestern defense line.

The reason is obvious. In the situation where the kingdom has just been defeated and the Northern Falcon Dynasty is getting stronger, in the words of His Majesty Agrolk, "This is an opportunity to show the power of my Nords and restore the confidence of the people in the army. And by the way, warn those foreign enemies who covet my kingdom!"

   Of course, this is not always the case. "Like people who are sick, but they must emphasize that they are full of muscles. The futile appearance can only scare off the ignorant."

  Salton, who was deliberately rushing back from the Suo area, disagreed with the military parade

   "Rely on review and award to restore people's confidence in the army? The army lost its dignity on the battlefield, but wanted to restore it on the review field? Only those Wu Xun families who are full of self-righteousness will come up with it.

  Strength is out. For the northern falcon dynasty, we have made great momentum here, but it is only a row of explanations for the analysis of intelligence. "

In response to the threat of approaching from the northern falcon dynasty, the war atmosphere of the Nord Kingdom is becoming stronger. The Nord people are a martial nation, stubborn, tenacious, and resistant spirit. Otherwise, 500 years ago, the opposition to the Iqadiwa dynasty started. The anti-slavery war will not first erupt in the Nord slaves, which had only about 200,000 people at the time. The greater the pressure, the greater the resistance of this nation

   But looking at the black, squashed head below, watching the crowd’s wide open mouth, his eyes full of awe, Sudden suddenly found that sometimes, this stupid method is still very useful,

   After all, there are far more stupid people than smart people in the world. I just don’t know if the “foreign enemies” of the Nord Kingdom, such as the Vickia Falcon, will be intimidated by this “warning”, which is hard to say.

With the most elite Guards Corps coming out, the crowd below cheered, "Long live! Long live!" · The 8th Corps of the Guard was reviewed this time. The entire Corps has a full 35,000 people. Three thousand people were reviewed, and their military prosperity was the highest, ranking second in the Nord's top ten legions, second only to the first legion of the Guards directly under the royal family who did not participate in the review this time.

They were lined up in twenty squares. The queue was neat as if they had been cut with a knife. The movement of the soldiers was uniform. The polished Nordic shield in the hand and the sharp spear in the hand were arranged in a shocking way. The gun forest, with a sharp momentum, is enough to penetrate any enemies that stand in front of them. It makes people think that if such a legion is launched on the battlefield, the enemies will surely collapse.

   As the Guard Corps entered the public's field of vision, the atmosphere at the scene quickly boiled, the sound of footsteps rumbling, and the sound of thunder echoed throughout the square. Under the neat and heavy pace of the Eighth Army, the earth seemed to sink.

   "It is the Eighth Army of the Guards!"

   "Oh my god, haven't they always been responsible for the defense of the northern border? How did they come back?

On the periphery, some citizens recognized the twelve elm leaf logo with silver borders on the legion. In the middle of the twelve elm leaves in a circle, two short hand axes intersecting each other marked the legion of the guard. Only the army that once defeated twice as many enemies as its own is eligible to embroider such marks on its own flag

   As they walked to the front of the intermediate review desk, the leading officer Hong Liang shouted, "Nord will win! Your Majesty will win!"

   "Nord will win! Your Majesty will win!"

   Thousands of soldiers of the 8th Legion put their hands on their chests and turned their heads neatly in the middle. The Phnom Penh on the cuffs of the uniforms of the nearby guards brushed into a straight line. The applause broke out again from the crowd.

   "Tianyou Nord!"

   King Agrork raised his throne sword high and shouted to the army marching below,

  All the high-ranking generals on the high platform stood up and saluted, and even Salton, who was not in uniform, had to stand up and pay tribute.

   After the team passed, everyone sat down again. Looking at the admiring faces of the masses, Salton seemed a little helpless and bleak. When did the Nordic soldiers who always disregarded the stereotyped combat skills of the Ruierdians disdain, even for this? This kind of phalanx of the phalanx was admired.

  Although Thornton racked his brain, he could not imagine what use this neat phalanx queue would have on the battlefield. If there is any commander who will arrange the team neatly and charge forward, then Salton thinks "unless he has a steel army like the Ruidians, but even that kind of steel hero The army was not defeated by the falcon dynasty in the north, or even a state of annihilation."

  Long Sagme, the former military undersecretary sitting next to him, turned his head and happened to see the sadness on Thornton's serious face. He smirked and turned his head over

   "Master Salton, don't you think it's funny, what exactly does this queue do in actual combat? They are so hard-working, they do their best to do something that is not good for anyone."

  Salton smiled. "Don't take it seriously. Necessary rituals are always needed.

   Did you read yesterday's military newspaper? "

   "Which one is greedy?"

"I forgot what the title was. It was written by a madman named Anhuitra, saying that our defeat in Pergola was not a fault, but was more strategically advantageous. After such a defeat, we can take Recruiting more troops in the name of preparing for wars. You can draw more taxes. You can... Anyway, the top leaders of the Nord Kingdom should be grateful for this failure. This is nonsense, even if it is to pat the traditional martial arts. Don’t be so messed up!"

"This..."Lonzagme's face was ugly and he smiled embarrassingly. "Actually, it was written by my subordinates." Looking at the surprised expression of Salton, he laughed and said, "You also know that the battle of Pergola failed. , Completely because of the pride and complacency of traditional martial artists. Before the war, it was already filled with arrogance, and after the war, they did not obey the command and changed the combat plan without authorization. Finally, they will fail and let us both back

   But if you really want to say this, those traditional martial arts will definitely gather together and attack it. It is better to say it in the opposite direction, and it may still wake up some people!

   Of course, it would be better if it could attract the attention of some bigwigs. Don’t forget, I’m still idle in the intelligence department. The guys think of me as an outdated person. It’s really hateful to say.”

"You are still the same. If it were not for you at the pre-war meeting, if you insisted on disagreeing with the most promising Nora’s promotion report among the young generation of traditional martial artists, it might not be so hateful," Salton said. He shook his head bitterly,

   "Oh, I mean, that Eulas is really not that good. If he is promoted to the commander of the army, it will kill many people..."


  Lonzagme suddenly stopped talking, and His Majesty King Agrork's dissatisfied eyes swept toward the two who were whispering, and the two of them hurriedly stopped chatting, until His Majesty Agrork's eyes turned away,

  Salton whispered, "This ceremony is really long enough. Do you have time at night? You know I have to stay in Kyoto for a while, if you don’t mind..."

   "It's an honor!" Long Sageme quickly answered, "With you, the big man in Susu area, I don't have to go to the old father-in-law's house to eat, the old man will hate me!"

   "You, so straightforward..."

   As night fell, Salton sat in a warm tavern on the roadside of Kyoto and watched through the glass windows the snowflakes on the empty street,

  Long Sagme walked in from the tavern in casual clothes

   "Why so late? It's not like your style to work hard and overtime!" Salton raised a glass of white foamy malt beer

   gave the windbreaker in his hand to the waiter at the door. Long Sagme sat down on his face a bit, and talked and laughed in the morning. They seemed to be two, and it seemed that the cold wind outside the window ran to his face.

   "You are not the same, don't think I don't know. Your return from Suyu this time is entirely due to the recent trend of fighting in Kyoto, which makes you the guy who advocates defensive counterattack!

  Lonzagme picked up the ale beer on the table without any care, and he gulped fiercely, only to say angrily

"You know, in Kyoto, how many Nord soldiers want your head, if it is not your persistent opposition, the winter combat plan submitted by the traditional martial arts will not be ruthlessly rejected by His Majesty, 4 new There is no clear candidate for the head of the legion. Everyone is staring at it. You don’t know how many people have offended this time!", "

"It's not the time to fight the falcon army now!" Salton looked at the snowy long street outside the glass window with some emotion. "The falcon dynasty is in the limelight in the north. A, even the Dongting people were captured by Motu, and hundreds of thousands of Dongting tribes were collected. Now is the time when their morale is highest.

   Winter decisive battle, for us, there is no advantage. On the contrary, if we can reach next spring, the main force of the Falcon army is scattered in various places to rest,

   At that time, we can take advantage of our strength to unite the Doroks. At the same time, we will launch attacks on the southwest mountainous area and the northern border, the central mountainous area, and the three sides, so that the main force of the falcon army is hard to see, or there is a chance of victory! "

"The idea is good, but it doesn't mean that everyone thinks so!" Long Sagamme shook his head with regret and said, "You know, I just took a copy from the Admiralty I know one thing in the information, it is really speechless!"

"What makes you so angry, don't you always care about the navy?" Salton looked at Lonzagme, who looked depressed, and smiled indifferently. "I remember you once because of the navy battleship Storm Sea Snake. With regard to construction costs, the forced navy minister Marquis Ferretta clamored for a duel with you."

Longsagemei is a very unique guy in Kyoto. Although the Longsagemei family is not a traditional martial artist, it has extraordinary financial management capabilities. Therefore, it has been a logistical leader of the Nord army for many years, and even has a decisive role in the military department. status,

   But because of the battle of Pergola, some generals pointed out that because of the logistical supplies of Long Sagme, the 100,000 Nord army failed to organize a counterattack against the Falcon army in time, and finally fleeed.

So this Lonzagme was also unfortunately a bad luck like Salton, because too many people offended on weekdays, and even fell from a heavy minister like the undersecretary of the military to a casual job in the intelligence department, but The background of his family still has strength that people dare not look down on,

   "Fart, I have nothing to do. I care about the navy. I am just curious. What does the Navy Department want to do this time?"

   "Big action?" Salton's face froze for a moment.

Long Sagme grinned disdainfully, "You know? Just three days ago, a total of 210 warships from the Admiralty raided the Falcon Island chain of the Falcon Navy. During the encounter, the defensive Falcon The naval squadron was defeated and fled, and the Ferran Island chain was once again under the control of the Navy."

   "Isn't this very good? I remember you once said that the cost of a storm sea snake can make 4 warships of the same level. Such a high cost. If you don't have a little achievement, you are not too sorry for the 1.2 million gold coins!"

"What do you know!" Long Sagemei has a bit of alcohol in his mouth, logically speaking, with such a brilliant record, the guys of the Admiralty group have already called out, but until now, you, the weighty Su Governor, have you heard a bit of wind? I have checked the documents. This matter is of the highest level of secrecy. It is only in the triple room between the Secretary of the Navy and His Majesty Roger Yark. I know this situation, or is it because of the new entry I didn't know until the battle report came!"

   "No! Are you sure you haven't made a mistake? Are you sure the admiralty hasn't announced this?" Salton's hand holding the glass stopped in midair, his face stunned.

"One hundred percent sure! I guess even the Secretary of Military Affairs did not know about it!" Long Sagme put the glass down with a certain look, and cursed in his mouth. "The navy bastards, the main fleet is now attacking the Ferran chain, but there is no The Army was informed of this situation. Isn’t this harming people? Did they earn military power? What about the Army? The Falcon army just defeated the Dongting people and returned 100,000 main forces to the south. Such a major event, they don’t know anything about it. Now, the Falcon dynasty doesn’t even need to gather time, it can directly go south, the unprepared border army, and it has not been screened by the famous Falcon Falcon..."

"No, I must see His Majesty immediately, otherwise it will be too late! If I am not wrong, the Falcon Army must be on the way." It seemed to me that Salton suddenly stood up from his seat and hurried to The cloak was taken at the door, and I turned back and said, "I invited this meal. If you don't mind, how about going back to Suyu with me? Anyway, the guys from the Ministry of Information will also be happy to say that you are annoying guy. Disappeared from them!"

  After saying this, Salton strode open the tavern door, and flew on a carriage waiting outside the door, disappeared into the snowy streets in the distance, and turned into a small black spot.

"Is it necessary to be so nervous? Anyway, the army guys see you as a nail too! It's better not to be beaten by the Vickia Falcon!" Looking at Salton's disappearing back, Long Sageme picked up his glass~www.wuxiaspot .com~ I swallowed a few bites and swept away the delicious dishes on the table, only to get up from the seat with some interest, ready to leave

Waiting for the waiter to come by, he stooped and said, "A total of thirty gold coins, esteemed lord!" Although Lonzagme was a little downcast, he was still wearing very expensive materials, so although the waiter thought that this guy had The suspicion of eating a king’s meal is still very polite, but a few strong waiters also gathered around in a timely manner

"That guy didn't check out? Thirty gold coins?" Lonzagme's drunken face froze for a moment. He looked at the messy mess on the table and said angrily. It’s a redneck from a foreign country. Call your boss. I’m going to take a look. Are these made of gold?”

Soon, the pub owner ran, and at first the boss appeared a little apologetic, but after the waiter whispered in his ear, his face became a little ugly, and his eyes looked at Long Sageme as if he were watching A homeless man eating a king’s meal,

   "Boss, what do you mean, these dishes are not worth 30 gold coins!" Lonzagme shook his hands indignantly, yelling

"It's not wrong, as long as it is a friend of this person, the price is calculated according to ten times! This lord, although I don't know who you are, but this is the above order, we have no way!" The boss looked cold. Grinning at Long Sagame, pointing to the pillar at the door of the wine cabinet, a portrait on top of it, which is like Salton's

   "This guy is definitely intentional..." Long Sagme suddenly realized that he had heard that all the families in Kyoto had issued a blockade order against Salton, but I didn't expect that I would have suffered the fish.


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