Why did you mess up the copy again?

Chapter 172 You told me to do it

There is no achievement system in the secret realm, if there is one, Li Rui will definitely be awarded the title of Train King.

From the Yaofeng Temple, to the border of Liangting, and now to the Taohuayuan, he has been repeating the same thing, that is to gather all the monsters together and drag them away.

At this time, He Yang, who liked to bully children in the fight club, was almost crying from fright.

Who the hell has experienced the scene of running wildly in a dark mine, pulling a group of screaming vile corpses behind?

In normal times, if you encounter any difficult events in the secret realm, you can brag to others after you go out.

Now he has no such idea at all.

It would be nice to survive.

Li Rui knew that this guy's soul was about to be scared away, but he didn't care.

When possible, he will try his best to take care of the customer's emotions, but the premise is that it can't affect his clearance.

He can stop at any time to harvest the evil spirits behind a wave, but doing so will reduce efficiency, and pulling to the end of the last pot is the fastest way.

So at this time he didn't even open the Shenxiao Benlei Heart Sutra.

The main reason is that the thing is very restrained against ghosts, and it is afraid that it will scare the ghosts away when it is opened.

Just when the two of them ran not far into the hole, a new cue came.

[Trigger a random event, the resentment of the elite vine spirit. ]

[Objective: Dispel the spirit of the vine spirit. ]

[Reward: experience value +28000, free attribute points +2, excellent quality props x2. ]

"Elite monster!"

He Yang exclaimed.

Side quests with normal difficulty can't give you any good things, but the randomly triggered elite monsters are different, there can never be too many attribute points.

Li Rui was still running forward, and said impatiently: "Let it line up first, and kill later."

row, row?

He Yang people are all stupid.

That's an elite monster! What is queuing? Are people rushing to die?

At this time, he had already boarded the pirate ship, and even if he wanted to get off, he couldn't get off, so he could only bite the bullet and follow forward, and then

[Trigger a random event: Bamboo Spirit Quick Sword. ]

[Trigger a random event: Specter kills. ]

[Random event triggered: What a big living corpse. ]

He Yang found that the task list was already endless.

"What sin did we do to trigger so many random events! It must be so unlucky to destroy the world in our previous life!"

At this time, no matter whether it was fear, panic, or any anxiety, it disappeared and was replaced by a kind of numbness.

On the first day of school, if I find that there is a composition that I haven't written, I will rush to find a way to solve it.

On the first day of school, I found that I didn't move a single word of my summer homework.

Put it straight!

He is now in the second state.

Anyway, at least more than a hundred monsters followed, maybe there are more, so what if there are a few more incidents?

Don't bite if there are too many lice, don't worry if there are too many debts.

As for whether he can get rid of these monsters after going out, he has no time to think about it, he just needs to be a good follower.

The light of the blue and silver lantern ring guides the way forward. Li Rui not only has to find the way and pull monsters, but also has to search for strategies in his memory, recalling which of the side missions are to be completed here.

Along the way, he picked up Willow Essence's wallet, found the miner Potato Essence's ancestral pickaxe, and got a quest monster. When he goes out, he can complete the branch line of revenge for Peanut Essence's parents.

While running while thinking, a new prompt appeared just as he was approaching the exit at the other end of the mine.

[Random event triggered: puzzle in the hole. ]

[Target: Arrange the puzzle pieces on the stone wall in the correct order. ]

[Reward: experience value +8000, random quality enhancement material x3. ]

There is no need to fight monsters in this event, just to solve the problem, it is simple, and the rewards are very few. In the normal and steady situation of clearing the level, it is basically free.

But now there is a problem.

When the two came to this place, they were not alone, and there were hundreds of evil spirits hanging behind them.

Looking further ahead, a layer of evil spirit as thick as substance is blocking the entrance of the tunnel ahead, and it is impossible to pass through.

"It's over, it's over, solve the puzzle!"

He Yang panicked to death, rushed to the stone wall and began to move the puzzle.

But for this kind of thing, what is needed most is calmness. The more flustered the heart is, the harder it is to solve the puzzle.

At this moment, he only felt a blank in his head. The abstract mural looked like a heavenly book, how could it be unraveled!


The dark wind was approaching, and the howls of the ghosts behind were getting closer and closer.

He Yang took out his weapon again.

"I have no choice but to do it. I can't be suffocated in this place."

He didn't have time to blame Li Rui for not fighting monsters, at least he had to survive to share the blame.

After saying this, Li Rui also expressed his understanding, and responded, "You are right, I will do it."

He Yang was taken aback for a moment, seeing his calm and unhurried appearance, his heart immediately became more at ease.

Could it be that he really has a way? But the terrain here is narrow, and it can't be used. Even if the strength is far superior to those monsters, it may not be easy to fight, right?

Just as he was thinking this way, he saw Li Rui walking to the gate of the evil spirit, and Baji was a thunderbolt.

You are talking about hands on this thing! ! !

He Yang felt like stars were popping up in front of his eyes.

"Brother! That's a secret realm mechanism, how could you break through it?"

Sure enough, after Ben Lei's palm fell, the gate of evil spirit did not move at all.

However, Li Rui didn't seem to believe in evil, so he slapped him again without saying a word.

Is he reliable or not? Could it be a liar? No, it's hard to say if he is a liar, but he must be a reckless person.

He Yang was very anxious, if he hadn't remembered the beating he had received in the club, it would be impossible for someone like Uncle San to be deceived by a liar, he would have wanted to rant.

After all, he was not a good-tempered person in the first place, and he was always obedient only because he was intimidated by the opponent's strength.

But Li Rui still didn't rush, and slapped another Ben Lei palm.


The circulating air rushed in, and the door of evil spirit was opened.

Divine thunder, designed to overcome evil spirits and ghosts.

From the very beginning, Li Rui remembered that in Yaofeng Temple, Chongxu was able to break through the blue light barrier, which meant that the mechanism of the secret realm was not absolutely impossible to resolve, it was nothing more than the difference in strength.

He felt it immediately after the first slap. Although the door of evil spirit seemed to be unresponsive, it was actually a lot thinner inside.

Another two consecutive rushing to the thunder palm, the barrier shattered suddenly, and the evil spirit was broken by the divine thunder.

Li Rui reached out and grabbed the stunned and bewildered He Yang, dragged him into the opened exit, and continued to run wildly forward.

This man is terrible.

He Yang's heart was turbulent. In his eyes, everything that happened after entering the mine was extremely smooth. There were tasks to be done, tasks to be done, and monsters to be pulled. Nothing was missed, and even time was not wasted.

This requires not only strength, but also unparalleled calmness and judgment.

He just didn't know that in the first few days, Li Rui didn't even go out to work, and spent every day researching strategies in his room, knowing where to pick up tasks and where to do them.

Of course, this is also due to the low level of memory potions and secret realms, and the strategy is detailed enough. If the difficulty is two stars higher, it will not be so detailed.

The two continued to run forward for a while, and the light came out from the outside.

"It's the exit!"

He Yang glanced at the countdown to the main task.

Surprisingly, it has only been more than an hour since entering the cave, and the sun has not yet set.

Now comes the problem.

"We have to find a way to clear the monster, do you need me to pull it?"

He knew who was the main force, so he offered to be a sandbag to attract monsters, but before he finished speaking, he saw Li Rui, the monster monster, rushing into the vast number of evil corpses alone with a big black umbrella , with a golden thunder wrapped around his body.

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