Why did you mess up the copy again?

Chapter 110 What is right is not right, and what is not right is right


It would be great if every secret realm could kill monsters and gain experience.

Li Rui thought about it silently, but he knew it was impossible, and there were only a handful of secret realms where killing monsters would give experience.

But no matter what, we must seize the opportunity now and try to get as much as possible.

"We have to make rational use of these soldiers."

Before the next battle, he plans to train urgently to improve harvesting efficiency, "If you can save mental and physical energy, you can save it. It takes 36 hours in total. Try to kill the monsters as much as possible and let the soldiers make up the knife. This is also counted as our kill." .”

"Understood, Captain!"

Kong Hua immediately agreed. After thinking about it, I felt that this strategy is really good. It can not only gain experience in killing, but also reduce casualties of soldiers and increase the possibility of customs clearance.

Hong Lu in the first defensive segment also ran left and right in the front line with his teammates.

But in comparison, they lack a Li Rui, and their efficiency will be extremely low when facing elite monsters, especially the big rhinoceros whose name is actually cracked, it is really rough and thick, and the four of them have to besiege for a long time to kill it.

If Li Rui were here, he would definitely feel better, because after these people tried their best to kill the elite monsters, there would not be a large number of soldiers around to blow rainbow farts.

But in fact, this is the normal state, without the lv3 big bidou and abnormal attributes, how can one slap an elite beast like the ground cracker to the ground with two slaps.

Without Huo Yun's epic purple longbow, it would be even more impossible to seal his throat with an arrow.

Without Kong Hua's weakness analysis, there is no difference.

However, according to the current situation, although Hong Lu and others are very busy, they have not missed a single monster in the past two hours. They took advantage of the slack in the offensive and finally found a chance to take a rest. If the mental power is consumed, drink the spirit recovery potion.

In addition, in this long-term secret realm, eating is also necessary, because hunger will generate a negative state of damage and speed reduction. As the degree deepens, the reduction rate will reach 90% at most.

"Look, I just said that section A is the best to keep."

Hong Lu smeared the golden sore medicine on his shoulder, and said, "I didn't reveal a single monster for two hours, which is better than when my team leader came in."

"It's a good thing we listened to Brother Hong." A team member flattered him.

"But is it possible for them to be in better condition?"

Where there is a sycophant, there is a rectum.


But the sycophant immediately retorted for Hong Lu, "This is the eight-star secret realm, buddy, eight-star! You have to miss a few monsters in two hours."

"You're right."

The rectum didn't mean to raise an argument, it's just that she couldn't speak.

Hong Lu said: "Okay, let's not care about others and just do our own things well. When they are out, they will naturally regret it."

This force is a bit hypocritical, saying that he doesn't care about others, but the second half of the sentence betrays his unconvinced thoughts.

Kong Ji has a lot of things to deal with today. He received a group of inspectors from the Special Ability Department, met with a group of business partners, and entertained a group of senior consultants from Chijia who came to exchange experience.

These things are all in the field of communication that he is best at, and it is not a problem at all in normal times.

But others didn't pay attention, but his secretary was very familiar with him, knowing that this person was always a little absent-minded today.

"Mr. Kong, the next thing is to meet Mr. Zhao and Mr. Liu at Yaju Pavilion. After an hour, the car will be ready. It will take about forty minutes."

Kong Ji waved his hand: "Wait a minute. You can ask someone from the Qingyuan branch to take a look for me. What's going on with Xiao Hua's secret realm?"

After speaking, he leaned his head back on the chair and stared blankly at the ceiling.

The secretary immediately turned around and went out to make a phone call. After a few short conversations, he got the news.

"Mr. Kong, the current situation is stable. According to the calculation of the time flow rate of Liang Ting Jinlin West, two hours should have passed inside, and there are three black stars for the time being."

It took only two hours to get three black stars in the secret realm of three days, which is not a good thing in theory, but this secret realm is a bit special, because it is a battle of offense and defense, and it is born with three black stars.

In other words, in fact, it is still the initial difficulty and has not been enhanced for the time being.

Hearing this situation, Kong Ji sat up straight: "Well, continue to pay attention, and let me know if there is any situation."


"Let's go, let's go first, don't let the guests wait."

Li Rui didn't feel right, because it was too right.

Now most of his bad luck has been transferred to the secret realm. It is reasonable to say that he should encounter some unexpected situations that are not optimistic, but so far, everything is too normal.

The three of them rushed from left to right in the first and sixth defense sections. Not only did they not miss any wild beasts, they even pushed the front line forward two miles. All the soldiers had to go out.

As of now, Li Rui has gained tens of thousands of experience in killing monsters, and he is only a hair away from level 18.

Kong Hua wiped the sweat from his head, looking very happy, because he has already reached level 17, and he has only entered the secret realm for a few hours.

He felt that the power leveling he found was too reliable, if it wasn't for a hot man, it would be even more perfect.

"Li Rui, it seems that what you said about the strategy is correct, the sixth tier is really the best to defend."

Huo Yun said with a relaxed face, he thinks the current situation is good, not to mention that this secret realm is guaranteed, at least the beginning is quite smooth.

"Yeah yeah."

Kong Hua said: "I've earned more than 10,000 experience points. If I wait until the end, it won't be tens of thousands?"

His experience must be less than Li Rui's. After all, some savage beasts can't stand a big fight and kill them instantly, so there is no way for others to gain experience.

At this moment, an armored officer walked over with his own soldiers, clasped his hands, and said in a loud and loud voice: "Everyone is so heroic, I really admire Huang, thank you in advance, and wait until after this battle." , the prince will definitely reward you."

This person surnamed Huang is Xiaodutong, who is in charge of the command of the sixth section of the armor.

The three of them fooled around with a few polite words, and Huang Dutong took people to continue to inspect the situation on the front line.

"Brother Rui, why are you so serious?"

Huo Yun said strangely, "We have all triggered the perfect plot."

The so-called perfect plot means that the defensive situation of the defense section is good, and the number of secret agent kills is enough, and the small capitals of each section will come forward and say similar things.

If every stage appears, it basically means that the level can be cleared.

Li Rui frowned, and was about to explain why he felt something was wrong when he suddenly heard a deafening roar.

A bird of prey with a wingspan of four to five feet descended from the sky, its feet were like sheep's hooves, its waist was like that of a tiger or leopard, its eyes were fierce, and each iron feather at the tip of its wings was a sharp blade.

When it landed like this, more than a dozen people were thrown upside down immediately, and died on the spot. No one needed to be rescued, because they were all cut in two by the iron wings.

Xiaodu, who had just walked away not far away, shouted loudly and gave his orders as if he was facing an enemy.

"All military repairers come here! Ordinary people stand back and don't come close!"

Of course, even if he didn't say anything, ordinary people wouldn't dare to get close to this monster whose strength was obviously higher than other savage beasts.

[Trigger a random event, Winged Eagle King. ]

[Target: Kill the Shocking Eagle King]

[Rewards: experience value +15000, free attribute points +3, random strengthening materials x3, random consumables x2. ]

When the incident happened, Li Rui's brows immediately relaxed: "It's finally here, let me just say, it's too easy and I feel uncomfortable."

Both Huo Yun and Kong Hua had mixed emotions.

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