Why did you mess up the copy again?

Chapter 278 Triggering the camp mission

Li Rui recalled the code he had read.

The first step in the secret battlefield is to protect yourself, search for your companions, and join the large army.

Especially when the map is relatively large, the distribution of people is not concentrated, and the danger is even greater. It often takes a long time to find people.

Li Rui thought to himself that no matter what, it would be impossible to stay on the coast. He would have to go further in.

He followed the slightly sloping cliff and jumped up in a few steps. In front of him was a large forest, which was very wild and didn't look like anyone.

What is even more striking is that in the center of the forest, there is an extremely large tree, standing like a monster between heaven and earth.

In a place like this, it is true that you need to look for companions, but normal people will not make a big fuss and make noise, because no one knows whether the people attracted will be people from the same camp or from hostile forces.

According to the rules of the secret battlefield, the map itself contains indigenous creatures. The administrator said that this giant island is mainly dominated by demons and undead. These things will also form settlements, and they may issue some tasks that can gain benefits.

Li Rui decided to first see if there were any living things in the forest and find out the location of the place.

To be on the safe side, he took out the Diamond Umbrella and walked inside while thinking about it, and then he discovered a problem.

"Hey, my birth position is random. Is it unlucky that I was assigned a particularly bad position?"

Although the secret battlefield covers a vast area, as long as someone is not too unlucky, they will generally not be thrown into a barren place alone.

For example, right now, on the outskirts of a huge forest, a team from the Polar Alliance has gathered seven people.

"By the gods, I have never seen such a big tree." A red-haired woman whispered.

Looking at the giant tree in the center of the forest, a man with an obviously higher status said: "This is an isolated island in the vast ocean. Some primitive creatures are also normal. However, the situation in the forest is unknown. Don't rush in. It’s better, may the gods bless you.”

"Pastor, what should we do now?" Another young man with short hair asked, "Should we go or stay?"

The priest is not a profession, but a position in the Holy See. He is considered a small boss, roughly equivalent to the captain level, and leads a team of less than 10 people in terms of organization.

"Not urgent."

The leader said, "Let's camp here first to ensure the supply of food and water. Joel, you are the observer. You are responsible for detecting whether there are traces of others nearby."

"Yes." The short-haired young man said.

The red-haired woman asked: "You mean, we want to monitor this forest?"

The other party smiled smugly: "Of course, that tree doesn't look normal at first glance. There might be some very good trophies. If you find the saint of Ullal's Hope, you might be able to explore it."

As a polar alliance with a strong religious atmosphere, they named the team participating in the secret battlefield, Hope of Ullal. One can imagine how much they value the Son of God.

And the saints are the command level of this unit.

If they discover a cluster of epic items, or even legendary items, it will be a great achievement. Not only will they have the opportunity to gain benefits, but they will also be promoted within the Holy See.

Anyway, it is not only dangerous to go out and wander around rashly now, but you may not be able to find anyone, so it is better to wait and see.

About two hours have passed since the last person entered the secret realm. Many similar teams have gathered around the giant island, and most of them have entered the stage of setting up camp and then exploring cautiously.

Just like playing a real-time strategy game, in addition to gaining a firm foothold, the first step is to open the map.

Li Rui thought he was doing the same.

His birth point was on a promontory on the edge of the giant island. There was no one around, so instead of finding a hidden hiding place and then exploring carefully like others, he carried the diamond umbrella and walked into the forest.

There's no other place to stay anyway, so let's see what's going on nearby.

Walking in the forest, he realized how vast this place was. There were towering trees nearby, and he couldn't see the end at a glance. From time to time, he would jump to the top of one of the trees and look at the giant tree to confirm his position. position.

In this way, I kept walking for almost two hours and were still outside the forest.

"It's really a desperate race against the mountain."

Li Rui wondered if he should let go of his breath and sprint forward.

At this moment, there were some slight noises ahead.

Li Rui quickly slowed down, lowered his body, let his animal instincts come into full play, and secretly crouched behind a bush.

I saw a spring in front of me, and there were several furry humanoid creatures fetching water. If I looked closely, I saw that these creatures were stooped, with protruding cheekbones, buck teeth and long tails, and their hair was green.

"Looks like a monkey?"

Just as Li Rui was thinking this, he heard a squeaking sound coming from their mouths, but he could understand it.

"Hurry up, hurry up! The supervisor needs to get water, don't dare to neglect it!"

"That's good, that's good!"

There were three monkeys in total, wearing leather skirts around their waists. Two monkeys carried the burden, and one monkey used two wooden barrels to fetch water from the spring.

"It's a demon, and it's a settlement."

Li Rui made a quick judgment.

These monkey monsters don't seem to have much cultivation. They should be descendants of the monster clan who have cultivated on their own.

Generally speaking, if a beast cultivates into a demon, it must have demonic power, but the offspring it gives birth to may not necessarily become demons with spiritual intelligence but no cultivation.

"Hiss, I didn't expect that the white head pendant that Zhu Liu gave me during the mission would come in handy so quickly."

Li Rui thought to himself, "I can speak monkey language now, so maybe I can get in touch with it."

When entering the secret battlefield, the first priority is to ensure safety, and the second is to collect intelligence.

If you want to hunt for treasure in a place like this, if you can get information, you can take advantage of it. Having a clear goal is better than wandering around like a headless fly.

He was about to stand up and go out to talk to these monkey demons, but before he could move, he discovered that there was another aura hidden in the forest.


Appearing at the same time as a low roar, was a leopard covered in black, but his appearance was a bit strange, with a pair of short fleshy wings growing on his sides, and fleshy membranes on his limbs, a bit like a feline version of a flying squirrel.

He slid towards where the monkey monsters were, and sharp claws like blades popped out of his front paws.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!"

Although the monkey demons had little cultivation, their senses were very keen. They immediately screamed and dropped the barrels and ran away.

However, another flying leopard glided out from the direction of escape and landed in front.


"No no! We won't surrender! We won't go with you!"


"But don't kill us, please."

Li Rui thought these monkey monsters were a bit funny.

At this time, the prompt appeared.

[Trigger clue. ]

[Choose: Help the Ape Clan or the Flying Leopard Clan. ]

Li Rui didn't hesitate at all and chose to help the former.

There was no way. Although the monkey and the leopard seemed to be able to communicate, I didn't know how to judge the monkey language function of the white-headed pendant. Anyway, he couldn't understand the words of the flying leopard demon.

He rushed out of the forest, and first knocked out the first flying leopard that appeared with the flying dragon rider. Before the four demons on the other side could react, he used the Divine Sky Benth Thunder Heart Sutra to rush to the second flying leopard. In front of the leopard demon, Ibi Dou pinned him to the ground.

[Faction mission has been triggered: The Ape Tribe of the Divine Wood Forest. ]

[Goal: Contact with the Monkey Monster Clan. ]

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