Why did you mess up the copy again?

Chapter 183 Where is the social thunder?

Li Rui felt mixed emotions as he looked at the woman in front of him who could not be described simply as tall.

It's a good thing to wake up, but you didn't come out just now. Now that the fight is over, do you know you are coming? !

The Peach Blossom Empress squatted down, keeping her figure as low as possible, and said warmly: "Thank you, Taoist Master, for your generous help to my people. My body is Tao Yun, a peach tree that was born here thousands of years ago."

"Originally, my clan has been living here, and we are in peace with the Liangting clan. However, due to the disturbance of spiritual energy, I was also very weak. This gave Zuo Qiutian an opportunity. He secretly used insinuations while I was sleeping. The power of evil suppressed me, and by the time I noticed it, it was already too late to resist."

"As time went by, the remnant soul carried evil spirits and blended in with Taoyuan everywhere, and I couldn't escape. Fortunately, the Taoist priest rescued me and killed the evil spirit, and I was able to escape."

Li Rui realized that he had misunderstood. It wasn't that they didn't help before, but that Zuo Qoutian's clone couldn't get out until he died.

He cupped his hands and said, "Please forgive me, the empress and the elders. In fact, I am not a monk. I just know the two Taoist priests Chongxu Zhenyue. I was really desperate and had to fabricate my identity in order to enter the mountain gate to eliminate evil spirits."

Tao Yun smiled and said: "In urgent matters, follow authority. Young master, don't take it to heart."

"Yes, yes, you saved our lives, there is no need to mention such trivial matters."

Several elders also expressed their opinions.

Tao Yun also said that there had just been a war here and there was no place to stay or talk, so he invited Li Rui to go to the village with him.

Along the way, when she saw withered grass and trees, she gently waved her sleeves to let an empty peach blossom scatter, and the dying plants would regain their vitality.

Finally, they returned to the Presbyterian Hall.

"Rong Huan, go to the top pavilion and get the purple gold box as a thank you gift."

Tao Yun looked at Li Rui and said, "I hope you will not refuse."

"Hey, hey, how can this be so embarrassing?"

Li Rui still has a little expectation in his heart. This treasure box is not included in the world mission, but is an additional reward given by the world NPC.

After all, this kind of character is not an ordinary person. Since they can wander in different secret realms, they can naturally ask for and give gifts according to their own preferences.

After a while, the elder of the banyan tree spirit handed a gold box to Tao Yun, who then personally held the thing to Li Rui with both hands.

[Millennium flower. ]

[Category: Reinforcement Materials. ]

[Rarity: Legend. ]

[Explanation: The petals of the Millennium Peach Blossom Essence are said to be able to give life to human flesh and bones. ]

The flesh and bones of living and dead people, turned out to be a strengthening material? Shouldn't it be a consumable?

Li Rui was surprised, but he put the things away first.

Legendary strengthening materials, not to mention being used on the administrator's coat, even if they are ordinary equipment, there is a chance that they can activate special effects or new entries. They are scarce resources wherever they are placed.

If it were not involved in world events, it would never be possible to obtain it in a level 25 secret realm.

This was a pure surprise. After all, the rewards from the world mission were generous enough. He had reached level 30 and his goal was achieved. Now there was only one thing to ask.

Tao Yun added: "This thing alone is not enough to express our clan's gratitude. If you need anything else, please let me know."

Li Rui thought to himself that this Peach Blossom Lady was too polite. She didn't do much else but only gave gifts. She was such a good person.

"I won't hide it from you, Madam. I do have something to inquire about."

"Master, please speak."

"Does your Majesty know that when Liang Ting founded the country, there was an immortal who helped Liang Ting's Taizu Wu Wu to repel demons and savage beasts?"

Of course, Li Rui was most concerned about She Lei's clues, and he waited nervously for the other party's answer.

Tao Yun blinked: "Of course I know this."

"Do you really know? Can you tell me where the immortal is from and where he is now?"

Li Rui asked quickly.

Tao Yun couldn't help laughing: "I was the one who assisted Wu Lie in repelling the demon clan back then."



It's not that Li Rui looks down on anyone, it's mainly that the monsters and beasts in the east of Liangting are all powerful. The fake barbarian king was just one of the eight beast kings, and they all have a leader who has a high probability of having a dragon thunder. The power of the demon clan on one side is not too generous.

Therefore, it was difficult for him to connect the Peach Blossom Empress, who was suppressed by Zuo Qiutian's clone alone, with the immortal who defeated the demon clan and beast clan.

Moreover, Wu Yun, the eastern king of Liangting Town, said at the beginning that the immortal Taizu saw had a life force in his body and had probably died a long time ago. Unexpectedly, he had been living in obscurity for hundreds of years.

At least with Li Rui's current level of cultivation, he couldn't tell that the Peach Blossom Empress had any death aura.

No matter what, he didn't think the other party would lie, so he asked: "Can you tell me what happened back then?"

Tao Yun didn't hide anything, but before talking about the past, he asked several tree spirit elders to retreat.

"Back then, I was practicing alone in the mountains. Outside the mountain, three tribes of humans, demons and beasts stood side by side, fighting endlessly without caring about worldly affairs. Wu Lie was brave and good at fighting, and soon suppressed the other two tribes. When the demons and beasts saw that the situation was not going well, they joined forces to fight against the enemy. "

"They sent two demon kings and two barbarian kings to detour from the west, that is, Peach Blossom Spring, intending to sneak attack behind Liang Ting. They happened to pass by our clan's boundary, and they intended to coerce my clan to go with them."

She sighed softly, "But Young Master also knows that the forest elves here are all born because of me. They have no profound cultivation skills themselves, and their minds are simple. If you go with them, you will definitely become a battlefield." The bones on it.”

"So I came forward to reject them. Several barbarian and demon kings were displeased and wanted to force me, so I had no choice but to kill them all."


Hearing this, Li Rui's face became a little stiff. This lady must be too fierce.

Tao Yun was unaware and continued: "I went down the mountain to contact Wu Lie. I felt that he was a man of his word. In order to prevent the monsters from continuing to harass our clan, we agreed to help him retreat from the enemy. In exchange, he would ensure that our clan From now on, I will not be disturbed in the mountains."

"So later, the savage beasts were forced to the Golden Scale Daze, and the demon clan went to the Dangkong Mountain in the north."

Li Rui felt that the woman was gentle and gentle when speaking, but the content was very domineering. She did not brag about herself, she just talked about the cause and result, and she was pretending to be cool.

Then he thought of the so-called "death energy in the body" again.

It seems that it is very possible that she was really powerful back then, but was weakened by the death energy. The tree spirit elder also said that she was asleep most of the time.

Li Rui cleared his throat and wanted to ask further. He was thinking about how to ask without appearing presumptuous, but the other party took the initiative to speak again.

"I guess the young master wants to ask me about the means to drive away the monsters, right?"

"Hehe, yes."

Li Rui didn't blush when he was guessed about his intentions. He simply asked directly, "I heard from the descendants of the Wu family in Liangting that She Lei, one of the Five Thunders, seems to be related to the Empress?"

Tao Yun nodded: "This has to start even earlier. Thousands of years ago, I was an ordinary peach tree growing in the mountains. I had no spiritual consciousness and no sanity. One day, a bolt of thunder suddenly fell from the sky and hit it. The hill where I am.”

"All the vegetation in the mountain died, and I was the only one who survived."

"That's right, I am a peach tree that was struck by lightning and turned into spirit. I am one of the Five Thunders. I used this power to repel the demon tribe that is now entrenched in Dangkong Mountain."

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