Why did you mess up the copy again?

Chapter 329 A lot of pressure

The long-distance attack and the Dutian Thunder Fire Curse drained Li Rui's mental energy away, but it didn't matter. He had the fire bell with him. Once he started backtracking, he was instantly back to where he was nine seconds ago, and his physical and mental strength were restored to their previous state. state.

There's no way around it, legendary equipment is such a scumbag.

After getting out of the encirclement, he turned around and ran away in the Shenxiao Benlei Heart Sutra, not even bothering to look back.

To be honest, he himself didn't know the effect of the Dutian Thunder Fire Curse just now, and he didn't know if there was a prophet in the central tent. He just tried his luck.

He ran back with a bang, and when he looked back, he found that no pursuers were following him.

"Sir! What happened?"

Only then did the people from Group 04 who came to cover meet him halfway.

Li Rui said: "It's okay, let's go back first."

The group returned to the high ground where the Dragon Kingdom was guarding.

Yi Xin's injury has been cured. He took the initiative to greet him and shook hands: "Hello, hello. Fortunately, you are here, otherwise we would have missed."

"I was just following orders from command."

Li Rui smiled and said, "How was the battlefield? Are there any casualties?"

The two casually exchanged a few words before Yi Xin said casually, "By the way, I haven't asked you yet."

"Oh, I'm sorry I forgot to mention, my name is Li Rui."

"Are you Li Rui?!"

Yi Xin whispered.

He had heard about this man. He heard that his rise was astonishingly fast. Dong Sanchuan praised him. There were also rumors that Guan Guidu had a very good relationship with him. Of course, this was only in a small circle. spread.

Although he didn't think it was an exaggeration at first, he didn't take it too seriously either, because rumors often become distorted after being relayed several times.

But when I looked at it today, I found that those claims were really not groundless. He was definitely a master on par with Guan Gui and the others. The only question was who was higher.

"Is there anything else you need help with here?" Li Rui asked politely when he saw that he was stunned.

"It should be gone for the time being. Their attack failed this time and they also lost a high-risk person. I think they will retreat and I will send someone to take over the Xiaoyue tribe's camp." Yi Xin replied.

Li Rui was doubtful, but someone soon came to report.

"Captain Yi, they have withdrawn."

Yi Xin smiled proudly, and then made arrangements, asking scouts to conduct reconnaissance to prevent it from being a trap, but in the end it was confirmed that the Western Kingdom had really withdrawn its troops.

Li Rui asked: "Why do they have to leave? Isn't this place very important? They can send reinforcements."

"They're not sure who you really are."

Yi Xin spread his hands and said, "Brother, none of us know how powerful you are, and of course it's even more scary for them. In this case, who do you think you're going to send? Put those top and powerful veterans Or maybe that Simon who claims to be the invincible younger generation is transferred? If there is an ambush, they can't afford it."

Li Rui felt that it made sense: "I understand, because their prophet died, so they retreated just to be on the safe side."

"That's right, the information is... What prophet is dead?"

Li Rui said, "Didn't I just say that I threw a skill into their camp when I chased them?"

Yi Xin was speechless.


Can you kill the prophet by throwing a skill into the camp? This kind of baby bump usually has a personal guard.

Even if you want to steal someone when they are not prepared, you must use a fast, forward-moving, and powerful skill to do it. Chasing him, throwing a skill, and killing a prophet sounds too unbelievable. A little bit right?

The vanguard camp of the Western Kingdom has completely evacuated and returned to the vicinity of the base camp.

The original commander of this team was named Fandel. After Farah Landa arrived, he became the deputy, but the priestess died, so now he became the commander again.

When he walked into the camp, he immediately went to find the senior management in charge of this secret battlefield.

"Gentlemen, something is wrong."

His tone was as solemn as his expression, "Mr. Samuel is dead."

He was talking about the prophet who accompanied the army to the vanguard camp.

These senior officials had already heard the news of the defeat on the front line, and they were not in a good mood at first. But after hearing the news, they had no time to worry about the loss of a stronghold.

"What did you say? He's dead?"

A fat, bald middle-aged man said, "I even ordered you to personally protect him! What on earth is going on?!"

"I don't know. There is a very strong guy in the Dragon Kingdom. He chased our stronghold from the front line alone, and then used a skill like the flames of hell to sneak attack. I tried my best, but I couldn't save Samuel. He was in It was swallowed up in an instant, and there was nothing I could do about it.”

Fandel expressed that he was aggrieved, but also a little unreasonable and strong, "Even Farah is not a match for that person."

This is a gap in hard power. If you can't beat it, you can't beat it. If a king breaks into the platinum game, it won't be embarrassing to lose.

"What the hell."

A woman with drooped eyes said, "We asked Samuel to go there just so that he could use his prophetic ability to prevent sneak attacks and assassinations, but in the end he died. This is really true."

The fat bald man said a little irritably: "Damn it, after that stronghold was lost, our plan had to be revised. Damn it, I should go and take it back myself."

"No, Giacomo, it's not time to expand the intensity of the war. This will allow the Polar Alliance to seize the opportunity." The woman remained calm. After all, they are still the top leaders of the Western Kingdom. Unless they are grumpy, otherwise Generally, emotional explosions will not break the defense.

The fat, bald man named Giacomo said nothing, obviously not wanting to let it go.

At this time, the man with his back who had been silent and sitting in the middle spoke: "Giacomo, Daisy is right, let's write down this account first, and then find an opportunity to ask for it later."

"Now that Samuel is dead, we will abandon the River of Plenty area according to the emergency plan, and make targeted adjustments to subsequent deployments."

His voice was low and magnetic, as if there was a voice changer in his throat: "Fander, please tell me carefully, what kind of person is that guy who uses fire spells? Daisy, you choose the target based on his description. , let’s see who it is.”

"Okay sir, this is a master, I can definitely fight against him."

But half an hour passed.

"Sir, I can't find any information on this man."

Daisy looked like she had seen a ghost, "No, no information has ever said that there is a person in the Dragon Kingdom who can use the dual element skills of thunder and fire and is good at close combat. I mean, a young person."

The male clipper frowned: "Lei Huo. Is he another new and powerful guy?"

"What's going on? Guan, Cheng, and Dong, their skills and characteristics have nothing to do with these three people."

The senior officials of the Western Kingdom in the combat command room fell silent, and they really couldn't understand.

"Okay, tell Simon to prepare for the ending. Don't waste time with that son of God in the south. I'm afraid the pressure on this secret realm battlefield will be a bit high."

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