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Chapter 173: Clues and Soul Breaking to Cathode Evil Talisman

Zila, crackle, boom!

Li Rui is level 25, and the secret realm of Taohuayuan is level 21-25.

For the monsters here, he is the boss.

And it may be the kind of boss that has many supermodels and cannot be defeated at all.

Seeing those ghosts and ghosts and living corpses who died in the mine fell one by one, He Yang's mind was already confused.

At this moment, Li Rui's voice was heard.

"Don't be dazed, rub!!"

These task events, if no effort is made, will be judged as negative responses, and then no rewards will be obtained.

He Yang just woke up like a dream at this time, and quickly took out damage items from the inventory and threw them into the enemy group.

He is level 21 and dare not rush into such a big wave of monsters.

After not arduous fighting, these evil spirits were cleaned up.

[Mainline mission update, Wuguangdong 1/1. ]

Li Rui put away the big black umbrella.

"Wait, I'm going to pick up the mission props."

There is a side mission that needs to be dropped from one of the elite monsters, and Li Rui has to go back and pick it up.

After searching the ground for a long time, he finally saw a faint light at the exit of the mine. He walked over, put away his things, and looked back, only to see that the cave was still very cold.

Spirits and monsters are creatures bred by the aura of heaven and earth, not to mention the forest spirits, these plants and trees have spirits, even if they are earth spirits and stone spirits, they are also serious beings.

This entire hole is full of dead creatures, and the resentment in it may not dissipate for a while.

"However...how did the evil spirits form in the first place?"

"Could it be the spirit that died unexpectedly? It's hard for ordinary forest spirits to form wraiths."

When Li Rui was thinking, he turned on his blood eyes to take a look.

Looking at it this way, I really saw the problem.

"Come here."

He called He Yang, took them back to the cave, and stopped in front of a groove in the stone wall looking down from the entrance of the cave.

"Brother, what's the matter?"

He Yang didn't even have the slightest resistance now. It took only two hours to clear one-third of the main story line. This time, the secret realm was stable.

Standing in front of the stone wall, Li Rui activated the Shenxiao Benlei Heart Sutra, and slammed down the Benlei palm, only to see that the wall that stood in front of him dissipated like mist, revealing a deep hole.

"This is some kind of blindfold." He Yang was surprised.

Li Rui nodded, turned on the blue and silver light ring to illuminate it, and walked in first.

Behind the maze is a stone room, the upper circle and the lower part, the walls are smooth, as if they were cut out with a sharp sword and supplemented by extremely strong cultivation.

There is a pair of chains on each of the three walls, and three corpses are hung, but they are not forest spirits, but human beings.

The corpses had been air-dried, but not decomposed, and the chains passed through their chests, and then tied in knots in the center of the stone chamber.

There is a blood-colored talisman stuck in the center of the knot, with many symbols drawn on it, which are incomprehensible, but it always makes people feel scalp numb, as if their head will explode if they look at it one more time.

"You back up, and run if something goes wrong."

Li Rui said, he didn't go forward until He Yang retreated outside the stone room door, drove the Shenxiao Benlei Heart Sutra, and rubbed the talisman away with the Benlei palm.


A scream that seemed to pierce the eardrum echoed in the stone chamber.

Li Rui opened his blood eyes cautiously, but saw nothing, only felt that the coolness in the room had decreased a lot.

At the same time, he received a reminder.

[Looking for clues: 1/4. ]


Li Rui blinked.

What kind of shit, you just ask me to look for it without saying anything? There is no such thing in the strategy.

He looked around and searched the stone room for ten minutes, but he didn't find any clues, only the talisman on the ground that was rubbed off by Ben Lei's palm but not broken into pieces.

When I picked it up, I found that it was something that could be included in the inventory.

[Soul Breaking to Cathode Hex Talisman (Damage)]

[Explanation: If it is filled with a lot of things that contain spiritual power, it may be able to repair it. ]

Contain spiritual power?

Li Rui directly dragged a strengthening material up, and found that the material was really gone, and a progress bar appeared on the charm.


"Ordinary strengthening materials at level 25 can't even move 1% of the progress?"

Li Rui muttered, but he was not upset, because he had too much inventory, and he didn't feel bad at all.


Another group was thrown in, and the strengthening progress reached 3%.

Seeing that there was a door, he immediately threw a large amount of strengthening materials into it. Anyway, these things are not used and can only be piled up.

Finally, the progress bar was finally filled to 100%, and a new item appeared.

[Splitting soul to cathode evil spell. ]

[Type: Props. ]

[Rarity: Epic. ]

[Effect: tear the soul, turn it into evil spirit, and produce an evil flame to devour the surrounding creatures. Note 1: The effect of the evil flame is related to the strength of the soul. Note 2: It can only act on the soul of the deceased. Note 3: Effective for targets below level 50. ]

[Number of times: 1/1. ]

[Eternity: No. ]

Li Rui frowned.

All in all, it is necessary to kill a target first, and then blow up its soul. The strength of the explosion is related to the level of the dead.

However, the conditions of use are so harsh, so the power should not be small. In any case, something is better than nothing, so put it away first.

After exiting the stone room, he looked at He Yang: "Do you have any new tips?"

"Hint? No."

He Yang shook his head blankly.

Li Rui thought in his heart that it seems that he still contributed too little, otherwise he should have received the task of collecting clues, which is a pity.

The two left the mine completely and ran towards the deep cold pool. According to the Narcissus Spirit's request, they found the body of its younger brother. It was a clump of garlic seedlings that had grown into one piece.

"Find the big one in the middle and pull it back."

The two spent a few minutes rummaging, and then dug up the ancestors of this group of garlic.

"The next goal is to speed through the deep cold pool. It's time to drink medicine and heal the wound."

Li Rui took out the spiritual recovery potion and poured it vigorously, and He Yang quickly replenished his energy. After another few minutes, the two ran down the mountain road to a mission location.

Capital Department of Ability.

In the office of Minister Zhuo Feilong, apart from himself, there are several other high-level executives from the Ability Department.

"Everyone, I just received the news that Chen Changming, the president of the Qingwen Province of the Xuanling Society, encountered Zuo Qiutian and another mysterious figure during the customs clearance. He was defeated and died. Fortunately, his soul did not dissipate, but his consciousness was slightly damaged. "

He said, "From the data point of view, the activity of NPCs in the world has also increased together with the frequency of overlapping current situations. We need to analyze whether there is a relationship between the two, which involves the safety of the real world."

"In addition, we must focus on researching strategies against the world's NPCs to avoid the loss of secret agents, especially the top-level combat power. We must learn from the past and combine the current situation to find more effective countermeasures as soon as possible."

One of them said: "Minister Zhuo, I remember the incident in the Silent Forest before. It seems to involve that new detective named Li Rui, right? Since he has the ability to save people from Zuo Qiutian, does he have any experience that can be used for reference?" Woolen cloth?"

"That's right, Brother Feilong, why is that file still classified? I think we can let everyone see it."

Zhuo Feilong waved his hand, and the others immediately silenced.

"It's just an isolated case, so don't pay too much attention to it. It's not like there are precedents for other people who have successfully repelled the world NPC at the level of Zuo Qiutian. It's better to find a solution from a broad range."

He said so, but he was thinking in his heart.

Ordinary people can't learn the way of fooling around with words.

Thanks Mason for the tip! Thank you Senge!

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