Why did you mess up the copy again?

Chapter 223 She Lei is in the next secret realm

Everyone in the branch also knew that Wu Bing, the fortune teller under the overpass, had a lot of fun. If he really wanted to figure out the mystery of the black star disappearing in Demon Dragon Valley, he would have to ask Li Rui.

Although they had made good mental preparations, they still couldn't accept it for a long time after learning the truth, especially Zhao Wuji and Liu Shanshan who didn't know much about his style.

"Even if you have negotiation skills, you can't incite everyone, right?"


You are right. If you want to instigate everyone, you must crush them in all directions without blind spots. No matter what kind of test the NPCs put forward, they must be able to complete it.

In contrast, Wang Ba was much calmer. After Li Rui left, he muttered:

"So, we can't give this kid any chance. If the secret realm opens up a little bit of permission to recruit NPCs, he can pull passers-by into his camp."

"That's a good thing."

A voice came from behind the team leaders.

"Ah, President Wu."

Wu Mengying arrived at the Guotong Building at some unknown time and pointed in the direction of the conference room. She seemed to have something to explain. As she walked, she said: "He is going to participate in the secret battlefield. If this trait can continue there, the enemy will also It's going to be hard to fight."

"But, there are elites from all over the world in the secret battlefield, maybe not." Liu Shanshan said halfway, feeling that her speech seemed a bit low on emotional intelligence, and then she shut up.

At this time, Li Rui was already on the other side of the support team and came to the enhanced equipment.

Several branches and main lines have given a bunch of rare and epic materials, so let’s use them first.

Using rare materials first raised the all-element resistance to another level, from 30% to 33%, while epic materials brought a new active skill.

[Beggar's version is as immovable as a mountain: the forced displacement effect received within 3 seconds is reduced by 80%. ]

This is a skill from the Warrior Advanced Iron Knight.

The so-called forced displacement effect refers to posture imbalance, take-off, etc. caused by special effects such as impact and vibration.

During the battle with She'er and Tiger Lu, Li Rui had to distance himself many times because of the special effects of their weapons. With this skill, although he could not be free of control for a long time like a real iron knight, he could Critical moments may produce unexpected effects for the enemy.

Now, leaving aside the special effects of the administrator's coat, there is quite a long list of active and passive skills.

Recovery of mana and blood, damage reduction, interference, delusion breaking, and control reduction are all available.

This is an armor that does not produce a large number of attack skills. Even if it does, it will be less direct like an explosion trap.

The reason why he suddenly took stock again was because Li Rui received a new reminder.

[Your level has exceeded level 30, and the skill enhancement function has been unlocked. When strengthening, there will be a probability that the corresponding skill will be improved. ]

There is something to this tip. Among the skills Li Rui has acquired, all those with the word "Beggars Edition" are skills from other professions. If they can be improved, does it mean that it is possible to upgrade these skills to the original level in the future?

What if a Rainmaker drives the original version of Survival Hunter to live endlessly, the Mage has an endless stream, the Iron Knight is immovable, and then uses the most damaging thunder and fire attribute skills?

Shouldn't this cast a psychological shadow on the enemy?

He turned off the equipment and took inventory of other gains as he walked. He found that the various gains were quite satisfactory and generous for a ten-star secret realm, but there were no additional surprises.

"The first secret realm where Brother Zuo is not here, I miss him."

However, even if he didn't see Zuo Qiutian's experience pack this time, Li Rui still achieved his goal, reached level 35, and got a fire-avoiding talisman.

I checked the key given by Lady Peach in the inventory and found that the description had changed.

[Twigs of Peach Blossom Essence. ]

[Category: Special. ]

[Explanation: The flashing red lightning seems to be the key to enter a certain place. You will enter the place where thunder was born the next time the secret realm is opened. ]

Li Rui looked forward to it.

Maybe for others, advancing to level 30 is a qualitative change, but for him, the secret realm he will enter at level 35 is the real qualitative change.

I don't know what kind of changes can be produced by the spell of manipulating the fire of Shelei, plus the real Shelei.

Most people in the Western Kingdom also believe in religion, but the religious atmosphere is far less than that of the Polar Alliance, at least not so fanatical.

The full name of their extraordinary power management agency is the Central Anomaly Affairs Bureau, or the Abnormality Bureau for short. Compared with the Dragon Kingdom's Department of Supernatural Powers, it is less centralized and is guided by the actual conditions of each state and county.

The agents of the Anomaly Bureau in this county, after going to other counties, their status is often not easy to use.

Even so, in the realm of supernatural beings, the principle of strong words will work is still followed.

Therefore, there are still some people who are able to transcend geographical constraints and have extremely high action permissions no matter where they go, even if some permissions are not in compliance with regulations.

Roger Simon is such a person. Although he has just turned 22 this year, within half a year, he has reached the advanced level from level 1 and is recognized as a genius. Everyone knows that in the upcoming secret battlefield, he will fight with the god son of Uller of the Polar Alliance to see who is stronger.

Perhaps the more powerful one among them will have the strength to challenge the black-clad Death God of the Dragon Kingdom, but the command levels of the two major countries will not allow this to happen, because the Death God is too dangerous.

However, the secret battlefield will not open for another two months. Currently, Simon is still on a mission to hunt down illegal secret agents in Early City, Trish County.

The city's abnormal director disliked this young man very much, but he had to hold his nose and make all departments cooperate.

The reason why I don't like it is because Simon is a notoriously violent maniac. Whenever he performs a mission, he will completely ignore the specific actual situation and use his brutal power to wreak havoc. It's kind of like killing the hostages so you don't have to worry. The meaning of the kidnapper tearing up the ticket.

At noon today, the director received news that the suspect was shot dead on the spot while escaping. Some people witnessed a "Superman" jumping from a 20-story building, then carrying an SUV and throwing it out as a sandbag.

The local news also reported rumors of violent explosions in the commercial street. This was something that needed to be wiped out, and he had a headache.

The most disgusting thing was that Roger Simon swaggered back to the branch and said he wanted to borrow the wake-up room. A few hours later, he swaggered away again without even saying thank you.

"This time I have to sue him severely. This guy has gone too far."

Of course, he can follow the procedures to make a complaint against this kind of behavior that performs tasks across counties but has a bad impact. It is not certain whether it will be accepted, but the director believes that he must make his attitude clear.

What he didn't expect was that the complaint was not treated coldly by the superiors, but was harshly dismissed at the county level.

The director of a city branch is still a secret agent in his fifties, no matter how you say it. He didn't expect that he would be rejected in such a disgraceful way.

He couldn't help but find his superior, his former mentor, the person who led him into the extraordinary world, the senior director of the county branch to express his doubts.

But the other party kept it secret, and finally revealed a hint of the truth under hard pressure:

"You can't tell others. He got a legendary skill in the secret realm you cleared. Now, the headquarters has recalled him urgently. He should not appear again before the secret realm battlefield opens."

"As for you, my dear and stupid student, do you think I want to hurt you by dismissing that stupid complaint? No, I am protecting you! What kind of monster will he become when he comes out of the secret battlefield? Even I don't know what kind of monster he will become. I dare not think that you dare to complain against him at this time."

"Ha, idiot."

After being reprimanded by his superior, the director hung up the phone angrily.

He recalled that when Simon left the city branch, he didn't seem to show any abnormality, and even took away a pack of cigarettes while humming.

"I got a legendary skill, but I can still be so calm."

The director found that he seemed to have lost to the young man in terms of mentality alone.

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