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: 828 Mecca Offensive and Defensive Warfare (7)


   Mecca offense and defense

On February 21st, it is destined to be linked to the name of a city, the Mecca of the southeast strong wall, on this day, a most disparate offensive and defensive battle broke out in front of an obstacle that was not originally considered by the Nords By the way, on both sides of the offensive and defensive battle, on one side was a falcon army with only 72,000 second-class troops, on the other side, there were 60,000 jīngrui who gathered the southern overlord of the Nord Kingdom.

   The disparate strength and dramatic changes have made this the most tragic offensive and defensive battle when the Falcon Dynasty was founded, becoming the symbol of the era of kingdom hegemony,

Now, let us go up the river of time and look down at this place destined to become a legend. The 60,000 Nordic offensive has made Mecca outside the land of blood, responsible for the siege of the city. German heavy infantry, holding a tall jīng iron shield, tight helmet protection to the neck, these soldiers with siege axe in their hands, people squeeze people, the shield is against the back of the soldier in front,

The fuel bomb thrown from the city head with a catapult, dragging the thick smoke and flames of the black, smashed a black mark among the enemies below, or swept overhead with a violent roar, often one burning A bomb will cause a deep pit to appear on the road. The blasting flame will ignite the nearby land, forming a circle of fire. The soldiers lit by the flame will continue to sound the fierce hiss,

On the road leading to the city wall, the thick smoke of the siege car burning with flames went straight up to the sky, and tens of thousands of Noord jīng sharp, just like the ants climbing the wall, the city of Mecca was merged with the steep mountain wall. On the wall of the Great Shore, stepping on the **** sea of ​​corpses, the Nord infantry of the third banner group finally boarded the city of Mecca.

The falcon infantry guarding the city kept unrestrained, and countless spears grew like a row of sharp barbs on the head of the city, piercing the body of the enemy who had just climbed the city wall from several directions. The scream of the lungs, the stabbed target was picked up by a spear, and then fell heavily

   The two sides waged a brutal strangulation battle around the city walls. Countless falcon soldiers with long rifles blocked the clogs tightly, just waiting for the infantry of the other side to rush into the city.

  The fierce fighting started. From here to there, countless sharp weapons were slashing and fighting. The two sides gritted their teeth, bleeding blood, and there were swords and swords everywhere, and the human body on the city head soon became blocked.

   Both sides stepped on the bodies of the wounded and the dead and continued to fight, screaming continuously. DAN

The KAN Nord army quickly gained a quantitative advantage with the support troops on board. The morale was strong. A Nord soldier even cut down a falcon flag inserted on the battlement. He held his head in excitement. The compatriots under the head of the city showed that the Nord soldiers burst into earth-shaking cheers: "Nord will win"

   For a time, everyone thought: The city was in front of me, so excited!


   A row of dazzling cold light flashed the eyes of the Nords in an instant, and I saw hundreds of long steel crossbows with thin arms, and the shriek of tearing air came out from the pill on the right side of the city wall.

"Papapap" The Nord army who had just climbed the wall was swept by a neat sharp sickle. The entire row of soldiers was hit by an invisible giant hammer from the front, and the whole body was twisted and hit Flying out, the thousands of soldiers who had just climbed to the head of the city, and even before the cheering gesture was over, they all fell down.

   "Hurry, close the gap immediately" Just in the space deterred by Nord army, the falcon army on the city wall has counterattacked again,

The lead is a guy with a short body, wearing a heavy infantry armor, but the horror of the flexible and agile hand, the arc-shaped sword in his hand, vigorously split the shield of the opposite Nord directly, and then slammed into the sudden. German soldier’s chest,

"Go away!" A knife splits the body of the Nord soldier in front of him. The Mecca city guards the war knife in the hands of Ruandi and sweeps it around the waist of a Nord soldier. "Pouting" a crisp sharp weapon into the meat. , The sharp edge of the blade broke through the armor of the Nord soldier like a piece of paper, and the bright red blood with internal organs sprayed out from the edge of the knife and splashed on Ruandi’s body.

   "Come on, Nord bunny!"

Ruandi pulled the sword out of the body and kicked the heavy foot out of the body. Only then did he shout unfinishedly, seeing that the Lord would be so brave, the morale of the falcon soldier rushing up from the back was doubled, and the gun was pierced. Knife cut, thousands of falcon troops came to support like crazy, squeezing Nord army towards the wall gate


The Nord who was directly looked at him was scared and his face was pale. The person in front of him was not like a living person. There was blood all over his body. There was still some minced meat on his body, and he was still holding it in his hand. An arc-shaped weapon whose original face is no longer clear, is completely a demon crawling out of the dead man's heap, **** eyes full of bloodthirsty killing intentions

The Norden Troops who retreated in panic~www.wuxiaspot.com~ had no idea that there was a battlement gate with no escape route behind. Some soldiers who had just climbed up the wall were just pushed out of the wall by the people in front, as if falling down Like a rock, hitting the companion below, and the pile of Nord soldiers below was messed up

   "Sir, you can't do this!" At this time, Ruandi's aide, Roan Punk, caught up with a gasp,

"I'm afraid, the Nords don't have three heads and six arms. They cut it with a knife, and they will die!" Ruandi skimmed his lips disdainfully, wiped the blood on his face with his hand, and felt a fiery vacancy coming from his shoulder. A Nord soldier's battle axe was almost wiped off his shoulders. Although he did not break the thick shoulder pads, he also gave Ruandi a heavy blow. He almost dislocated the entire left hand and did not feel anything when charging. Now suddenly stopped, there is a sense of fatigue all over the body,

   "Damn, you can almost open the gap in the city wall!" Crimson Erdo, who was paying attention to the attack momentum outside the city, clenched his fists, and the black pupil in blue could not help shrinking.

   There are 50 crossbow vehicles in the city of Mecca. This is something that has long been in the intelligence. For this weapon, the Nord army does not know much about it.

But Crimson Jordo does not think that the battle of tens of thousands of people can be affected by only 50 crossbow vehicles. Although it is undeniable that this legendary weapon was born specifically for the purpose of guarding the city walls, if the loading is removed The complexity and the consumption of arrows are simply an impeccable killing machine,

   But the scarce quantity has been decided, the ferocious hair just now can only be a short-lived jīng color,


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