Why did you mess up the copy again?

Chapter 181 Confrontation with clones

Zuo Qoutian was a little confused.

After a long time of mental construction, I finally believed this young boy's words for the time being. But just as I was about to work together as brothers to slaughter this place into a desperate situation, I was stabbed in the back.

People like him usually don't have mood swings, but now he felt furious.

Because he was deceived.

He who stirs up troubles in the Eastern Continent likes to conspire and trick others to destroy themselves, but he didn't expect that he would be deceived by others now.

This is unacceptable!

However, what he didn't know was that the main body had already been deceived once in Silent Forest.

However, anger was not enough to help him resist the attack. Thunder Shock was Li Rui's strongest killer move. The fusion of three lv3 skills, with the 33% bonus of physical, thunder attribute and even fist-type attacks, was fierce. , no one can resist easily, let alone a sneak attack from behind.

Amidst the loud noise, the figure of the elegant scholar was submerged by thunder and broken earth and rocks.

At this time, the elm heads of several tree spirit elders were almost burning.


What is this?

Didn't they agree to be together? Why is there still internal strife?

It was the oldest banyan tree spirit elder who had to realize it first: "The Taoist Master is just faking it!"

"Turns out he's a really good guy."

"I knew it."

The bodies of several people grew stronger and they all became their true colors. The elder of the banyan tree spirit was the tallest and even looked younger.

They did not relax, because it was obvious that Zuo Qiutian was not dead, and a more evil and sinister aura came out from under the broken ground.


What everyone saw was a monster-like figure, like a lava spirit, but instead of burning flames, it was emitting billowing clouds of poison.

The tree spirit elders surrounded them. Each one of them was protected by green light. They summoned roots from four directions and stabbed Zuo Qiutian menacingly at the second stage of the attack.

The guy who had turned into a poisonous blood monster kept roaring from his throat, and his movements were wide open and closed. He turned around and swept the sharp roots with his bloody giant claws.


All the roots were swept away in an instant, and a poisonous cloud rushed back, covering all the tree spirits.

"Cough cough cough!!"

Several elders coughed violently, and then quickly shrank back to a wrinkled height of 1.5 meters.

Li Rui knew that there was no need to count on friendly NPCs in boss battles. They usually only played a functional role. For example, now, Li Rui used the short time they had to show off a bottle of anti-venom potion and A bottle of healing potion.

Now, he rushed up with the Vajra Umbrella, the thunder in the sky and the heart sutra continued, and he hit another thunder that shook the ground.

The opponent is very strong, very strong, and even has a hint of the power that Zuo Qiutian had when he personally took action. Li Rui knows that he does not need to try any flying dragon riding face or thunder palm. In this battle, in addition to wielding thunder to shake the ground, there is only thunder. The whirlpool can pose a threat to the opponent.

This time it was not a sneak attack. Zuo Qiutian, who was in the blood demon state, was already prepared. There was a scarlet light wrapped around his two sharp claws, which was a bloody aura that was as solid as substance.


The divine thunder and the evil blood fought fiercely. The red liquid continued to evaporate, and the divine thunder was gradually weakened.

boom! !

The Blood Demon took the Thunderbolt Earthquake head-on.

In the Land of Chaos, those advanced members of the Western Anomaly Bureau can also do the same thing. The problem is that those guys have already advanced, and this is only a level 25 secret realm.

No wonder there are even prompts for high-risk battles in world quests.

At that time, if Li Rui also chose to hand in the task and run away, he should be able to leave.

But now that the battle has begun, it is impossible to withdraw. The good thing is that by using a sneak attack to kill the clone in human form, at least the battle process has been greatly shortened, and there is a chance.


Li Rui carried the black umbrella and used the third thunderbolt to shake the ground.

With the blessing of the legendary talent battle scars, this attack was more than 20% stronger than before.

There was another explosion, and an even stronger impact than before reverberated through the peach orchard.

The tree spirit elders who were suppressed back to their non-combat form were horrified. Even if they joined forces, they couldn't take a casual blow from the blood demon. However, Li Rui was able to equalize with the other party. This is really admirable.

This little Taoist Priest who talks so loudly and has such a strong voice actually has such strong strength. As the saying goes, the real person does not show his face. He is worthy of being the Taoist Priest of Shenxiao Palace!

Zi La Zi La!

Divine thunder and blood energy intertwined, and after several moves, the Taoyuan was in a mess except for the unmoving tree of the Peach Blossom Lady.

Li Rui still had the mental power to wield thunder and shake the earth once. Before using the endless mana recovery, he wanted to maximize the effect of this skill that could be increased by nearly 100% due to battle scars.

But at this time, small cracks appeared on his skin, and the blood oozing out was not red, but black.

Although he has 30% all-element resistance and drank a temporary potion to increase poison resistance, the blood demon is Zuo Qiutian's creation after all, and there may even be the remnant soul of that terrifying figure in it. Naturally, poison resistance cannot completely resist it. of.

Li Rui was even more certain that he had to fight quickly. If he dragged on, he would be completely infected by the blood poison.


His figure disappeared from the spot, and when he reappeared, he was already a dozen steps in front of the Blood Demon.

This boss, marked as high-risk by the system, doesn't have many fancy tricks. It's just powerful, fast, thick-skinned, and full of poisonous gas.

It can be said to be a perfect existence without any blind spots.

Li Rui rushed forward, but instead of continuing to approach, he changed his route and made a nearly ninety-degree turn.

But at the same time, two black shadows flew out of his hands and shot towards the Blood Demon like hidden weapons.

The latter didn't know why, so he waved his hand to take a picture, and then there was a roar.

An explosion exploded in mid-air.

It was an explosion trap that Li Rui made with the mining pick he picked up when he was in Wuguang Cave. It was useless until now and was finally thrown out.

However, it is difficult for such an attack to completely threaten the Blood Demon.

Li Rui didn't really intend to use this thing to kill his opponent. He just used the flames of the explosion to block his vision and took the opportunity to go around to another angle.

The Vajra Umbrella was raised high, and this swing was wider than the previous one. It looked powerful and heavy. If it was hit down, it would definitely be an even more violent attack.

The blood demon was waiting in full formation, blood light wrapped around his claws, and the light was more glaring than before. It was obvious that he had exerted great force.


However, at this moment, it suddenly realized that something was wrong. There was no murderous intent in this person. In a confrontation, such a situation was impossible.

It immediately realized that it had been deceived. At this time, the afterimage just started to dissipate, but it was already too late.

The real Li Rui relied on the extreme speed of Shen Xiao and Thunder Heart Sutra to get behind the blood demon.

The final blow, the scarred battle bonus is 100%, and the super lightning strikes the ground!


An extremely violent explosion came from the depths of Peach Blossom Spring.

The forest elves were terrified. They didn't know what was happening in the peach garden. They just felt like thunder falling from the sky.

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