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Chapter 271 Who the hell is fighting you to the death?

Li Rui's words reignited the battlefield, but at this time, the monsters were a little embarrassed.

Both demon kings died in an instant, what the hell? If you fight, you will die.

But if we don't fight, the granary town will be lost, and those who survive will be liquidated, or die.

The only thing that made them feel lucky was that the human was not interested in ordinary monsters. After killing the two monster kings, he ran towards the beast general.

"Brothers, help me, I want to live!"

Of course, Li Rui wanted to capture the barbarian general. This man was burdened with dragon thunder. He was obviously one of the twelve personal barbarian generals who were given power by the Barbarian Emperor as Tao Yun said.

This kind of person must be caught, tortured, and asked for some clues.

Upon hearing his request, all those who still had the energy to spare looked at the barbarian general with evil intentions.


The personal barbarian generals are not ordinary barbarian generals. Although their strength is not as strong as the barbarian kings, because they are "close ministers of the emperor", they have a very high status. They also possess part of the dragon thunder, which naturally deters other barbarian beasts.

Twelve personal barbarian generals are in Jinlin Daze. Even the barbarian kings have to pay three points of respect when they see them. When have you ever experienced this kind of injustice?

Hearing that the human race actually wanted to capture him alive, he couldn't help but feel angry in his heart, and the white thunder on his right arm grew stronger.


A punch hit the ground, and a thunder purgatory spread outward.

Except for Li Rui, who had extremely high defense and resistance, everyone else retreated and left the cage.

[Trigger long-term exploration mission clue event: death match in a cage. ]

[Mission goal: Kill Zhu Liu and seize the dragon thunder fragments. ]

[Task reward: Dragon Thunder fragments. ]

"Oh? If you look at it this way, there's no need to catch anyone alive."

This is the first time Li Rui has triggered an event related to a long-term mission. This event is much clearer than the previous two. At least from this point of view, the twelve personal soldiers of the Barbarian Emperor must be killed.

He rushed forward without any hesitation.


Zhi Lei struck the ground with a powerful blow, trying to control the opponent with advanced shock first.

However, at the next moment, something that even Li Rui did not expect happened. The thunder general punched out again. Bai Lei faced off against Jin Lei. Not only did he withstand the ground-shaking damage from the thunder general, but he also did not stagger back. He didn't even suffer the slightest impact. Instead, he took a step forward with an extremely silky movement, and the second punch came at him again.


Li Rui hurriedly moved backward with the help of Shenxiao Benlei Heart Meridian, but he was still half a beat too late and was hit in the left shoulder by a punch.

The endless cycle of life and death is activated, and the injuries of rotten flesh and broken bones heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

As soon as the battle started, he was actually forced to use this skill.

But this was mainly because the other party showed unexpected miraculous abilities.

Li Rui was not in a hurry to step forward. He realized that the opponent's ability to avoid control should also come from the power of God in his body.

According to the information provided by the Department of Supernatural Powers, someone found a broken book in a level 70 secret realm that told rumors about rivers and lakes. It records that dragon thunder, also known as water thunder, is mainly responsible for causing rain, saving droughts, stirring up wind and clouds, and governing affairs in the water mansion. .

It is said that mountains have no permanent momentum and water has no permanent shape. This thunderbolt has the ability to dodge and control, which seems to be unexpected.

At this time, the Lei general on the opposite side was also shocked and confused.

Not long after meeting him, he discovered that this opponent was a little weird, as if he had no blind spots.

Not only is his spell powerful and powerful, his speed is also extremely fast, and he also has extremely strong recovery power.

This time I encountered a tough problem.

General Lei glanced around and saw that outside the Thunder Purgatory he had just fought, other humans were charging at the monster beasts. Some burned down the granary and destroyed the arsenal, while others tried to destroy the Thunder Purgatory to help Li Rui.

The situation was worse than he imagined.

Originally, another barbarian general was stationed here, but because the safety of the food route was important, this thunder general specially replaced the original one. Unexpectedly, this kind of thing happened.

He knew he had to do something.

"My name is Zhu Liu, who is here?"

Lei Jiang announced his name. As he spoke, his body began to change. White hair grew on his head and his lower body became red.

Li Rui raised his eyebrows and reported his name.

Zhu Liu pierced his chest with his sharp claws and pulled out a long and narrow rib, and the blood hole caused healed on its own.

When his right hand grasped the bone, white thunder also spread to it.

"The strength is very strong, the speed is acceptable, the recovery power is improved, and it is free of control."

Li Rui memorized the other party's methods in his mind, and then stepped forward again.

Boom boom boom boom!

Within the Thunder Cage, both sides used all their strength to attack each other. Two figures, one white and one gold, kept bumping into each other and passing each other. Although there were only two of them, the movement they made seemed to be louder than other areas on the entire battlefield. Be big.

Of course, there is a psychological bonus in this. Anyone with a little bit of strength in this place can feel how terrifying the aura that occasionally leaks from that cage is.

Li Rui discovered that after the beast changed its posture, all its attributes were improved.

His speed is comparable to his own, his strength is not inferior at all, and his reactions are even faster and more agile.

"Sure enough, the tasks related to the Five Thunder Techniques are not easy."

Li Rui has tried various methods, including afterimages, explosion traps, and even endless streams, but he still can't do anything to the other party.


After another duel, he turned around and crashed into the cage formed by Bai Lei.

"Suffer death!"

Zhu Liu thought that he was cowardly and wanted to slip away, so his momentum increased and he wanted to catch up.

However, Li Rui ignored him and just threw a thunderbolt, hitting the cage.

Everyone is one of the five thunders, and I am not afraid of you!

The thunderbolt with the attribute of annihilation smashed a gap in the cage, and Li Rui jumped out.


Zhu Liu was still chasing after him, but the opponent was possessed by a divine thunder and was very fast. If it weren't for the fact that the thunder general had a higher screen, he would definitely be thrown away.

However, as he chased after him, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

In a circle around the body, Nan Jiumei, Ning Huchen, Qian Yi, Li Ding, and several military cultivators helped out.

Li Rui laughed ferociously: "Who the hell wants to fight you in a cage to the death? Brothers, beat him up!"

A group of people were suppressed miserably by two kings and one general before, but now they naturally want revenge and complain.

Nan Jiumei's skill CD has been turned up, and the second round of intensive bombing is heading towards Zhu Liu, but the latter cannot catch it. It's not that he can't handle this powerful skill, but because everyone else has their own methods.

The most important thing is that the strongest man holding the umbrella has been watching eagerly from the side. As long as he shows a slight flaw, I am afraid that the spell that can instantly kill the demon king will attack.

Zhao Jia found that he was still too conservative before. What's the point of putting pressure in the middle? Now the pressure on the savage general is already full.

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