Whole Nation

: 830 Mecca Offensive and Defensive Warfare (8)


   Mecca offense and defense

"It's hard to imagine that 60,000 troops can't defeat the walls of only 7,000 defenders. This is actually only the second-tier troops in the Falcon army!" The sardonic Roars also came to join in, and his words made Crimson The eyebrows are drawn unnaturally, this guy will die if he says nothing strange!

"Why don't you let those guys get on?" Someone who didn't realize it, looked up at the wall of the fierce battle, and sneered a bit. "These guys who participated in the attack are obviously paddling. The walls of thousands of people." , Even attacked all morning, it was really embarrassing to say it!"

"In your opinion, where should the break point be set?" Crimson Jordo suppressed the surge of anger in his heart and asked with a deep heart, he knew that his partner was a famous annoyance in the Nord army, but he himself But it is clear that this guy is best at the enemy's tight defense,

  Choose an attack point, and then try his best to be desperate, seemingly adventurous, but at least until now, there has been no mistake

At the beginning, the most rugged city in Dorok was under the one-point attack theory of this guy. It was finally caused by the defeat of the entire defense line from one point, but the cost of casualties was also shocking to the Nord military department. Because of his theory, the team was covered by a gap of not more than 500 meters. It is said that the body accumulated at that time was more than one meter, which is a real flesh and blood killer.

   "If it were me, I would put the attack point there!" Noras's eyes turned to the west side of Mecca City,

   "Where? Why?"

Crimson Jordo looked to the west with a puzzled face. It was the most heavily defended area of ​​the Falcon Army. Nearly 4,000 Falcon Army firmly controlled the area, and countless crossbowmen continued to strike from the city wall. The soldiers below, no matter what aspect they look at, are the hardest areas for the Falcon Army to conquer

"Have you heard of the wood-pumping tactic?" Noras smiled disapprovingly. "Because there is the strongest place, so once there is danger in other areas, the first area to draw troops will definitely be here. We only It is necessary to prepare two jīng sharp reserve troops, and then order other troops to storm several attack areas at the same time. In the case of shortage of troops, the first one to be evacuated must be there!"

  Noras's voice stopped, a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "When the time comes, I will press both reserves, I dare to guarantee that


  ÌBefore the fall, Mecca will surely insert our Nordic flag! "

   Crimson Erdo face is solemn, it seems that he is still recalling the tactics Noras said, sighing, this guy's eyes are really poisonous, but if it is really to be executed, the cost of the loss is also considerable. (DUKAN


  N Thinking to the end, Crimson Jordo decided to take a risk and try it, the time will not be delayed!

As the order was issued, the Nord army that originally attacked in sequence all moved towards the city wall, standing on the boarding car that was level with the city wall. The Nord archer also began to throw arrows to the city's defenders on a large scale. , Hoping to suppress the arrow clusters on the city wall,

Hundreds of bundled long ladders "giggled" leaned against the city's head. The gruesome Nord infantry bit his weapon in his mouth and scrambled to climb up, regardless of the arrow above the rain, regardless of the hot hot oil. After being hit with heavy stones, each one was as brave as nine lives. For a time, the walls of the city were densely covered with climbing soldiers, just like ants were covered with a lump of sugar cubes.

   "Papa" The heavy and slow siege car finally approached the city wall, the bezel was lowered, and the heavy armored Nord axe infantry rushed out from behind the bezel like a flood of water.

   "Kill!" Numerous arrow clusters came to face, Nord infantry turned over, but this could not stop the Nord infantry charge, a row of soldiers fell, more soldiers came up

   "Hurry, push the bezel away!"

The falcon defender on the city head hooked on the veneer of the city head and pryed it out with a strong push, and the string of enemy soldiers on the bezel all fell high and fell into a patty , Like a broken kite, the body fell down from the cylindrical city head, rolled down the mountain road, or fell directly on the soldier’s spear below, and the blood of blood dripped from the top of the head like raindrops.

However, due to this deadly attack and the cover of their archers, the Nord army, after paying heavy casualties, actually boarded the west for the second time and waged a fierce white-blade battle with the defenders. .

   The entire Mecca line of defense was now subjected to the severe test of storms and storms. The attack wave cháo was almost indistinguishable from city to city and was hit by waves one after another.

The guardians of Mecca showed incomparable tenacity and tenacity. They fought back and were unstoppable. They drove the enemies down again and again. The Nords were attacked and crushed again and again, just like the sea cháo Shock the reef, leaving only corpses.

As time goes by, the fierce battle lasts until the afternoon, and both sides have been exhausted. In the east of the city, it is the focus of today’s fierce battle. In order to withdraw the west’s troops, Crimson Jelly dropped a total of four here. The huge force of the Qituan attempted to break through the defense line in one fell swoop.

The turbulence of the city is changing, and the defense of Mecca in the fortified city is indeed perfect. The 30-meter-high city wall is beyond the reach of ordinary siege ladders. The outer and narrow mountains on both sides make the middle Mecca wall as an inverted one. 'S huge funnel,

With the strength of the Nord, the Nords continued to climb up to the battlements that were not more than 400 meters in front. On the opposite side, thousands of falcon troops had already laid down layers of blocking lines, and 50 heavy crossbow vehicles were neatly attacked. , Let the Nord army die

   There are countless battles between the two sides, and the town has changed hands many times! The corpses gradually built up, one, two, three... The ears were buzzing, and there were screams and curses everywhere. The Nord soldiers shouted "Nord will win!" The Falcon soldier responded: "Call you to death!" Then came the violent blast of weapons, sparks splashing, the injured moaning,

The soldiers have already killed their red eyes, and they are too burdensome to even take off their armor. They are armed with a sharp axe, a spear, and a pierced shirt. They are either you dead or me dead with a hammer, and their feet are greasy. The human body, not knowing whether it is one's own or the other's, has a thick **** choking nose. The spear was discounted, the blade was bluntly killed, and the dagger was broken,

ìThe head rose from the east to the middle, and then fell from the middle to the west. The siege battle continued for a whole day. The fighting between the two armies was like two giants, fighting for life and death with their last effort, panting, scars Tired.

  After more than ten hours of fierce fighting, the Nords' offensive continued, and they left behind thick layers of corpses,

  Although the commander is still dispatching fresh troops in the non-stop troop dispatch, the Nordic soldiers have begun to wear out physically and mentally,

   The soaring strong wall in front of me is like a meat grinder that can never be overturned, sending squadrons of dragons and tigers alive and turned into corpses,

   The air is filled with a strong **** smell, and the stimulating human face breathing is accompanied by a **** sweet smell, a piece of rotten soft flesh and blood is blurred at the foot, and the blood flow is piled up into a big river,

The strong Nords have also begun to panic, but the military orders are ringing in their ears, and they have to move forward, so everyone starts to rub up and move forward slowly, hoping that the sun will go down to the mountain early to end The offensive, or other troops hurry into the city, don't let it's your turn to climb the "meat grinder", the morning scramble and the momentum of the first one is gone.

  Long distance of the Nord army, looked at the head

  Ì The westward sun, the crimson Aldo's face became more solemn, and the herald soldiers rushed one by one to report "The fifth flag team of Lord Podio went up!"

   "The second flag regiment of Tirrens went up!"

   "Sir Rees asked for reinforcements! He said that the Third Banner Regiment could not stand up!"

   "Report! Lord Guasso died in battle!"

   "Sir Youyu went up!"

   "Sirell's troops suffered too many casualties, and he was unable to fight anymore!"

   Crimson Jordo's hand was shaking slightly: fierce battle has been ten hours! Mecca City looks like a bottomless black hole~www.wuxiaspot.com~ devoured one team after another, countless soldiers will disappear, but Mecca City still stands towering

   "It should be possible now!" Noras's voice made Crimson's trembling heart suddenly calm down at this moment,

"I can be sure that there are now fewer than three thousand defenders in Mecca." Norath's sharp torch flashed coldly. "Just press the reserve ninth flag group, Mecca's The line of defense is bound to collapse! At that time, we will knock on the door of the Falcon Dynasty for the kingdom"

"Hope so!" Crimson Eldor sighed, not knowing why, but for the group of enemies who had been struggling to die in Mecca, he felt a little regret in his heart that the group of **** had withstood him for ten hours. Finally, he had to use this mean method to win, 60,000 people attacked 7,000 people, a white

  Ì 18,000 casualties, 1 banner leader killed, 3 squadron leaders killed, such a price is simply a fantasy

"Order, the heavy infantry of the Ninth Banner Regiment began to attack!" Crimson Erdo waved his big hand, the military flag was like a roll, and the sunset was like blood, and a group of god's solemn troops approached the intended target, and the black armor heavy shield, Behind them are a few battle axes,

   These soldiers are the sharpest hurricane tomahawks in the Nord army, they are the first-class troops in the Nord army,

The short-handed battle axe that whirls like a whirlwind in your hand can easily cleave anything that blocks in front of them. Even if it encounters a shield wall made of jīng iron by the falcon army, it will often be hit with a bang. It was torn apart, and was thrown a few meters away with the people behind,


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