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Chapter 270 We are fighting here

All five thunders have great speed, but the divine thunder is the strongest.

Whether it is the high-damage fire thunder or the dragon thunder with unknown characteristics, they are not as fast as the divine thunder.

Even Shenxiao Palace's instant body technique is based on divine thunder.

When Li Rui just rushed into Qingyunping, he discovered the white thunder.

From that moment on, he had made up his mind that there was absolutely no way this savage general could leave alive.

The common man is not guilty, but he is guilty of possessing the jade. Who made Bully Li take a fancy to your things?


The remaining power of Bai Lei and Jin Lei dissipated.

"Damn you, you're so slow!"

Nan Jiumei was not really cursing, because she had just experienced the moment of life and death, and her mood was a little agitated. At the same time, she was a little angry because she survived because she was rescued.

Li Rui didn't have time to reply to his words, so he turned around and made another Hidden Dragon Head Swing, forcing the confused barbarian general back.

The two demon kings didn't know who was coming to disrupt the situation, but they both knew that the thunder-shaking move just now was enough for them to deal with it with all their strength.

At this time, An Li's transformation CD was turned on again. He roared and transformed into a sky-swallowing python again.

[Trigger side quest: Python. ]

[Mission goal: Kill An Li. ]

[Task reward: experience value +600000, free attribute points +7, epic equipment x1, epic props x3, rare consumable props x3, random.]

[Trigger side quest: Elephant. ]

[Mission goal: Kill Xianghun. ]

[Task reward: experience value +600000, skill point +1, epic equipment x1, epic strengthening materials x5, rare consumable props x3, random.]

[Trigger side mission: The late barbarian general. ]

[Mission goal: Kill Zhu Liu. ]

[Task reward: experience value +700000, free attribute points +15, epic equipment x1, rare consumable props x3, random.]

The three epic equipments show the strength of these bosses.

Qian Yi and Li Ding, whose moods were up and down, no longer knew the current situation. They couldn't understand it at all, and they didn't know whether it was an advantage or a disadvantage at this moment, until Li Rui shouted: "You hold that barbarian, I Let’s deal with the demon king first.”

The two of them responded almost subconsciously, then turned to the brutal beast general who was swept away, and then reacted belatedly.


"To deal with the Demon King, do you mean to kill two of them?"

They didn't understand, but they couldn't think of much in the blink of an eye.

Nan Jiumei was reassured by him, but not completely reassured.

"If you can't beat me, call me."


After the two had a very concise conversation, they shifted their positions. Nan Jiumei went to assist the other two in dealing with the barbarian generals, while Li Rui faced Ben Li and Xiang Huan with a diamond umbrella.

After getting the She Lei, he has not tried using it to deal with powerful monsters. These two monster kings are just the right time to try it.

Just as he was thinking about it, Ning Huchen, who had been offline for a long time, finally broke out from the encirclement of monsters and ran towards this side.

"Brother Li! Let me help you!"

He didn't expect to see Li Rui there, but it was too late to think about it now. He was in the enemy camp, and any distraction might lead to death.

He raised his sword and sprinted, and the instant formation-breaking skill in his body reached its peak. However, he was never good at speed, and he could not arrive at the first time due to the long distance.

At this time, the two demon kings had already taken action.

The sky-swallowing python straightened its body and opened its bloody mouth condescendingly, with a fishy and vicious aura brewing in it.

A sphere formed by the condensed evil spirit and wind also appeared between the two huge pressures of Xianghun.

The killing moves that the two demon kings had hidden before were directly forced out by Li Rui who suddenly appeared.

Ning Huchen was horrified and in a very embarrassing situation. He continued to rush forward. He might not be able to catch the two terrifying momentums. If he didn't rush forward, what would Li Rui do?


Why doesn't he move?

In the eyes of General Liang Tingjun, Li Rui seemed to be petrified, standing alone in front of the two demon kings, as if he had no intention of dodging or defending.

If Ning Huchen didn't know what he was doing in Demon Dragon Valley and knew that this person was not the kind of weak-minded person, he probably wouldn't be confused.

After all, the oppressive power of the two true demon kings is too strong.

Of course there was a reason why Li Rui didn't move. He didn't want to waste time and let the barbarian general with the dragon thunder escape, so he wanted to deal with the demon king as soon as possible.

At this time he was operating like crazy.

Facing the Demon King's killing move that was about to land, he first cut the soul bone pendant to the crane phase to increase its power attributes, and then threw out a golden talisman.

The Great Void Wind and Thunder Talisman.

The damage of the next skill is increased by 100%.

The Ring of Blood Soul.

Damage and injuries are increased by 100% at the same time.

The soul bone pendant is switched to the crane phase, and the power attribute is increased by 5%.

The battle scarred bonus is about 50%.

After the operation was over, the black ball generated by the evil energy gathered in Xiang Huan's body had been suppressed, and Neng Li also spat out a breath like a river of blood falling from the sky.

Li Rui couldn't help but want to laugh.

It's a combination of blood energy and evil energy again. You two copied my Zuo brother's trick, right?

The Demon King is strong if he is strong, but he is just a boss at the end of a secret realm. No matter how strong he is, can he be stronger than Zuo Qiutian?

He formed two seals with one hand and activated skills he had never used in this secret realm.

The She Thunder derivative skill of the Fire Bell Curse is the Dutian Thunder Fire Curse.

The phantom of the golden body appeared behind him, and its aura was even more terrifying than the two demon kings.

As soon as the fire bell rang, all the creatures on the battlefield felt a terrifying aura.

They saw the phantom of the Dharma form, and also saw the red thunder and fire being released from its hands.

Unexpectedly, this skill that makes people instinctively frightened did not make a deafening sound, but just swept away like a strong wind.

But this silent skill, after encountering the spells of the two demon kings, disintegrated them like a piece of wood.

Although it was evil spirit and blood energy, it was cast by the demon clan after all. Driven by the demon power, the burning She Lei still completely restrained it.

Dutian's thunder and fire curse disintegrated the opponent's offensive, but its remaining power remained unabated and continued to surge forward.

The most surprising thing is that the two demon kings showed obvious fear when facing only one human race. They used their body protection skills one after another, but it was already too late.

Red thunder and flames have enveloped them.


The screams from the two demon kings made all the demon beasts feel their hair standing on end.

The physical and tyrannical Xianghun could not withstand She Lei's suppression, and his incredible recovery power could not keep him safe in it. His huge body collapsed to the ground.

An Li once again resorted to molting, trying to get the golden cicada out of its shell. However, as soon as he left his original body, he was immediately caught up by She Lei. The restraint of his natural enemy prevented him from using any spells.

The two demon kings were killed instantly.

At this moment, everyone, whether human, demon, or beast, seems to have forgotten that this is a war.

Even the Savage General found it unbelievable. The exchange of blows just now showed him that Li Rui was very strong and definitely not an ordinary person. He would not be surprised if the two kings were defeated.

But a one-shot kill is a bit too much, right?

Qian Yi and Li Ding finally understood why Nan Jiumei was waiting for Li Rui to come to the rescue, and why the feint attacker from Kaiping Road in the middle appeared here.

But, when will this raincaller breathe fire?

It was Zhao Jia who was even more upset.

He originally thought that putting Li Rui on an equal footing with Nan Jiumei was enough, but now it seems that this "Raincaller" is obviously stronger than the famous supernova.

Li Rui had a big heart. Seeing that all the living creatures on the battlefield were in a daze, he first took out a bottle of spirit-reviving potion and drank it before speaking.

"Why are you standing still? We are fighting here!"

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