Why did you mess up the copy again?

Chapter 176 There is an insider, the deal is over

Several elders of the Taohuayuan Presbyterian Church looked at each other in blank dismay.

The elder banyan tree spirit in the lead wrinkled the bark, thought for a while and said, "If you say that, there really is a scholar who has traveled."


The keyword was directly triggered, and Li Rui became excited: "If I'm not wrong, he came here not long ago, and something happened in the three places of Wuguangdong!"


The banyan tree spirit looked at the other elders again, "It is true that the accident happened after he came, but there was a gap of several months."

"How many months?"

Li Rui asked, "When did he come?"

"a year ago."

Li Rui frowned and thought: I don't know what time it is now, and what time was a year ago.

He Yang continued to be confused: What? What a year ago? What scholar? How did he know?

Li Rui glanced at the countdown, there were still more than six hours, enough time to search for the last clue.

He clasped his fists together, oblivious to the fact that he was pretending to be a Taoist priest, and asked, "Please explain to the elder what happened at that time."

The banyan tree spirit didn't refuse, but first asked someone to inform the rattan spirit guards to check the situation in Wuguangdong and other places, and then began to tell the story.

a year ago.

The guard at the gate, Teng Yao, saw a man coming up the mountain path. He looked like a scholar, he was gentle, and he looked like a good man.

"Sir, this is the sacred place of our clan, and outsiders are not allowed to enter. If you want to buy mountain products, you need to go to the market at the foot of the mountain."

The scholar made a bow, and said in a harmonious voice: "Xiaosheng's surname is Zuo, he studied in Jingyang Academy, and now he is traveling around the world under the order of his master. He just came here and disturbed him. I don't know that this place is forbidden by the nobles. Please forgive me. "

Teng Yao is a little rattan spirit with little experience in the world. When he saw the other party being polite, he quickly returned the courtesy: "Mr. Foreign visitors are not accepted."

The scholar nodded to express his understanding, and said: "However, Xiaosheng did not go up the mountain this time to enjoy the mountains and rivers, but because he saw the spiritual energy in the mountain was disturbed, and he was worried about the difference in the precious land, so he came here to inquire."

When Teng Yao heard this, he was greatly moved.

He is such a nice guy.

"That's exactly what Mr. said."

Xiao Linjing scratched his green head, "The aura in our place is getting more and more complicated."

The scholar said again: "When Xiaosheng was in the academy, my master taught me the method of watching Qi, so I can see the disturbance of spiritual energy. If this situation is not intervened in time, it may lead to a catastrophe."

Originally, Captain Vine Spirit and the senior next to him were just watching with cold eyes, but they were a little uneasy when they heard this, and they stepped forward and asked, "Please advise, sir."

The scholar didn't hide his secrets, so he found a stone next to him and sat down and said: "The elves are all born of plants, trees, earth, rocks, mountains and rivers influenced by the aura of heaven and earth, and they are extremely dependent on aura."

"There is often a clan leader who wakes up first, and then drives the surrounding clans to prosper. Therefore, after the elves are born, they often will never move, and only stay in the original place."

The rattan spirits nodded repeatedly. There was nothing wrong with what they said, and it sounded nice, so they naturally agreed with it.

The scholar smiled slightly, and continued: "But in this way, there is a problem, that is, once the spiritual energy goes wrong, the whole family will be affected."

"In the beginning, maybe the elders of the clan had abnormalities. Then, the creatures in the clan were affected, their lifespan was shortened, and various disasters followed."

"Yes, yes, sir, you are really good at predicting things!"

The rattan guards had surrounded him like elementary school students.

The scholar looked serious: "It's not over yet. If things go on like this, the situation will get worse and worse. The elders of the clan will be the first to weaken, and it will be fed back to the mountains and rivers, influencing each other, and one will disappear and the other will disappear."

"As time goes by, even the Elder Elders may fall into a deep sleep until they finally die and disappear! And if the ethnic group loses the pillar to stabilize the aura, it may be difficult to escape the disaster of annihilation."

The vine spirits have been frightened.

"Please help sir!"

The scholar showed embarrassment: "This matter is not easy. You need to go to Guibao to check for a while before you know what to do."

Now it was the turn of the vine spirits to hesitate.

Although they were severely affected by PUA, outsiders just couldn't easily enter.

The scholar took out a jade tablet from his body: "This is the waist card of the academy, which can prove the identity of the subordinate. If you are worried, you can check it."

Jingyang Academy is also a well-known family in the world, ordinary people dare not pretend to be, but it is hard to say for unusual people.

The rattan spirits took the things and felt that the jade plaque was not cold, and even had a sense of warmth, so they knew that it was not extraordinary, and the word "Jingyang" engraved on it was radiant and flowing, which deepened its credibility.

In fact, this brand is genuine, but Lin Jing doesn’t have much contact with the human race, and the news is unknown. A few months ago, a bloody case occurred in the border of the Central Plains. Find out who did it.

Captain Tengjing thought to himself that this person was knowledgeable and had a jade plaque as a testimony, so he invited him into the mountain gate and brought him to meet the elder tree spirit.

Hearing this, Li Rui was furious.

Oh shit! Isn't this a proper liar! The routine is the same.

First of all, let me say that you have a bloody disaster, the impact is very large, it is very serious, and it makes people panic, so ask for advice quickly, and then act like it is difficult to solve, and then ask again.

How despicable and shameless human beings are! so bad!

Then he remembered that he also entered the mountain gate with a fake identity.


"Several elders, what happened later? What did he do after he entered the Holy Land?"

The banyan tree spirit said hesitantly: "Helping the residents in the holy land has won our trust, and then the elders will allow him to try to solve the problem of spiritual disturbance."


Li Rui was speechless again.

Doesn't this sound like my routine?

"Has he been to Wuguang Cave, Shenhantan or Huanghuaxia?" He asked again.

The banyan tree spirit looked at the elder tree spirit at the mountain gate, and the latter said: "That gentleman has almost traveled all over the holy land, but he didn't stay for long. Huh? When did he leave? I don’t remember much.”

Li Rui already had some eyebrows, and he asked, "Elder, does that scholar look white, with phoenix eyes, narrow nose, and thin lips, but he looks very gentle and elegant?"

"Uh, it seems so. I'm old and my memory is not good."

"Forget it, let's talk about it later, was that guy wandering around here alone?"

"Someone leads the way."


"Tengyao, that is the young vine spirit that Taoist priest exorcised evil spirits before."

Li Rui frowned.

There is a rattan spirit who follows the whole process, so why do they still have the opportunity to arrange those traps that accumulate evil spirits?


"No, Tengyao is the ghost! Go find it!"

"Are you awake?"

Captain Fuji Jing was nursing his injured younger brother in a wooden house. After a night, the other party finally woke up.

"How do you feel? Don't move, you are possessed by an evil spirit. You'd better lie down and rest for a few days."

However, Teng Yao didn't listen to the persuasion at all, and turned over from the stone platform where he was resting, and stood in the room.

At this time, the captain felt something was wrong. This guy didn't speak from the beginning to the end, and he looked weird.

It walked forward, wanting to check Tengyao's condition, but suddenly stopped.

In the middle of its body, at the position of the crystal nucleus bred by spiritual energy, there is a blood-red rattan sharp claw piercing deeply into it, piercing out from the back.


A growl that did not belong to the forest elf came from the cabin.

Thanks to Mason for another generous reward, thank you Senge.

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