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Chapter 222 Recruiting Demonic Dragon Valley

Unfortunately, secret realms are often stingy with rewards outside of quests.

After several people followed Shan Junluo to the cave where he lived, they found nothing but a pile of gold and silver artifacts that could not be collected.

Li Rui still asked people to load the things and transport them out of the cave.

Hu Chengshan had already found the general's daughter who was intact, and after inquiring, he learned that Shan Junlu had premeditated her kidnapping. The purpose was to blackmail General Ning of the border army and obtain a batch of swords and armors used by soldiers.

After hearing this reason, everyone felt dumbfounded.

Tiger Tigers may be brave, but they are indeed not very proficient in business management.

If General Ning really gave the sword and armor to the demon clan, not to mention the daughter of the Ning family, even he, the general himself, would have his head chopped off. This requirement is destined to be unfulfilled.

It's a pity that the Tiger Demon King is really for Demon Dragon Valley, and because he doesn't want to be annexed by Dangkong Mountain, he urgently needs this batch of equipment.

If anything, he resisted Dangkong Mountain because they were unwilling to accept the low-level demon clan in Demon Dragon Valley. Generally speaking, the former leader who was plotted by Zhuan Long could be considered a responsible king.

Judging from the plot, even if Li Rui doesn't come, the tiger demon will be attacked by the 25 guys sooner or later. By then, the lower level demon clan may have to be driven out and killed.

Now, at least they still have a chance.

"You count the property, utensils, and these heavenly materials and earthly treasures, and divide them equally among the demons and people in the valley."

Li Rui called Yue Ni, who was most at ease, and told them, "Tell them that they can decide whether to stay or go."

He couldn't think of a good way to settle the demon clan here. Kongkong Mountain was huge, Liang Ting was also huge, and the weak Demon Dragon Valley was sandwiched in the middle. It would be difficult for them to end well no matter what.

Yue Ning carried out the order to the letter, but not long after, he came back with someone in the team who could speak to him.

"Sir, I have something to say, but I don't know whether I should say it or not."

"Then you know you shouldn't talk about it, so stop talking about it."

Li Rui waved his hand, but he knew in his heart that they must want him to protect Demon Dragon Valley.

The problem is, he can't stay, and even if he can, he has no intention of farming and fighting for hegemony and protecting a shovel.

Unexpectedly, this group of monsters were also careless, and they all fell to their knees with a crash. As a modern person, Li Rui had never seen such a battle.

"Hey, what are you doing? Don't be so arrogant. It won't work with me."

Having said that, Li Rui was really in a dilemma.

The Secret Realm is a dungeon, so it should be reset, but according to the current theory, sometimes the noises some people make in the Secret Realm will be recorded in the Secret Realm world, thus changing the course of history.

This kind of change is often more likely to occur when the plot is hidden, especially the ending.

Li Rui's actions in Yaofeng Temple, Liangting Border, Silent Forest, and Peach Blossom Spring had all had an impact, so he didn't want to leave these people alone.

At this time, Hu Chengshan, who had temporarily settled the general's daughter, provided ideas for solving the problem.

"Master Li, now Dangkong Mountain and Jinlin Daze are about to move, and the border situation is tense. It is the right time to recruit people. Hu can discuss with General Ning, and maybe he can recruit this part of the monster clan."

There are many races in the secret world. Except for the undead, these other races basically have the possibility of peaceful coexistence. The demon race may not be unable to defeat the demons together with the human race. This has precedents in various parts of the Eastern Continent.

To them, racial differences are probably about the same as real-world ethnic differences.

When Li Rui heard this, he felt that it made sense.

But the demon clan is not happy anymore.

Although humans and monsters can unite, they only trust Li Rui, and they don't trust Liang Ting's border troops. Even the Demon Dragon Valley tribe had many killings with the border troops in the past. Who knows if they will all be caught and have their heads chopped off.

Li Rui thought for a while and suddenly slapped his hand.

"I have a solution."

He asked someone for paper and pen, and said to the monsters, "I am an old friend of a big shot in Liang Ting. I entrust him with editing a book. He will ensure your safety."

All the monsters came around curiously, and saw him holding the brush in a bad posture and writing the word "dog crawling". The top sentence was: "Brother Wei Xun, I respect you."

Hu Chengshan's head was buzzing. After thinking for a long time, his CPU almost burned out.

He was a soldier in the border army, and the highest leader in the camp was General Ning. When General Ning met Wei Xun, he had to call himself the last general and did not dare to be disrespectful.

As a result, this Jianghu person hired by the general with gold and silver said that he wanted to write a letter and directly call Wei Xun a brother. It stands to reason that General Ning should be humble and respectful in front of this person.

"So how did the general invite people here?"

On the side, everyone in the Yao clan was also shocked. What yamen does Wei Xun belong to? Department of Demon Suppression.

The relationship between the two parties can be seen from the name. Little monsters like them are naturally not worthy of such people taking action personally, but the name is definitely loud and clear.

Now their savior actually wants to introduce the mouse to the cat, which really makes them a little nervous.

However, after Li Rui stamped his fingerprints, thought about it, added the details of Silent Forest to prove his identity, and solemnly handed the letter to Hu Chengshan, they still chose to believe it.

So after a while, Li Rui and others left the Demon Dragon Valley and parted ways with Hu Chengshan and other sergeants, who wanted to return to the border with the rescued humans and the general's daughter.

At this point, the mission also comes to an end.

After the main task was settled, Li Rui broke into a cold sweat.

Because there were too many random events triggered, a high-risk branch line was also unlocked, and the experience exceeded expectations, almost reaching level 36.

The Peach Blossom Lady's Tomb is a level 35 secret realm. If the level limit is exceeded, don't even think about entering with the key.

Li Rui thought to himself that if something similar happens in the future, he really shouldn't use too much force.

After a few people from outside the world left, time flew by. The demon clan of Demon Dragon Valley moved to the border of Liangting and established a small town on the border. There were no kings of this or that in the town, only a brand new one. A stone statue of a young knight with an umbrella facing east.

Liang Ting established a new demon-suppressing division office here as an outpost to defend the border.

The time in the secret realm has nothing to do with reality. When Li Rui woke up from the chair, he felt as if he had dreamed back to the northwest.

Why are you back home, but no one cares about you when you come out of the secret realm? Where is my sister Yan?

While he was wondering, he heard a voice coming from outside the door. It was Wu Bing talking non-stop.

"Although that Xi'er is a pig demon, he is wearing a majestic battle armor and holding a forty-meter sword. When he walks out of the demon group, he shouts, Hey! Who dares to invade my mountain gate? How dare he fight with me for three hundred rounds? !”

"At this time, I saw a young man holding an umbrella walking out of the opposing formation. His body was as tall and straight as a pine tree, his eyes were as stern as a thunder god, and he was not afraid of the general guarding the gate."


Li Rui was speechless for a while.

Sometimes there is a time difference when coming out of the secret realm, but it is only three to five minutes at most. In such a short period of time, Wu Bing actually said he had submitted a letter.

The key is that the version he told doesn't seem to be quite right from my memory.

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