Whole Nation

: 820 The Nords' Counterattack (3)

   In the early morning of March 6, the sky was not yet clear, and the thick snow was silver and white. In a mansion in Yaowen, the guards awakened the sleeping Varisian tremblingly.

   "Adult, Your Majesty has an emergency call, but this time, Lord Bernstein, the squadron of the Guard, came in person, and the person was waiting in the front hall. I also asked the adult to greet him quickly."

   "Are you surely your majesty's full-time military aide, Bernstein?"

Varisian was holding two dark black eyes like pandas. This new star who quickly rose in the falcon army seemed a little tired at the moment. As the highest military chief stationed in the south of Ruidian, Varisian was also I received an urgent recall order a day ago. After a day of running, the body has not fully recovered from fatigue,

   "Yes, my subordinates have seen Lord Bernstein!"

   "It seems that this time I was transferred back, something should have happened!" Varisian touched his chin and walked out of the room strenuously while putting on his clothes in a hurry.

As long as he is a high-level member of the Falcon Army, he knows that Varisian, who is good at field pursuit, is essentially an extremely sleepy and tired lazy guy. He can connect energeticly to stay out of sight for days and nights, just to wait for the battle target to appear. , You can also fall asleep without delay, Zhen Tian's snoring can be heard only a few miles away,

  The two rushed to the lobby. There was a blaze of fire, and armed soldiers were everywhere. Varisian's heart tightened, and a tall, burly guard officer quickly greeted him. "Is it the Varisian Commander?"

   "It's me."

   "I'm very sorry, Your Majesty urgently summoned, please follow me immediately." The guard officer holding a torch salutes Varisian

"Now?" Despite the psychological preparation, Varisian was still a little uncertain. His Majesty Falcon is also a sleepy guy. It is said that as long as there is nothing important, His Majesty has never had a record of getting up before ten o'clock. It is the coldest morning in winter,

A dark night outside the window. A few stars were shining in the dark night. The clock on the wall was pointing at about three o'clock in the morning. Such an urgent summoning late at night made Varisian have an unknown hunch. Second, I'm afraid that something really happened!

   "Yes, now!" The officer named Bernstein looked serious and heavy

  Varisian nodded, "Got it." He went out with the guard holding the torch. Varisian's residence is not far from the palace of the Royal King of Erdian, where the fat man is. After walking through a long dark street for about ten minutes, the majestic palace is facing him.

   In the early morning starlight, the whole palace was sleeping in the darkness, like a sleeping beast. The light of the torch shines on the precious Mia marble column in front of the front door, dyeing the entire column scarlet.

Approaching this majestic building, between the magnificent and magnificent column decorations, the wide corridors echoed the sound of the guards’ steady footsteps, and the number of people was three times more than the daily patrols in the past. The corners, corridors, and even In the dark corners of the wall that are not paid much attention on weekdays, there are guards.

Varisian followed behind the captain of the guard. Under the watch of the entire line of occupied guards, it passed through the front corridor leading to the central hall. The surroundings appeared quiet, but the increasingly brighter lights on the opposite side let the Varisian seemed to smell a killing and **** smell.

  Thirty years ago, on the white marble steps, the Royal House of Ruier was killed by the rebel soldiers, and even the babies were killed on the stone one by one;

   Then, in the same place, with the support of the northern cavalry, Harlaus, who was then a prince, threw the entire family of hostile factions into the fire;

  Varithine took a long breath. Somehow, every time he came to the palace, he always felt very uncomfortable, which was especially obvious tonight. Perhaps as the rumors say, this palace has been cursed, every wall has echoed the moans of those dying people and the grunts that were made when they died, and every luxuriant stone hides a succumbed Unjust soul.

He noticed that the guards of the palace today are much stricter than usual. On the long walkway between the palace entrance and the meeting hall, stood a row of cold, eerie, and quiet marble steps with guards holding sharp weapons, Only his heavy footsteps echoed,

   swaying fire and shadows, this feeling is chilling. At the entrance of the hall, two rows of full-body black armoured soldiers stood holding torches,

  Central General Hu Kuchili was waiting by the door and saw Varisian's arrival. He quickly grabbed his hand and walked together. "You are late, Your Majesty and everyone are waiting for you inside."

"Your Majesty and everyone!" Varisian felt his head stunned. He can be called by Hu Keqili. At least it must be a character of the rank of commander. Since the battle of Stalos, His Majesty has again The bigger goal?

  Varisian followed Hu Keqili and walked into the front hall with some trepidation. Nearly three hundred large candles illuminated the whole hall.

  On the side near the seats in the lobby, several people gathered together. Varisian approached quickly. He had seen clearly that the Western Army Commander Crowlisat, the head of the Airy side, Caesar Soron, the Palawan District Defense Officer and other Kingdom Ministers had arrived first.

   Such a huge lineup made Varisian's heart tighten: Has the conflict with other kingdoms broke out? Who took the trouble first? It’s impossible to be a Dorok, otherwise you won’t know nothing, is it the Nords...then the defense officer in the southern region of Palawan is not completely negligent

   "Adults, do you know what it is?" Gu Shu was not greeted, and Varisian nervously asked several ministers. Everyone shook their heads blankly, their eyes blank.

   It seems that I am not alone at all! Varisian felt a little relaxed. "Everyone is still in the dark!"

   waited less than two minutes, and then several district officials in charge of the internal affairs also came in a hurry. Their clothes were a little messy. They asked blankly, "Masters, what happened?" But no one can answer. The restlessness rippling in the air.

   "Your Majesty is here!" The guard standing by the door opened his throat and shouted clearly, and everyone immediately answered. The side door opened, and the fat man appeared at the door with a serious face, wearing a black velvet cloak, and the two guard squadrons behind him, shutting the door of the meeting hall smoothly.

   "You didn't want to disturb everyone's dreams, but!" Fatty Qinglang's voice was a bit tired, and then he became severe. "According to the report, the southern part of the kingdom we think is most safe is under the most serious threat.

The Nords dispatched a large fleet and 50,000 armies this time, preparing to be divided into land and sea, and advancing along the coastline to Vickia. In order to obtain this information, we have three advanced espionage lurking in Nord. People sacrifice, their deaths must not die in vain,

  The fat man said coldly, then slowly and sharply looked at the face from this face. The air condensed into a solid in an instant.

   After a long time, no one dared to move a little, everyone felt a deep fear, everyone saw it, this time His Majesty Falcon was furious.

"This time, I’m going to teach the Nords a lesson, a lesson that is memorable!" The fat man’s fist hit the table heavily, and the solid sandalwood shattered silently for a few moments, and the small pieces of wood turned into a powder. .

Everyone was secretly shocked that the martial arts of His Majesty Falcon were so terrible, because in recent years, few shots had been made, so most generals had forgotten that His Majesty Falcon was also a highly skilled military commander. which performed. Covered with almost terrible murderous murder, it almost crushed the entire conference hall into powder.

   "The Nords are unlucky this time!"

  The hearts of the people silently mourn for the Nords. The South has always been the most important place in His Majesty's heart, where is the basis of His Majesty,

   There is no denying that this time the Nordic strategy is quite venomous. If it can forcibly penetrate the southern part of Wikya, regardless of whether it can achieve the effect of occupation,

It is a heavy blow to the economy of the entire Falcon Dynasty, where 50% of the population of the Falcon Dynasty, more than 40% of merchants, and almost 80% of Haihe ~ www. wuxiaspot.com~ Taxes paid annually account for 70% of the Falcon Dynasty.

If the South is entangled in war, the high-speed carriage of the Falcon Dynasty will be like an unbalanced axle, flying out of the corner of the road, crashing into pieces, if you want to restore the current economy again Appearance, at least 0 years,

   10 years, enough for the Nord Kingdom to accumulate enough power to fight against the Falcon Dynasty, the battle at that time will be extremely fierce!

  The fat man spread out the map of the kingdom in front of the crowd. He first tapped the southern part of Palawan, raised his head, and gazed at the left

"Varisian! Your southern Palawan is closest to the Nordic border, you first talk about your situation and mobilize 50,000 troops. Such a big move cannot be without traces! I am now What I want to know most is who the legion is, their configuration, the number of people, and the character of the general!"

  Varisian's face changed slightly, hesitantly said, "Your Majesty, my opposite is the Noord Fourth Army, the Fifth Army, the lord army of the area, there are about 110,000 people,

However, because March 5 is Nord National Day, some time ago, the Nords transferred a part of the army from the border to participate in the review. They are all elite troops stationed on the border. The number is about 40,000. The general who leads the team is called Crimson Eldor, paired with a general called Eras, the two were called the best young generation of Nord in Nord Kyoto

Because I have never played, I just know that these two people have participated in the attack on the Doroc mountain area, and they are best at attacking the frontal. Falling! "T


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