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Chapter 177 Guaranteeing Customer Safety

When Li Rui and the elders arrived, they only saw burning wooden houses, vine spirit guards desperately resisting, and ordinary spirit residents fleeing in a panic.

In the light of the flames, a hideous and terrifying figure of a rattan spirit, as tall as two people, was fighting with the guards.

It is completely different from ordinary vine spirits. The branches and roots on its body and head are all red like blood, constantly wriggling, like exposed blood vessels.

"what is that!"

Several dryad elders couldn't believe it.

Li Rui took out the diamond umbrella: "It's Teng Yao."

[Trigger World Event: Fallen Vine Spirit. ]

[Target: Destroy the vine spirit that has been infiltrated by the evil breath of blood. ]

[Rewards: experience value +90000, free attribute points +4, excellent quality props x1, random quality enhancement materials x8. ]

He Yang was already numb. He thought it would be rare enough to trigger a large number of random events, but he didn't expect that even world events would appear now.

Even if he hadn't encountered similar things before, he could guess that the scholar in the conversation just now must be an NPC from some world.

He was just very strange. It seemed that Li Rui knew that such a person had come from the beginning.

He certainly didn't know that Li Rui had dealt with Zuo Qiutian many times, and he had gotten a lot of cash from him.

"This is a boss-level enemy, be careful when you rub it."

Li Rui said.


He Yang had seen the opponent's strength from the reward just now. Although he had already taken out the war hammer, the purpose was only to protect himself, and he never thought of rubbing against it.

"Me, go alone?"

"Of course you're alone."

Li Rui said inexplicably, thinking that those tree spirit elders didn't need to rub.

But he didn't understand what He Yang meant: why didn't you make a move.

What the other party didn't understand was that if Li Rui made a serious move, the boss might be caught in seconds.

In any case, He Yang let out a violent roar, his anger turned on, and he rushed forward obediently.

His idea was very simple. Anyway, Li Rui never tricked him from the beginning to the end. From the beginning to the end, he got a lot of rewards that he couldn't get before, so let him go up alone now.

The other tree spirit elders were trying to transform into their true colors, but they were blocked.

Li Rui said: "Everyone, it's dangerous here, just leave it to the two of us. Let's organize everyone to treat the wounded and put out the fire first."

The tree spirit elders didn't hesitate much, because the captain of the vine spirit who went to investigate had already found out that several places where the evil spirits had caused trouble had returned to normal.

As for these forest spirits, it's really difficult to deal with this boss.

Because Zuo Qiutian said at the beginning that the spirits and monsters will surround the longest one, but the truth is that there is only one real awakened one, and here is the Peach Blossom Empress.

The other spirits are essentially incidental products. It is not so much that they are inspired by the aura of heaven and earth, but rather follow the awakening of the Peach Blossom Empress.

So their strength is not strong, and now that their spirit energy has gone wrong, they are even more vulnerable.

And the blood evil vine spirit was strengthened by Zuo Qiutian's unknown, and instantly possessed a strength far surpassing that of his companions.


Not far away, He Yang, who was still in a state of anger, fought with the blood evil vine, and was slapped away.

His foundation in the first few secret realms was too poor, even if he reached level 24 now, it was still impossible to single-handedly defeat this boss.

But he was directly beaten into the air, and he was not afraid because he was backed by someone, so his anger became stronger.


There was a battle cry from the war hammer, which was his active skill.

The blood evil vine spirit squirmed, and the blood-red vines wove into a shield, facing it again.

This time, at least He Yang was not knocked into the air, but the enemy also stood still.

Li Rui was standing guard with an umbrella, a bit like Wang Ba was watching the battle between himself and Wu Sun.

If a client is in danger, he will immediately use the Shenxiao Benlei Heart Sutra to save people.

At this time, the elders who were organizing the evacuation of the residents or fighting the fire were also secretly observing. They had never seen Li Rui and the other two make a move, so they were naturally curious. Of course, more importantly, there were evil things in the Holy Land. As the old man who governs the Taohuayuan, of course very concerned.

But not long after watching it, the elders felt very puzzled.

This person's level is not much different from those of the guards in the clan. How did he get rid of the evil spirits in Wuguang Cave and other places?

He Yang had already exchanged several tricks with the boss. At this time, his blood was surging, knowing that if he confronted again, the anger would be destroyed, and he might suffer serious injuries, so he decided to use his last hole card.

As soon as the Dali Wan was stuffed into his mouth, the whole person's aura changed.

The tree spirit elders also saw the clue, and nodded secretly: Sure enough, there is strength.


This roar came from He Yang's mouth. The Berserker was enraged and added a powerful pill, which made his skin turn red, his veins bulged, and he roared like a wild beast.

This is his strongest state.


There was only a bang, and the warhammer hit the blood evil vine spirit's shield again, but this time, the shield shattered.

It's done!

All Lin Jing who saw this scene thought so.

But Li Rui disagreed. As the strongest of all the creatures present, he could feel that the Blood Evil Vine Spirit still had a trump card. There was no reason, it was just an intuition.

Sure enough, after the vine shield was shattered, bright red liquid gushed out from between the broken branches. Everyone knew that it wasn't bleeding from a wound, because the blood floated around the blood evil vine spirit out of thin air, like sharp swords one after another.

"Oh, it's outrageous that a warrior has turned into a sword cultivator."

Li Rui was still watching the fun, he remembered the river of blood that Zuo Qiutian pulled out with his own hands.

His mentality is relaxed, but He Yang's heart is overwhelmed. How could he have thought that he finally gained the upper hand, and ended up directly hitting the opponent in the second stage.

How can you beat this?

But Li Rui didn't speak, and he didn't plan to retreat. Just as he was about to muster up his courage to meet the enemy again, he heard a scream, and all the blood swords formed a sword array and stabbed aggressively.

He Yang felt a little distracted, from the blood, he seemed to hear endless wailing, a deep resentment in the blood.

He understood that this liquid full of evil power was the driving source of the blood evil vine spirit.

"Eh? Wait, I understand, but I seem to be dying?"

The moment he was thinking about it just now, the blood sword was already rushing towards his face, and it was about to get close to his face. With this speed and power, there was no room for dodge or defense. It only took a second, and he would be smashed into a sieve.

"How come no one came to rescue me, am I not a customer?"

When he thought of this, he couldn't help turning his head to look, and then saw a shoe sole that was getting bigger and bigger.


Li Rui rushed over in Shenxiao Benlei Heart Sutra, kicked He Yang away with a kick, and then fought back with a move to shake the ground.


The blood sword quickly dissipated in the golden light, and then with a bang, the blood evil vine spirit was hit in the face by the big black umbrella, and it died on the spot, and there was no need for rescue.

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