Why did you mess up the copy again?

Chapter 221 Farewell to Whiteboard Equipment

Li Rui didn't look carefully at the contents of the mission rewards before, because he had to complete them no matter what the rewards were. Now when I take a closer look, I realize that if you don't take into account the inflated experience value due to level up, the other rewards are really similar to the high-risk world events of Zuo Qiutian's clone.

After the last battle with Brother Zuo in Peach Blossom Spring, not counting the separate gift from the Peach Blossom Empress, the mission reward also included an epic piece of equipment, with two more free attribute points, and better materials and props.

But this time, it was obviously not a high-risk world event, but a dangerous ordinary mission. It was also given an epic piece of equipment. Although the materials and props were inferior, it had one more skill point.

This is probably related to the increase in level, because it is possible for advanced people to appear in level 25-30 secret realms, so the reward level will increase accordingly.

Kong Ji said that as the level of the secret realm increases, the probability of higher-quality items appearing will also increase, and this has probably started to show from here.

Li Rui's level has now exceeded 30, and the upper limit of his skill level has been increased. Before level 50, he can reach level 5 at most, but he has many practical skills, at least the Fire Bell Curse, Divine Sky Benning Thunder Heart Sutra and Dabi Dou are definitely the key points. , so the skill points that were originally inexhaustible suddenly became in short supply.

He was not in a hurry to use his skill points. After all, he still had to wrap things up. Such brain-burning things could wait until he got out.

I glanced at the inventory and found that the rewarded epic equipment was a necklace.

[Soul bone pendant. ]

[Item Level: 30. ]

[Quality: Epic]

[Attributes: Spirit +18, Power +16. ]

[Special effect: Reduce mental power consumption by 10%]

[Passive skill - Thousands of Faces: You can switch postures and obtain different attribute bonuses. Bear phase: physical +5%; deer phase: mental +5%; crane phase: power +5%; cat phase: defense +5%; tiger phase: fighting +5% (unavailable), the minimum interval between switching postures is 30 Second. ]

[Eternity: Yes. ]

Li Rui discovered that the shape of this thing was the Kongkong Mountain artifact, but it was shrunk to a size suitable for a human body.

Needless to say, casting spells saves energy. In addition, different attributes can play a role at different times.

If you are fighting in close combat, you can use the bear phase to increase your physical strength. If you need to restore your mental strength, you can cut the deer phase. Use the crane phase for the big fire bell spell. When you are attacked, use the earth clod to use the cat phase.

Only the fighting attributes of the tiger phase are useless, because they are attributes of martial arts masters, monks, warriors and other professions.

With this thing, he no longer has a piece of blank equipment with no properties in his body, and at least two rings of excellent quality.

He was a little curious and asked Wu Bing: "Uncle Pancake, have you received the reward for the dangerous mission?"

"I got it." Wu Bing said.

"But you didn't do anything." Li Rui said bluntly, because the two were close, so it didn't matter.

Wu Bing replied: "Who says I didn't do it? I've been calculating your probability of winning from behind."

".Is this okay?"

"That's what we prophets are like. Why didn't you say that we basically have no force? Sometimes we can just throw ourselves into the single-player secret realm."

It seems reasonable to say so.

Li Rui shrugged: "Okay."

He didn't waste any more time because he had other things to do.

The Demon Dragon Valley is the territory of the Demon Clan. Humans live here, but there has never been a human king.

But the current situation is very embarrassing.

Except for Li Rui, no one seems to be able to convince the crowd. The group of human staff are lively and flattering. They are blowing rainbow farts around Li Rui in an attempt to gain a good impression in front of the new king.

They didn't know that Li Rui would not stay here.

The leading officer, Hu Chengshan, also came up to express his admiration. It was not flattery, but mainly respect from the bottom of his heart.

"Master Li is truly a heroic hero in this world. Without your generous help, we would definitely not be able to kill the Demon King today."

"Sir Hu, have you forgotten something?"

"Huh? What's the matter?"

"It seems that we are not here to kill the demon leader."

Li Rui said, "Is it time for you to find the general's daughter?"


Hu Chengshan didn't dare to delay and was about to leave as soon as his expression changed.

"Hey, wait, we're going too."

Li Rui called out and asked Li Bailang and others to follow, especially Wu Bing.

Hu Chengshan said gratefully: "The hero is really eager for justice, but Hu doesn't dare to bother. It's better to go alone."

"No, I'm going to see if there's anything good."

Li Rui told the truth.

Hu Chengshan coughed twice: "Please."

Before Li Rui left, he called Zhi and Yue Ni again: "Organize them to treat the wounded and comfort the old and weak. Call a group of people to follow me."

After he agreed, he followed a group of soldiers to Black Rock Slope and beyond.

Among them, they met some "nobles" of the Tiger and Leopard tribes, old, weak, women and children, as well as a small number of left-behind guards.

As soon as these people heard that Shan Junlu and Zhuan Long were dead, they had almost no will to resist, and were tied up and taken back by the team of monsters led by Li Rui.

Li Rui came to Zhanlong's residence and felt a little dumbfounded.

He thought that this guy would be like the first three kings, living in a palace built by human craftsmen, but he didn't expect that this guy was still a traditionalist, living in a huge cave, but it was more luxurious.

Li Rui stretched out his hand and called the two little demons to search the cave and move out all the belongings. He also interrogated whether there were any captured human women and learned that there were none.

So Hu Chengshan, who couldn't wait any longer, led the sergeants to go deeper, leaving a few people behind to continue rummaging through the pile of property.

Gold, silver, jewelry, artifacts, spices favored by demons, and even collected treasures of heaven and earth are of no use. They must be equipment and props approved by the secret realm before they can be included in the inventory.

The reason why they were rummaging here was because Wu Bing calculated that there were good things in Zianlong's collection. This was the magic power of the prophet.

And being able to create things may have some degree of connection with his main attribute of luck, but it's hard to say. Luck is a more metaphysical attribute in the secret realm system.

Searching for treasures is an impossible task for Li Rui. It would be impossible to find someone as good as him, no matter how long it takes.

In the end, Wu Bing, who had the highest luck attribute, personally found a small treasure box.

Several people were very happy to see the box, which was an additional gain independent of the task.

"Open it." The three of them humbly wanted to ask Li Rui to open the box.

"No, no, no, it's better for you to come." Li Rui didn't dare to take this job, so he hurriedly retreated far away.

Finally, Wu Bing took action and opened the box, and everyone saw a ball of light floating in it.

Li Rui approached and after making contact, he got an epic consumable.

[Dongxuanzhen Fire Talisman: Immune to fire damage for 3 minutes. ]

"Wow! The extra rewards are all epic. I'm making a lot of money this time!"

An Qing clutched the talisman in her hand like a money addict. It didn't seem to have the same effect as Li Rui's, but it was still epic. Li Bailang and Wu Bing were also smiling.

Seeing their cheerful expressions, Li Rui was puzzled.

Isn't it just a purple prop? Not to the point.

There is no other way. A well-fed man does not know how hungry a hungry man is. He is equipped with epic-level equipment and cannot understand other people's poor mentality.

But having said that, the fire-avoiding talisman is useful. The Peach Blossom Empress said that in the place where thunder was born, a fire demon was born. She Lei itself is also a fire. When that place comes, this talisman is likely to be of great use.

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