Why did you mess up the copy again?

Chapter 182 The Queen is awake

I have to admit, the system really doesn’t lie.

"When you say it's high risk, it's high risk. It's so unambiguous, damn you."

Li Rui spit out a mouthful of blood.

That thunderbolt strike just now did kill the Blood Demon, but the Blood Demon was only in its second form. He didn't expect that this stupid boss would actually change a third time.

The layer of blood and light poison outside disappeared, and Zuo Qiutian returned to his human form, but like a zombie, the exposed skin was like a mummy filled with water, withered and full at the same time. Just looking at it would make him vomit for three days.

Li Rui couldn't vomit now because he had just vomited.

In the impact of Zhi Lei's earthquake and the Blood Demon's explosion just now, zombie Zuo Qiutian suddenly came out while he was not prepared, and punched his abdomen with a palm.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly after opening the Shenxiao Benlei Heart Sutra. He used the clod of earth in an instant. Coupled with high defense and physical resistance, he was not directly killed by a palm.

At this time, the tree spirit elders were stunned.

A battle of this magnitude is not something they can intervene in. If they go in haphazardly, it will only cause chaos.

They could only wave the roots to make the green light emerge from the body, and then merge into Li Rui's body to provide certain healing and anti-toxic effects. Other than that, they could only pray for the empress to wake up.

However, the miracle did not happen. The peach tree did not change at all. Instead, a hoarse voice came from the zombie's mouth.

"Who are you?"

This question was once asked by me, Zuo Qiutian.

Li Rui also gave the same answer.

"I'm your father."

As he spoke, his energy was continuously turned on, and his mental power began to recover in large quantities.


The figures of the two people all disappeared from the same spot, and then kept flickering out and appearing in various places in Taoyuan. When they appeared, they must be in close combat.

Zuo Qiutian was good at using his claws, but after entering the third form, he changed from the blood demon's force and strength to agility and speed, which was on par with Li Rui who was driving the Thunder Heart Sutra in the sky.

The figures of the two people kept disappearing and reappearing. The diamond umbrella and sharp claws collided together, making the sound of gold and iron clashing.

After an unknown number of rounds, the two of them retreated, keeping a wary distance.

Zombie Zuo Qiutian said fiercely: "It will be a disaster for people like you to remain here. Today, even if my soul dissipates, I will let you die here."

Li Rui smiled slightly: "Since you are a clone created by the remnant soul, if I kill you, I will also be severely injured, right?"

The zombie no longer answered, but started again and rushed over.

Both sides know that the battle is coming to an end, and the difference between life and death is now, and it will never be delayed for much longer.

Bang bang!

Li Rui swung two Qianlong strikes and shook his head.

If he wants to fight against the clones in the third stage, normal attacks are useless. At the very least, he must bring this skill. At the same time, he also needs to consume the last bit of mental energy to make the remaining Thunder Shock reach the strongest state. .


After a dizzying fight, the two figures stood in front of the big peach tree.

Zombie Zuo Qiutian's right palm met Li Rui's diamond umbrella.

Both sides used their ultimate moves. On one side, the blood light condensed into a Bagua formation. It was unknown what kind of skills were combined.

On the other side is the violent divine thunder, which is the strongest form of legendary talent and legendary fusion skills.

There was another blast of flames.

There are no skills at all, just take out the stuff from the bottom of the box and smash it hard.

In the poisonous blood light, Li Rui made the last two operations.

Poison barrier, open.

Endless life, open.

Then he couldn't see or hear anything, and there was severe pain all over his body, and the wounds continued to heal and then open again.


All the smoke, light, flames, blood, and thunder dissipated.

Both of them were still standing, and it was unclear whether they would win or lose.

"Taoist Priest?!"

The tree spirits called softly, but Li Rui was seriously injured and unable to move. He only used the diamond umbrella to support his body to prevent him from falling, and he was unable to reply.

On the other side, Zuo Qiutian was not only standing, but could also move. He was still staggering forward dragging his broken body, his face was ferocious, as fragmented as a paper man, and he was roaring indistinctly.

"You don't understand anything!"

"If you knew the truth about the upper world! You would know how ruthless this heaven is."

"So what if we sacrifice ten thousand, one hundred thousand, or one million people for the sake of all living beings in the world and the unity of the world? It will benefit hundreds of millions, for generations to come!"

Zuo Qoutian even started running, his withered hands were no longer bloody, and he was at the end of his strength.


His left arm suddenly fell from his shoulder and turned into ashes in the air, dissipating in the wind.

Boom boom.

After running two steps forward again, he fell to the ground and half of his body disappeared.


He struggled to crawl forward and stretched his other hand forward as if he wanted to catch Li Rui.

"Sooner or later you will understand me"


The whole person disappeared in the wind.

[The world mission is completed and is being settled. ]

[Upgraded! ]

[you have]

Prompts appeared one after another, but Li Rui was unable to pay attention because he found that even if he upgraded, his injuries were not healed. The attacks of the blood evil sect were too vicious and were still eroding his vitality.

It seems that if I really die here, my soul will dissipate and my consciousness will be lost.

At this time, the tree spirit elders gathered around. They knew who the hero was and what contribution he had made to the Peach Blossom Spring.

No, it is no longer a contribution, he saved all lives here.

"Taoist! Little Taoist!"

They danced their branches around him, just like they were trying to awaken the Peach Blossom Empress. Green light spots poured out of their bodies, and then flew towards the man who almost single-handedly solved Zuo Qiutian's conspiracy.

As the light points entered his body, Li Rui felt that the pain and weakness were significantly reduced, but it was still not comparable to the erosion left by Zuo Qoutian's clone.

The vision is getting darker and darker, and the blood is getting colder and colder.

At this moment, a whispering voice suddenly sounded. It was Shen Suang talking.

"Everyone, come quickly!"

Li Rui looked over with dim vision, and saw all the forest elves in the Peach Blossom Spring gathered together, stretching out their hands to connect with the tree spirit elders. Green light rose from everywhere, getting stronger and stronger, in the dark night. It gathered into a river and completely enveloped itself.

He couldn't see anything, there was only a green ocean around him, but the warmth in his body became stronger and stronger, and his consciousness became clearer and clearer.

Finally, he finally opened his eyes again, and then he saw a lot of forest elves surrounding him, shouting "Great, great, great".

Li Rui didn't know whether to laugh or cry. These forest spirits were short in stature. From this point of view, he looked like a teacher surrounded by kindergarten children.

"Okay, okay, my injury has healed."

In fact, of course it's not completely better, but as long as you can survive, there will be no impact after leaving the secret realm.

The forest elves made great achievements and cheered in celebration.

Li Rui looked back at Zuo Qoutian and found that he didn't even leave his body behind. But at this moment, a dark wind surged up, and a transparent figure spun up from the side, howling towards the sky.

It's the soul!

Li Rui struggled to stop the guy, but he was just hanging on to his life and couldn't pursue him at all.

At this moment, the peach petals scattered on the ground suddenly gathered into a tornado, which rushed up and wrapped up the escaping remnant soul.

Dong Dong, a ball wrapped in petals fell to the ground and shook slightly, apparently imprisoning the remnant soul.

At the same time, the huge peach tree began to tremble, and other petals suddenly surrounded the trunk, then gradually shrank, and finally turned into a humanoid figure one foot tall.

There is a wooden hairpin stuck in the black hair. Her graceful and slender figure is covered with gauze. She has a pair of peach blossom eyes and two curved eyebrows. She is obviously condescending, but she does not appear to be arrogant.

At this time, the forest spirits were all boiling.

"Your Majesty, wake up!"

Thank you all for your encouragement.

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