Why did you mess up the copy again?

Chapter 277 An isolated island

When Li Rui opened his eyes, he saw an extremely vast hall.

At a glance, there are actually thousands of people here. All the secret agents recruited from all over the world are here.

However, the location where each person appears should be related to the location of entering the secret realm. Li Rui and the other eight people in Group 01 are all together.

"The Reincarnation Hall is actually connected."

Cheng Mingyue clasped her hands on her chest, "I thought people from different factions would be separated."

"Of course."

One of the reserve consultants from the supernatural department smiled and said, "The administrator will come and read out the rules later."

Kong Ji began to look at the participants outside the Dragon Kingdom. His eyes wandered among the crowd, and finally he found a face he was looking for.

"Hey, Li Rui, look at that guy in the blue robe. That's him? Why are you taking out your weapon?"

Halfway through his words, he was startled and immediately reached out to hold down the diamond umbrella Li Rui took out from the inventory.

"What are you doing? There are so many people now. If I serve them a pot, won't I win?"

". Just be a human being."

Kong Ji said speechlessly, "The administrator of this place is different from the one who registered the space. He can only deal with me with a punch at most."


Li Rui didn't expect there to be an administrator with such a strong moral character, so he quickly put away his weapon.

"I originally planned to kill the competitor in a sneak attack and then rob the administrator again, but luckily I didn't tell Brother Kong."

While he was thinking about it, the noisy hall fell silent. A puppet wearing an administrator's coat came clanging in from outside the door and stood on the high platform in the center of the hall.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this secret battlefield."

"I believe you have been waiting for a long time, so I will get straight to the point. This secret realm is set at the junction of the Eastern Continent and the Western Regions."

"The vast ocean to the south! An isolated island with endless treasures waiting for everyone to discover."

Li Rui heard that he was speaking Dragon Mandarin, but no one from the other camps showed any confusion. Obviously, different people heard different languages. Anyway, there is no such thing as a puppet's mouth shape. Its mouth is a moving piece. of cork.

After hearing this setting, everyone was talking a lot.

The world of secret realms is very large. Although various secret realms are distributed in different corners, the scope covered is still only a small part.

In the past, battlefields were sometimes placed in the Eastern Continent, sometimes in the Western Region, and even in the Snowy Fields and Central Region.

This leads to implicit unfairness on the battlefield.

For example, setting the background in the Eastern Land is obviously more beneficial to the Dragon Kingdom, because it may involve some forces and characters that are also encountered in ordinary secret realms. Even worse, the participants have different understandings of its local customs. .

But this time, the battlefield is set on an island isolated overseas. In other words, it is an unknown island. The starting point of this secret battlefield is the same for everyone.

The puppet continued: "The duration of this secret realm is two months. Normal hunger, thirst, and exhaustion will not appear in the form of negative states. If you die of hunger, thirst, or exhaustion, you will be eliminated."

Two months?

Li Rui has never experienced a secret realm with such a long time span. The longest time limit he encountered before, such as the Liangting border and so on, was only two or three days, and because he moved quickly, he completed the clearance in advance.

"It's been two months in the secret realm, how long will it take in reality?"

Kong Ji replied: "The previous record was three months versus five days. Don't worry, everyone is equipped with a support team dedicated to monitoring the back office. Even if you sleep for a month, you will be fine."

“My main fear is that it will be too long and I will miss the final exam.”


The secret battlefield that all countries attach great importance to is about to open. What do you care about is your final exam? !

The puppet said again: "In addition, a small reminder, please consider it as my personal kindness."

"The most common creatures among the natives on this island are demons and undead."


Li Rui felt that he was being targeted in the opposite direction.

According to the setting of the secret world, there are also monsters in the Western Regions, snowfields and other places, such as vampires and werewolves. Brutal beasts are the descendants of some mythical creatures, and spirits are elemental creatures. Generally speaking, they are not much different. When calculating skill damage, ,all the same.

Li Rui suddenly felt that this administrator was quite good. The things he was most restrained about now were monsters and undead.

The puppet's speech continued.

"The language will not be directly translated. You can learn it through normal study or in the form of tasks."

There is no main mission in the secret battlefield. Its essence can be understood as a treasure hunt map. After people from different forces enter, they try to get as many opportunities as possible from it. There are a large number of attribute points, equipment, skill points, skills, and talents.

In principle, there is no such thing as losing or winning, but as one of the three major countries, if one's own gains are significantly less than those of the other two, it is equivalent to losing.

However, the absence of a main line does not mean that there are no tasks. Many rewards are given through tasks. The difference from ordinary secret realms is that the task rewards here will have less experience and a greater degree of freedom.

The administrator ignored the occasional questions from the crowd and said to himself: "The basic information has been explained, that's it."


He clapped his hands twice, and the air in the center suddenly fluctuated. People nearby immediately ran away. Soon, a huge rectangular portal appeared in the hall.

"Then, starting from now on, you can enter freely. By the way, the birth location is random, please be careful."

Upon hearing this, a group of people rushed into the portal.

Most of these people come from the Land of Chaos, and perhaps some small countries around the world as well as illegal secret agents. They lack systematic training and tacit understanding, and because they have no ability to change the seal, they are recruited randomly, and most of them are not I have no relevant experience, so I am very anxious.

Most of the rest are participants from the three major countries. They have made it clear during the previous training that it is useless to rush for a few minutes in this kind of secret realm for a long time, so they are not in a hurry and just line up in an orderly manner. , walking into the huge portal from different directions.

Even those from different countries who had met each other before did not say hello. After all, after entering the gate, there was a hostile relationship that broke the bottom line of civilization. It could be said to be a state of war.

Li Rui's group 01 was the last group to enter.

"Don't be anxious after entering. First find a way to find your own people, and then search for the main force together." Kong Ji gave one final explanation.

Most people need this. Although the dragon kingdom extraordinary beings who can be selected are at least over 30 levels like Duan Ling and others, and have a few epic skills at their disposal, you have to be careful after entering.

Not only the local indigenous people may bring danger, but also people from hostile forces may attack and kill them, so they must unite as soon as possible.

Li Rui walked at the end, only one ahead of Kong Ji. The two nodded goodbye, and then he stepped through the door.


After a period of dizziness, he heard the sound of waves crashing before he opened his eyes. When he raised his eyelids, he saw a cliff in front of him and a beach covered with yellow sand at his feet.

Looking back, there is only the vast sea behind me. Looking sideways, I can see that the coast cannot be seen, and there are mountains in the distance.

"Is this island a new continent?"

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