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Chapter 111 Hacking a boss to death in a daze

The Shocking Eagle is a mutated wild beast. Its natural iron feathers make it invulnerable to weapons and soldiers, but its flying ability is greatly reduced.

The one that invaded the battlefield right now is not an ordinary Vibrating Eagle, but the Eagle King. That is to say, it is a small boss-level secret creature, so it will trigger the event alone.

When it slammed into the ground brutally, the originally stable Liang Ting army's defense line instantly became chaotic, and the shouts of killing turned into exclamations and wailing.

Such a powerful boss, even an ordinary soldier can hardly parry under its iron wings, let alone a larger number of ordinary soldiers.



Due to the sudden arrival and the shocking scene of a dozen being cut in half, the army formation is already showing signs of disintegration. This is a very dangerous call in the ancient army.

"Don't be chaotic, form a formation! Those who disobey the order will be cut off!"

Naturally, Xiao Dutong was the one who spoke. As the chief of the first and sixth defense divisions, he certainly couldn't let his subordinates flee, otherwise the place would be breached, and even if he survived, he would probably be executed afterwards.

Xiaodutong is an officer in Liang Ting's army. When the manpower is full, he is in charge of 500 people, and he is strictly required to be a monk.

Huang Dutong is such a military cultivator. He is not weak. At least, he is definitely the top monk in the sixth stage of the first grade. So when the Shocking Eagle King came, he also rushed forward while shouting.

A steel gun was raging in his hand, and the tip of the gun came out aggressively, bringing bursts of ice cold in the air.

This is the unique secret skill of their Huang family, Han Tie Lihua thorn. Although it is not a first-class martial art, it is not a casual commodity.

After a few shots, icicles hung on the Eagle King's body, and his movements were obviously much slower.

At the same time, those soldiers who were summoned also rushed to the vicinity, and each used their skills to besiege from different directions, and the disadvantaged situation was saved a lot in an instant.

The fleeing soldiers saw that the monks restrained the Eagle King and did not tell him to continue killing in the defense line, and gradually regained their morale.

"Line up! Line up!!"

Baiwei and Shizhang also greeted his subordinates.

Mortal armies must be in formation to exert their collective advantage.

"Huang Dutong will deal with that monster. We must resist other wild beasts and charge forward, so we must not slack off!"

A hundred guards is a centurion, and there are often several chiefs under his command. These people can also be regarded as the leaders of the grassroots officers, and they immediately played a role at critical moments.

However, just as the shouting person finished speaking, there was a loud noise next to him.


The Eagle King roared again, his whole body glowed with blue light, unexpectedly shattered all the frost on his body abruptly, and instantly regained his full glory.


The wings that were as sharp as knives swept across in a circular shape, and all the soldiers who surrounded them were swung away, and some even let the weapons out of their hands. Parry.

Among the besieging crowd, Huang Dutong was the only one who didn't retreat, but it didn't seem like a wise choice to stick to it. Eagle King spread his wings, and his iron feathers stood upright, like two maces, chasing him directly .

Birds tend to give people the illusion of agility but lack of strength, but this eagle king is not weak. Every time he flaps his wings and hits the ground, there will be a loud noise, shaking up smoke and dust, and he will be taken away if he is not careful. You have to lose half of your body.

Huang Dutong swung his steel spear like flying, but he was stretched too far, and he was about to be overwhelmed.


The strength of the wild beast was unmatched by humans. With another roar, Huang Dutong was finally defeated and was sent flying by the double blow of his wings.

However, the Eagle King didn't want to let him die, he stomped on the ground with both hooves, rushed over like a bull, and spread his wings again, as long as he hit his head, Huang Dutong would be crushed to pieces on the spot.

At this time, I saw a figure rushing out from the side, hugging Huang Dutong and throwing him to another direction, and then I ran to the side with all my strength, barely avoiding a vortex of thunder that shot from a distance.

Zizizi! !

The constantly spinning divine thunder streaked across the battlefield, oscillating from in front of Huang Dutong towards the Eagle King.

Boom! ! !

The impact brought by the high-level shock made that huge body start to retreat for the first time.


Lei Xuan exploded close to Eagle King's body, and the latter turned bloody like this, which shocked the beasts and soldiers on the battlefield.

The Eagle King, who was not even able to defeat Du Tong, was hit hard by a single blow.

While several consecutive arrows continued to suppress the enemy, Li Rui dragged the diamond umbrella and stuck it to the Eagle King's face.

Bang bang bang!

The epic iron umbrella kept fighting against Eagle King's iron wings, just like what Huang Dutong did just now.

The difference is that one is suppressed and beaten by the Eagle King, and the other is suppressed and beaten by the Eagle King.

Although Eagle King is a boss-level monster, it only has an upper limit of level 20, but Li Rui is someone who can compete with Li Xiaolin. That guy is at least as good as a level 25 elite monster, no matter what, he is better than this thing.

It is not only the attributes brought by more random events, but also the credit of equipment that makes the crushing ability of the same level stronger and stronger.

The equipment Li Rui obtained from various sources allowed him to continuously improve his overall strength, and he didn't even need to use the abilities of the administrator coat.

To ensure continuous access to high-rarity equipment, all customers must be well-received, so when he used the speed and high attributes of the Shenxiao Benlei Heart Sutra to suppress the Eagle King, he greeted Kong Hua loudly.

"Why are you standing still! Come beat him up together!"

The quest should not be too perfunctory, it must cause a certain amount of damage, methods such as hiding by the side and throwing stones cannot be counted as participating in the kill, and naturally they will not get experience.

Kong Hua was actually a little frightened.

My family members don’t know, I’ve just been promoted from level 16 to level 17, and I’m an auxiliary career analyst, and someone wants me to go up and fight the boss at level 20, normally I should report the weakness and it’s over.

But at this moment, Li Rui was fighting, and he didn't dare to linger, so he could only rush up tremblingly with his weapon in hand.

When Li Rui saw the client coming, he became more serious. He dodged to the Eagle King's feet and used the original trick of Dabidou.

If the advanced concussion effect is not integrated with the thunder vortex, it is a special control effect, which can make the hit target stunned for a short time.

Even though this special effect weakened the boss-level creatures to a certain extent, it still made the Eagle King stagger.

Li Rui, who valued his service attitude, also thoughtfully let him fall to where Kong Hua was.

Kong Hua, who has never entered an eight-star secret realm, has never seen such a scene before, and subconsciously wants to run back, but he is an analyst after all, with a high insight attribute, and the next moment he can see that the Eagle King is being controlled. status.

He didn't have time to think about it, so he rushed up and hit the weak point with two knives.


Li Rui's voice rang in his ears, and Kong Hua immediately ran to the side.


It was another big blow, and the Eagle King who had just recovered his posture shook again.


Kong Hua hastily followed his advice, and then slashed twice at the weak point.





After going back and forth several times in a row, the unlucky Eagle King let out an unwilling wail, and finally fell to the ground.

Kong Hua felt his head buzzing.

"I, I seem to have killed a level 20 boss in a daze?"

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